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Everything posted by CofCinci

  1. David beat himself and purposefully got caught at the convenience store because he's playing Victoria, right? It's the only way I can continue to watch this show.
  2. I was on the edge of my seat as Robert walked up the stairs, which is a first for me in five seasons. So happy that Bunting is gone.
  3. I hope the writers/producers asked for Hayden's input during their "Kill the baby to torture Juliette and Avery even more" brainstorming session. I'm sure it will be Emmy gold that will go larger ignored because for some reason Hayden doesn't get the accolades she deserves. Yep and he'll need a liver portion donated from a family member. We have Maddie, Scarlett, Scarlett's Crazy Mother, Deacon's father and mother (are they still alive?) or perhaps a sane good-looking sibling we haven't heard about. That gives us a few episodes and perhaps a fundraising concert with special guest stars for sweeps.
  4. Let's see what's over there.http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/10/nashville-exclusive-spoilers-marriage.html Avery and Juliette get married! Woah!! I don't know how to process this right now. Gunnar is not the father. And of course..... Deacon is sick and Rayna is too wrapped up filming the Ruke-Puke Xmas Special to notice.
  5. Given the formula of this show, I think Papa Pope and Jake will off each other during the same fight. Oliva will lose them both. Then, she'll blame Fitz or some shit like that.
  6. I'm sure someone wrote a fanfic last night where Jake and Fitz Effiel Tower Oliva.
  7. Before or after she bangs Luke? She seems like that type of girl.
  8. Tonight, Shonda introduced her viewers to the Effiel Tower position. RIP Jake. Meh. Should have stayed on the island, buddy. I like to believe Harrison is still alive.
  9. Does anyone else suspect that Juliette will lose the baby once Hayden delivers in real life? I'm sure it will happen after Juliette and Avery spend a nice day together painting a nursery and buying a denim Bugaboo Frog. The spotting and trip to the gyno is their sloppy foreshadowing.
  10. I have to admit it: I enjoyed the Deacon and Pam duet-slash-therapy session. Furthermore, I HOWLED when they looked over at the motorcycles and it cut to them blazing down the road. Let Deacon have some fun on the road but don't move this one in with him. Avery and Juliette: I just can't. Get these two kids together soon, please. I just can't deal with it. I want Rayna and Jeff to hook up for some hate sex. She has more chemistry with him than Luke. So, Teddy needs a storyline but are they going to recondition his character to the point where he signs the girls to a music contract? Come on. Let him get a DC job and ship him off.
  11. Charlie Sheen, a famed Sociologist who has done extension work with American sex workers, once said, "I don't pay them for sex. I pay them to leave."Cyrus can't be dumb enough to fall into this honey trap, right?
  12. Detective Mellie! Can we make this happen? Addison got a 'Private Practice'. Surely Shonda can make a spinoff happen for Mellie.
  13. How you like your eggs? Fried or fertilized?
  14. I bet they're ramping up for Abby and Fitz to because they both hate Olivia. I'd watch the hell out of Millie's detective show. Can we get Jensen Ackles on board for the spin-off? When does Supernatural end?
  15. Daphne will be fine. Right now she's the only person on the show with a quality parent. Teddy should go to Washington DC or something and take Daphne with him. Bring them back to the show twice a year.Maddie is the one heard for eventual breakdown, especially with all that cray-cray-Claybourne blood coursing through her body.
  16. I don't think he understood at all. Seems like he made the assumption that the other party was a man and not the little Averyette in her womb.
  17. Deacon's new love interest: "Buy a girl a cup of coffee?" Buy your own coffee with your senior citizen discount, casting fail/new character no one wanted. She looks like a meth-addict prostitute from Sons of Anarchy. Why do they even bother with pairing Deacon with anyone? We all know that Raycon is endgame short of Chip Esten pulling an Isaiah Washington, Columbus Short, Gary Dourdan, Michelle Rodriguez or Henry Ian Cusick (double offender). Deacon should just go into monk mode until he rescues Rayna from Luke, who is obvious going to "pop" her in the mouth or tie her to the train tracks or whatever villainous shit they have planned for him. I enjoyed the Scarlett and Maddie scene. More please. And, while you're handing out seconds, I'm enjoying drunk sexy Avery. Old girl was going to sprain his penis with all that jumping and humping she was trying to do before Avery pulled her off. Gunnar has too many love interests. Two need to die in a fire.
  18. Any suspect he killed to co-ed to get the law school spot?
  19. I suspect that sweet little deer in the headlights Wes killed the sorority girl to get her spot in law school.
  20. Oh no. They're going the Magical Negro route for Scarlett to find song-writing inspiration. Here's Mykelti as Bubba in Forrest Gump. Perhaps Scarlett will write a song about shrimp.
  21. I'm so bloody tired by Bates and his murderous subplots. Poor Anna is going to get beaten by Bates because Lady Mary likes cock.
  22. I'm just tuning in for the Mellie show at this point. She's killing it. But let this be the last week for moping. Time to give her a plot instead of collapsing on the floor. The CGI/Green Screen backgrounds are ruining most scenes. Just because the technology exists doesn't mean you have to use it in every other scene. I wouldn't be surprised if the fried chicken and Oliva's "fuck me boots" were computer enhanced. I'm in the minority, but I wanted Huck and Quinn to kiss. Either end them forever or put them together. Just pick one theme and stick with it. I'd like to see Cyrus and the prostitute Michael become a real couple. Hooker with a heart of gold? We haven't seen that in a while. They'd make the perfect DC couple. Abbey is Jan Brady-ing it up these days. They're building to to the Abbey/Olivia show down. But just like with Jake, I couldn't care less.
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