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Everything posted by LuciaMia

  1. Was this the very first time they've had this kind of challenge? Probably cause I love the history of food, I thought it was really interesting and wished they'd spent more time on it. And Phillip was just as irritating on LCK.
  2. Is it just me or has there been an uptick in the amount of drug commercials on tv. It seems now that the ads are half auto and half drugs. Swear to god there was one on the other day that had in its long list of possible side effects and risks, "Serious brain infection involving a parasite may occur." WTF?? At first I thought it was some kind of parody.
  3. Wow, that strawberry salad was the flip side of that old joke, "The food there was terrible. Yes, and such small portions." That was one humongous pile of food for one 'salad' course. And in my opinion, ALL foam looks like spittle.
  4. Yes, Oprah, Im very glad you lost weight on WW even though you ate bread. Yes, even ate bread EVERY DAY! I believe you. Now, stop shouting about it, please.
  5. When Ian walked into the gay fireman's shift, all I could think of was that episode of the Simpsons: ("Dad, why'd you bring me to a gay steel mill?" "We work hard and we play hard!") Cant remember his name, but Car;ls lumbering companion finally speaks! When Yanis started to catch on fire, I kept expecting the lesbians to come running out to help him.
  6. Thanks for those details about the Gallaghers living arrangements. I was confused about the eviction notice too; no mention of trouble with the property taxes or complaints from the city. Thought maybe it was implementing eminent domaine so it could reap taxes from new gentrified owners.
  7. Or it could be that a basic employee drug test doesn't test for everything under the sun, just the usual suspects like grass, coke, etc.
  8. We can't edit our posts anymore it seems. All my question marks and elipsses came out as %u2026
  9. Wondering .Didn't Fiona down that Ativan that Vee brought her? So why didn't it show up on her drug test? Oh well . *********** Other observations Oh Lip. Please tell me the writers aren't trying to put you into "Double Indemnity" territory with your prof. But I agree with the poster above , I like his character best when he's back interacting with the family. And speaking of family.Damn, those Gallaghers are a fertile bunch. If LIsa and lisa had had trouble getting pregnant, they could always have hired one of the Gallaghers as a surrogate. Is it a coin-toss whether the father is Sean or the musician? And now that she's pregnant, can someone get Fiona a good square meal? If her eyes or cheekbones get any bigger… Frank can just die now. Or just his storyline. What did make me happy is that Kev and Vee are finally making a profit out of that bar.
  10. Must rewatch. Even those views of that country meadow they're working in is a tonic for the January blues. But%u2026that cake garden shed still looks like its about to be condemned.
  11. Okay, Im drawing a complete blank. What did Mickey do to get him 15 years in prison?
  12. Why do so many of these hoarders end up having no water in their homes and having to rely on diapers and buckets? Is it financial, not keeping up with repairs or that they're too embarrassed have workmen come into the house?
  13. I often channel surf during the letter-reading, especially if it sounds like they've all used the boiler-plate "Your addiction has affected me in the following ways…"
  14. "I know Sister Evangelina's character is supposed to be no-nonsense and blunt speaking, but I thought she went over into sheer bitchiness in her argument with S. Monica.
  15. So now we know why they say you shouldn't put metal in a microwave! Still not clear that while Dawn was sabotaging her health , her worsening conniption would have put her at the top of the transplant list. Yet she as still trolling among the staff for a donor kidney. Is a living transplant a better bet than a cadaver one?
  16. Just why the heck are George Clooney and Danny Devito doing a coffee commercial? They don't have enough money?
  17. But being a nurse, Dawn would have realized that her worsening condition would put her near the top of the transplant list and should have eased her desperation a bit. What also made her pleading so cringe-worthy was it coming right after that couple talking about losing their two-day old baby. Yikes!
  18. In Marlas segment, I love how they referenced Scientology without actually saying the name. Don't wanna risk those pesky lawyers. I hadn't seen him before, so when Jenna was meeting with her husband, I kept thinking, "he looks sooo familiar….Hey! Home Alone! Wet Bandits!"
  19. "I know it's Noah's POV but I hate and am bothered by how indulgent "Cynthia" is of him." No, I agree with you. She gave him a couple of prods, but Nixon seemed to be playing the most- non-confrontational therapist on tv.
  20. Did they mention anything as to whether Wesley was self-taught? Cause using a tasting spoon and keeping your station clean is something I thought they stressed in culinary school. Yes, as soon as Brainiac unleashed that word-salad of a statement about 'culinary manifestation', it was pretty clear he'd be the first to go.
  21. I thought I misheard the not-bad news from Dawns doctor on how she's holding up with dialysis, when later she told Patsy she was dying. Needed some sympathy, or maybe she was tired of the docs chirpy, can-do attitude on her condition.
  22. Love how so many conservatives have in the past pushed the concept that "We need someone who can run this country like a business!" And now they think they've got that 'someone' in Trump? Now, how many bankruptcies has he gone through?
  23. In this episode, it looks like Helen was one of the few adults in the room. ******** Of course Whitney wants to be a model. The girl is nothing but bone; the times Ive seen her in summer clothes . In the previous season, was there any hints that she had a eating disorder? ******** So Noah gives Helen his knit hat when she's visibly cold. But when she's about to take a long, cold walk back to her hotel, he asks for it back? A cap he could have bought for five bucks. Classy. ******** I can understand a writer, after years of isolation and doubt, would want to bask in some attention and adulation. But Noah's neediness is unquenchable.
  24. She really specialized in starchy society matriarchs...From Now Voyager to the Bishops Wife to That Hamilton Woman. A bit more sympathetic in My Fair Lady. Type her into Google Images and check out her early publicity pictures. She was quite the Pre-Raphaelite -looking beauty.
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