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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. In this case, I believe it's because he's supposed to be a Nikolas replacement, except a brother to Alexis instead of nephew, and with a sadder backstory so as to not make it seem like he's just a Nik duplicate. He also can't be flat out evil if he's to have some connection with Anna in the past (already did that with Faison) and with Lulu, Anna, and others in the present. Plus, the Charlotte factor. Can't have a flat-out evil dude raising a cute little girl.
  2. I haven't watched much recently (can't stand to see Liz with this individual). What happened, with a bomb???! As for kidnapping another newborn, do you mean when he and the other sick loon took off with Avery? Or yet another newborn snatching? Since the scene between Laura and Liz where Laura mentions knowing what it's like to fall for someone with a "dark side," I knew TPTB would try to push this as an L&L-ish story (in this case, Liz's newborn and ex-SIL had been victimized by him, instead of Liz herself). But Laura has said many times she knew Luke, thought of him as a friend, beforehand. Liz started out getting to know Franco because her son was emotionally and physically unwell. Currently, she knows he's done sick things since having the tumor removed. She also flat-out said she feels alone - except for Franco's attention - when Sabrina was murdered. She has no one. This is NOT the basis for a great love story. She's been in an emotionally vulnerable place for quite a while now, especially after Jason found out the truth and left. Franco took advantage of that. While some Liz fans hated the dark/sleazy affair with Nikolas, this is worse. Franco makes Nik look good. The only thing this "love story" proves, is that beyond reasonable doubt, Liz needs serious therapy.
  3. Noooo! Has Jax ever even been allowed to acknowledge anger that Carly running crying to Sonny about "losing Joss" is why his plane crashed? I don't care about their chemistry! After everything that happened during the J&C marriage, he should not even be friends due to Carly's on-going toxic connection to Sonny. Polite for the sake of co-parenting Joss, sure. Anything above that just makes him a doormat. As it is, Jax dating someone like her (let alone marrying her and having a kid) is ridiculous. He has always deserved SO MUCH better. One of the best scenes (IMO) ever concerning Jax didn't even involve him - it was Alexis telling Carly off and handing her the divorce papers for Jax to be "free of you."
  4. I remember Liz taking care of Jason when he'd been shot, on more than one occasion. I felt like wanting Jason away from the work and violence was implied when she said he would belong to Sam, Jason, Carly - because Jason consistently prioritized loyalty to the the work/saving S&C's kids from enemies over relationships. When Liz and SBu's Jason were together, Liz planned a romantic dinner for them at her house. He called her and basically said, "Something came up. I'm not coming. Gotta go, sorry." She hung up, got angry (tears and all), and threw something. Not long after that, at the hospital, Liz was on duty and Sam was there briefly and Liz said yeah, I'm upset, Jason and I had plans and he canceled on me. Sam's reaction was "Been there. Jason's married to his job. That's what you get with him." I remember her freakout when BM's Jason, and her sending the boys away. She really hit a sad, isolated, lonely and desperate point in her life with the Jake Doe storyline - and it continues with Franco. It sucks that all Liz's friends and family (except for her ex's mom, aunt and sister) have been written off the show. She "chooses" Franco because she has nobody. Anyway, Elizabeth knows he's been involved in shoot-outs because he worked for Sonny. I'm talking about denial that his job involved executing people, and he didn't feel remorse about it. I'm referring to moments like when he was in lockup because Alcazar had been murdered (Jake was a baby at the time). She had a line about wanting to believe/wanting him to assure her he did not kill Alcazar, but somehow knew better than to ask. Later, Ric was giving her a hard time about protecting a murderer, and her reaction was defiant/defensive, like "The jury found him not guilty." I remember another line (I think she was pregnant with Jake?) where she said something like Jason's work 'doesn't touch his soul." When they got together, they were at Liz's one night, I think in a hotel room in the Metrocourt one night, and then the safehouse. The reasoning was "because Sonny and Jason have enemies" not specifically because "Jason has murdered people, and their associates want revenge." IMO, over the years the show has written Liz as thinking Sonny is the one capable of being cold-blooded, whereas Jason has been involved in illegal things with Sonny that sometimes involve shoot-outs, but he's not *actually* a cold-blooded murderer. For example, she wasn't there when Jason was saying he wanted Dante/Dominic dead. She wasn't there when he was discussing with Sam how to murder Claudia.
  5. Back when Lulu returned from the 'Lulu and Dillon try to help L&L save Lucky adventure,' Carly dropped by and I thought there was a mention of Rocco being at Sonny and Carly's place while she was out of town (so Dante could cheat on Lulu with her cousin and then have it out with Lulu about their marriage being over because she had 'cheated with Dillon'). I remember Carly snarking at Lulu about running off with her ex.
  6. I disagree; I can't remember the last time Liz had a conversation with Sonny or praised him. When Jason came back as 'Jake Doe,' she didn't want him in Sonny's world, and tensed up when he talked about unexpectedly being involved in a violent situation/shooting. She was a supporter of him turning his back on his professional life, and devoting himself to her and her kids. Liz was always at least somewhat in denial about what Jason did for a living and what that said about him as a person. Sonny has a history of calling Franco 'Freako'. Jason hates Franco for reasons well- known by his family, and S&C. What I mean is, Liz is more likely to be open to someone's anti-Franco perspective, if their opinion of Franco hasn't been at least somewhat influenced by their closeness to Jason or Sonny. Sam has legit reasons for hating Franco after what he put her through, but she also listens to Jason and Sonny, and her reactions to situations have been greatly influenced by Jason's feelings and behavior. I used Lulu as an example because she was a victim of Franco's but isn't close to Jason or Sonny right now, could bring up L&L2's son (hit with the mother guilt) and her brother being the hero after Franco's crime, and make a reference to the safety of the children.
  7. The problem is, Sam is the wrong person to get in Liz'a face about truths regarding Franco. It shouldn't be an active Jason/Sonny supporter. Liz would possibly take it more seriously if it came from Felicia, or Epiphany, or her former SIL Lulu (who Franco strapped to a bomb). Since Lulu has become a parent, she's more than capable of righteous mother mode and it's totally in character right now - for example, "How can you be with the man who kidnapped your newborn son?! My brother made it his mission to bring Aiden home safely, and this is what you do? You're a disgrace as a mother! Rocco and Charlotte will NOT be spending time with their cousins as long as that monster is around!" (I think L&D haven't had Rocco around Sonny in a while now?)
  8. They met up in secret after this, when Jake was a baby. Then they stopped when Jason was overcome with self-loathing, and guilt for Liz, because Jake got kidnapped (from a cabin where Liz, Cam and Jake were hiding out with Sam) and only survived it because of Sam. Jake was taken to a back room of some bar run by thugs who were enemies. They rigged the place to explode and Jason didn't factor that in when he attacked. Sam went along to help, grabbed Jake and jumped out a window when the place exploded. So Sam was forgiven re: events of the past involving Cam, and Cam and Jake.
  9. My takeaway from last week is Abby told him she loves/loved him. To him, they were pals and getting married was a young, drunken, brief joke. He thought he signed the divorce papers, and that was the end of it. To Abby, she was falling in love with him when they were in the Middle East and now here she is, telling him she wants him and there is no fiance. He's shocked, politely/kindly tells her she's not going to find happiness with him, and gets out of there. I figure, he doesn't feel comfortable living with Erin right now because this woman from his past, who apparently is still his legal wife, is saying ILY after they haven't seen each other in some years. The feeling is not mutual, but maybe he wonders if he lead her on back then (guilt upon guilt-Erin knows nothing of this), and the conversation certainly stirred up memories of the past when his unit was family. Now he has one brother, his gf Erin and the Chicago PD as family. But is he truly over his past? It comes up, like when he was in uniform at a funeral (with Erin at his side), when Mouse wanted to go back. etc. He's not sure. Clearly, Abby is hanging onto their past - the scene with his brother last week indicated she called him when she couldn't get Jay on the phone, and then she shows up to get Jay's attention while he's at work.
  10. So, I guess that means Tracy gets to be the MIL of Lulu's MIL, and Ned gets to be stepdad-in-law to his mother's ex-stepdaughter, Lulu (I'm assuming one of Tracy and Luke's marriages was legal/valid?). And Dillon can have a line like, "Sooo....my brother is now your stepdad-in-law. Weird." For once this type of stuff isn't because of a Corinthos. Huh.
  11. I will guess, from Liz's perspective, Kiki is the one of Franco's two friends who doesn't hate on her in the workplace, isn't the one who tortured her gal pal and almost killed said gal pal's father. Also, Liz doesn't have any girlfriends to talk to these days - they've all been killed off, or left town. From Kiki's perspective, as a young woman raised by mother Ava, she's a lot like a young Carly - thinking she knows what's what, that her life and opinion matter, considers Franco to be decent, loyal to her and believes everyone is just against him/close-minded (similar to Carly's life-long claim to be Jason's BFF). Also, she's not on the best of terms with the Corinthos fam right now and those close to them because of wanting to dump Morgan around the time he died.
  12. At some point (don't remember if it was before or after he told Sam he remembers everything) Sonny said Jason could come back to work for him if he wanted, and Jason said no thanks, I lost years with Sam and Danny because of that life, so he wasn't taking his second chance with them for granted. I know he said that to Sonny before Sam found out she was pregnant again.
  13. There you go, giving GH writers credit they don't deserve about remembering GH history ;). Jason should indeed be SOL. And what about Aiden's documents - were they ever corrected to show Lucky as the biological, legal father.
  14. Yes, this is my point. If Jason wanted to take Liz to court, the smart thing would be to focus on what Ambrose said about Franco working with Jake in the hospital as a "professional" and now being around the child's home so much, or other things he's done post-tumor that can be proven/are on record at the PCPD that prove it's at a minimum, inappropriate for him to be around Jake. I can't recall what PCPD has on record that prove Franco's past crimes (fingerprints, his blood, etc.) The case should be removing Franco from the house/kid's life - not taking custody away from Liz, the only one of the four of them them with a real job right now and without a rap sheet. If Liz had married a known pedophile with a record, then Jason would have a case for taking custody of Jake. But Jason going on and on with I hate Franco because he's killed people and is dangerous in other ways, well...a judge would just have to point to both Jason and Sam's own criminal records. Liz's attorney could point out that a child, Michael, was shot in the head years ago because he was in Jason and Sonny's warehouse. If Jason had Jake go with him when he drops by the warehouse to talk to known criminal Sonny C., is there any guarantee Jake's not going to get shot by some old or current enemy of Jason and Sonny's? See what I mean. Jason has in fact killed people since BM took over the role, and in at least one instance it was to protect/save Sonny at the waterfront. Liz knows this. Jason could probably prove Franco's a danger to Jake, but he can't prove himself as not a danger to Jake's safety. It's all about what you can prove in court.
  15. n has much high road here, given his past. And I think he'd be a real douche to take Elizabeth to court. I wish this show would stop threatening women with custody battles. And stop custody battles in general. They're always terribly done. Wendy - yes, Luke and Laura already had Lucky, then Lulu was born on-screen, and Maxie and Georgie the First were the last children to have the same bio mother and father (Frisco returned for about 5 min. so that Felicia could get pregnant with Georgie....errr so they could all say 'yay, Maxie's going to live!). So Sam is the first woman since Felicia to have two kids by the same father, and Robin soon follows whenever Baby Scorpio-Drake #2 is born. And yes Jason would be a major douche and hypocrite to take Liz to court; he and Sam both have histories as criminals, and I think everyone's lost track oh how many times they've both been shot and/or nearly died because of Mob violence. Jason was presumed dead for years. That's not even touching all of the violence that's touched their close associates/friends, Sonny and Carly and their children. Franco is not Liz's husband/a legal permanent resident of the household, his history does not include children being shot/comatose or dying, and I don't think Elizabeth's ever been to jail. In the real world, a judge would tell Jason and Sam to get lost. But this is GH land.
  16. Umm....wasn't Emily the boys' baby sitter when Sonny seduced her? So, this is kind of (since Nelle just staged it) the second time for him. I would not expect Sam to bring up the stillborn when she's joyful over the birth of Emily Scout. Also, it's just too gross to mention at this point because Kristina would need more therapy than she already does if she heard and really thought about the fact if the baby girl had lived, she'd have a niece/sister as well as her cousin/sister Molly. Sonny having a daughter by his now dead son's ex-lover - conceived on the grave of his stolen son's biological father he murdered - is over the top sleazy, vile, gross, etc. as it is. I almost laughed today at Sam saying to Carly, with a straight face, that maybe the marriage is over if both people have stopped growing in the relationship. So...does that mean Sam think she's seen growth in one or both of them over the years? I think I'll fanwank that all her memories of S&C got destroyed when she hit the ground from that high fall, courtesy of Olivia Jerome.
  17. Nope; Becky and the show have both said her pregnancies with her second and third children were written into the show. In the case of Aiden, they really wrote it in at the last moment because of when she told her boss(es) . I remember Dr. Lee had a line about "you didn't know?" to indicate she wasn't newly pregnant. The writing went from the news "Elizabeth's pregnant" to Becky being visibly pregnant in something like 2 weeks. Also, I just had a "Wow" reaction to Carly and Sam talking about Sonny-Nelle, and Sam refers to her affair (and not mentioning the stillborn baby) with Sonny as a "5-minute romance." Sam has admired Sonny and Carly's relationship for years?!! Geez, well that explains a lot about her low bar for love. And there is Sonny, telling Laura oh-so-dramatically, that Nelle is bad news so she should steer clear. *RME* She's just concerned about a little girl's safety, jackass. So, does Ava get a day off from crying and self-pity because Sonny's consuming all the self-pity for the day? I have to laugh at him calling Nelle treacherous - ummm, your own wife is far more treacherous than that young girl. Laura is the last person Sonny should be talking to about how you're "still standing" (guess he's forgotten everything he knew about her history) and you do remember she's spent 20 + years dealing with a psychotic woman targeting her family? I think she can more than handle Nelle. I like the preview of her telling Lulu that Nelle is the way to Charlotte. So, I guess he's not completely useless. Becky's hair looks gorgeous, but damn does Elizabeth sound like a defiant teenager for someone who is SO NOT WORTH IT. Get thee to therapy, girlfriend. Hey Jason, if you're going to threaten to take Jake out of her house because of Franco, how about you volunteer to never do another thing for Sonny, and cut off all contact with Sonny and Carly.....seeing as all of Sonny's kids except for the toddler have been exposed to violence. (And I say this as someone who despises Howarth's on-screen character and has no use for the actor, either).
  18. No. The pregnancy with her first child was hidden (by big purses and other stuff). For her second pregnancy, GH had her in relationship with Ric and the ONS with Zander, she gave birth off-screen while Becky was on ML and Elizabeth returned to town with newborn Cam. The Jake pregnancy was written for drama; Becky was not pregnant. Her third pregnancy was hastily written in for the Lucky/Liz/Nik triangle, and Becky went on ML shortly after Elizabeth gave birth to Aiden. dubbel zout is right - Guza was lazy.
  19. Sort of - Nikolas was at Elizabeth's side when she suggested Aiden as a name, because she liked it (and they both believed Nikolas was the father at that time). He agreed to the name, then reacted in anger when Helena objected because he didn't want her to have anything to do with the baby. I don't think all these babies should or need to be named after someone. It's just that I find it appalling Anna would immediately say "Robert" for Robin's baby if it's a boy, given the many years of parenting Mac did, because Robert hasn't been there. Anna and Robert have taken Mac for granted way too much. But of course Mac has been beyond gracious about raising and loving Robin in their place. Right now Robin and Patrick didn't even ask for her input about the baby's name - Robin told her the news because she wanted to give her one more reason to fight to get well.
  20. Helena indicated she thought Aiden was a bland name too, lol. I never thought he would be named Lucas Lorenzo because the name was already sort of maxed out on the show between Luke, Lucky and Lucas and also Lucky and Elizabeth were never in a good place to approach the subject of name changing from the time Elizabeth told him the truth about Aiden to when Lucky left them at Christmas. I thought maybe Elizabeth (and Nikolas) would want to name him Laurence/Lawrence after Laura - or choose another name that was special to Laura (does she have a middle name?) because Nikolas came to love his mother very much and Laura has been more of a mother to Elizabeth than her still-unnamed mother ever has been. Your comment reminds me that I'm ticked off that Laura and Elizabeth's conversations would have us believe Lucky doesn't even exist. They're reduced to propping the awful Friz. Laura should be encouraging Elizabeth to form strong friendships with other women, and get therapy to truly heal from the rape/make healthier choices in relationships than she has an adult. A line or two about being disappointed that her son isn't there for his sons, and that she's trying to encourage Lucky in that direction, would be great too. I figure if a character as minor as Britt was to this show can get a mention, Lucky should get more than one. Patrick and Robin could use Mackenzie for either a boy or girl; Mac for short if it's a boy. A girl in my family is named Mackenzie, but she goes by Kenzie. Then Patrick and Robin could tell Anna it was Patrick's idea, because in addition to raising Robin, Mac helped them catch Lisa and save their marriage. (Then Anna can shut up, because she didn't even know about that until Patrick told her when Robin was "dead"...and Robert certainly didn't know about the hell Robin went through.)
  21. I am really, really disappointed that Tracy didn't walk into Michael's office for the Carly/Michael/Joss scene about Nelle, to shut down Carly's righteous indignation. I wanted Tracy to hear "Uncle Sonny and Nelle?! That's disgusting!" and respond with "Actually, Your Uncle Sonny seducing Jason's little sister, Emily was much more disgusting - he'd known Emily since she was a child. You have no idea how vile your stepfather truly is. And given your mother's history, well, she's in no position to comment on what other women have done. " It would be fitting for Joss to disown Carly, and want to be loyal to her dad and Michael after realizing that the world her mom chose for her, Michael and Morgan (Mob) because she wanted Sonny, is what got Morgan killed, got Michael shot. She should hear about her mother coming to Port Charles, to target Grandma Bobbie, what Mom and Uncle Sonny did to Michael's bio father, and that Sonny is the one who sabotaged her dad's plane. Also - I watched an Anna-Robin hospital scene on YT. Did I seriously hear Anna suggest that if Robin has a boy, she could name it Robert?! When she's well aware of the many years (20 now?) of Robin's teen and adult life Mac has spent in the dad role while Robert has other priorities?! UGH.
  22. Hey, the last thing I want is for Liz to be the loser/third wheel. It's demeaning to her and she's been through it before - which is why I assumed it would be done again (the TBTP have no new, original ideas). Speaking of repetition and irritation, has Carly shut up about what's been done to her family long enough for Michael to point out that whatever lies her adoptive father told Nelle as a kid is approximately the same as what Sonny and Carly told him as a kid about AJ? I'd like to hear from Michael, "Hey Dad, Nelle's still a better person than you are - she didn't murder Mom at point blank range for something she wasn't actually guilty of." I don't actually care what Michael or Joss do, but I kind of hope they'll make up with Nelle, just because Carly would really hate that.
  23. Fabulously hilarious!!! Not sure about the doting father bit, though. I'm shocked that TPTB didn't have a scene a day or two after the birth, of Elizabeth (and Franco possibly with her) bringing Jake to see the baby. I figured Jake would run up to Danny's side, they would both look down at the baby in wonder, and the shot would linger on Elizabeth in the background, looking sad/hurt/jealous at Jason and Sam's joyful faces and the new baby girl in Sam's arms. Then Franco would see the look on Elizabeth's face and have a little tantrum (alone, or toward Liz) that she still has feelings for Jason, and has she had a secret dream of having a daughter/another child with him?? If not that, then I would expect a scene of Jason proudly telling them he now has a perfect family of an amazing wife, two awesome sons and this beautiful little girl, that they're going to be such great big brothers, blah blah.....with Elizabeth overhearing and looking jealous about the "perfect family" bit.
  24. Interesting. That poster you mention sounds like a MM superfan. I don't own MM's music, but I saw her in starring roles in A Walk to Remember and Saved!. The writing for AWTR had MM playing a high school senior who was an OTT (beyond Jack in TIU) perfect Christian girl, even after the audience found out sad news. The character wasn't allowed to get really angry (which I thought was weak writing). Her only not-perfect moment was a conversation with her Reverend dad about 'sinful' behavior, after he saw her *gasp* kissing a boy, which wasn't just a peck on the lips. In contrast, MM played a believable mean girl (due to seriously misguided 'Christian' thinking) in Saved!, with her best moments as an actress (skill in transitioning a character) in the last 15-30 minutes of the movie. Maybe it's better to say she can perform very well as an actress *under certain circumstances*? I believe that actors need strong writing and clear, good direction in order to do their jobs well. Another poster mentioned that actors MM and MV are not parents, so their portrayal of J&R's behavior with the kids is how they *think* parents would handle situations. That's a good point.
  25. Thank you! I wanted to comment on your note here because I I see it as a definite problem for actors Milo and Mandy. I believe both M&M are talented and doing the best they can with what little they have to go on - otherwise their part of the show wouldn't have gotten significant positive attention thus far. Mandy in particular has gotten some shade for her portrayal of Rebecca. Yet she can only act based on what she's reading in the script, and what direction she's been given regarding motivation. Not sure if anyone here has seen Saved!, a movie where MM starred when she was much younger. Her character was self-righteous (mostly due to her upbringing, it seemed), controlling in 'friendships', and in time angry and jealous, too. The storyline, including her lines in a rant, spelled out her motivations quite well. In the last 10 minutes or so of the movie, she has a breakdown. Her acting (with two others) was quite strong; the lines and her tone and posture left no question about her getting real with herself. MM is capable of a really solid performance - when the writing tells her what she is feeling and why she's doing this. I feel like something similar happened to Milo in the past, when he played Jess on Gilmore Girls. He was 'angry, misbehaving, school-is-a-waste teen who falls for Rory.' Milo could have done so much more with the character, had the writing for Jess in his relationships with several characters gone deeper rather than just being 80-90 percent surface. I thought Milo was excellent in his line deliveries (and facial acting) in the series. Jess had the potential to be a pretty interesting and complex character.
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