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Lord Kira

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Everything posted by Lord Kira

  1. Supergirl Cast & EP promise a more 'vibrant' show To be honest, I've only seen 2 episodes of Supergirl (though my little sister and my father both watch it so I've seen parts of more episodes). I saw the pilot which didn't sell me on the show, and the crossover with the Flash. IMO, the Flash and his interaction with Kara was the only worthwhile thing about the episode (along with Cat's ideas for naming the Flash). Everything else bored me to tears. The Kara/James stuff was terrible, the villains were cheesy in a bad way, and Supergirl and the Flash had to be saved by firemen and and a bunch of civilians. It made me grateful that the Flash was only on that one episode. The move to the CW changed things for me. I knew there would be crossovers with Supergirl and the other shows so I was already planning to tune in for those, but they also announced a lot of cool things for Supergirl season 2 such as the addition of Superman, Maggie Sawyer, Lena Luthor, etc. So my hype was getting raised, but I was still scared they would manage to make it all boring. This news about the changes they'd be able to make on the CW gives me hope. More comic book characters, sci-fi/aliens/superheroes, etc are all great. But not having to appease the "CBS old-timer" demographic as well should make this show's quality rise quite a bit. I'm actually looking forward to this show now. But I'm someone who was not a fan of what I saw in season 1. What do those of you that liked season 1 think of the changes that are being done to the show now that its on the CW?
  2. DC's Legends of Tomorrow is being rebuilt 'piece by piece' for season 2 I gotta be honest, I'm really liking how Legends season 2 seems to be shaping up. The fact that the showrunners outright admit they made mistakes gives me hope that they will do better. Its good that they acknowledge that the character interactions are this shows selling point instead of the mission. The mission being the pathetic interpretation of Vandal Savage did the show no favors. I also like that the team being a bunch of fuck-ups is now very much intentional. I would have been pissed if the writers acted like they were the greatest heroes ever. It should be amusing to see how the professional hero Vixen interacts with them.
  3. I watched season 1 on Netflix so it felt a lot different (worse) watching with commercials tonight. It was ok. I wasn't really feeling Emma, who I loved in season 1. I never cared for The Jake so his death was nice to see, though I have no idea why he wasn't killed when he was caught the bear trap. Why knock him out, put him in the barn, and then kill him? Brooke didn't have much to do tonight but I liked her and her reactions to being on Emma's field trip. Emma's bland love interest was bland. Noah was too pushy and annoying. He's lost his charm. The saving grace of tonight's episode was Audrey. She's the series mvp for me. Bex is definitely the best actress. The new killer doesn't really do anything for me so far. He/she just feels very generic. Last season's killer had personality from the very first episode and the phone calls were always a highlight of each episode.. All of the new characters are so forced that I actually groaned out loud. The new teacher lacks the charm and charisma of Mr Bransen, and the 2 new students we're supposed to suddenly care about felt clunky and forced. I missed the Sheriff from last season and Emma's mom. Last season the adults had a decent amount of screentime, but that didn't feel the case here. I did like the new cop though. I hope to see more of him. I felt the teen drama was ramped up too, but maybe that was the terrible WB/CW-ish soundtrack that played over a few of the scenes. (The terrible MTV commercials didn't help the mood for me either). Maybe the show has always been like this and I was spoiled by binge-watching on Netflix, but these things really stood out to me tonight.
  4. And another thing: Vandal Savage must be one hell of a threat for Barry to immediately go to Oliver for help. Barry didn't even ask for his help against the inter-dimensional speedster that easily defeated his own Flash (Jay) in every encounter, stole his speed, and left him terrified of ever facing him again. Vandal Savage better earn this fear that everyone has of him and leave one hell of an impression. Especially after we just had Zoom over on Flash. Zoom will be a tough act to follow. Just please don't let Vandal Savage be another Ras. Now that was a letdown.
  5. Those crossover episode descriptions sound so dry. Oh no, some Hawk people I have no attachment to are in grave danger from a villain that hasn't been introduced yet! Quick, we must assemble our combined casts for this unprecedented threat! Those descriptions made me lose quite a bit of enthusiasm for the crossover. Hopefully it all works out well in the actual episodes. The character interactions between both casts should be fun at least. Edit: As for the hilariously bad idea of Laurel, Thea, and Diggle helping Team Flash build a weapon.... Please let Harrison Wells point out how stupid that is. "You don't have any relevant skills concerning designing or building weapons? Well, you people certainly are useless. Just stay out of my way."
  6. The Flash can have Earth-1 Linda, LOT can have Earth-2 Linda, Everybody wins. A man can dream.
  7. After the past couple of episodes of The Flash, I'd love some appearances by Malese Jow aka Linda Park aka Doctor Light. I think the Earth-2 villain would fit right in. Also, what better way to hide from Zoom than being in a different time altogether.
  8. Can't they just debut it on Netflix? If they've been looking for a distributor for this long it might be a good idea.
  9. After seeing that Captain Cold & Heatwave pic I immediately thought Scofield & Burrows. That could be a shot straight out of Prison Break. I'm so glad Dominic Purcell is sticking around for a while. He has been wasted on The Flash, so hopefully they actually develop his character here on LoT.
  10. The CW In Talks With Tribune As Network Faces Affiliate & Streaming Renewals
  11. Good episode. Much better than last week. I liked seeing the fall of the city. Madison is so dumb. Can she please die? In this episode alone she: * asked if Travis tried contacting his ex-wife and son at their house. Nooooo, I'm sure he never thought of that. * called out to someone she knows is "sick" and violent, and almost got Tobias killed. * didn't bother stockpiling any food when Tobias advised her too. * didn't bother telling Alicia what was going on . * didn't secure the house. Board up the doors and windows or something. Block the door with furniture. While they're at it, they can kill off Liza and Chris. The writers can't honestly expect me to want to see more of them, can they?
  12. It was alright. Dreadfully slow, though. Luckily DVR'd it and could skip the commercials. Otherwise, I probably would have hated it. I can't watch slow-building shows with commercials. Its why I Haven't started this season of Hannibal yet. The best character so far is Travis. He's been shown to be a good guy, trying to make everyone work as a family, and has been the most supportive of Nick. The actor has a heck of a lot of charisma too, which is great. I don't like Kim Dickens' character. There were a few moments with her had me looking at the screen in disbelief going "Really?" When Travis told her what he saw at the church and that Nick might have actually saw something bad, she was all "Don't enable him" and "Bad things happen there all the time." Lets not forget her profound words of wisdom when she went to the church "Something bad happened here." No shit, Sherlock. I like Nick more than I thought I would. It will be interesting to see how he changes once he has had a chance to settle down and get cleaned up. His survival instincts are good. If he keeps that up, he may last past this season. Alicia.... is troublesome. I don't dislike her at the moment, but the writers are going to have to tread carefully with her moving forward. On the surface she comes across as a typical bratty teenage girl that we see in everything. However, I can see the reason she acts that way. Her father isn't around, her mother is dating her teacher (who just moved in), she'll also have to deal with the baggage that comes with that like his son and his ex-wife, while her own brother is yet again on drugs making a ruckus and yet again saying he'll get clean. Its no wonder she wants to get away to college. If the writers don't handle her attitude carefully or allow character development she'll be nothing more than a one-dimensional character. Personally, I hope the writers have her grow into a bad ass. The actress can do it. She's great on The 100.
  13. I'd be fine with that. A medical doctor is definitely useful, and she has history with Scofield and Burrows. Since she knows exactly what they are capable of there could be some good interactions. I'd also like Cisco and LIsa to pop up too for the same reasons. Lisa could even be a regular given her connections to CC and HW.
  14. This looks amazing! I thought this would look terrible, but I was pleasantly surprised. Liked: 1. The use of Ray. He should be much more tolerable now that he's not hogging screentime or being creepy over Felicity. I actually liked the use of humor around him in this trailer. 2. Sara is back. Enough said. They should never have killed her off in the first place. 3. Cold's reaction to everything. I love this guy. 4. Rip seems like an interesting character. 5. Vandal Savage! 6. They are going to time travel! Didn't like: 1.The opening with Oliver and Barry. It was forced and not needed. 2. We have to wait until 2016 to see it.
  15. Even then, Marvel still has them beat. That whole part of the article is completely mind-boggling. Anyway, I"m glad that Agent Carter is renewed. I was putting off watching the last 3 episodes because I was sure it would be canceled and I didn't want it to end yet. I guess I know what I'm doing tonight!
  16. While the article does make some very good points in the feminist aspect of the article, I would hardly call it a great article just because this line annoyed the hell out of me: "Unlike its counterpart DC, Marvel has been notoriously slow in diversifying its roster beyond the White Males Probably Named Chris formula" Really? How exactly has DC proven more diverse than Marvel in movies or tv? DC with their 1 movie in their cinematic universe handling diversity better than Marvel?! Ha! When an article gets something like this so completely wrong it makes me less likely for me to take the site seriously, and just serves to make me angry. Although that may be because I'm a huge comic book/ comic book movie/ comic book tv series fan. We can tend to be an unforgiving lot.
  17. It sounds like Rip will be the lead. Sure sounds better than having it focused on Ray. Presumably Oliver and Barry have more important things to do than save the future. Either that, or they do something in Rip's version of the the future that causes Rip not to trust them. I'm fine with that. "Always in motion, the future is." - Yoda
  18. So I assume in the original timeline Caitlyn became Killer Frost and Cisco became Vibe. Wells did say they were better off now than they were in the original timeline. I wonder why Wells hates The Flash so much. I hated everything involving Iris tonight. The actress was fine, as always, but the way the character was used annoyed me. Joe making decisions that would affect her life by telling Eddie not to propose, Iris taking a few minutes to explain her findings about the explosion (fine scene, but I was way more interested in the main storyline than going over informationthe audience has known since day one), Barry downplaying those findings, all of the Barry/Iris stuff, and the terrible way she found out the truth. Really, show? A spark just happened to happen when she visited Barry in the hospital over a year ago and just happened to happen again, and she just happens to remember what happened over a year ago. Ugh. Eddie was great. I hope he pulls through unharmed. I'm rooting for him even more now, given that Joe is actively shipping his daughter with his son, and that the narrative itself is telling us how Barry/Iris is endgame. I hate these destined pairings.
  19. Don't really care about the race thing. Maybe if I was interested in seeing this, I"d have more of an opinion on it. But I have no interest in a dark and serious take on the young Fantastic Four. It feels like they should be calling this the Grounded Four. Making Doom an anti-social programmer/blogger? No thanks. Besides, it is no secret that FOX rushed this into production because if they didn't make a movie by 2015 the rights would go back to Marvel. (I don't think FOX was too happy that they had to give the rights to Daredevil and The Punisher back.)
  20. I forgot to mention how much I liked Iris in this episode. She was allowed to take some initiative and get in on the action at Star Labs, where she surprisingly didn't annoy me. I was expecting her to ruin the place to way Laurel ruined Team Arrow for me. There was no forced Barry/Iris drama to drag her character down this week. I fear that if they try to go down the Barry/Iris route (because comics!) it will continue to be forced and not help her character at all. Anyway, I really like her with Eddie. He's a good guy. I like how Caitlin still didn't tell Iris about Ronnie being the Burning Man. Iris has always come across as more Barry's friend than Caitlin's, and given that Iris is a reporter it is perfectly reasonable for Caitlin to not tell her anything. Besides, it isn't her secret to tell. Its refreshing seeing her keep Ronnie's secret, when Team Arrow seems to be freely spreading around Barry's identity as the Flash. Makes me lose a lot of respect for them.
  21. Caitlin's reaction to the kiss was brilliant. At first she was all WTF, then at the end she got kind of into it for a moment. LOL. Then her taking out her frustration on regular Barry was great. She does real well with the comedy. I also liked her reasoning for not being as quick to suspect Wells as the others. Unlike Barry and CIsco, she didn't have any weird dreams or murder investigations to give her that push. Add to that the fact the it was Wells that comforted her after the particle accelerator exploded, I can see why she acted that way. Could have done without the Laurel scenes, but she didn't annoy me. Cisco being a fan kind of did though. I liked seeing Lance, but the forced comparisons between Joe's secret from Iris and Laurel's secret from Lance didn't fly with me. I especially liked Eddie this week. He really is a stand-up guy, His scenes with Barry were great.
  22. Thing is, I'd be okay with them using that plot if Superman as a character was portrayed as he should be instead of just being Batman 2.0. What we have in these movies is Superman In Name Only. Ironically, Nolan was the worst thing to ever happen to DC Comics movies. DC/WB's takeaway from his trilogy's success seems to be that all of their heroes need to be dark, gritty, edgy, and realistic.They don't seem to realize that Nolan's tone doesn't fit every single superhero.
  23. SuperheroHype said its fake. Apparently one of the companies listed in the credits changed their logo a few years back, and the old one was used in that video.
  24. A gritty and serious movie where a dark, brooding Superman comes to blows with a dark, brooding Batman. Yawn. The whole appeal of Batman and Superman coming together is their differences. Superman is an icon, a symbol of hope, optimism, and safety. (Which Man of Steel didn't bother showing) Seeing Superman's idealism coming face to face with Batman's darkness would be an event for the ages. But having them both be dark and angsty makes the iconic meeting much less special. I'm sure the movie will get Batman right, but Superman is screwed. DC/WB just doesn't get Superman. And that is just sad.
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