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Cindy McLennan

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Everything posted by Cindy McLennan

  1. I'm pretty sure Stefan was the one who made spaghetti sauce. I have this dim memory from season one. He was at Gilbert Gables, before Elena figured out he was a vampire (but maybe just before). I think she might have cut herself while they were cooking and he turned away, while he vamped out. I think Damon can make pancakes, cocktails, and reservations. And hey, that's the not the worst skill set for a guy to have. Oh, thank you so much. I lurk here, a lot. I just feel awkward posting. But since we might (I am not spoiled, but do know Dobrev is leaving the show) see Elena's death, I felt like I had to chime in. I'm really afraid the heretics are going to be the next bad, which will be a total squandering of Kai. Am I remembering correctly? I know Dobrev is leaving, but is Trevino also leaving. It seems like it should be Dobrev and Roerig, so that Elena and Matt can go off, human, and live a human life. I don't blame Dobrev for leaving, at all. That said, my understanding is that next season IS the last season (I could be wrong), so I keep wondering why Nina couldn't hang in one more year. Yeah, the Ian break-up and his new marriage blah blee bloo. I just -- I don't even know what this show is without Elena, even though her characterization has probably bugged me more than any other.
  2. Hey, everyone. Long time, no see. Happy Mothers Day! I know this is an old quote, but I didn't see any further discussion of it, so let me just say that I have the same problem which is a big PROBLEM, when I'm looking for jobs. You should probably just look at the kitten, that said, what show was it? I've had this problem with The Vampire Diaries (which I covered for TWoP from the beginning) and Supernatural (which I subbed for TWoP for the first half of season 4). I've dropped these shows and picked them up again, so many times, I don't even know how to look at myself in the mirror. That said, I'm living with (pretty severe) anxiety and (mild to moderate) depression. I don't know if this is true for you, but I tend to glom onto things (including shows) that make me feel good, and then feel really betrayed when they go south. Taxes, this year, were a nightmare for me, because I made more for TWoP in the first half of 2014 (Thank you, Sherlock), than I'd ever made before, but it was all freelance. What saved me is that my husband has always had enough withheld from his (regular job) paycheck, to more than cover my taxes. Do you all realize that if you work for yourself, you are taxed at a higher rate, regardless of how little you earn? It is evil. I love Layla. I mostly like the original, fast, hard Layla, but as I've become a woman of a certain age, I've also begun to appreciate Clapton's slow version of it. It's like the difference between bedding a 20 year old and a 40 year old. Is some of the fire, dimmer, sure, but have certain skills been acquired? You bet your sweet bippy. How is everyone? Shanna Marie, how is your father coping with his Congestive Heart Failure? Dani-Elle, how is the new kitty? Also, I really miss you guys.
  3. I am happy that my Pudding Pop is getting scenes, and even happier that he refused Elena's blood, because he didn't want to be a hypocrite. I was so rooting for him to kill Lily. I don't know why Damon and Stefan didn't. Yeah, I get she's their mother, but she has zero feeling for them, is a ripper, and is batshit insane. Thank you for that, I was so confused. Thank you! Yes, it at least makes TVD sense. I was so confused, because I kept remembering Katherine losing teeth and hair. The mythology remains a tangled mess of spaghetti. I like Jo and I like her a lot with Alaric. I hope she doesn't die. I also hope Elena doesn't die. I hope she and Damon have a heart to heart and she leaves town. I think I only made it through this season, because I was ready to quit, when I heard that Nina wouldn't return. I don't love what's happened to her character over the years, but I love her and wanted to see her out the door, so to speak. Hi everyone. I hope you're well. Happy Mother's Day.
  4. If I recall correctly, it was just a year ago (-ish) that we revived the TWoP OUAT Meet Market and really started talking. I miss you guys like Rumsy4 must miss chocolate and nuts. I wish you all a Merry Christmas, even if you don't celebrate it, I hope you have a great day. Edited to add... Just waiting for the kids to finish showering and go to bed, so we can stuff their stockings and go to bed, so I visited the Wayback Machine. We went from June, 2012, to December 19, 2013 without a Meet Market post, then resurrected it. So glad to have gotten to know you all. LINK: https://web.archive.org/web/20140330084234/http://forums.televisionwithoutpity.com/topic/3209372-once-upon-a-time-meet-market/page-2
  5. Tippi, I figured Dean meant he left the bar without settling up, so if/when Sam got there and asked after him, he'd have to pay the tab.
  6. Eolivet, I'm right there with you on the current health news. I think, though, that Lola's baby presents a good (and understandable) challenge to Mary and Francis' love. I love this whackadoodle show.
  7. I would never abandon you, but I also don't want to step on our hosts' toes. Find me on Twitter and you'll find me. In re THE EXORCIST, I watched it with my then 12 year old daughter. I thought it was the edited version, but it wasn't. Imagine me trying to explain the um crucifix scene to my poor little girl. She's nearly 16 now and still not over it.
  8. Thanks, Silver Shadow. I'm just popping in, to say hi. I started a sort of recaplet-review tonight, but I'm too tired and have been having a ginormous sneezing fit, so I'm packing it in. Still so glad our show is back.
  9. I mostly agree with this, except I have to slop on a side of Screw Sidney. King Leopold freed him and welcomed him into his home as a friend, and then Sydney betrayed Leopold to his very death, for a little bit of Regina's um… gina, which he didn't even get. Sid is just as deplorable as Regina and even more pathetic.
  10. Yes. And I can take CGI that creates fantastical creatures. What exactly would a snow rock monster look like? Well, why not like that? Agreed. Generally speaking, this show's rule of thumb is that it succeeds when it remembers it is the fairy tale about Princess Emma. When it shoves her to the sidelines, it fails. I'm far more over Rumpelstiltskin than I am Regina. I expected Regina to act up. That she saved Marian in the clinch tells me she's going to waffle in going evil again. She's just hurt and doesn't know how to behave normally. I've been over Rumple since he married Belle, while faking her out about the dagger. That he didn't confess to her (after his tearful confession to dead Neal's headstone), but rather switched the daggers, means nothing to me. At this point, his storyline tastes of ashes, which is a damned shame, considering his heroic exit in 3.11.
  11. Thank you, aquarian1. It's nothing definite yet, but it feels good, which feels strange after all this time.
  12. MedievalGirl, I'm so sorry about your trees. I'm glad they're being replaced. You guys, I cannot even about Robin Williams. Suffice it to say that all through school I was Mindy because of him (and because of my HS sweetheart/asshat who was Mork). I can't stop crying. Honestly, I think I'm a little depressed, which is probably understandable, given job loss and family loss, but it still hurts. That said, I have a little good news. I hope it is okay to post it here. I currently have a few sites bidding on my wordiness. I don't, for a second, want to take away a thing from Previously.TV, because it has been a godsend to us. Selfishly, as a human person who needs money for stuff, I don't see me fitting in here. Glark, Wing, and Sars are brilliant (and more brilliant than I). I just want a job in a place where I fit. To have 2 places reach out to me, this week, after months of inertia, felt like a damned good thing. I would never want you to turn your eyes or page views from P.TV, but I do hope that if I land at one or two of the places seeking me out, that you'll read me after you read P.TV.
  13. Christine's walkout did make me doubt that Robyn is pregnant (or at least was pregnant at the time of filming). It seems to me if Robyn was pregnant (assuming the family knew) Christine wouldn't have walked out.
  14. Pretty much. What was weird(est) to me is Tamron's explanatory voice-over about the walkout. "This season, Robyn talked about wanting to have another baby." Flashback to the conversation between Robyn and Kody when she asks him if he'd even want to have another baby and he says that's not a question she needs to ask him at this point. Tamron continues, "Discussions of pregnancy can be sensitive in plural families, and often only happen, one-on-one. Initially, Meri, Christine, and Janelle agreed to leave the set so we could ask Kody and Robyn about their plans, but as the interview went on Christine seemed to grow uncomfortable and walked off early. After Robyn and Christine talked, Robyn told me, in no uncertain terms, no baby questions." Wasn't it just last week's episode that Christine had one of her daughters call and ask Kody if Robyn was pregnant, and once Kody denied it/played dumb, Christine and the daughter talked about how they still think Robyn is pregnant? I just don't get it. She's giggling and speculating one week, but the next week, she can't bear to think that Robyn and Kody are going to talk to Tamron about an issue they already discussed on camera, in the regular course of the show. Not to mention we had how many episodes focused on whether or not Meri would attempt to get pregnant again, or accept Robyn's offer to be her surrogate.
  15. Shane is Eve's bio dad. Gabrielle Pascal is her bio mom. Shane is Theresa's bio dad. Kimberly Brady Donovan is her bio mom. Her given name was Jean Theresa. Didn't Kim and Shane have a son, too? (Andrew, maybe?) T (Will and Sonny's friend) and Ben (Jordan's brother and Abigail's sorta current love interest) were the two young men working at the bar. Ben is the one who looks like a male model. I prefer Alison Sweeney's darker hair. Her blonde was always too brassy, imo. James Scott has left the show as far as acting (at the beginning of May, I think) but he should be around for another month or two or more, on screen. DOOL shoots way in advance. I hope this helps.
  16. This is where I am, too. Turtle. Levi is too much of a caricature to enjoy any of his underhandedness. I just think Maxie really needs to believe in the steps she's made (so far) to change and grow, and she's attributing her growth to Levi, rather than to herself, so she's being willfully blind. I hope Levi's story ends soon. He's too cartoony, and he's dragging down Maxie's storyline. Shouldn't some of the people at the Brownstone (at least Maxie) have memories of the Brownstone? Didn't Felicia live there with Georgie and Maxie when they were little? Shouldn't Michael remember visiting his grandma there?
  17. I think it must be, right? I really hope Kate and Sami swindle everything out of Stefano and EJ's hands.
  18. What's on YouTube so far only shows the first half. I'm hoping it was preempted in the midwest and out west.
  19. The second half of the hour was preempted in Boston. I saw the beginning of the food fight. I think both Sami and Kate were targeting Abby on purpose. What happened during the second half?
  20. I love Jennifer, but yeah, wardrobe and makeup must hate Missy Reeves. When Jen went back home after Dan dumped her, and was sitting on her couch, crying, I just pretended she was crying over her hideous clothes, rather than Daniel's non-reason for "taking a break."
  21. I think it's likely Kate is the one who informed Sami about EJ and Abby. It's got to be Kate, or Stefano, or like someone said earlier, Nick left some sort of, "In case of my death," instructions. If Kate is the one who told Sami, though, it would be natural for them to scheme together to bring down the DiMera men.
  22. I think the kissing bothered Abigail, because it reminded/showed her that Sami loves EJ, which makes Abigail feel guilty. Later, when she was alone with EJ in the garden, Abby made a point of saying how much Sami loves EJ. I don't think Sami has known for all that long. It sort of seems like she only found out between when she asked Abigail to help her with the wedding, and when she interrupted Abby and Jordan in the square. It would make more sense to me though, if she found out a little earlier, like say around the time of Nick's (real) death. It would provide a better explanation for the renewed, over-the-top hatred between Sami and Kate (i.e. that they're faking it as part of a bigger plan) than Kate supposedly wanting to be lady of the DiMera mansion.
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