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Everything posted by CofCinci

  1. I think he wants to get her pregnant to force her into a marriage.
  2. I had a case of the feels during the Thomas/Jimmy goodbye scene.
  3. They should have eulogized Harrison like how these guys eulogized Columbus Short way back when (start at 0:25): Also, this should just be the Mellie Show. I tuned out during everyone else's scenes.
  4. I love Kaley's hair because it's "fuck you" hair. She cut her hair as a negotiation tactic for the new $$$$$ contracts. Brilliant. I'd like to see some of that confidence transfer over to Penny though. Would have been nice to see her do well in the interview. I'm bored by Sheldon and Amy. Why should she settle for so little?
  5. I can't stand Miss Bunting and even if she teaches Daisy all the math in the world, I'm still not going to like the woman.
  6. The picture is 2 years old. Failed courtship perhaps? Would they let her date outside of her race?
  7. "Buy used and save the difference"..... Looking at the current physical state and the trend/style of the band, I believe this is a "used" ring. Most likely purchased from a pawn shop rather than a jeweler because a jeweler could do 3 minutes of work to the ring and it would look so much better (and gain them more profit). Posting pics of the ring comes across as so boastful and not in line with their morals (or the morals they sell to people).
  8. Why is the youngest one allowed to crawl all over counters and smash paint on tables when the other ones would get blanket-trained and thrown into prayer closets? I'm sure there are at least 10 kids in that family thinking "I'd get the shit beaten out of me if I pulled that."
  9. Joyless Anna found her bliss while bossing Ben around as they drove around the property. This is the first episode where I felt true empathy for Ben. They're going to use that kid like a workhorse. Each night he'll retire alone to that fire hazard of a bedroom and that just so sad.
  10. Multiple endings were filmed. Why did they pick this one? ZZZZZZzzz. I barely stood awake.
  11. Move over Dexter, there is a new WORST SERIES FINALE EVER.
  12. Has she murdered him in his sleep yet?
  13. Have any additional spoilers been leaked for the finale yet, other than the Bill turns Human one?
  14. I'm sure the thread title will be changed from "Thank You" to "Fuck You" after the episode airs.
  15. Evolution for Teddy? I forgot the dude was even on the show.
  16. So Gunnar gets 3 love interests? And a possible kid?
  17. Hayden/Juliette as June Carter Cash or Patsy Cline? Ain't no way Derek Hough is playing Johnny Cash. Hahahah. So, Juliette is Hollywood bound with baby to avoid her Maury Povich-type Nashville problems?
  18. I haven't enjoyed Glee in years, but.... if done right, I'm excited to see Rachel return as a complete failure.
  19. Gunnar (possibly) knocked up a girl in high school and now she's a new character? Come on!
  20. I don't think Juliette will deliver. The show doesn't allow her for any moments of happiness.
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