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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Caught the Finland episode last night. Can't remember TAR going there, because I can only remember so much. Saunas and air guitaring? Sure . . . why not? I'm guessing that there's weather-resistant makeup for goths in real life, and Crimson & Ennui wouldn't have their faces and wigs fall off. Poor bastards. Oh, and Spud actually performs in a big way, taking himself and Rock to the top of the leaderboard. They're totally James & Abba, because I'm lazy. Anybody want to make a parallel for the departed Adversity Twins? I'm thinking Karli & Kami from TAR5, in the sense that their great weakness was having half a brain between them. Or maybe Andrew & Dan, for sheer helplessness. Also . . . is it me, or does Junior have Bieber hair? I'd write that off as this being a Canadian show.
  2. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Definition of a touch-and-go game. Of course Familia would load up the bases with the Mets up by four in the ninth. But he pitches his way out of the inning, and the Mets get the 5-1 win, knocking the magic number down to 8.
  3. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Got my latest copy of Sports Illustrated today. They're doing an article on Dwight Gooden back in 1985, when he went 24-4 and won the Cy Young Award. As if that wasn't depressing enough, there's a two-page spread of the pic with Doc, Darryl Strawberry. . . and Mike Tyson. Oy. ETA: How does the local CW affiliate open the Yankees/Mets game? By playing "Let's Go Mets" (the official song of the '86 team) over a montage of highlights. Oy again.
  4. Carl weighs in on Falcons/Giants this week. He's so going 0-2 after Sunday. ETA: Here are the details on the AS block at NYCC. Anybody want to get into Neon Joe, Werewolf Hunter? And I'm guessing John Hodgeman is this year's Alan Colmes as far as moderating is concerned.
  5. I'm away from home at the moment, but I am DVRing the Beijing episode. I might make motivational posters comparing the teams to noted TAR duos. For instance, the dating couple reminds me of Karyn & Lenny from TAR1. The cadets? That's easy . . . Art & JJ. As for Owen & Noah . . . I want to say Rob & Amber based on overexposure, but I don't know if I want to be that mean. Also, Surfers = Surfers (TAR25) in terms of being completely chill, as opposed to having faith in God. ETA: Goths do NOT equate to Kynt/Kent and Vyxsin, because we're dealing with two distinct subsections of goth.
  6. Heads up: I saw a solicitation for "The Four Doctors," which should be coming out next week.
  7. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Mets lose two in a row, and they sacrifice two games to the Nationals. Time to panic? I mean, a collapse from 9 1/2 games ahead would be the ultimate kick to the nuts, wouldn't it? Here's hoping they can shrink the magic number by stomping on the Yankees.
  8. Nice that Tatsumi was able to get the eye working just long enough to activate Fan Service Mode. Also, Sheele might be a sociopath. A cute sociopath? Is that even possible??
  9. Caught the Dubai episode. Dalek serving up tennis balls at deadly speeds? Inspired. More than makes up for Noah & Owen doing window washing. I mean, Owen on a rickety bench suspended waaaaaaaaay up in the air? It's like a Roadblock task that Big Easy couldn't perform because he was too darn big.
  10. *sigh* This is going to be another continuity-filled season, isn't it? I'm guessing Comedy Central ran "TSST!" before this episode because we get Cartman straying from his malicious ways. As always, it doesn't take. I emphasize with Kyle, though I really wasn't feeling this ep. Randy shenanigans aren't like Cartman's, in the sense that Randy can be hit-or-miss. This week, it was more of a miss.
  11. You're right. Also, given the number of costumes Racers find themselves in, TAR can be considered a LARP show in itself. Found out that I can watch the episodes On Demand. Wound up seeing the first episode. Can't believe I was thrilled to see the race start in Toronto (where I've been four times) and specifically the CN Tower (where I've been twice). Nitpick: isn't the CN Tower an actual tower with no stairs? And since when is Toronto the capital of North America?!? The outdoor walk is totally a thing, though, albeit with safety features beyond a flimsy guard rail. Also, it looks like I misspoke about this being like The Challenge. I thought there would be more TDI alumni. So far, I count three: Noah the smug, Owen the nice fat guy, and the surfer dude that also wears a cowboy hat. I don't know . . . because Canada, I guess.
  12. For anybody who's interested . . . Adventure Time will be offering a sneak peek at new episodes at New York Comic Con. According to the site, the new stuff should be airing next month.
  13. "You're watching Fox. Shame on you." For any YouTube folks out there. . . what AMVs do you like? For me, I dig the stuff put out by l33tmeatwad. He's done some fun stuff with Neon Genesis Evangelion and Dragonball Z. The following video is a compilation of "rejected" AMVs. Highly inappropriate uses of Maroon 5 and "Everything Is Awesome," as well as a nice tribute to Mako from Kill la Kill. ETA: Speaking of stuff I like on YouTube . . . TeamFourStar just put out their 50th episode of Dragonball Z Abridged.
  14. I stopped reading Preacher when I couldn't find "Dixie Fried" in my local library system. I really wouldn't recommend the book to everybody, especially since you'd be reading Garth Ennis without normal comic restraints. Also, there's a crap-ton of theological stuff that will piss off certain people.
  15. Aw, I like Akbar. He see Geoff Britten's name looks like "Britain," and he keeps shouting "Britten's got talent!!!!" for the dozens of people who would get that joke. I think he should be proud that he made it to a Stage 4 without a squeegee. Ditto for Matt. I was numbed to that when the term was used in the latest season of The Real World earlier this year.
  16. I know that it's late, but what the hell . . . I was flipping through the listings of late-night talk shows, and I saw that Judd is going to be on Late Night With Seth Meyers tonight. I'll ETA about it afterward. All I know is that he's got a book coming out, and I guess he wound up aiming high. ETA: He had me at "Jewish Doctor Who." Apparently, he's got two kids. Also, Pam looks almost the same as she did in 1994. Natch, Seth brought up RW. Apparently, they met each other when Judd was working on The Awesomes. I got his book on reserve at the library . . . maybe it'll be a bigger impact than his last series, A Town Called Dragon. Oh, and he's coming to New York Comic Con next month. I might make time to see him.
  17. I was going to ask if clips of Geoff and Isaac on Today were posted . . . then I heard that Geoff climbed a rope at the end of the show, and they ran out of time before Isaac could do his thing. There is a nice piece on RealityBlurred on why ANW is the perfect summer series.
  18. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    The Cubs stumbling may be a longshot, but they're facing a century's worth of bad memories. As opposed to the Mets, who are only second-tier jinxed. Part of me expects the other shoe to drop sooner rather than later, even thought their magic number to clinch the division is down to 10. Thanks for the link, mojoween!
  19. What a way to end the season. No "USA Vs. The World," but we have two American Ninja Warriors. And Matt and Akbar didn't orgasm themselves to death over the double finish. Back to the drawing board . . . for the ninjas (to get stronger) and the obstacle designers (38 entrants for Stage Two? Eight for Stage Three?!?). At least this was a more fulfilling show than Last Comic Standing. Forget Clayton English . . . let's give Geoff Britten his own family sitcom! Or Isaac Caldero as a busboy by day, rock-climbing private detective by night.
  20. I had TDI as background noise on and off. I figure that I should be more versed in the TDI-verse to get the complete picture. From what I gathered, this is basically The Challenge minus the booze and sex. And it's Canadian. How does it compare to TARCanada? Saw parts of the Transylvania episode. Could totally see how TAR inspired this season. I hope Bert & Elise are tickled by this. And Phil. ETA: I just realized . . . Kent & Vyxsin were eliminated from TAR18 while waiting out a penalty. You think the goth kids were inspired by those two? ETA2: Didn't realize that CN was airing the episodes at 7:30 until tonight. I got the second ep on DVR. Saw a little bit of it. I can imagine Bert or Elise looking at the LARPers and screaming, "SONOFABITCH!!!!! I knew we were forgetting a key demographic!!!"
  21. Just saw a clip from CC. The episode title is now "Stunning and Brave." Sorry if this drives you insane, OnceSane. Anyway, here's the clip: Neat that Cartman doesn't stray too far from the Patriots. On the other hand, I'm slightly dreading the episode. The episode where Garrison transitions still makes me numb when I think about it, especially the opening scene.
  22. Heads up . . . Comedy Central will be running an Archer marathon from 6:18 p.m. through 11 p.m. And it case you were upset that CC skipped over "Heart of Archness" last Friday night . . . they'll be running it starting at 7:22. In case you never saw it . . . Archer becomes a pirate king, and he didn't even need to find the One Piece to do it. </animegeek> ETA: The marathon ends with the two-part "Palace Intrigue," which closes "Archer Vice." ETA2: I forgot "Palace Intrigue" was a three-parter. My bad.
  23. It's a Straw Hat party. Ain't no party like a Straw Hat party, because a Straw Hat party don't stop. You should've been the one they had with the animals during the Skypeia arc.
  24. Here's what I got from the CC site: How long has it been since South Park Elementary had a change in faculty? Maybe somebody found out about Principal Victoria ordering the "code red" for Wendy to beat the shit out of Cartman.
  25. Looks like I was wrong about the Sleeping Knights. Has any other anime dealt with AIDS? I did a profile on somebody who got infected the same way Yuuki did . . . but I don't think it's possible for the mother to infect the entire family. On the bright side, we got a brief glimpse of Asuna's mother, and that's enough for me.
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