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Everything posted by LuciaMia

  1. Yes, today was another repeat of Sherry, she of the massive roach/spider infestation. The house full of old needles and empty soda bottles. She who blames her kids laziness while her daughter cooks her breakfast. Supposedly so ill with fibromalgia but says when 'we can't cook, we just go out to eat.' Guess no problem moving for that. With this show you try to muster some sympathy, but Sweet Jesus, there was just no way. Every interaction exists just to further prove how much a victim she is. And she's just plain nasty. When the organizer asked an innocent question about saving a basket she spits out, 'Well, I guess my mother could come out of her grave and make me a new one.' I missed the last 20 minutes, right after she takes to her bed. Was there any end to the clean up? Any hints of a happy ending?
  2. Noticed that Teretha had a catheter. Would make more sense when he was completely bed bound. But at the end when she was a bit more mobile, there it was hanging off her walker. Personally, that w ould be one invasive contraption I'd try to get rid of as soon as I could.
  3. Talk about off-topic. But the dance recital, was that Swan Lake?
  4. But I did prefer their Bunter character.
  5. Youtube has the first one, Strong Poison. Make sure its the version with Edward Petherbridge as Lord Peter.
  6. Didn't she also play Harriet Vane in the "Lord Peter Wimsey" mysteries
  7. Loved the Reeds, but the husbands hair style….uh, no. Does it have a particular name?
  8. Princess? Dr. Paradise? Do you think this is anybody's real names. ;-) I notice during the times when Stephens trying to snow someone (or thinks he's being 'charming') he talks with this weird drawl. Or maybe thats just the pills talking.
  9. But then…didn't he end up having them anyway? The one impulse that kept coming up thru this was to slap that damn tablet out of his hands. Plus, that was a nice detox room he was in with a large screen tv on the wall. People have mentioned Steve's disdain for shoes no matter where he goes. Wish it was just his shoes. In the scene where Dr Now asks "Stephen, don't you have a gown or shirt….?" Steve, giggling as he gets on the gurney stark naked, "You've seen it all before Doc." 'I mean for the benefit of the others," says Now, indicating the EMTs who've come to take him home.
  10. Lordy, somebody please explain the math when Dr. No confronts Steve on his drug seeking. At first I thought he meant the entire time he'd been in Houston. But just for one month? 1,300 of one kind of pills, 800 of another? I don't care what his tolerance is, with that amount he should be dead 10 times over! That shot of Steve slipping off the golf cart and then his frenzied yells of phony pain definitely belongs to the ages. Thats the point I hit the Off button. So desperate to show any kind of happy ending….uh, no, sorry. Don't believe it for a second.
  11. She sounds like the only sane member of this family. Perhaps it should be more on the greenish side. Hey, also sounds like a perfect Halloween cocktail!
  12. No, Doug is childless. I think he just says that when a patient or parent asks "Do you have children?" so they will open up further.
  13. Plus the way TLC is promoting it, like an episode of Americas Funniest Home Videos. Steve falling off the back of a golf cart? Cue the audience laughter!
  14. Jessa doesn't seem like the plain white underwear type. And Id swear that was Willem Dafoe in the bar scene.
  15. Wonder why they bothered with the "Supersized" episode except to get us to tune in a second time. The only bit of extra information they showed was that after Dr. Now told Stephen he was being kicked out, he took Steve's call button away. Sweet!
  16. With the little I know, Im leaning toward sociopath. Don't they tend to see themselves as superior and smarter than everybody else. Nothing anybody says is going to 'get through to', or persuade Steven to change. Even any kind of discomfort or inconvenience. He'll think its only temporary and he'll be able to find some way to con his way back in.
  17. Add my assessment that this was like James episode on acid! Somebody wanna do the math on this? Before Houston he'd been living in two different hospitals, both of which he'd been kicked out of. Then he's whisked away to Texas in a rather comfy looking medical RV. Who the heck was paying for all this? James couldn't get his insurance to pay for an ambulance to transport him, even when Dr. Now said it was a matter of life or death. Re the RV. When Steve's bed broke, they put cinder blocks under to prop it up. The floor was already bending and they put more weight in there? Had an irresistible urge to slap those tablets and phones out of the brothers' hands. I felt some sympathy for Justin. He seemed really beaten down and almost afraid of his brother. Bet theres been some almost criminal bullying there. Hooray for Dr. Now standing his ground. "Ill drop you off at a homeless shelter…" Hee! Let me get this straight. Steve called his father in Rhode Island to order him a pizza in Texas?
  18. I think one of the funnier things he says, during the Chinese food scene is "My next appointment is coming up with the doctor, but I don't think I can g o, Ive got too much going on right now." Going on? What could that possibly be??
  19. Really enjoyed this episode. And that smile on Elijah's face when he gets that call-back was a thing of beauty.
  20. My mom, (who is 94) wasn't allowed corn on the cob when she was a little kid. It's supposed indigestibility was considered bad for children, and she was only allowed it on her birthday, as a special treat. She still remembers that.
  21. Always surprised how different Benton is in the pilot episode. He smiles and even makes a joke!
  22. I guess its true about Marnies self-absorption. Desi shows up on his cycle, practically drooling and she needs somebody else to clue her in that Desi's stoned out of his mind.
  23. Its as if the show decided we didn't dislike James enough the first time. Mine was the inevitable "The scale must be wrong. The nurse must be reading it wrong."
  24. Im afraid to ask what that even means...
  25. Hooweee! 12 pages of posts on last nights episode. Looks like everybody had the same strong reaction. I don't think Ive ever been angry at one of these patients before. Really angry. Had to laugh, that no matter how grim, these episodes insist on some kind of 'happy' ending., James manages to kinda sit up, with three adults hauling him up, the upbeat music swells and were all supposed to feel uplifted? Snort!
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