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I think Naomi and Dr Blake are my two favorite characters. I find them more intelligent and interesting than most of the characters given more screen time. Dani is ok but I get the feeling that the writers see “young female agent” and decide we need to see her sexually harassed, tied up, slapped and bullied to tears. Enough of that. Martian has really been an idiot over Samia. Because he could not end it with this woman, her life is ruined, maybe even over, his daughter nearly gets kidnapped, and now he’s agreed to be a double agent. All over a love affair he couldn’t end. I am not familiar with how all these nation’s intelligence agencies work. But I was under the impression NATO allies worked together, sharing information, even working side by side. Is Richardson a double agent himself for a non ally such as China?
I think Sophia claimed she was once partners in Sicily with the woman who would go on to become Mama Celeste. Something about two girls sharing a dream and a pizza recipe or sauce but a boy drove a wedge between them?
I do love that when Knight told Jimmy about The Plan he was all supportive sounding as if he just assumed she was capable of achieving as much as she ever wanted in her career while continuing their relationship. Let’s hope Knight realizes the same thing. I hate it when women dump their dreams and goals because they meet some guy. Sometimes a few tweaks are all that is needed (like not going off to the Asia office). Vance had it all, why not Knight.
The Golden Bachelor - General Discussion
Ria replied to ApprenticeFan's topic in The Golden Bachelor
Why? My friends and I are over 60 and as sexual as we were in our 20s and 30s. Why do people assume older women are less interested in sex despite all evidence to the contrary? It’s offensive. The ones who prefer a book are likely not the ones out dating, let alone being on a show like this. No reason to believe these women aren’t genuine. -
Dorothy is my favorite too, followed by Blanche. Sometimes when watching, I can’t get over how I was a college girl when the show started and I first watched these episodes and now I’m their age. Scary how time passes.
It started that way and that’s what I like too. But it soon changed into Molly being a big “catch” that Mike had to cater to because she had other options while Mike was a loser who’d end up back alone in his crappy apartment without her. We got reminded over and over how she was a strong independent woman and Mike was so lucky to have her. In reality she went from loving and caring to selfish, narcissistic, bossy and often angry, who only became a writer because she could live off Mike’s money and sponge off her mom, with piles of credit card debt, who did nothing around the house while Mike was working all day and went out shopping and partying with her mom and sister. $600 boots? $30 an hour yoga classes? Mike would give her money to give to her mom and she’d spend it on herself. I can’t imagine anyone even bought her two crappy sounding books. She was even willing to raise her children in a house with alcoholics and drug users rather than save money and move out. Watching it in reruns now and by midway through the series she not nearly as nice a person as when she was a school teacher who had finally found love after maybe being alone for a long time.
Golden Girls News (and Media): Better Late Than.... Pregnant!
Ria replied to GoldenBoy's topic in The Golden Girls
Debra Engle, who played Rebecca #2 , died last month from the same form of dementia Bruce Willis has. She was only 69. -
The Slatons in the Media: Anything for a Dollar
Ria replied to Meredith Quill's topic in 1,000-LB Sisters
Amy and Michael need to worry about their children’s environment and let Tammy act like an adult and take responsibility for her own life. There is no way Gage and his sibling should be exposed to Tammy’s toxic behavior including verbal and emotional abuse on a daily basis in their home. I look at the environment that kid is growing up in and think “that poor baby”. -
I think Shauna Rae could do more to make herself appear older. Working on her voice would be one thing. A more professional haircut and clothes. A whole new mature attitude. I dislike this whole “trapped in an 8 year old’s body” angle. But as others are saying, it is the meal ticket.
He certainly doesn’t need it but the sugar is far worse. In a lot of cultures giving babies small amounts of tea or coffee is common. Although in this case I not going out a limb thinking it’s less cultural tradition and more letting Gage eat and drink the same sugary stuff they eat.
After watching an episode I went and googled people who have dwarfism, some famous, others not. They go to college, graduate school, own businesses, have careers, own their own homes and raise families. What has this young woman done since graduating from high school? Apparently nothing. No job, no college, doesn’t drive. I don’t think there is anything here worth watching. The show is playing up “trapped in an 8 year old’s body” but really her problem is she hasn’t bothered to take control of her life and act like an adult and just makes excuses.
As a diabetic myself, I still don’t understand how she eats and drinks the stuff she does. I know we only see her weight loss struggles, not her other medical appointments, but her A1C has to be through the roof. And why does a baby need sweet tea?
Type 1 here. A type 1 diabetic can never get off insulin. It’s not possible. Life expectancy without insulin averages 5-7 days. And Chris did claim to be type 1 but obviously that was wrong if he’s off insulin.
We know Amy doesn’t clean because her house is a disgusting filthy bug infested mess. I think if she was cooking some healthy meals the show might show a bit of that. If I were Amy I would want to be shown cooking some healthy chicken and broccoli type meals for my family. Because I just don’t see her doing it. Amy might be satisfied at 275 pounds but between that weight, her unhealthy eating habits and her diabetes she is setting herself up for a load of health troubles not far down the road. Chris looks good. At least one of them is sticking to his diet. I’m still confused he’s off insulin. He’s obviously must be type 2 and not 1. He must really be sticking to a healthy low carb diet to get off insulin even being type 2. Thank goodness the show brought in Chris. Misty and Amanda. Neither Amy nor Tammy are at all likeable anymore or anyone I can root for. Tammy is just a horrible person. I don’t wish her ill but I don’t care anymore either.
I wouldn’t go that far but maybe she got good grades in low level classes in an undemanding school. Both these sisters are dumb as rocks. I actually think they come off as borderline mentally impaired.