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Everything posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. So many annoying things about this episode. Which of course doesn't make it different than any other day. I am sooooo sick of Victor thinking a Newman can just ignore a father's rights and pretend that Vicki's baby was conceived by immaculate conception? I know TGVN thinks he is God, but now he thinks Vicki is Mother Mary. Just tell Ben and Billy that you want to raise the kid yourself and they will happily oblige. As if. Wow Devon, could you be any more obvious that something shady was going down by carrying a briefcase into the middle of your restaurant/longue and handing it over to Colin, the king of sleeze? And Lilly, you have such an unhealthy obsession with your brother's sex life. If Devon was smart (so forget this happening) he would hire the sluttiest hooker possible to act as his girlfriend. Guarenteed that Lilly would never want to see her again. Why oh why does Victor always need to drink alcohol in front of his alcoholic wife? I could see at a party with other people, but one would think when it is just the two of them he could be considerate enough to just drink cider. I hope Grace is on her way out of town now. I have never like the actress or her Mr Ed face. Now her Mr Ed face is frozen in a mask of botox. Please writers, put her out to pasture permanently.
  2. Apparently Nick is angry because of what Sharon has done to Summer. Of course that fact that Sharon could never have done anything to Summer if NIck had not played daddy for 18 years while not knowing who Summer's sperm donor was is lost on Dickolas. That is the first time I have ever used that name for Nick, as for the most part I like the character. But the writers are really backing him into a corner, and on top of that insulting people who live with and manage mental illness every day. What is your excuse for your despicable behaviour, Nick Newman? No wonder Joshua Morrow was freaking out about how fans would react to this storyline. I love when Mariah referred to Summer as Special Snowflake Summer. I think Mariah should start to call Summer that to her face. Or just Flake for short.
  3. I was confused about something Jack said today. In his office with Hillary and Neil he said that he was surprised that Neil came all the way into town to have dinner with Hillary. Doesn't Neil live in town in the apartment that he has had for years? I could see living out of town if he lived in the house he bought to surprise Hillary, but unless I ff'd by something it needed renos and I don't recall them moving into it. But since the Winters storylines bore me to tears maybe I missed the move.
  4. I thought when Stitch handed Vicki the baby he said it was a girl. But I could be mixing that up with the gazillion day dreams Vicki was having before Dumb and Dumber found her.
  5. I was wondering as well why the maternal grandmother got custody of the kids. The only thing I could think of was the kids would have been pretty much grown by this time. If the (step) granddaughter was 13 when she accused the grandfather and the father and son were then estranged for 5 years (I think it was?) she would be 18 and an adult. The brother closest in age to her is likely 16 or so since Michelle was 18 when she gave birth to him and already had the daughter. So my guess is the two boys are old enough to decide who they wanted to live with, and since their paternal grandparents were strangers for the last 5 years (and likely not that close for some years even before) they chose their maternal grandmother. Just a guess.
  6. I have always thought the baby would be Stitch's. Vicky already has a kid with Billy (sort of) so no need to go there again. Also no reason for making Stitch not-a -murderer unless it is to make him good enough to be with Victoria.
  7. At the first of this epi I was thinking it should be titled "Dumb and Dumber" as Stitch and Billy are discussing 'where could Vicki be?' when the whole reason they knew she had been a Jabot was because Ashley had been watching video of Vicki there. Finally in the parking lot Billy decides he should review more video but by then the apparently deafening fans are shut off. Sheesh. Well that the baby is girl was pretty much a given considering Billy has a son, Stitch has a son and Vicki has two sons. I wonder what they name will be? Reed is such a cute name, Johnny rather boring even if it is for Billy's dad. One thing for sure, we know the baby won't be named after Maureen.
  8. That six year old was adorable! And while the idea does have flaws (like any kid could dump or trade any of the parts he doesn't want to eat) her idea was as good as at least 50 percent of the adult pitchers. And way better than the two fitness guys who spent $100,000 on their education. I doubt Mya (I think it was - apologies to her if I have her name wrong) will need to spend that to be a success in the world.
  9. The recap intro must be taken from the show as the above is what was said on my guide. Shouldn't it say Christian's return? This was my favourite epi so far this season - at least it had some light moments which have been sorely lacking so far. I guess they have brought Christian back to wrap up the end of the series, but I could do without the wife-to-be. There are already enought characters on the show. I have to say Clyde was the most amusing character - the neck brace and gauze on his ear just cracked me up.
  10. I really hope that Faith refuses to go with Nick - lol. He is also taking Faith away from Mariah, who Faith quite likes. So I hope Sharon ends up with her two daughters supporting her, and Nick ends us with......Summer. Not a prize I would want. I hope the writers continue to give us great scenes (sounds like an oxymoron, I know) where Mariah takes down Stupor Girl. Camryn Grimes is such a good actor in this role.
  11. So we are to believe that the fans would drown out Victoria banging on the door? Between Stitch finding his mother, waiting for an ambulance, and the paramedics stabalizing Maureen before transporting her there had to be people there just a few feet away from Victoria for at least 20 minutes or more. But nope, no one heard a thing. And as much as I know many do not like Nick Newman, I do not for a minute think he would take Faith away from Sharon because of something she 'might' do down the road. If anything taking her daughter away from her would cause the break down Nick is so concerned about. Not to mention he is uprooting Faith from her home. I know the writers are doing this for drama, but it just does not ring true to me. At all. Finally, a Phyllis I can get behind. Planning an engagement party with Kelly is just sooooo Phyllis. Love it.
  12. I have often wondered this too, particularily when it comes to colours as pitchers almost always give pink products to Lori and I think often Babara as well. Personally I hate the colour pink and would be ticked off if I was given a pink sample of a product just because I am female.
  13. $20,000 for a dog that will bark at your door when someone rings the doorbell, and sound threatening. That describes 75% of the dogs I know, and they cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to zilch. I did like Kevin's comment about 'What if the dog is having a bad hair day....". I am glad that the glove lady went with Robert. And he looked pretty darn good doing those chin ups. I also loved his (I assume) dig at Cubin, calling himself the sporty shark. Though Cubin owns a sports team, I don't see him as particuarily 'sporty'. Robert is by far my favourite Shark, and I miss him so much on Dragons Den. I did find it odd that two Canadians were at the White House, and the other Sharks were MIA except for Daymond.
  14. I think one of the things I am finding this season is that the episodes are unnecessarily 'dark'. One of the things that I love about this show is that it has many funny moments. This season, and particularily last night's show - not so much.
  15. I am wondering if they are setting up Hood to be the 'inside' dirty cop at the station. He told Leslie to drop it when she insisted on looking into who actually killed Clarke. (At least I think that is what she was talking about in this scene - there was so much stuff packed into the epi I'm not sure). I have to say though I am not enjoying this season so far. Leslie is hot and cold as usual. The writers can blame it on PTSD, but she has always been this way and I was over it a couple of seasons back. I also found this epi to be unnecessarily violent. I know the show is about good guys and bad guys and a certain amount of violence is expected, but in this epi it just seemed to be uninspired and lazy writing. I really hope the last six epis improve, or Allan Hawco may just have been right that it was time to move on. As much as it pains me to think that.
  16. The guy on the right? He was very distracting as he kept making wierd facial expressions. I hate these pitchers that come in with ridiculous valuations. Thirty million? To me pitchers that over valuate (and it seems that at least half do) aren't there to make a deal, but only to gain free exposure for their product. The belt lady was so annoying. And I hate when people (usually moms ) bring their little kids in to pitch a product. Totally turns me off. At least this one didn't dissolve into a puddle of tears, but she was annoying nevertheless.
  17. What is even dummer about this whole storyline is that a lab - let alone one in Switzerland (or is it Denmark - too bored to remember) - would send a hairbrush and a wine glass (!!) back to person who submitted the items. What is the point of that? The person cannot afford to buy another brush (mind you 'most' people would just take strands from the brush and put them in a bag. And swab the wine glass, rather that send glass thousands of miles over seas.) But then we couldn't have brushgate, could we.
  18. I have to say that whenever there is a pitch with half naked women, I pretty much always cringe at Jim's reaction. Last week with the tops for nursing mothers, his tongue was literally hanging out of his mouth, looking at the women in their bras. While the pitchers may have screwed up by not taking his offer, they may have been eeked out as well. As far as the underwear pitcher goes, I was disappointed that Arlene said that as part of her offer she would endorse the product, when she said herself that the underwear did not feel that user friendly. And it did not look like it fit that well, if the model wearing the purple number was any indication. It seems like Jim often makes offers on women related items which is great, but they also are usually (always?) attractive pitchers. I wonder if it was an unattractive woman if he would be as interested?
  19. I totally agree with those posters who are bored with NuPhyllis. I have never been a Phyllis fan, especially when MS became insufferably campy playing the part, and needed to repeat every line three time. Three times. However NuPhyllis is just a bitch on wheels, and boring to boot. Who thought that she could be so distasteful that Kelly looks good in comparison? As far as the Summer/Faith/Nick/Jack/whoever sperm-go-round, I just don't care who is related to who. It has been dragged out way too long, and I have lost any interest I may have had vested in the characters. And the writing is so bad that just because there is a definite answer as to who was the sperm donor to which kid, it doesn't mean that won't change down the road. Cuz that is how this show rolls. Yawn.
  20. I first saw BBT in a sitcom in the early 90s with the equally brilliant John Ritter called Hearts Afire. Conchata Ferrell was in it as well so this may be the show you are thinking of. There are very few actors who catch my attention right away, but Billy Bob did, and has held it ever since. That would have been priceless had the doctor pulled out a chain from around his neck with the kidney stone on a pendant - lol. But the key chain was pretty funny too.
  21. I loved this epi, due to the brilliance of Billy Bob Thornton. But I will admit that I had to check the credits at the end to make sure it was him - he looks fantastic for 59. He looks younger now than when he was with Jolie over a decade ago. In any case an amazing actor no matter what character he is playing.
  22. I love that Alicia continues to display her questionable parenting skills by using her daughter's faith to further her own agenda. This after previously dismissing Grace's beliefs with a distinct air of superiority. But then she also showed an appauling lack of understanding and empathy when she ordered Zack to lie and say that Mommy Dearest was involved in every aspect of his girlfriend's abortion, right down to offering to raise the baby herself (as if!), should this very personal event in his life come to light. Alicia makes me want to hurl.
  23. My thoughts exactly, especially with regards to serving your guests cake stuffed into a rental that has been handled by God knows how many people. Yuck! Wow, Barbara was totally obnoxious in saying that rich people never have successful kids. Since she has a son in his 20s, she is either projecting her own feelings about her son's success (or lack of) or has told him on national TV that he will never amount to anything because she has. Glad she isn't my mother. Speaking of mothering, I guess Barbara's millions has condemed her son to failure, but enabled her to adopt a daughter in her late 50s or early 60s since she is 65 and mother to a seven year old. I don't think that should be allowed, but I guess if you have money you can have anything you want. (Other than successful children, of course.) I thought the pilot box dad was a little OTT at the end when he was blubbering about his son taking a chance that he never had the guts to do. Your son is 13 - what does he really have to lose? Geesh.
  24. It certainly was appropriate music they played at the end - something along the lines of Jake getting his heart broken. Leslie continues to have whiplash where her relationship with Jake is concerned. The whole dead-husband-come-back-to-life storyline from last season was soooo stupid. From what I can make out (not having seen every epi of season five) Leslie never told Jake or anyone else that she was supposedly a widow. How realistic is that? Then she has to see if she can salvage anything from their relationship, but we quickly learn that the guy is a lying creep who was a lying creep when she was married to him. So why on earth would she dump Jake for him? Argh!! Other the writing of Leslie's character though, I must say the overall quality of this show has stayed consistently great all along. The scenes with Des and the van blowing up totally cracked me up. And Jake getting all teary over Soan? Alan Hawco is such a talented actor! The quality of the writing and acting is amazing for a show going into its sixth season. And as much as Jake and Leslie drive me nuts, the end of last season when Jake was digging up Leslie and "Say Something" was playing, I was a blubbering idiot - lol.
  25. Ha, mledawn! When we were picking up our rental car at the airport the clerk told us that the Duke Of Duckworth has the best fish and chips, and she didn't even know we were there because we fell in love with the city watching TROD. We went there twice, our first day and our last, and hubby and fish and chips both times. I was surprised at how small the bar is, but then I guess it is a set on a sound stage that they use for the actual filming. It any case it was a kick getting to see many of the places that we fell in love with watching the show - such a beautiful city!
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