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Everything posted by DesiJF

  1. I thought the very same thing!! How do those people run around in t-shirts in the middle of winter? And you definitely have the covers pulled up to your nose at night. Or is that just me? LOL
  2. I saw this a couple of weeks ago because I was hearing such good things about it, and that it was the best Godzilla movie in years. I thought it was just OK. The acting was very week in my opinion, especially the lead with his PTSD. I did enjoy some of the acting. The lead scientist and the lead actress were pretty good. The star of the movie was Godzilla. The CGI was pretty good and Godzilla on a rampage was entertaining. I'll probably watch it again when it comes out on a streaming service and just skip by most of the PTSD stuff.
  3. Brittany Bradford. She's also on Julia - plays Alice Namen
  4. Well, they should probably have named it The Mandalorians then.
  5. The more I thought about the city saving any of those buildings the less it made sense. The water is rising, it is only going to get worse. Why would you throw good money after bad? The most depressing part of that story is knowing the idiocy of government bureaucracy will survive a global warming apocalypse.
  6. I figured it was Moff Gideon getting back at her. She did steal his ship and get him captured after all.
  7. I'll keep watching as well, if only to find out what the end-game is with the mega billionaire. I mean, what is the point of doubling down on destroying the planet just to make more money? What does more money actually matter if you can't step outside without a respirator. Eventually there will be fewer and fewer people buying batteries, and whatever else bullshit consumables they make. What, are they going to clone the animals that went extinct? To what purpose? Put them in a zoo? They can't put them back in the wild because the wild will kill them just like it killed their ancestors. If he's just your stock in trade short-sighted megalomaniac I'll be disappointed.
  8. I like that Tux. Some of the stuff he wears are real WTF moments for me, LOL.
  9. I may have missed the subtle nuances of this episode being that I kept hitting FF when I couldn't stand it anymore. Even the podcast bored me.
  10. I agree. I really think spending the whole episode on this flashback was a misstep.
  11. According to the Podcast, the singer was Craig Mazen's daughter.
  12. If they got rid of the presenters I'd enjoy it a lot more. I mean, A LOT more!
  13. I wondered when they said one of the bakers came back to try again what they were talking about. Then I noticed on Netflix it says Season 6. Other than the presenters (they are both horrible) I think I like this better than GBBO. Most of them really seem to know their stuff, and the judges criticism, while sometimes harsh, seems constructive. They are, after all, professionals.
  14. I thought that looked pretty good until I saw that Liam was one of the presenters. Couldn't stand that guy when he competing. Maybe I'll give it a shot and just FF past all his stuff. Works for Matt and Noel. LOL
  15. I watched it over lunch and now I can't wait for work to be over so I can watch it again. It was AWESOME!
  16. Funny that their new office is only like a couple of floors down from MQ. This season has started out better than last season. Ian and Poppy are still at logger heads, but oh well. Carol totally cracks me up! She should have her own show cause she seriously has me laughing all the time. Still don't like Jo.
  17. Good Lord! What the hell is that? I love me some Jane Austen, but that's a hard pass on that one.
  18. Who is Mr. Russell' valet stalking? Man, creepy much? So glad Mr. Russell tossed that skank out on her ass. Is she some kind of moron? He has never, ever, shown the slightest bit of interest in any of her previous overtures, so she decides that crawling into bed with him will do the trick? What could possibly go wrong? Sheesh!
  19. Saw that coming a mile away. I feel sorry for Mr. Morris but he didn't appear to feel much compunction about ruining Mr. Russell. Or did he? He seemed a decent enough guy. I think the mastermind behind this plot was the young hot guy...don't know that I ever caught his name. He's some kind of relation to Mrs. Fane? Surely he can't be her husband, can he? He seems much too young. I'm getting a little tired of Marian running her mouth all the time. For someone who doesn't have a penny to her name, or if she does it's only because her aunt has given it to her, she certainly feels pretty free with her opinions. A little nobody like her doesn't sit at a luncheon and tell all the other ladies how they should be conducting themselves. Poor Ada, I thought she would expire from embarrassment. Speaking of poor Ada. I can't believe she didn't realize her sister gave her would-be suitor the old heave-ho. Thank God Agnes did though. Poor Ada.
  20. The writer's appear to have a real talent for writing characters that you either absolutely HATE, or you couldn't give a single damn about. I wonder if that was actually their intention? I hate to doom the entire planet because of a whole bushel of bad apples, but I'm rooting for the aliens at this point.
  21. I really liked this episode. My favorite part was Sassy's beat-down (although not literally unfortunately) of Rupert. He really is a huge, stinking pile of shit. Go to the funeral...OK, maybe I can see that. Bring your young wife and your baby with you just so you can rub it in your ex-wife's face, AT HER FATHER'S FUNERAL?! Please die soon, Rup-a-doop. Other than that all I have to say is Keely would have to be minus a significant portion of her brain to go back to Jamie. I can't believe she'd even consider it and I don't think she really is.
  22. Why can't NBC stay with the 1500 through the entire race? It's 15 damned minutes! They cut away for commercial twice! TWICE! I know we could still see the race but it still really frosted my cookies.
  23. I Like It! First time I've ever seen it and frankly, I much prefer it to full court Bball. Bang, bang, bang, no messing around, and doesn't go on forever. Maybe this is just my short attention span talking but I thought I was awesome.
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