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Everything posted by In2You

  1. Team Flash is just unnecessary to me and takes away from the skills Barry and Iris had in the comics. Those two got dumbed down to make this team work. Cisco's only around to be a fanboy and create "cool" weapons. Cailtin really doesn't serve a purpose. Wells just stands around twirling his mustache.
  2. In2You

    Iris West

    Or even a time traveling XS. I'd rather see those options than see them genderbend Wally.
  3. Did I say it was bad thing for the show to be targeted at teen girls? No! I simply pointed out that yes teen girls are its target when a poster tried to say they weren't. And yes its better written than the book but not by much. This season just like last season had alot of filler episodes which in a series order this small shouldn't even happen. They don't spend enough time on some of the characters giving them strong development and the Mt. Weather plot was flimsy and lost its momentum. As for relationships these writers just aren't good at developing strong relationships and I'm not talking about just romantic ones.
  4. This show is definitely targeted at teenage girls. Lets not pretend its not. They aren't targeting adults with this writing.Not to mention its an alloy entertainment show. It probably would be a higher rated show if they made it more of an ensemble and didnt drag one plot the entire season. Also the emmy was for special effects not acting or writing. And it doesnt have much critical acclaim either.
  5. l got scared for the sergeant too and enjoyed her kissing his ass and escaping until the car came. There has to be a second person working with Jake.
  6. This show is finally hitting its stride. Though I missed the last two episodes so I need to play catch up.
  7. I like how they're developing the team so far. I enjoyed the Koda focused episode and that they showed him still struggling to adjust
  8. I had seen Candice Patton on an episode of Rizzoli & Isles and Harry's Law prior to this show.
  9. The fangurls are obnoxious but he as the EP still shouldnt be mocking the fanbase. Especially since the ratings for this show arent anything great. If the role is contract and it gets picked up its moe likely Lexa will be getting killed off.
  10. Its progressiveness and bravery that they had two females kiss on The CW? Since when? This is the same channel that aired the threesome on Gossip Girl. And 90210 had a lesbian character as well. And a whole race of pansexual people on StarCrossed.
  11. I wouldnt hang on his word. He's proven he does thing for shock value and buzz. He's also constantly online baiting shippers.
  12. Exactly! And who on the show is her equal? She's above everyone. No one challenges her they just follow her every word. She has no rivals. They go out of their way to make her the smartest by having everyone around her seem less. Look how quickly she learned the Grounder language. There's this idea that she's the only hope.
  13. We don't see much POV from most of the women on this show. I mean I guess if your just happy with them being around the fine. But alot of these characters disappear for episodes at a time and when they are on we're not getting much from them. Like Raven for example. Its obvious the writers have absolutely no idea what to do with her.
  14. The concept of the show came from a book. And you said genre which encompasses shows, movies, and books. Clarke did have a love interest though in Finn.This show just isnt good at writing relationships. But there was definitely alot of angst in season one between Clarke and Finn and Raven. Problem is Raven was never really allowed to voice her opinion about it for more than 5 minutes so the writers could push their "our female characters are different" crap. Skipping story beats isn't groundbreaking. Its lazy. And didn't Caroline and Elena share partners? And I'll give you a book in the genre that featured no love interest for the protagonist. Orleans by Sherri L. Smith. You just need to read some of the non mainstream books.
  15. I don't see how this show is redefining females in the genre. Clarke is your typical Mary Sue lead that's all over this genre. Two of the last 3 books in this genre I've read had characters leading heroines similar to her. The only difference is that there's no one on the show to really challenge her and they make the men insignificant. This show should be an ensemble show but the writers seem to have a hard time focusing on more than a couple of characters at at time and focusing on more than one plot in an episode. And would it kill them to stop hiding behind violence and torture and actually do some real characterization? Its lazy and no longer shocking.
  16. Tina McGee was nothing but a pointless wink at people who were fans of the 90s show. Her role could've been any random scientist.
  17. I dont think Team Flash works at all and its one of the things that is bringing down the show. Barry really doesn't need a team. They constantly dumb his character down to make the team work.
  18. As long as it has a white male lead its a quality show right?
  19. Geoff Johns retconned some of the Reverse Flash history. They're following his Flashpoint Paradox storyline on this show. I believe the whole particle accelerator thing was a retcon they got from Geoff Johns Flash Rebirth too.
  20. Because Geoff Johns retconned it that way is the answer. They're following Johns' Flashpoint Paradox story where all of a sudden it was decided Barry's mom needs to die for him to be The Flash even though for years in the comics he grew up in a stable family and became The Flash.
  21. Race and sex being mentioned does not make a post racist or sexist. And wanting POC and women to be represented on TV has nothing to do with politics. Especially since they are the ones that make up the biggest percentage of TV watchers. If you knew anything about DC Comics you would know they have a diverse roster of heroes.
  22. How is it racist or sexist to want some diversity among the comic book hero live action shows? Especially when they are all being written by the same team thats applying the same lazy formulas to each?
  23. The next spinoff should be Static. I don't know why they are limiting him to a cartoon on their online platform no one uses when he had a successful TV cartoon.
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