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shang yiet

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Everything posted by shang yiet

  1. I think it must be pretty awkward for fathers and brothers when the bride is showing off a cleavage-baring 'sexy' dress. Is he supposed to admire her decolletage?
  2. I will always like Missouri because she was sweet and understanding about Sam's trauma. Yes, she was abrasive towards Dean but I saw it as a misguided attempt to play off the sassy black woman trope. I don't think the writers meant her to be cruel to Dean. I can't understand why there are fans blaming Sam for Charlie's death or the death of that hunter (can't remember name) in that Benny vampire episode. These are two adults perfectly capable of deciding what to do without Sam monitoring their behavior.
  3. I thought the woman was the stepmother. Did they ever say why she poisoned the girl? Money?
  4. I know Charlize did a great job but who knows, a castling call for a plain heavier actress might have uncovered a hidden talent who would also have done a great job. We'll never know. I remember when Michelle Pfeiffer played a plain down-and-out waitress, they really had to give her a makeunder and some said the role should have gone to Kathy Bates. It's not often a lead role requires a woman to be plain and dumpy.
  5. Just watched an episode where the bride did not want strapless and they had her try one with spaghetti straps. Silly me, I thought I would see actual sleeves for a change. Along with bling, wow factor, I want to feel like a princess, etc, I'm tired to hearing 'I want to feel sexy', the word 'girls' referring to breasts, 'drama' or lack of regarding the dress, 'I want to show off my curves'. It doesn't matter how fat or slim a bride is, they end up wearing the same strapless sweetheart mermaid dress anyway.
  6. Should have recast Charlize Theron in Monster. I know she did a great job but there must have been plenty of heavier plain older actresses who would kill for that part.
  7. Speaking of beige villains, I guess Sam must trust all vampires from now on since Benny turned out to be such a saint. So he, this monster, gets to wear a halo and Sam is the bad guy for daring to distrust him. Whatever.
  8. Same here. If I were Ripley, I would have blown my brains out. Back to a third nightmare without a break. I love the Aliens franchise and wish they would go back and make a sequel with both Newt and that guy Hicks (Ripley's future boyfriend) still alive. Why kill them off in the first place even if the actors were not available?
  9. Clearly, there are many Dean fans who don't blame Dean for the Darkness. It was Sam's fault because he ignored wise Dean's advice to leave the Book alone and anyway, Dean had it all under control and what was Sam and Cas so worried about? So Mary Sue Dean is right once more which I find unbearable. As for the rest, I disagree with you about Sam. He IS wonderful, thank you very much, but in no way saintly. I do not find him unbearable in any way, shape or form. After having Sam drinking demon blood, sleeping with a demon, releasing Lucifer and almost starting an apocalypse and now releasing the Darkness, if the powers of light and goodness want to have something to do with Sam, well, I am all for it.
  10. No, not Charlie, please. Way to ruin SamVision. I vote for Light (opposite of Darkness), the source of life and all that is good on earth? I mean if Sam is going to be blamed for the Darkness (because Dean is as usual is not at fault), he might as well have a way to fix it. Thought right now I'm getting tired of Sam the screwup. But still if he is always Chosen to screw up, then it's only right he's Chosen to fix it.
  11. I remember Shiri played a rape victim in Law and Order. She was pretty good there. And she was in a woman-in-peril movie about a wife who was being driven crazy by her husband. The actress who played the woman who jumped off the roof I have seen in a couple of woman-in-peril movies.
  12. I feel the same way. Like I didn't want an explanation myself instead of vague one-liners. I wanted whole episodes and a whole arc devoted to what Sam did when Dean was in purgatory. But the writers couldn't be bothered. Anyway, Sam was the bad guy again and Dean the victim again of his bad brother. Same old same old. And of course along came Benny the better brother.
  13. Good one, Awesom. I don't understand why fans think all the showrunners from Kripe, Gamble and Carver are supposed to be Sam fans. They were just as focused on Dean, maybe even more so. I don't think they have the intent, I guess it just seems that way, a writing issue.
  14. Everybody Dean trusts turns out to be good in the end. That's in the writers' handbook.
  15. The writers just don't want to blacken Dean's character, hence he is only allowed to kill rapists. Which makes the MOC as exciting as a damp towel. As for Sam and Cas, if they just shrugged their shoulders and went about their business like normal, fans would accuse them of not caring. 'No, Dean's fine, he just had too much coffee.' Yeah, well, when it all goes to hell in the finale, fans would accuse them of being blind to Dean's predicament. Sam and Cas can't win.
  16. Downhill is right. I feel cheated of the great big Victoria and Conrad sharpie takedown I was promised when the show started. Instead, Conrad is offed in the dark by David and Victoria takes matters into her own hand with Emily not knowing anything about it. She's supposed to be sharp and on top of things. Not to mention the return of David just spoils the entire revenge premise of the show anyway.
  17. You could say this season Sam is cleaning up Dean's mess just like S3.
  18. Dean's MOC has been pretty meh so far. I feel the writers want it both ways, the ooh, dean is sooo dark but at the same time, they want him to keep his hands clean, no way they let him kill a nurse or sully him like they did Sam. I don;t know why, everything bad he does will just be blamed on the Mark anyway, none of that ' Ooh, Sam, you're so arrogant ' S4 nonsense. Regular Dean's character would still escape without a stain. Evil? Not in any way. Demon Dean just seems like regular old Dean who's had too much coffee.Dark Dean is more like beige Dean. Frankly, I don't know why Sam should be so concerned except the fans or writing demand it. Anyway, even if Sam bungles it up, at least he is doing something active and playing a role in the mytharc and having an effect on the storyline. If he gets it wrong, fine. At least he tried.
  19. Hey, just last week I was playing 'I Left My Heart in San Francisco' on my piano because I love the tune. I'm surprised posters here don't like oldies. I think they are lovely and should be revived. Remember 'Summertime', 'My Funny Valentine', and "Somewhere over the Rainbow' by various American Idol singers? 'Moon River' has a melancholy air which I've always liked and a good performer can tug at the heartstrings with that song like Andy Williams. However, I agreed with Harry when he pointed out bland Clark was barely mini steps away from sounding like a cocktail bar performer the diners would just ignore. Rock anthems, I remember JD in Rock Star:INXS virtually murdering 'We are the Champions'. If he couldn't pull it off, who can?
  20. TWOP really put me off Saint Dean who could do no wrong over there. The only flaw they would allow Dean to have was the flaw of not realising how awesome he was. Everything was always Sam's fault.
  21. The Land Before Time when the little dinosaur thinks he's found his lost mum and it's not her, just a shadow on the rock. And the ending when all the dino friends have made it safely to the end of their journey and the Diana Ross song comes on.
  22. Same here. I do not give a damn about their issues, angst, whining, feelings and opinions. I especially do not want Charlie or Benny to save the day. If Sam ends up winning the game of double and triple crosses, that would be very nice indeed. But if the writers have Sam screw everything up so Dean can suffer and angst some more with his 'better brother', that would turn me right off. I've had enough of Dean's angst to last me another ten seasons of SPN.
  23. It's also something that was forced on him by John when Sam was just a child and a fate that landed on him because of Mary's death. I think hunting comes with many bad memories for Sam. I never thought Sam was wrong for wanting to get away from hunting and the family destiny. I never thought it was more 'noble' to hunt, especially if you have options elsewhere like Sam.
  24. It bugs me that when the best friend of the heroine finds something suspicious about the heroine's new boyfriend/ nanny/colleague/neighbour, they don't just tell her quietly. No, they have to confront the suspicious one in person. 'I know what you're up to! You won't get away with this! I'm calling the police,". This always ends with the best friend dead in seconds. See The Hand that Rocks the Cradle.
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