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Everything posted by Ambrosefolly

  1. So this is kind of a show runner thing. On General Hospital, there is character, Liz Webber that has been played by Rebecca Herbst for over 20 years, and her longevity has a lot to do with the actress' popularity. They have given some character destroying shit to this character over the years, with a particularly bad one involving her keeping the "true" identity (which was reversed when the long time actor returned to the role) of a man she had fallen in love. Right after, they decided to have a storyline involving the character that had raped her as teenager. Was this storyline done to address Liz's sexual issues and rehab the character, maybe give material that would finally give Rebecca Herbst an Emmy? Nope, it was done in order to make Roger Hogworth's Franco, a serial killer that stalked and sexually terrorized Sam McCall, have some sort of redemption, as per what the female head writers said in an interview. So Liz Webber, a decades long show vet, was sideline in a storyline that should have had her front and center, in order to give Franco, a character that would have been written out if Roger wasn't playing him, center stage and to justify pairing a rape victim with a sexual assaulter.
  2. If she is like any politician, she will flip flop and come up with some bullshit excuse for it.
  3. I do. Maybe she keeps it private in order to protect Spencer and guilt for not raising him better. Keep it at the end of her mayoral term when she gets another competitor. Bring back Lomax. To bad Saidah Ekulona (but good for her) is busy with A League of Their Own because I liked her, she had more energy than Shari Belafonte. Heck, they went to to trouble of getting Shari Belafonte, maybe bring her back. Having a Stacy Abrams type character wouldn't be terrible.
  4. The crazy part even if the show didn't recon their relationship to them dating since they were 5, those two had been dating the since they started puberty, with maybe a couple of dates with other people before they made the relationship official at 14. So maybe being hormonal teenagers, they would doubt their relationship if they came across someone else they are compatible with, even if they were in love. It became really frustrating when they projected their issues onto Shawn's love life.
  5. I always thought the actress had personality and seemed she could pull off some of the bad girl vibes from vintage Carly without coming across as insuffereable. I think the show should have attempted to work around Hannah's schedule instead of recasting the another actress.
  6. I feel bad for Brandon Routh because like Andrew Garfield with Spiderman, David Tennet & Peter Capaldi with Doctor Who, he was a fan of the character as a child.
  7. Days had a soap couple make it on the cover of TIME I believe before Luke & Laura.
  8. As well she should, as there would be no current GH without her. The cast and crew owe their livelihoods to her. GF's Laura is a perfect example when you have compelling actress (16 yrs old when she started raising the ratings) with a production team smart enough to capitalize on it. The problems came when the show thought it was just the men (in this case Tony Geary) that were responsible.
  9. I don't understand the convoluted reason they gave Trina for the reason that her last name wasn't "Taggert" when they decided to make her his daughter. Why did Portia even need to be Taggert's ex wife in the first place? Considering all the weird parent set ups GH has (alway had) it isn't weird that Taggert and Portia dated for a while, broke up, and she found out she was pregnant and decided to have the baby as a single mother. Taggert then wanted to be apart of Trina's life, but to not fight over Trina having Portia's last name in order to keep the peace and knowing that she would be spending a majority of her time under Portia's roof. Like Taggert and Portia decide to not be assholes about the co parenting even if their relationship soured before they knew about Trina.
  10. El didn't think to hit her until Angela mocked her about Hopper not being around, you know being "dead" and all. You could see her flip in that moment. One of the best things they did for Steve Harrington in season 1 was when he came to Jonathan's house to apologize for breaking his camera and mocking him about Will being "dead". I think he realized he took it too far with the Will crack. (Jonathan responded the same way when Steven made that crack)
  11. I remember reading an interview with Mila Kunis and she said she made all of her "F*ck You" money from that 70s Show (and I bet Family Guy now), and it was a mistake to think that actors make their money off of movies, so she could be picky about film roles.
  12. As someone who lived a summer on an island that used horse and bikes for transportation, who find out real quickly why stable isn't attached to house, no matter how rich you are.
  13. It is super weird that she had to play out the loss of Georgie, the child that was written in to cover the pregnancy of Harrison years ago and now she is going through it for real.
  14. I think they are going to ignore almost anything that would make the storyline compelling and somewhat grounded in reality, but bring in a legal and business bullshit that wouldn't happen in a million years.
  15. Yeah, but she got in Anna's face one too many times considering she did kidnap her daughter and let her think she was dead for two years and put her ex in a coma for my liking.
  16. This is a huge problem with the show: grudges that should be held, the person "lets go" see Robin with Dr. O and this bullshit, or Lulu/Brook Lynn with Carly trying to break up Lulu and Dante using BL, but they will unearth fights that had and should have been buried, like with Bobbie and Lucy.
  17. However, always with the "long term" boyfriends and girlfriends in middle to high school, they were always "dancing" around each other. Happened with a few of my friends. Like, they had some sort of relationship before one made a move. I am bit closer to the "Clueless" characters' ages, so I found Cher's behavior towards flirting with Christian more on point: try to get her crush's attention to get him to engage before initiating a romantic move, and that is only 9 years between those two time periods, and Cher was a couple years older with sexually active friends.
  18. But they are just out of middle school. Just out. Like I said, maybe upper classmen and college students would be that forward, but Will's age group are young, with some still looking prepubescent. If they friendly with each other, I would understand a bit, but that was too much.
  19. It just occurred to me that it is on brand for Nik to sleep with someone else's significant other. He betrayed his brother, now it is his son's turn.
  20. @Nashville, while that is a great analysis and probably a lot of truth, but I thought that girl was being super forward with Will. Were they even friendly? I would have liked to see Will maybe at least being nice to her and for her take it as flirting before she made that move. They are high school freshman, not even upperclassmen.
  21. I loved that kid. He gave off Jonathan Jackson vibes.
  22. For Eleven to meet Suzie. I have a feeling that Suzie would be super nice to her from the start and would offer to stay in touch with her.
  23. Will has been quite gay coded...but I thought that girl was super forward. They are freshman in high school, not adults at a dinner party. It didn't look like they were friendly before. I felt bad for El, but kind of felt bad for Mike for an instant when El dismissed the bullying he endured in school.
  24. I really think they should delve into the fucked up family dynamic Corinthos clan. I have been saying for years that AJ and the Qs have had a credible case for "alienation of affection" in regards Michael's upbringing. Get Michael up there to talk about how Sonny and Carly discussed AJ in front of him as a child and ask if he still think that way. Ask him why he took custody of Avery and then cut his family for seeing her.
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