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Everything posted by Ambrosefolly

  1. John Beradino played Steve Hardy, but yeah I am pretty sure both there is a lot of spinning. I think it is a combo of MB be incredibly good with back stage politics, his performances in the 90s and that moron Guza hard on for Jason and all things mobular.
  2. I don't disagree that Jimmy isn't a great actor. The easiest fix would be simply to recast the character. I wish someone would talk Eddie Alderson into signing a six month contract to take over Rafe. But, we have seen a lot more of TJ and his family drama than Rafe. We have seen more of TJ and his family drama more than we have with Molly! Rafe is missing for months, then pops up one day, with a full blown drug addiction. It has been months. He could have secretly had sex with Molly since then. It seems that Rafe has been avoiding both of them. Plus that little stunt that Rafe pulled had the unintended consequence of Rafe no longer being any sort of competition for Molly. If TJ doesn't want to deal with Rafe he can just ignore, which is what Rafe told him to do twice.
  3. Well Pitchy, I do wish the actor was more nuanced, but I agree with your post. It should be noted that Rafe told TJ twice that he didn't want to spend another second in his presence, but TJ physically blocked his path.
  4. NLG and KMo have had better deals than a majority of their castmates on GH, male or female, nor do I think KMo's storyline were particularly bad compared to the rest of the cast. Everyone gets thrown under the bus except for a select few but GH worked overtime into getting the audience to like Sam, changing her backstory every six months and probably were relieved that she sparked with Jason,( seeing as ALW Courtney was on her way out)and she always had tons of screentime, which didn't change with the change in management. I think because she has had so much screentime is the reason people are lead to believe her storylines suck the most. Also, while GH hasn't been great with Alexis and love interest, she has gone through a respectful amount of pairings that usually had more thought than the rest of the female cast, except for Carly, with her being paired with Sonny, Ric, Jerry, Mac, Shawn and now Julian and for a woman her age, she gets a fair amount of screentime. Contrast that Jane Elliot, for the last decade basically Tony Geary has been the person she has been paired with. They could have chem tested her with John Durant or Trevor Lansing, both who I think were completely Tracy's type and neither really had any sort of romantic pairing while on the show, but they didn't. The love interest RC/FV came up with was a guy that violently raped a virginaly 18 year old, and she already was which is pretty much the same as Luke.
  5. Rest in Peace Casey Kasem. I never listen to the top 40 countdown after Ryan Seacrest took over and Shaggy wasn't quite the same either!
  6. Liz should have been fired, but I find it contrived bullshit that she even thought she would even have to go to the PCPD with Diane. It isn't like she would be much use beyond giving the go ahead and putting Diane on retainer. Plus Diane said her and Liz had scheduled a meeting an hour prior, which cuts it really close to the beginning of her shift, as it looked like she had been at work for a while. It would have been better if Alexis had been the one that called Diane, even if she didn't believe Ric. When Julian questioned her about it and started lying up and down again, it could have binged Alexis own bullshit detecter.
  7. Hate to say this, but I agree that Liz should have been let go. My cousin just got fired from her job because she stayed home to tend to her sick husband , and she is married to him and called in. However I doubt the person that fired my cousin was someone that not only kidnapped and held an innocent young woman for two years and stole biological material from patients to hold onto a man before she was instated as chief of staff and held someone at gunpoint after becoming chief of staff. I actually would have preferred the scene if Epiphany was the one that fired Liz.
  8. It really pisses me off they sent Matt to prison for killing someone that was in the process of killing and hurting others. Matt simply couldn't leave because he wanted to out of Patrick's shadow and got some amazing opportunity. And why, so that asshat Spinelli could scream about never appreciating him
  9. If they insist on have Rafe around, they should recast with a stronger actor, even if he leaves a year from now.
  10. Since Rafe is one of the last Barringtons and Allison's son, I really think the show should replace Jimmy Deschler with a stronger actor. It isn't like there wouldn't be a line of 19-22 year old talented actors there to replace him.
  11. We're dealing with RC. He wastes just about everything on this show. I think my Rafe non hate also has to do with him being one of the last Barringtons.
  12. I disagree. I won't say I was on Rafe's side, but as limited as the actor is, I thought he did fine in his scene with TJ. It is not easy when you are playing the interloper and Tequin Richmond has been cemented as the teen male star on GH. And throw all the tomatoes you want at me, but TJ should totally narced on Rafe because Rafe has developed a habit that puts him and people around him in danger. Like the Connie thing, I think I might be the only one that doesn't want Rafe dead. What I want is for either Allison's mother or half sister to come to town as whisk him away and call out Silas for being a crap guardian.
  13. I would love it if Maxie worked as a executive for CoeCoe Cosmetics. After what happened with Kevin, I think Lucy would be game to help Maxie get back on her feet.
  14. I might be one of the few people that wants justice for Connie, but if this entire doesn't end with Monica grabbing the closest gun and shooting Sonny in the chest, I'll be pissed.
  15. Why do I think that Fault in our Stars will make Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort the stars that a project like Divergent didn't quite do?
  16. So Alexis has gotten Tracy's disease where they nearly blindly believe the men in their lives while their children try to talk sense to them. RC is writing the women stupider than Guza did. True. He did however, berate her for not telling him the truth about him being Kristina's father outside their daughter's hospital, acted like a little bitch when Alexis requested the medical waste of Sam's still born daughter to save Kristina's life, nearly blew up Kristina in a botched hit on Johnny's life. I always resented Ric/Sam affair because I knew it was done to facilitate Liaison for Jason's benefit, since I know Liz was never a character that the show had an interest in protecting. I actually loved the scene when Bobbie shooed out Felix and Brad. Promptly turned around and exclaimed "You're Welcome!" in that sweet mom way. Lucas did this sign thing and she mimicked it, thereafter Lucas went into a snort laugh thing.
  17. Actually, Liz was came to visit Siobahn, but I don't think she was her official nurse. Considering the then documented friction between the two of them, I would hope no one scheduled her as such. She just agreed to see Siobahn for Matt, which she did and then tracked down Lucky as Siobahn requested. Then she did check in on her, but thought she was sleeping. Anthony was hiding behind a door.
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