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Everything posted by LuciaMia

  1. Hah. We can keep that sentence fragment around forever. Each day just finish it with Joe's daily outrage. Saw a bit of Mondays show. So much to discuss, all the Supreme Court decisions, the Isis attacks, Obama's eulogy....but nope, right back to their favorite topic....Hillary, Hillary, Hillary.
  2. And to have your father state it so bluntly. I.e. the only reason any suitor would be interested in her would be for her money.
  3. When Eddie said he copped to everything so she wouldn't be implicated, the thought was 'once again Jackie gets off scott-free' (Just how concealing was that baseball cap? She sat next to Eddie in the waiting room, got up with him to the examining room, came back out. In all that video they couldn't tell it was her?) One other thought. Since O'Hara moved back to London, it seems there was a total cut-off between her and Jackie. Beyond her coming to Jackie's one year sobriety celebration, i don't recall any mention of them calling each other, texting, etc. For such good friends, O'Hara seemed to have dropped off the planet.
  4. She reminded me a lot of Toni Collette.
  5. This show simply baffles me; but it must have enough of a following to keep getting renewed. My particular reason for hatingit. Kate actually made me like Sarah Palin for a few minutes. Palin had some short lived show on TLC; and the powers that be decided to have a show cross-over between hers and 'Kate plus 8". Kate and the kids came up to Alaska for a weekend fishing and camping trip. Storm clouds rolled in and it poured. It all looked pretty cold and miserable but Palin was gamely trying to hold up her end, and getting the kids to fish and have a little bit of fun. Kate? She sat huddled in her rain gear in the tent, bitching and moaning the entire time. I felt like shooting her.
  6. But right after Gloria said 'Thank you, Jackie' she followed up with 'Fuck you, Jackie." So not all is forgiven.
  7. Wow, the Noir is strong with this one. Some things I learned from this first episode. Everyone in California is a fucked up/corrupt cop or involved with one. And there's some serious self-medication going on in the off hours. Apparently, getting beaten by (to you) some random guy at your front door does not result in you calling the police. And nearly threatening your own kid doesn't result in a restraining order. At night, there's very little adequate interior lighting.
  8. Cause we all know mental illness is just so cute. Or, at least Hollywood still thinks so. Aaargh.
  9. So, it's only occurring to Eddie NOW that 'this isn't going to end well for me."
  10. Despite Grace's apparent turnaround (excellent student, college scholarships, checking out schools on her own) I have a nagging feeling something bad is going to happen to her before the show's end.
  11. I think that's the signal for 'Wow, that smells like one awesome sandwich!"
  12. In that beginning scene, the bad surprises just kept on coming: troop's desertion, wife's suicide, Melisandre skipping. I kept thinking of a line from a Neil Simon play, "When you're going dowhill, it gets faster at the bottom." Of all the people waiting to greet Cersei back into the palace; where the heck was Tomman? Is he still sulking in his room?
  13. Don't forget that snotty little nun who walked behind her yelling 'Shame'
  14. Oh, dear God, there's another two episodes left? Why are they bothering? This show has no resemblance to when it first started. Sure , Jackie was using, hiding her private life while boffing Eddie. Yet, you were oddly rooting for her. Another preposterous storyline. His doctor wouldn't have red-flagged him in some way? Leave it to his own discretion to know when it's time to quit practising? And it's not like he came from another hospital. I got a kick out of the smiley, smarmy drug investigator guy. Everybody in that scene was smiling like crocodiles, knowing they were all lying thru their teeth. When Jackie panicked after mouthing that pill, why the hell didn't she induce vomiting? She should know how to do that! So Jackie snows Zooey again. If only Zooey at least had said, "Okay, but this is the last time" and meant it. Like somebody else said, I bet that last scene was a bait and switch, and it turns out to be candy.
  15. If Drogon stayed in that arena, he almost certainly would have been killed. I think Dany was more concerned with getting him out of there than just saving her own skin. And once she was gone, a lot of the threat would be gone. True, the Sons of Harpy were mowing down a lot of their fellow citizens, but Dany was the main target.
  16. And what an episode to have on at 10 o'clock in the morning. I read a synopsis of it and it said Darlene and Doug decided not to continue living there and decided 'to put it on the market.' Market? They must have simply sold it for the property; who in their right mind would have bought that house even after cleaned up.
  17. Right now, the most interesting thing about her is her get-up and hair do.
  18. I think that's why I, and a lot of people here, have watched the last ten minutes of this episode. After the horrific death of Shireen, we want to see some justice, see some 'bad' people get theirs. And the Sons of Harpy were the stand-ins for that. Jesus, it's one thing for them to attempt an assasination of a Queen who they loathe, but another to go on a whole-sale slaughter of your fellow citizens. (I wonder if anyone has done a count on how many throats we've seen slit thru the course of five seasons) So Drogon comes in to dispense a little fiery pay-back.
  19. I've driven that highway. Zooey's right about being stressed 'merging.'
  20. Jeebus, what was with that opening of the Tony Awards? Okay, they don’t have to always have to have a big splashy number, but this was like….some high school production. Chenoweth and Cummings just standing there trading unfunny quips. Then the cast of ‘It’s Rotten’ performing ‘It’s a Musical’ on a bare stage, with references in the song to other classic musicals….and that was it? Did they cut their budget this year or what? And what is it about having two hosts that never seems to work? (think of the times they tried it with the Oscars.) It encourages all that bandying back and forth which is usually just cringe-worthy. Oh, and Larry David? STFU!
  21. Shit. shit, shit, shit. Should know by now that any character with any innocence or decency will eventually get ground up by this show. But the burning of a terrified child....I really think I'm done with GoT. Is there a GoFundMe page for the White Walkers? I'll gladly make a donation if it'll help speed their way south and wipe out Westeros for good!
  22. aarrggh. Of course the Tony's are on Sunday, a night that's already glutted with too much good tv. (Game of Thrones, Veep, Nurse Jackie, Classic Columbo, Call the Midwife (oh, that's over)). Wish the channels would spread things out so the rest of the week wasn't such a wasteland.
  23. So far, the most White Walkers we've seen have been four or five. Maybe those are just the commanders and there might be more. Who knows?
  24. I forget, did Cersei send Jaimie off to bring back their daughter, before or after she gave the High Sparrow all this power? If the latter, not smart to be without the one ally she can depend on no matter what.
  25. In the category of 'scenes we'd like to see...' Don't know how far South the White walkers will get, but I would love to see the High Sparrow's reaction witnessing that scene of the dead resurrecting into Wights. "Where's your seven gods now, Bub?"
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