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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Well, that was good. Sure, Malcolm Merlyn is the new Ra's, and the League of Assassins will follow anybody with certain bling . . . but at least Ollie and Felicity have a happy ending. And Ray blew himself up. I think Googs likes throwing bones at the fans every so often. I mean . . . Felicity in the ATOM suit? Nice bit of fanservice. Would it be too much to want another timeskip? The status quo seems so good now. Oliver and Felicity are an item, Starling City is protected, and Malcolm will probably lay low while Nyssa plots his gruesome demise. Why take that away from them come September. I think Barry could have taken the LoA in under a minute. Of course, with his naïveté, Ra's probably could have defeated him in half that time. Also, Reverse Flash is more of a badass. Oh, and Barry thought "hot tub" upon seeing the Lazarus Pit. Never change, Barry Allen. Laurel didn't completely suck this week. Go figure. And if Ray survives, he'll be in charge of Almer Industries.
  2. Sorry I'm late. Had to go through an Arrow finale that was pretty satisfying. Not as satisfying as watching Dan double down on voting out Carolyn, only to get voted out himself. That was epic. This is basically the warden finding the big-ass hole behind the Raquel Welch poster over at Shawshank. There is hope. Dan/Rodney/Will is off the table, and there's no way Rodney can win now. Life is good. SWEEEEEEEEET CAROLYN! DAH DAH DAH!! Gotta love it when lots of votes are negated. She blinked at the right moment, and she negated Dan's extra vote. I might get around to voting for "Mama C" now in the S31 thing. STFU, Rodney. Seriously. You had an hour to solve the puzzle. It would've been easier for Probst to give the reward to the jury, it was that embarrassing to watch. Rodney is such a punk. Like I said before, he's a bargain basement Boston Rob, and I like seeing him suffer. If there's a "loved ones" challenge, I hope he loses, and Carolyn wins and takes his family member with her to the reward. And the throwing of the rope . . . that's gotta get the GIF treatment. Dan might suck at life, but Rodney sucks harder. Mike FTW. Even if Will and Rodney spilt second-place money, I think he's earned it.
  3. I'm relieved. Friday nights work out well for me. Let's hope we get two seasons, and the show isn't on the bubble anymore.
  4. That was an eventful two hours. And you can smell the cross-franchise synergy, what with Coulson's maiming and Simmons getting the carbonate treatment. Is the slab going to Jabba the Hutt's palace? I didn't think Skye was so bad, though the slow-motion fight sequence did get a little tiresome. Skye is the hope that we have anytime we endure characters like Barbara Keane and Laurel Lance . . . that maybe they can get better. Granted, we needed Skye's mom to be an absolute nutter, as bad as her husband. Nah . . . worse than Cal. And I didn't think that was possible. Speaking of Cal . . . I'm gonna miss his crazy ass. Kyle MacLachlan did good chewing scenery, and its nice that he's just a relapse away from coming back to rant and rave. Also gonna miss Raina, though I know she'll be reincarnated on another genre show. Weirdly enough, she'll have problems getting away from flowery names. I wonder if Cal will adopt a Skye Terrier. Looks like the writers got into Skrull Kill Krew. The deep blue in the supplements is the giveaway, right? Mine are yellow . . . I should be good. Onto Season 3! Excelsior, beeyatch! ETA: Totally not expecting Coulson to be nicknamed "Righty" for too long. I mean, if SHIELD has a near-infinite number of Konings, a souped-up arm should be no problem.
  5. Anybody else feel that there was too much hype about the three-on-one fight with Reverse Flash in the commercials? That was anticlimactic, even if Wells/Eobard planned on getting captured. BTW, anybody else tickled that the Amells were credited together? I still think Jada Pinkett-Smith sets the bar as far as munching on scenery is concerned, but Wentworth Miller doesn't do too badly in that department. However, I think he looks cooler because Barry is the fastest goober alive. No insurance in case of a double-cross? Silly Barry. Now Cap's got Heat Wave, Golden Glider, and four new "Rogues" to play with . . . and there's a telepathic gorilla wandering Central City looking to hurt people. Thinking about Golden Glider . . . why do I figure there's going to be tearful wanking in Cisco's future? Poor guy. His heart says "no," the rest of him says, "Well, let's see where this girl takes us." Ollie lives to be 86? I call bullshit. However, if Wells wasn't lying, I'd say Oliver dies kvetching about crap that happened to him when he was 81.
  6. I think caution should be exercised. Not like every booth is going to be filled with questionable yaoi, but some people might be a little too "adult" with their tastes. Anybody else going to Special Edition NYC next month? I got my weekend badge in the mail today.
  7. Well, that was . . . Japanese. Even with the American football squad, that was some far out fun from the Far East. And nice to see Mako getting in some sightseeing. Now . .. should I forget to calculate how long it would actually take Ryuko to attack each raid?
  8. That's a load off my mind. Of course, I'm going to think that CBS is going to put it on Saturday nights at 10 until I hear otherwise in the upfront.
  9. I just saw more PTSD for the second week in a row. I'd rather go straight to the BOB tourney, but I can understand why we'd need more trauma from Kirito and Sinon. Speaking of Sinon . . . how did she get into the final stage?
  10. Looks like I was right about Luffy . . . he wouldn't go into Second Gear until the rest of CP9 was defeated. At least Kaku showed how dangerous giraffes can be . . . especially a giraffe-man with Six Powers training. Zoro had to evolve into a three-headed nine-armed sword god to defeat him.
  11. At least the horse looked pretty. Bland penultimate leg to a bland season. Nobody really bugged. . . as opposed to Survivor, where compost heaps pose as human beings. Not even Hayley bugged that much, though her and Blair winning would suck. Not as hard as the Stink & the Pink "winning" TAR11, but it would still bite. Meanwhile, Mike & Rochelle get dogged by a bad taxi, bad judgment (they found the wrong clown), a Bald Snark on the Detour, lack of coordination, and Rochelle's unsteady nerves. Seeing them get saved isn't as much fun as watching Amy & Maya survive last season . . .though that's not fair to M&R, since neither of them was as delightfully manic as Maya. And if M&R win, CBS would probably still demand an "all stranger" edition of TAR. If the show gets renewed, of course. Man, can you imagine Blair & Hayley going to India in TAR conditions? They're lucky to get a trip there as a prize.
  12. Wait . . . so you have to vote for ten different people in order for it to count? That sucks . . . I already hemmed and hawed before using Google Plus to register, and I was thinking of doing a blog post on voting for Shirin. The seasons tend to blur together . . . . I can't remember specifics anymore. I started watching the videos. The one from Shirin was nice, though I'm a little ticked that the gameplay portion showed her at her most spazzy. I'm open to voting for the old school, since Gervase and Mike went far in their returns. I don't think I'm voting for anybody from Redemption Island, since they were seemingly hand-selected to give Rob and Russell a clear path to victory. ETA: Just saw Shane's video. I'm hoping he's playing up the insanity for votes . . . because if he isn't, yikes. And the "nurse" has a name, Shane. It's Cirie . . . who's way more beloved than you.
  13. When does CBS announce its fall schedule? I'm nervous -- as always -- about TAR's future.
  14. Another week, another bout of weirdness Or should I say "bouts"? Cuber runs afoul of aliens, and he's shot down on an exotic planet, with only his Graybles to save him. Except it's not an alien world, but -- apparently -- it's Ooo of the far-flung future. Hey, we had an episode from the distant past, so why not go the other way? The Graybles are pretty interesting. Apparently, Gunther (or a Gunther) likes to break Ice King's leg while he's sleeping. And Princess Bubblegum has tracking devices in her citizens' teeth . .. . something Starchy tries to circumvent. Because Adventure Time, that's why.
  15. I got Secret Wars #1 yesterday. It had a blank cover for sketching purposes . . . which is addictive for me, though I don't know what character I'd want drawn. It's a big issue, covering the "616" universe and the "Ultimate" version. I wouldn't recommend it for newbies, even though it clears the board for all the universes waiting in the wings. Is anybody here thinking about getting the tie-ins? I was contemplating getting X-Men '92 because I've followed Chris Sims' online work for some time, and I got his OGN (Ready! Set! Fight!), but there have been allegations that he cyber-bullied a writer, so I'm a little lukewarm. There's also Ghost Racers, which appeals to me because I got every issue of Ghost Rider 2099, and they're bringing back Kenshiro "Zero" Cochrane.
  16. I know I'm late, but I have to weigh in. If I had to classify Will's status in the game, it's probably "chicken." As in, "Cut off the head, the rest of the body thinks its still alive for a few minutes." Also, can't get enough Rodney hate. Barring a Day 39 grilling from Shirin, I'd like other Boston reality stars to beat him up. Can you imagine Rob holding him while CT works his gut and face? Wicked good times.
  17. Does anybody know if Shirin was recruited or if she applied for the show? I'm guessing the latter, but I don't want to make an automatic assumption.
  18. I tried that. Wound up getting kicked to the registration page.
  19. Two things: 1. Where are the videos? I don't think I'm looking in the right place. 2. I'm supposed to register to vote? I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with that.
  20. I would recommend seeing this episode, if only to see Rodney twist and fume. It's hard to judge whether he's a worse person than Will or Dan, but it's fun to see one of those three assholes suffer, even if it's just for an episode.
  21. At least we have a glimmer of hope. More than what I'm getting off Survivor these days. I'm surprised Tatsu could pull off the comics-inspired mask. It looks better than the plain black domino mask her Beware The Batman counterpart did. Here's hoping she joins Team Arrow, because we need fresh blood. Just so I'm clear . . . Malcolm was in the cliffhanger with the others, right? Were they chained down? Because if I was there, and Ollie had elected to stick with the script that faithfully, my last action in this world would be to kick Malcolm in the balls until they become pulverized. It's disappointing to see that he's such a shitweasel .-- worse than Ra's -- because John Barrowman shouldn't be playing shitweasels. Anybody else think "Atomic Knight" works better for Ray's battlesuit than just "ATOM"? I thought he was okay, and I'm a few days removed from seeing the far superior Iron Man in action. Obvious question in regards to next week's spoiler-tinged teaser: Do crock pots work on open flames? If so, that's what I'd give Ib'n al Guhl and Nyssa. Hard to imagine stovetops at Nanda Parbat.
  22. Well, the gap between this show and Arrow narrowed this week. Hard to not smile at Rodney's plight, especially thinking of Miss Alli back in the good ole days of TWoP. Fuck your birthday, Rodney. I would've wanted his "acting" to get him voted off, but he's such a goat, he's grown horns and a worse beard than Dan's. Gotta love the ambassadorial trip. Can you imagine the nightmare had Dan/Rodney/Tyler won? And I'm neutral on Tyler. Children would have come out of the experience in tears. As blah as Carolyn and Sierra are, as much of a schmuck Mike is, I say the right people won. And Will wasn't even picked. Fuck him. Seriously, if he gets voted off, may Shirin partake in Arsenio/"Dog Pound" woofing. Ditto with Rodney. And I'd also like her to punch Dan so hard, his beard flies off. I think it's too late for a happy ending, but watching the majority alliance cannibalize itself was fun. Here's hoping those jerks develop a taste for it, and Mike manages to stay in the game to the end.
  23. Anybody else want to give the author a slow and approving clapping of hands? He's right . . . this might be the worst season ever because of the "cast of characters" foisted upon us.
  24. Max and Shirin? I approve. I think it would be an uphill climb if either of them makes it . . . particularly Shirin, who might be viewed with sympathy and met with animosity for what she went through in S30. I'm going to look at the profiles when they pop up. For the most part, names and faces don't cut it with me, because the show is a big blur in my head. A big blur with a Botoxed face. OT: Shii Ann wanted more money? Sweet. Given how she was screwed in S5, I'd say she deserved it and the $100K Amber gave her at the Reunion . . . mostly because she was the only person to vote for her, as opposed to against Rob. YMMV, of course.
  25. Apparently, DC Comics is launching previews of their post-Convergence books in this month's issues. They seem intriguing, but I think this one is full of crap because it means the end of one of my favorite characters. Spoilers abound . . . I hate that TPTB would pull this off without some sort of escape plan. I got Nightwing/Oracle #2 . . . .good issue. Dick and Babs needed a little help in fighting Hawkman and Hawkwoman from Fiashpoint, but I didn't see it as cheap.
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