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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Well, that was fun. A decent plot with the Red Hood gang with two ladies -- Fish and Barbara -- taking a trip to Crazytown. Also: "Patch Mooney" rolls off the tongue as well as "Fish Mooney." Seriously, I couldn't believe Fish gouged her own eye out. Part of me was hoping that we'd find out it was a Fish POV imagination scene . . . but I'll be damned, the story didn't back down. I kinda like Barbara as an unbalanced mentor to Selina and Ivy. A few more episodes of Selina rolling her eyes and making the "wank" motion with her hand, and I wouldn't consider Barbara a waste of screen time. Poor Alfred. Didn't see his assailant being connected to WayneCorp (or whatever it's called). Given how one character gouged her own eye out, I wouldn't question the show killing off Alfred, leaving Bruce without a Daddy figure. Anybody else roll their eyes at the kid taking the red hood at the end? I can see GCPD officers being corrupt as hell, but I can't see them being as stupid as to let evidence be tampered with.
  2. I'll start off by posting two videos from the upcoming episode, "Let's Get Serious." Minimum, we'll be getting Aqualad from Young Justice shaming Robin, which is pretty funny.
  3. Thinking of weyrbunny . . . Aqualad from Young Justice rips into Robin (Teen Titans Go!). Very funny contrast of the two shows.
  4. That was my concern with the move to Fridays. Would it be too much to hope for a move to Wednesdays during March Madness, if the ratings are excellent following Survivor? I'm concerned that the show will get left in the dust, between the hiatus and format.
  5. I'll have to check it out. Yes, it does sound like it might have different editing, which could be a plus. Oh, "Your mother eats kitty litter!!!" Good times.
  6. I think Time-Warner meant Usopp and Zoro. ETA: The Franky/Fukurou fight was pretty epic, but it's small potatoes compared to the other brawls. Like Zoro forcing Usopp/Sniper King to be his katana. I did like Plan A, though . . . chop off a hand from the cuffs, get Chopper to reattach it. Zoro is a bit of a lateral thinker in that respect.
  7. While I'm Thinking About It: I understand that TV Guide Channel is now Pop TV. Did they offer a preview of Worlds Apart, or is that gone for good?
  8. There are probably lots of ways Wes could get that upset. Johnny coming back doesn't have to occur to make that happen. Any word as to when we'll see the Ex-Ile battle between the Johnnys and their exes?
  9. So . . . who got badges for Comic-Con today? I tried my best, even though getting access would be the least of my troubles (compared to going the 3,000-plus miles and finding a room), but the event sold out in roughly an hour. I guess I should be happy with getting to New York Comic Con, which is a lot closer to home for me.
  10. For those who haven't heard . . . Titan to release a five-part weekly series in August. It'll feature the latest three Doctors and be written by Paul Cornell.
  11. Doesn't Archer have "Malory" as a middle name? I think he does, but I could be wrong. Good catch. I knew she looked familiar. And yes, I'd be open to seeing Killface and/or Xander Crews down the line. I'm not expecting it, but it would be nice. Good episode. Not the best, and I didn't really laugh out loud, but I am kinda/sorta sick, so I might not have been in the mood to chuckle.
  12. I skipped this episode in favor of watching the last hour of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. After seeing the episode on DVR, it's safe to say that I made the right choice. Watching roommates try to destroy each other is commonplace by now. Seriously, what kind of name is "Briah"? Then again, who names a baby "Bruno"? ETA: One more question . . . how many more episodes are there left to endure?
  13. I can buy Dee and Charlie being functional people. Problem is, being functional scares them, so they have to go back to the Gang and pretend they never made out (at the very least). I have a term for Dennis: "brociopath." He gets so up his own ass, it's amazing to watch. It's almost as bad as anything Frank does.
  14. Not sure how to react to this episode. Everything felt "off," or maybe that was in my head. Also, I like Quentin with hair, as opposed to being shaved near-bald.
  15. While we wait for the finish of the Quarrel storyline (and seeing Crackerjack screw a kennel's worth of pooches), there's this solicitation for May's issue: Anybody else love Kurt Busiek right about now? Talking, drumming gorilla. That's a Silver Age idea worth reviving.
  16. Well, Adam & Brittany's luck ended. Johnny & Nany handily beat them in one of those "Wrest The Stick From The Other Person's Hands" games. No clue when the video of Johnny/Averey will be put up, but I'm not looking forward to that. It doesn't matter that Johnny scrawled "MEDGIFT" on his arm in a shoutout to Diem . . . it's still Johnny Bananas. He's insufferable, and he needs to be squashed.
  17. I think the next time Franky tries to power up with something other than cola is right before the timeskip. So it'll be a while. Thinking about it, it'll be a few weeks before we find out what Devil Fruit was eaten by Kalifa. In the meantime, here's what would have happened had she had scarfed up the Ox-Ox Fruit, Model Giraffe. ETA: For those who don't know why Luffy shrank after breaking down the door . . . It'll be a while before we see the technique in full.
  18. Well, that was fun. And a bit depressing. One heckuva endgame ruined by two girls who kept playing cat-and-mouse. I would've figured there would be more violence between Nia and Averey, but they seem to be over it. Did anybody else hope that they'd hook up Teege and send him skyward? And Jay looks like a chump. At least his junk works. That was funny. It is sad that Zach and Jenna are a couple, because Zach is a meathead who needs to be thrown to the wolves as often as possible. What an asshole. He reminds me of Mac from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, what with the religion and casual misogyny. At least Teege had fun with the mission. Amazed that Jay & Jenna pulled it off. I can see Sarah's point of view, but there's a part of me that says she should be grateful her partner hasn't fucked her over and forced her dismissal.
  19. Was that a Madbomb? I'm not up on my Kirby/Marvel mythos, but I think that was a Madbomb. Holy crap, Howard Stark has a lot to answer for. I'm not as married to this show as others, but I wouldn't mind another season down the line . . . maybe with an SSR that respects Peggy, and never underestimates her. Also, she and Jarvis need to team up again. They have good chemistry together. ETA: Anybody else think "Human Bomb" seeing poor Dooley? ETA2: I'm not up on military terminology. What does "SNAFU" stand for? Actually, I suspect what the "FU" part represents.
  20. Damn, that's a good way to go into hiatus. Wells does what he did to Stagg, only on a grander scale with Gen. Elling. Holy crap, Grodd is gonna happen. Kneel before Grodd! I'm guessing when it comes to genre savvy, Joe is one up on Barry. Isn't Barry geeky enough to know all of the stories about trying to alter one's fate? Good episode with the Firestorm arc coming to a close. The show still needs work, at least in terms of how to properly use Iris, but it's not as big a slog to go through as Arrow. On this show, we can have fun. I think having a protagonist that can heal quick has something to do with it. Barry can turn into a human pincushion, and he can heal up two scenes later.
  21. Kindasorta watched it tonight. Disappointed that a poodle made it to the finals, because the breed standard is a bit of a joke. Tomorrow is going to be tough . . . I gotta watch The Flash and Agent Carter. I'm thinking of DVRing The Real World and Kroll Show and catching the final hour. Understandable, right? I hope the Peke is okay . . . the breed is a bit of a joke, but I wouldn't think ill of a dog just because it looks like a pug in a fur coat. I liked the Bulldog . . . he looked like he had a freckled coat.
  22. ETA: That was weird, as per usual. After our heroes (along with BMO and Marceline) pass up an adventure to investigate the origins of an ancient soda, we get Susan Strong and her friends on a rescue mission to save a baby from Super Porp, the aforementioned soda company. It's a little off-putting to see Susan in action, since she comes across as a little "slow" at times, but she can kick ass as hard as Finn.
  23. I'm not buying SnakeBoy as Joker. He's got the laugh down, but no way does Gotham have the stones to introduce a character that canon this soon. Nice circus family feud. "Gordon Grayson" would be an alliterative name, but I think "Dick" works better for a boy. Also nice to see Fish gnawing on such ugly scenery. Amazed that she didn't get kicked around during "negotiations" or during the "SOME of us will live!" rallying. The stupid thing is that she wound up faring better than poor Butch, who probably has to change one letter of his name to denote his "fixed" state. Also, he's going to help Oswald's, which should be the most ironic club in Gotham City. Damn, Jim and Leslie have great chemistry. And I laughed seeing Barbara walking in on their necking session. Only thing missing was Selina and Ivy high-fiving each other and laughing at Barbara.
  24. Saw the first two episodes of Kill La Kill. It's . . . .interesting. I take it afterschool clubs and activities take a high precedence in Japan. And it looks like KLK loves its fanservice. Is anyone else keeping up so far?
  25. ETA: Hey, we get to see what happens with Franky powers up with stuff besides cola. Then he gets cola and one-shots Fukurou, the cha-pa-pain-in-the-ass. If Wikipedia is accurate, next week will show us what Zoro and Usopp/Sniper King have been doing with Jabra and Kaku.
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