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Lord Kira

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Everything posted by Lord Kira

  1. Thoughts on the Batman v Superman trailer: - A gritty and serious movie where a dark, brooding Superman comes to blows with a dark, brooding Batman. Yawn. The who appeal of Batman and Superman coming together is their differences. Superman is an icon, a symbol of hope, optimism, and safety. (Which Man of Steel didn't bother showing) Seeing Superman's idealism coming face to face with Batman's darkness would be an event for the ages. But having them both be dark and angsty makes the meeting much less special. I'm sure the movie will get Batman right, but Superman is screwed. DC/WB just doesn't get Superman. And that is just sad. Thoughts on the Fantastic Four trailer: - A moody and serious Fantastic Four movie. Seriously, who asked for this? The fact that Dr. Doom is going to be an anti-social blogger only makes things worse, Captain Marvel writers officially set: Nicole Perlman (co-writer of Guardians of the Galaxy) and Meg LeFauve (Pixar's Inside Out) will write the Captain Marvel screenplay. This one is in good hands. Thoughts on the rumored Captain Marvel lead: *Jennifer Lawrence - I don't see Marvel signing anyone who refuses to sign a 9-picture deal. And given that Jennifer is abandoning the X-Men franchise after the next movie, I just don't see it happening. *Claire Holt - I've only seen her in VD, and she was good there. I'd keep an open mind. *Melissa Benoit - Supergirl won't be Captain Marvel. *Emily Bett Rickards - Felicity won't be Captain Marvel. *Katie Cassidy - Kill me now. Katie can't even carry a tv show, let alone a major film.
  2. My hope for next season: 8:00 Agents of Shield 9:00 Aos Spin-Off 10:00 Announced New Marvel Show Then bring in Agent Carter when Agents of Shield goes on hiatus. You'd think that they (Marvel) would want to renew their best reviewed network show.
  3. 'Agent Carter' Season 2 Looks Less Likely Following Latest Marvel/ABC News http://www.forbes.com/sites/merrillbarr/2015/04/17/agent-carter-season-2/ All of this back and forth is killing me.
  4. I was going to post my thoughts on the season as a whole here, but I didn't want to clutter up the episode thread. So I made a new thread for discussing Season 1 as a whole: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/24209-girl-meets-world-season-1-discussion/
  5. Now that season 1 has finished, I thought it would be good to have a place to discuss the season as a whole without cluttering up the individual episode threads. What I liked about season 1 of Girl Meets World: *Maya. I wouldn't have stuck with the show if it wasn't for her. Sabrina is easily the best actress on the show. Whenever she is on screen, she immediately has my attention. Her story arc is pretty good and she is believeable in that role. *Shawn. The moment he first appeared on the show the entire tone of the episode changes. It becomes less kiddy, thankfully, because it is impossibie for Shawn to exist in the regular Disney Channel tone this show has. It may just be me, but Rider Strong adds a validity to the show. *Cory. The writers didn't do him many favours this season, but in the moments where they gave him serious moments with Maya, Ben Savage delivered. The comedy was hit and miss for his character, but when he had good material he was a joy to watch. Even when the wring was bad, Cory was still a serviceable character. *Josh. This kid has presence. He is good at the comedy as well as the drama. I hope to see more of him. What I disliked about season 1: *Riley. She is annoying. She never shows any respect to any adult. She gets her way all of the time and rarely suffers any consequences. The actress isn't that great by herself, but pairing her with equally bad Lucas does her no favors. Also, it always looks like she is smiling, even in scenes she shouldn't be. It's distracting. *Lucas. He is so bland and boring. The only time he shows any life is when he and Maya are teasing each other. *Topanga. She has no personality. She definitely isn't the Topanga I remember from BMW. *Farkle. I hate him. His obsessive love of Riley and Maya is creepy. The fact that it is played for laughs even more so. Even besides that, his personality is obnoxious. I don't see why anyone would want to hang around him. *Auggie and Ava. Why do they get so much screentime? To please the Disney Channel crowd? Its a waste of time that could be better spent developing important characters. *Cory not getting respect at school or at home. His class runs all over him. He lets the students run the class. At home it is no different. He is a joke. *The focus on romance. Riley/Lucas, Auggie/Ava, Farkle's love for Riley and Maya, Maya's crush on Josh,etc. It's almost all poorly done. I just don't care. (Though, Josh and Maya in the finale were good. I just hope we are done with that crush) *The Shawn/Maya connection was a bit forced. Mainly because Riley and Cory kept going "Ooooh, look how similar they are" which led to "Obviously Shawn should be her new Dad". The show was trying way too hard. The fact that Shawn was only in to episodes made his relationship with Maya kind of rushed. What I hope they do in season 2: *Mature the tone a bit to match early BMW. I'm not expecting them to suddenly go PG-13, but season 1 was targeted at a younger audience that BMW season 1. Don't believe me? Alan, Amy, and Mr. Feeny grounded that show, but even then Cory and Shawn weren't as over-the-top as the kids in GMW. Boy Meets World was a family show, but right now Girl Meets World is very much a kids show. *Less bright colors that scream Disney Channel. *Less screentime for Auggie and Ava. *Have Cory get respect in class and at home. More importantly, have him be worthy of it. *Many appearances by Shawn. He makes the show 10 times better by just being on screen. The show has a different feel when he is around. *Don't have Eric be too dumb when he comes back. He went way over the top in BMW; and while it was funny, he seemed to regain some brain cells and seriousness in the finale. I hope he hasn't spent the past 13 years in the mountains married to a moose.
  6. Other than Maya, Josh, and a few of Cory's scenes, I didn't care for it. Lucas and Riley do nothing for me, so putting them together just makes them even more boring. I swear, the only time that guy shows any personality in this series is in his scenes with Maya. Speaking of personality, Topanga still doesn't have one. Whats the point of her. I think the only time I enjoyed her all series was in one brief scene tonight where they made fun of Corpanga's horrible continuity and what was considered her and Cory's first date. It ultimately ended "No, wait, that was his first date with Shawn." So true Auggie and Ava are still an annoying waste of screentime. Farkle wasn't as annoying as usual, but was still pretty pointless. Cory's interaction with Maya was his best stuff tonight. I don't care about any of the crap concerning Riley and Lucas. Josh was great. I'm really liking him as a character and his comedic timing is pretty good too. He reminds me of Eric and Jack. Maya/Josh would be great as friends, but as he is way too old for her I hope they don't go anywhere with them as a ship.
  7. Another thing I liked is the Cisco/Caitlyn friendship. "Fine, I'll watch every episode of The Walking Dead with you." LOL. I need more scenes between them.
  8. Likes: Everything with Wells and Cisco. That final scene of theirs was amazing. Eddie not stewing quietly in jealousy. He flat-out told Iris he wasn't happy about the lovey-dovey stuff with her and Barry. Please don't have him be evil out of nowhere to better accommodate Barry/Iris. The police Captain. I like that guy. He had a big heroic moment and it was great. I hope we see more of him soon. The use of time travel. Save Cisco, Barry! Dislikes: Barry/Iris. So forced. All it made me do is feel sorry for Eddie and Linda. Iris telling Barry that Linda wasn't the one for him made me angry like when she interfered in that relationship a few episodes ago. That kiss and whole relationship just feels so forced, so rushed. I don't get why they keep focusing on Iris relationships with Barry and Eddie, instead of letting us know her as an individual. I want to care about her, but I really don't. Its good acting by CP, as well as the fact that the other characters care about her, that is still keeping the character viable. The way Barry behaves around Iris and Linda. If Iris is all you think about, break up with Linda. She deserves better. This is as painful as Oliver/Laurel/Tommy on Arrow. Iris talkingto Barry about Wells. Ony for Barry to be able to have the exact same conversation with Mason a few minutes later. One of those scenes weren't needed. Some screentime was wasted. The main plot with Martin. It was just filler. More screentime wasted when what I really wanted to see was the stuff with Wells as Cisco. This episode was advertised as a big mytharc heavy episode about Wells, but it was filler-tastic.
  9. We got Captain Cold and Heat Wave, now we need the CW to go sign the Clock King. Prison Break reunion! I'm excited for this show and the news about the show so far has only increased it. Except for the news that Ray is in it. All of these other characters have a feel of fun about them (even Sara, despite her backstory), then there's Ray who is so bland. Why put him in this show at all? I don't think he has many fans on Arrow. Aren't popular characters supposed to spin-off instead of the unpopular ones?
  10. And here I thought I'd never have to put up with Laurel again after I stopped watching Arrow. FML.
  11. I agree with that Clarke understanding, but not forgiving Lexa is the way to go next season. Maybe many episodes down the line forgiveness will be an option, but there would need to be a lot of development first. The main reason I think Clarke might be able to forgive Lexa at some point, is because she does understand her. She knows that Lexa would do anything to protect her people, first and foremost. Clarke had another moment of realization with President Dante willing to do anything, including things he is against, to protect his people. Now that Clarke has done the same, she definitely understands that point of view. Another possibility is that she may forgive Lexa out of selfishness. Maybe Clarke realizes how much being on the ground has changed her and wants to be better than this world, try to reclaim a bit of her old self. The one that believed in giving people second chances. I could see that happening. After all, as her hallucination of her father once said: "Forgiveness isn't about what people deserve." But forgiving Lexa anytime soon would be a mistake. Especially when there is drama to be milked out of it. Edit: - Next season I want more of the weird, irradiated creatures and weirdness of Earth. We saw the deer in the pilot, some sort of creature watching Octavia in the s2 premiere, and the sea creature in the finale. Maybe now that we are learning about how the world ended we will learn more about these things too.
  12. I don't care what the ratings all, as long as its renewed. I'll worry about the ratings again next season when it matters. Of course, as long as the show has a proper ending I'll be able to live with it not being renewed again. As for the book/tv show comparison? This show was in development before the book was even released from what Rothenberg said, so he's not particularly beholden to what happens in the books. The show is not aimed specifically at teenage girls.... anymore. It was before the show premiered, and was during the first half of season 1. Those promo's focusing mostly on young attractive stupid kids partying ("whatever the hell we want!"), the Clarke/Finn teen drama in the first half of the season, and what looked like the perfect set-up for a Clarke/Finn/Raven love triangle, etc. It kinda looked like the show was trying to reach that TVD, Starcrossed, romance crowd. But whether it was due to critical review and fan reaction (or maybe just the writers thinking that they had a better chance of being picked up at the CW if they had those things early on) by mid-season things changed. The Clarke/Finn thing took a backseat, there was no real love triangle, and the young attractive stupid people had to smarten up and fight for survival. It became a show that focused less on attracting any specific demo and just became a good show.
  13. Yeah, "May we meet again" is like BSG's "So say we all," a phrase that we can associate specifically with a show. May we meet again was used most memorably in the season 1 finale when Bellamy said it to Octavia when she was injured in battle and Lincoln was taking her away from the battlefield.
  14. - Give Bellamy a bigger role. He took a bit of a backseat for a while this season. I understand that the show needed time to set up Mount Weather and Jasper's role there, show Finn go crazy and his death, introduce Lexa, and waste time on Jaha's search for the City of LIght, but I really missed Bellamy after getting so used to him being such a big part of season 1. - Get Lexa back for some episodes. I know this all depends on AMC, but Lexa is still in charge of the Grounders so it would be oddnot to see her. Unless the Grounders don't play much of a role next season. At least give us closure on her relationship with Clarke, if you can't keep her around. Maybe after the finale Clarke went to see Lexa at the Grounder capital. - More development for Kane. He is by far the most interesting adult character. His role seemed relegated to "support" for this season, which disappointed me. Don't get me wrong, I love that he supported Clarke and even made scenes with Abby tolerable, but after he met Lexa I thought he was going to have an important part in negotiations with the Grounders. After all, wasn't she impressed by him after he tried to stop Jaha from killing her and when they thought one of them had to die he was willing for it to be him.
  15. Reading comprehension, people. "obviously she wasn’t single handed in either event but the way legends spread, that’s going to be interesting to play next season." "We all know that she didn't do it single-handedly, as do our heroes. Jason Rothenberg said as much. The Grounders however, attribute it to Clarke, because she is in charge and the one they most interacted with. As Rothenberg said, legends don't get all the details and facts right. The same thing happens in real life when the military leaders get most of the credit for victories, when we all know there is more to war and battle than that. For those worried about Clarke hype, Rothenberg has also said that Bellamy will be seen as a hero for his role in Mt Weather and will be the new leader while Clarke is gone. Even Kane respects him now. Also, Jasper will most likely be recognized by the rest of the 100. I"m sure they consider him with the same regard they do Clarke and Bellamy.
  16. Interview with Rothenberg about the finale and season 3: http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/03/12/the-100-creator-on-what-clarke-did-in-the-finale-and-what-to-expect-in-season-3
  17. ‏@JRothenbergTV HEY #THE100 FANS... I FEEL LIKE BREAKING SOME NEWS: @RICHARDSHARMON IS OFFICIALLY A SERIES REGULAR IN SEASON 3!! IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME! Emphasis mine. I love Murphy and am glad we'll be seeing more of him in season 3.
  18. My bad. I could have sworn he proposed some time around the mid-season finale.
  19. I can't wait to see how DC/WB make The Flash film dark, gritty, and edgy. It will be hilarious. DC aren't they only ones doing this though. For some reason FOX thinks Fantastic Four should be dark, gritty, and edgy. Ugh. Characters that can be dark, gritty, and edgy: Batman, Daredevil, The Punisher Characters that should not be dark, gritty, and edgy: Superman, The Flash, Fantastic Four
  20. When is the Barry/Iris kiss supposed to be? Do you think the reason we haven't seen Eddie in a long time is that the writers are hoping for "out of site/out of mind" so we won't feel bad for him when Barry and Iris kiss? If Eddie and Iris are still engaged, and Iris initiates or returns the kiss, I can see it turning into another Oliver/Laurel/Tommy scenario where the fandom turned against Oliver and Laurel. Barry will be able to survive a backlash (Oliver did), but I doubt Iris would be able to. If it goes the way I think it will, the fans will probably latch on to Eddie the way they did with Tommy. Most of the hate would go towards Iris (how she reacted to Barry/Linda turned off a lot of people). Especially if the fandom feels she is doing things they've already seen Laurel do. The best thing to do is have Barry kiss Iris and have her pull away immediately. Sure, it would make Barry look bad. but he's the POV character so he'd be able to recover. And I for one hope they don't have Iris find out about Barry only to have Barry go back in time and change it. Its bad enough Iris is compared to Laurel so much (whether deserved or not), we don't need a recycled Smallville plot bringing in comparisons to Lana Lang.
  21. http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/03/09/the-100-creator-on-lexas-big-choice-and-clarkes-next-move-in-the-season-finale
  22. Does anyone remember a few months ago when Nielsen and the big networks made a big stink about Netflix and how Nielsen found a way to gauge the ratings (excluding what is watched on mobile devices)? What ever became of that? Do they post the Netflix ratings anywhere? I would love to see how well CW shows do, given that their Nielsen broadcast ratings are the lowest of the networks but are among the most popular online.
  23. Eh. It's fine. Not great, just fine. I'm not a fan of the dark, muted colors for heroes like Superman and Supergirl. I think the colors for them should be brighter, more inspiring. After all, these characters are supposed to inspire hope. I just hope they remember to let the character of Supergirl actually smile and have fun. Unlike the dark and dour Superman we got in Man of Steel. DC's obsession with darkness gets old very quickly.
  24. I never understood why Dawn Ostroff clung to that female demo so hard despite ABC Family having a stranglehold on that audience. Especially when the sci-fi/fantasy shows on The CW were doing better and had both males and females watching. Instead she tried to kill Smallville and Supernatual by sending them to Fridays, and instead had The CW focus on targeting girls only. Despite her best efforts Smallville and Supernatural survived. And she lost her preferred target demo to ABC Family. When the sci-fi/fantasy shows were doing good, I just don't get why she'd try to kill them. Why wold she actively try to hurt her own network? As the current line-up of shows proves, there is room for all genres on the network. Sci-Fi, Action, Romance, Period drama, teen drama, horror, etc. Personally, I'm glad things ended up the way they did. I watch more shows on The CW than I do any other network. Plus, it has better sci-fi shows than Sci-Fi (sorry, Syfy) the past 5 years. For those reasons alone I want The CW to be around for a long time.
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