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Everything posted by kaygeeret

  1. I have liked all the 'chiefs' for however they presented themselves. This discussion has caused me to think a bit and I landed on Jack as my fav. His character was a grownup with no visible 'anxieties' plus a successful career, marriage and fatherhood. We saw his daughter, heard about her, etc. His time on the island made some sense to me. And, for sweet Maria's sake, he did not have undying love for his second in command! Gods of TV, I thank you for that. I hated Neville at first because the whole bug thing was so out there. Now in this season he is cured - bless the magic properties of the island. As much as I hate what they make the female detectives wear, I hate the endless stories of these weird guys with social anxieties/phobias falling in love with the first dame they get to know. Because they sure never seem to get to know anyone else and are so socially out of it they have no chance anyway. The new Neville seems like an ordinary guy, social as Jack was and smart as the rest. We will see what the future brings.
  2. I despise Big Brother and Love Island. I watch Survivor intermittently, if at all. The only show I watch is TAR. So, I knew almost no one and I felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of people, none of whom seemed to be memorable. I'll stick with it for a bit more (emphasis bit) but really this was a bore. The LI folks were unimpressive and that is kind! Sigh!
  3. I watched season 1 and intermittently, but more often lately. I am really sick of the FBIs, Chicago's and L & O's. I began to feel (wrongly I know, but still) that I could write the scripts myself - or maybe star in one - performances mostly phoned in. The one thing about the Magnum reboot that I have never liked is the Higgens sex change. The plots and the lighter asides worked so well in the original and lost something here because we all knew the kiss was coming! Still I will take me some Tim Kang any time I can get him. I find him a terrific presence, both serious and yet with a straight underlying humor that I find fabulous. I hope he is in the redo as the other story lines (Rick and Magnum/Higgins bring a yawn). Still hoping for the best. NOW - - -NBC needs to treat this reboot better than they did Brooklyn 99. They bounced B99 around the schedule to the point of my wondering about a conspiracy. I REALLY loved that show. NBC should hang their head in shame! :) Hope they treat Magnum better
  4. What a profoundly stupid show. I got thru 3 and then stupidly gave it another try, because...hope? Could not be cancelled fast enough. To be fair, I though the actors were damn good - they deserve a special prize for making drek seem credible for at least 2 episodes, and I still watched for 4 epis. Whoever created, wrote and ran this thing should be banned.
  5. Egads, is this show still running? I gave up after season 1 1/2 More power to the posters for sticking it out!
  6. So, my PBS station is finally showing season 11 and I just finished epi. 4....and am confused and disappointed? Not sure as I think it was a strange epi. Last week we had a huge send off for Florence and I honestly didn't realize it was just for the character going undercover, I thought it was the final sendoff. Imagine my surprise when she comes back to Ste. Marie while still undercover. And while she worries about being recognized - NO ONE LOOKS TWICE. Just a bit weird. It was a convoluted plot and not all that interesting frankly. On another note, I am weirdly disappointed in the transformation of Marlon to a non-entity. I loved him last season and I recognized his character needed to be 'normalized' to be a cop, but to be completely disappeared? Where is his personality, his humor and his 'Marloness'? I really hope they give him more stories, but also bring back some personality - and not just angst because he has "bad" connections. This seems to be a really unfocused year and, dare I say, kinda boring so far. Not something I am really used to from DIP.
  7. I felt really conflicted this entire last season. On the one hand, I felt that the Robert and Sol story got profoundly real and extraordinarily loving. This is a very real thing many of us are/will face and it is surely one of life's most difficult events. So good job show! And terrific acting by the guys. Briann/Mallory, yeah whatever. Brianna has always been one note, but her treatment of Barry and one potential part time kid was stupid. Blah. Grace/Frankie. Not a ton of growth as Frankie's fortuneteller's death thing was looney even by her usually hilarious standards. Grace has shown growth for sure, but the last marriage and the 'silly' prison/money plot lines were kinda, well silly. I agree that Jane Fonda was showing some pretty serious movement instability and she must have had some 'work' during the downtime because I thought her eyeballs were going to pop out of her head when anyone talked to her. She is blessed with strong bones in her face and some extremely skilled plastic surgery, but the last bit should not have been done. I mostly loved the series, but this last season felt weird to me. PS I do think that the bond Grace and Frankie have established with one another and even with Joan Margaret is every bit as valid and strong as Robert and Sol's. That is a lovely lesson as well. Strong friendships have tremendous value.
  8. Oh good gravy!!!!! Of course I do! Thank you so much for the correction! SIgh!, just another sign of inattention run rampant☺️
  9. And tonight I get another thrilling rewatch of a season 11 episode. I actually don't care which one as I think I can repeat the dialogue with the epi. I think a stern email to management is in order. For god's sake, If the MUST show reruns, at least show the new Barnaby episodes Thanks for letting me rant, I am getting inspiration for my communication with my local PBS.
  10. Thank you Welshman in CA for proposing ways to at the very least, investigate these clearly illegal cults masquerading as religions. My friend and I who have watched either Under the Banner and/or Keep Sweet, have struggled to figure out a way to make these shysters pay for their crimes. They hide under the idea of religion. You have nailed it! Admittedly, Scientology has the advantage of a ton of money and some powerful folks behind them. Do watch Lisa Rinna's documentary on Netflix. It is eye opening. Also it is helpful to remember that Scientology, a phony religion based on aliens something or other, was founded in the late 1940'2, early 1950's by a failed science fiction writer who famously said.... the quickest way to make a fortune is to found a religion....not a direct quote. And...he targeted the rich at first..... All these guys are mobsters hiding behind the cloak of 'religion', however 'fake' it is. Take 'em down like any other mobster - thru the money! I so despair when I see how many folks willing go along with whatever sad, money grubbing, disgusting thing the 'great one' decrees. They ignore the fact that the only person it benefits is the 'big guy'. And I do not mean god!
  11. Sorry I got it wrong Kel, I am notorious for skimming when reading. I'll do better next time. On another note, just finished Keep Sweet... on Netflix. It is an excellent, if godawful documentary re: FLDS cults and the infamous (and disgusting) Warren Jeffs. He achieved what the Lafferty brothers wanted. Message in both: Beware of ANYONE who says they are the chosen one!
  12. Wow, this was excellent and repellent at the same time. I am so very sorry for all the women and girls who are still there, in the cult this profoundly vile man and his 'helpers' established. I have also just finished Under the Banner of Heaven and the two, one a documentary and one a fictionalized version of a true story, certainly complement one another and help create a vivid and awful story of the FLDS cults. Those poor children and their mothers.
  13. Except Kel, I believe that Brenda was raised Mormon, albeit mainstream if not liberal. She did believe in the Mormon 'ideals', for lack of a better word, BUT she absolutely was against the rule that women had no say and no opportunity beyond 'birthing babies' and staying home.
  14. oh good gravy, if you have to reach that far back and twist and create new stuff.... then your cult marches on...... I freely admit that I do not understand why so many people need to have someone else tell them what to believe and how to behave and....etc. That is just me I guess.
  15. Wait - I don't think there is a Darlene working at the police station. I am at the epi where the young sgt. is hired -her last name is Thomas and I do not remember her first name. What am I missing? I agree that I don't think The Commissioner is corrupt. Part of his job is hobnobbing with the big wigs, but we really haven't seen that much of him lately -he seems to hang out with the rest of them after work which is a nice change.
  16. I just finished Jon Krakauer's book 'Under the Banner of Heaven', from which this production is adapted. The majority of the book is spent on Mormon history, the breach which lead to fundamental Mormon communities and a major teaching of the religion that God speaks individually to every believer. Having known next to nothing about the Mormon religion I found it interesting and I learned a lot. Eliminating polygamy led to most of the schisms. Only the breakaway fundamentalist Mormon communities believe in polygamy. I realized that the belief that God speaks individually to you (and others of course) sets up the horror of what happened. When you are depressed, angry, confused and all the horrid things Dan was going thru, it is very easy to believe that god will speak to you and endorse whatever you want to do in your anger and fear. It didn't help that by all accounts, the Lafferty's were charming and charismatic. The fact that they were all physically abused by their dad and most began abusing their wives is a pathology due to the man being the absolute ruler in the house and the decider of all things. Once you believe you are 'supreme' you believe you can do anything you want. Throw in the belief that god 'told you to' and the scene is set. The Mormon religion is, of course, not the only religion to believe that god speaks to individuals. Many other religions believe that god speaks directly to anointed leaders. Just ask Catholics - (I am 'roman catholic retired'). The strong subtext in the book is the prevalence of rape and sexual abuse thru out the fundamentalist Mormon communities including within families. It is horrific. The movie is doing a decent job of trying to explain all of this, altho' the detective's (Andrew Garfield) apparent ignorance is a bit off putting. Still, if you believe the leaders of your church are the arbiters and you believe in the church, I guess evil would be a revelation. By all accounts, mainstream Mormon communities are remarkably hard working, successful communities filled with very decent people. Most religions have unsavory events in their histories, so Mormons are not unique.
  17. I do agree that Marlon is subdued in the Christmas part1 show (which premiered in my area last night), but I put it down to needing some balance because Dwayne has returned. Can't have 2 loose cannons on the same case. That said I do agree that he is also seeing the importance of his job. Dwayne will help by providing the 'bad' influence after his training. Also, losing the suspect due to Dwayne's behavior opened his eyes as well. Good jobs by both actors. I do hope the new guy from England will stay on the show - I really like his character. And the Florence drama can stop any time but given that she is just on vacation with family does not fill me with hope.
  18. I assume due to Mariym's religious beliefs she requested the wardrobe. In BBT she shared the bed with Sheldon the same way - altho' it worked there because of the 'quirky' characters. Actually one doesn't really need to have 'revealing' pjs to get great sex....just saying. Was absolutely shocked to find this out! Maybe it has to do with an incompletely thought out premise or sheer laziness?
  19. Is this one of the most predictable and boring sitcoms on TV? The jokes aren't very funny, the plot (at least tonight) is predictable if not full on stereotypical. There is such a ton of talent on the show, I really struggle to understand why I find it so dang dull. I particularly struggle with Mariym's performance. I LOVED her in The Big Bang Theory and I really can't seem to find that engaging actor who inhabited her role with such grace and humor. The dialogue is spoken so quickly and throw away, I feel I am missing something. Gestures over done, etc. Perhaps it is in the weakness of the scripts and poor direction, but I sure am missing something.
  20. So glad to not have any more gripping about replacing Gibbs..... The show is the same and moves along the same and there is a reasonable amount of angst, etc. Everyone is replaceable. And I really like Gary Cole - so bias raises it's head.
  21. Having known a few surgeons in my time, Griff fills the stereotype perfectly. A relatively rotten chief, but a good/great surgeon. For me, Sam does not project the confidence, perfectionism and leadership to be this greatly accomplished surgeon - at such a young age no less. The show doesn't work for me, but the comments have been interesting.
  22. I am out for many of the reasons articulated above. The acting is great and the cast is lovely. Too bad they got stuck with the single worst concept in recent memory. To wit: Mommy promotes lovely newly MD daughter to dept head. Mommy appoints daughter to PROCTOR HER FATHER - the daughter's father that is. Father reacts like an entitled jackass - which many - not all - famed surgeons are - just ask an OR nurse. And the hospital board and HR are so on board with the entire thing.......SIGH! Yes, I understand entitlement and I understand the advantages a young MD with the pedigree her parents provided would have - - AT ANOTHER HOSPITAL! This is not a bank or a commercial company. Lives are on the line here and no board would risk lawsuits, etc, I am sad because the cast really is great and I would love to see them in a show that makes sense.
  23. Admittedly I did not watch the entire season. I started at epi 10 and was a bit intermittent after that. That said, I really liked Xander and was stunned when he didn't score one single vote. No problem with Evvie at all. In fact, discounting Shan, this was a remarkably likeable group even with all the 'strategy'. One caveat - if I had been playing and had access to a scissors - -Xander would have lost the lock of hair - - - it really seemed affected and it took me a bit to warm up to him. Once I did I really wanted him to win. So it goes! I do wish the best for him going forward. I am so glad Ricard did not get it done. For one reason or another, he just seemed too scheming. The last minute reveal of his new child seemed profoundly calculated, altho' this is something very heartfelt apparently. Damn editing.
  24. So this was my first episode and while it wasn't terrible, I do have a quibble that might prevent me from being a viewer. The head of the team garbles so much of her dialogue....I wish I had a better way to describe what I think I am hearing. She speaks VERY quickly and in almost a monotone sometimes. Literally, at one point I actually thought her voice was being dubbed...yeah I know...just weird and no I wasn't drinking:) Also weirdly I did not have the same reaction to any of the other characters. It was disturbing enough that I may check in again, but could be out if it happens again.
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