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Everything posted by LuciaMia

  1. Why did Superman think just putting on a pair of glasses transformed him into Clark Kent? ;-) ******** Ummm, lots of bare asses of both genders in this episode. So Sansa's hand is up for grabs again. I guess Tyrion's patricide meant instant divorce. I guess there's no such thing as second chances in GoT. Dany executes that ex-slave despite the pleading of practically the entire city, and Snow dispatches Slynt despite his apologies and pleading for mercy.
  2. Yup, her elderly charge is doing great; of course giving Jackie the opportunity to keep selling her pills. Wonder why the daughter didn't fire her; I guess her mother overulled her. And as long as the meds keep disappearing she must assume her mother's still taking them. ******** As head nurse, doesn't Zoey have enough to do; they couldn't find another female nurse to do the monitoring. Definitely feels mean-spirited of Akalitis. And I think what was adding to Zoey's stress was the feeling that Jackie's glowing letter helped get her into the master's program. ******* That soul-kiss at the end; Eddie, I don't think she's that into you anymore. Can't remember that little snippet of song right at the end, but it seemed to imply you're not gonna be a couple much longer.
  3. There was an episode where he sent her flowers on her birthday and she spent most of the day trying to get rid of them. You got the feeling they weren't on good terms.
  4. What about the one sandwiched between these two episodes, Kristine? The vodka drinker with all those health problems. They hinted that she might have leukemia, but it was still an unknown by the intervention. Did they ever say if she was diagnosed?
  5. In the very first episode, Jackie makes a joke about "What do you call a nurse with a bad back? Unemployed." So the back pain and the pain pills may have been legit at the beginning, but like so many others , it mushroomed up from that.
  6. Wondering how Jackie's gonna make it on a salary cut by 2/3's. Only three months, but still. Wonder if Zoey will offer her a loan
  7. Yes, I think the incident with the old lady was to show us that Jackie can still think like a nurse, putting her patients first. Bad daughter is foiled trying to stick her mother in a nursing home. And having the surplus drugs to sell was a bonus. But at first, when the daughter said 'never should have let you come near her', i thought it was going to be a case of: lady gets off the heavy downers,(damn, there were like 30 script bottles there, all from one doctor?) feels better, gets up and falls and breaks a hip. 10,000 dollar retainer? Wow. Maybe Jackie should have called her nurse's union and asked for the second-best lawyer. That creepy act of the pawn shop lady grabbing Jackie's hand and praying was so weird, I wonder if that had ever happened in real life to any of the writers. If anyone feels they can tough out a three-month probationary period, I'm sure it's Jackie. Scut-work and daily pee tests, bad enough. But a 2/3 pay cut? Ouch! A happy looking Grace? Sure bet she's there as a plant to spy on Kevin's behalf. And hasn't he descended into a total dickwad.
  8. Have to smile, when Jackie's lamenting to Eddie 'nobody believes anything I say. They just look at me like some...junkie' And in the very next scene she goes into the ER and lies about where she's been for the week. Tho, I guess even being in prison she still was detoxing.
  9. Saw Pauline's show as well last night and , wow, it was everything and more that people have been talking about here. That poor, poor son of hers; "I'm doing this for him!' while she continues to ruin his life. And what a contrast to the episode before. She (forget name) was willing to do anything to stay out of a wheelchair. Pauline looks like she's happy to spend the rest of her life in basically a motorized Barcalounger. Even Dr. No was a bit aghast when she wheeled in for her last appointment. I don't get the move to Houston. With morbid obesity such an epidemic, is Dr. No the only surgeon around willing to operate on such large patients?
  10. I know yesterday was Anthony Quinn day, but I think they can give 'Barrabas' a rest for a while. They showed it on Easter week, as did PBS and several other cable stations. ;-) ********* Enjoyed seeing 'Shoes of the Fisherman' again, even tho David Jansenn's reporter persona is as leaden as they come.
  11. Someone mentioned 'Frank's Place' which was a crying shame that it didn't get renewed. But I can go even further back..."My World And Welcome To It' starring William Windom and based on the stories and cartoons of James Thurber. It was just too wonderfully quirky to survive in '70's TV land.
  12. In the 'Ever Met Jackie' clip, Thor has quite the singing voice. (Do you think he was miffed at being passed over as head ER nurse?)
  13. Yes, but didn't he then dismiss her outright, saying she didn't have a winning case? Till she then came back with the story of being summarily fired and defamed in front of co-workers. "Now that I can work with!"
  14. It's funny. I think he looks a lot like the famous Holbein portrait of Thomas More. Speaking of which, it seems like they casted the actor who looked the least like that handsome painting.
  15. I know. In some of the past seasons those 'oxy's' looked like neon-blue jello shots. And let's not forget the time Jackie called in an oxy script with the stolen DEA number. Who advises them on these details. You can never phone in any kind of narcotic script. ********** In last season's finale, it was obvious she was taking a plane somewhere. If it was to Miami, why not just drive? She's gonna take that suitcase past any airport sniffer dogs? ********* Re: Zoey deleting the nun's picture. I don't have a smart phone. For those who do, is deletion final? Is there any way to get it back?
  16. Yes, I also respectfully disagree. That felt like real anger. And that slight smug smile Jackie had as she walked away I think was her realization she had something now to give to her lawyer. ************* Since it was part of the coming attractions at the end, I guess we can talk about it here. But I really hope it doesn't turn out that Jackie is stealing meds from her elderly charge; even tho that's exactly what it looks like
  17. No, I thought the exact same thing. That's what made Eddard Stark suspicious that they weren't the King's biological children. ************ Kinda sounds like the beginning of a joke.."Why did the Unsullied go into a brothel?" I didn't realize that they'd been castrated.
  18. So, did Jackie think that if she found the right mascara, that would help things with Kevin?
  19. Oh, and the scene in the jail when the guard gives her that little box 'Two Imodium and some handy-wipes, are you kidding me?!' The ironic thing is that Imodium actually is an opiate and a lot of people do use it when they're trying to kick drugs like oxy...course you have to take more like 30 or 40 pills.
  20. Okay, so now we have a clue as to how Eddie is going to cover swiping all those pills. That's been bothering me since last season; how he was ever going to account for all those missing meds. Course, forging Ak's signature is certainly going to come back to bite him in the you-know-where later in the season. ************** That was kinda heart breaking...Zoey still holding out hope that Jackie was doing it right, and then having that last hope dashed.
  21. I was almost relieved that it turned out Monica was selling meth; at first thought there was a quick sex act going on between her and the truckdriver, ewwwwwww. ******* I assume Bianca swallowed the rest of her pain pills before walking into the ocean? From 'A Star Is Born' I've always thought that has to the worst and hardest way to commit suicide.
  22. Funny how so many of the characters looked down sneeringly on Cromwell as 'a son of a butcher.'
  23. Hmmm, wonder why they just didn't buy their own copier?
  24. She's my favorite as well. Jeff does gets the job done, but even he seems a little weary of repeating 'people here who love you like crazy' line again and again.
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