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Everything posted by Frost

  1. Not to mention, there ARE other branches of the military. As an Air Force brat I was chagrined that the Navy, Marines, and Army were mentioned when discussing personnel left in Norfolk, but then Air Force cargo planes were shown taking the cure to the other labs. Show the aviators a little love Bay!!! I also thought it a little unlikely that Chandler is apparently the highest ranking military officer left alive. It will be interesting if they do come across a higher rank that has a different idea of how to approach things and Chandler has to struggle with giving up his ultimate authority. Making the new "President" evil didn't test this scenario. I hope they go with an Army or Air Force general who is perfectly sane and just has a different perspective. And of course, in the end Chandler will be proven right and everyone will respect each other just that much more!!! Patient Zero turned full out sociopath in this episode. He was a narcissistic megalomaniac before, but he seemed downright pleased to be infecting that little boy on the beach. And he's certainly happy to set his new immune pals on the path of Rachel and the Nathan James. I loved the interaction with Chandler and the engineering chief when she broke down about finding the names of her family on the death rolls. Just sitting down next to her and letting her lean against him. Chandler does seem like he really knows his crew.
  2. That's a pretty big generalization. My dad is one of 18 children and there's 30 years between the oldest and youngest. We're talking 1917 through the late 1940's so times were different then, but there was, and is, a very strong bond between the siblings. There are also some very strong relationships between some of the younger siblings and their nieces and nephews of the same age. Just because something looks different doesn't mean it's not genuine.
  3. I liked this aspect too, although it was awfully convenient that even without communicating, all of the various groups happened to act at the same time!
  4. I was confused at the end. The Nathan James is sailing off to Norfolk with a loudspeaker announcement to the citizens of Baltimore that the only government structure - abhorrent as it was - has now been destroyed, you're welcome, and good luck! Not to mention that the power station is no more. Are the few policemen that followed Granderson down into the moral abyss (and were too cowardly to actually fight the Nathan James crew and therefore lived) supposed to suddenly be able to fairly and equitably govern the city? The local freedom fighters are now leaderless as well. I don't remember a second in command type that's going to take over from Titus Welliver. It just seems a little cavalier to sail off at this point. Not that I want the show mired in a 'rebuilding Baltimore' storyline, but still.
  5. Apocalypses sure do breed a lot of megalomaniacs, don't they? As soon as one falls, another pops right up. Poor Lt Granderson. Ashamed to go back to her ship because her mother was an evil mastermind. I've never thought of myself as particularly blood thirsty, but the second I first saw the axe hanging on the wall I was hoping it would end up embedded in fat cop's head. I guess his chest will have to do! The villains are pretty much 100% douche bag aren't they? There's an occasional exception, like the nurse who helped Lt Foster, but jeez, even the Avocet teacher was mustache twirlingly evil - or she would be if she could grow a mustache.
  6. There seems to be a lot of local support for saving the house in Stillwater. I have no problem with Nicole trying to stop the tear down of historic houses. Sure she does it in the most histrionic way possible, but it gets the media attention needed for something to happen. I don't see the seller is being railroaded either. He was asking for $650K and ended up selling for $600K, plus he didn't have to pay for the demolition and refuse removal. Sounds like a reasonable deal. I wish Nicole would pay more attention to kitchen renovations in her projects. I was watching the Campbell house episode last night and she was so proud that she found a dinky little decorative cabinet to hang on the wall. Which, fine. But that was the ONLY storage! That was a decent sized house. Even a single person is going to have more than one plate, one bowl, and one glass that need to be put away! Not to mention boxes of cereal, cans of soup, etc.
  7. I refuse to click on the articles, but the People site currently has two articles posted, including one about how Jill and Jessa are coping. It seems to me they're willing to milk this for all it's worth.
  8. Ugh. I'm watching some of the "Sam is back without his soul" episodes and I am absolutely irritated by how little this storyline holds together. Over and over again, multiple characters harp on the fact that Sam's soul is shredded, abused, tortured, etc etc etc and that's why Dean should stop trying to reunite Sam's soul with his body. Because apparently his soul will damage his body (eg his mind) if they are spliced back together. So their recommendation? To leave Sam's soul in Hell FOR ALL ETERNITY. Huh? Isn't the body a shell? A meat suit? Isn't the soul the 'true' person, even according to Supernatural's mythology? Yes, Sam's mind is important, but that's not the part that lives on after the meat suit expires. So in what universe does it make sense for EVERYBODY insist that it's better off being left in the cage with Lucifer?
  9. Someone on Twitter asked, with that logic, does that make it OK to drug children before molesting them because they won't know anything happened? Absolutely sickening
  10. Holy shit! Are those feet Photoshopped? Why would anybody do that to themselves? The pain must be excruciating AND the shoes are ugly as sin!
  11. One of the only reasons I watched this show was because it was set mostly in the Twin Cities. It was fun getting glimpses of various local neighborhoods and architectural salvage companies where I could actually shop. I'm sure there's a lot of opportunity in Detroit but since her rehabs are usually on the 'thrifty' side, to put it mildly, I don't have a lot of interest.
  12. That's a very good point! It would be nice if the writer's actually considered that and the timing between the Mark disappearing and Rowena performing her spell were a coincidence. Rowena was always in it for herself and I wouldn't be surprised if her spell had nothing whatsoever to do with the Mark. Nobody else could read the book, even with the decoded Codex. (Which is another thing that bothers me, nobody in Heaven studies evil things so as to be prepared to fight them? A human witch is more capable of reading the book than a Heavenly scholar?) Even if they needed a witch to cast the spell, they needed someone else to read the spell to make sure it was the right one! I like the idea that Death was testing Dean, to see if he would follow Cain's lead and kill his brother. But I don't know where the show would go with that storyline. Death did seem to be telling the truth about removing the Mark releasing the darkness. So Metatron and a Book of the Damned powered Rowena are loose upon the world, in addition to The Darkness. If I was Dean, being sent into outer space would be looking pretty good right now.
  13. I also hate that the writers are corrupting the whole "The Ghost and The Darkness" story about the seriously creepy killer lions in Kenya in the late 1800's. The Darkness story gives me honest to goodness heebie jeebies and now they're trying to usurp that with a black cloud. I must protest! The acting between Jared and Jensen in that bar scene was so good. It's too bad the plot itself wasn't worth it.
  14. I loved the scene with Dean and Death, until the idiotic plot twist of bringing Sam there because otherwise he'll somehow, someway figure out a way to build a rocket ship and bring Dean back from outer space - or something. The whole thing was just dumb. Death will one day reap God himself and yet doesn't believe he can sequester Dean away somewhere Sam can't get him? I'm also tired, tired, tired of the Winchesters basically causing unimaginable death and mayhem and horror for a lot of innocent people because they can't bear to let one of the other Winchesters die. The Darkness, something so powerful that God and an army of archangels was needed to lock up, whose key alone is able to corrupt and twist the Prince of Light (Lucifer), is loose upon the world. Like Lillith and Lucifer and the 7 deadly sins, and who all else has been let loose over the years. At this point, it doesn't feel like love. It feels like monumental selfishness.
  15. $50,000 a year is not going to support Kylie's lifestyle. The point isn't that she has access to a lot more money than the average 17 year old. It's that she 'earned' it by appearing on her parent's TV show, with their permission. So the fact that she apparently doesn't have to listen to anything they say because she has all this money is ridiculous. She only has money because of them. Obviously, it's too late now to do anything about it if they truly don't like the path she's on. The horse is already out of the barn, as they say. I just laugh at this concept that Kylie is grown up and ready to take on a mansion, with its attendant mortgage, ongoing utility costs, and maintenance expenses. If she actually had to live within her means ($50K a year from the show, plus endorsements), in a town like LA? Trying to keep up her current lifestyle? She'd be in the poor house because her mansion has been foreclosed on within a couple of years. Who knows? Maybe she'll turn out to be a financial wizard and out earn them all.
  16. And how is Kylie going to buy a mansion the 'second' she turns 18? Has she been saving up money from her paper route? Her only 'job' has been participating on the show, correct? And isn't her inclusion basically up to her parents? As her legal guardians, Bruce and Kris have a lot of say. They have just chosen not to say much of anything and moaning about it now isn't going to be effective. I'd be interested to see how long Kylie would make it on her own if they decided to cut her off financially, since she's 17 and a grown up. LOL
  17. I was kind of wondering if all the blood Crowley was coughing up was the 'tainted' blood that was making him more human. Like a purge. I don't blame Sam for Charlie's death because she was a grown woman making her own decisions. I do blame him for being so incredibly inept in dealing with Rowena. He's flailing around doing her bidding. Besides chaining her up, doesn't he have any other leverage on her?
  18. Well, I just bought a ticket to my first Supernatural convention, coming to Minneapolis in August. Nobody I know is into the show enough pony up the money to attend with me. Hopefully the fellow attendees are as friendly as the TWOP and Previously TV posters! I didn't dare buy tickets to an autograph sessions because I would do something utterly embarrassing and faint or something. :-)
  19. I feel very unsettled right now. I don't know if it was the gore fest or the weird vibe with Crowley actually seeming sincere about atoning for his past sins or the depths Dean sank to in killing the kid. It will take a while to process.
  20. I like laughing at sitcoms, not feeling sad and despondent. I pretty much hated the ending for every set of characters. And why have four completely separate story lines? I like seeing how they all interact with each other. Way a horrible way to end the season.
  21. What season was the other Frankenstein type plot with the guy achieving immortality by replacing his body parts? Also, I call foul on Elton (or Eldon or whatever his name was) having a big scar down his chest due to his two hearts but no other scars anywhere. And none of the Stynes we've seen so far had visible scars. If they do as much harvesting and body part replacement as they inferred in this episode, they should either be scarred up or due to their advanced medical know how (how do you wire up a human body to use two hearts, anyway?) there shouldn't be any scarring.
  22. Yuck. That would be supremely gross. Plus, I don't think it's the same arm. Dean has the Mark on his right arm and the Styne ripped off his left arm, I believe. It was hard to pay attention to what was happening during that scene because I couldn't figure out why they only chained up his one arm. It made no sense whatsoever. And having it end up being purely because someone thought it would be 'cool' if the guy ripped off his own arm (and can harvest another one apparently) makes it even worse. I think the writers could have come up with another way to show how the Stynes view body parts as interchangeable. With that being said, I really want to see a Styne that has some mixed body parts. A male with a female hand or someone with different colored eyes. I'm also wondering where the female Stynes are. We haven't seen a single female, have we? Do they just build themselves a new son when they want one? Is that why all the 'sons' and 'cousins' in the meeting all looked vaguely alike?
  23. I didn't think it was unemotional. Seeing Sam just about lose his lunch and then pan to a bloody, broken Charlie in the tub was a punch in the gut to me. I appreciated not having an overblown dramatic death. For once, I think the show had the right tone.
  24. I'm assuming Rowena had a child with her 'demon lover' and Crowley wants to meet his half-brother or -sister. I loved the scene with Crowley talking with the hamster.
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