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Everything posted by GinnyLee

  1. I fast forward whenever one of them grabs a microphone. I can't tolerate the singing anymore. It's ridiculous. Josh at his wedding... The Jill/Derick engagement... The endless versions of Amazing Grace.
  2. I know a lot of people who are against the concept of used clothing and shoes, but that's only because they haven't thought long and hard enough about it. Next time you go into a 3-star quality hotel ask yourself how used those pillow cases, sheets and blankets are. How about the next restaurant you patronize? Do you really think those utensils, cloth napkins and drinking glasses are brand new, never been used? Americans are ridiculously obsessed with germs. I've been shopping at thrift shops and garage/yard sales for years and have never come down with any illnesses. Just saying. Everybody enjoy your week.
  3. For the record, I'm perfectly OK with used shoes unless they've been too 'over used'. Meanwhile, later that night after dinner and dessert, Jana is still sitting at the sewing table... You know altering 4-5 dresses took longer than the time it takes to have a tea party. How rotten for everybody to enjoy tea and cupcakes while Jana sat around and did the menial labor. If my sister had pulled that 'You're altering the dresses 3 weeks before the wedding' nonsense--I would've said, "Oh no you didn't!" As for Josh & Anna: I'm getting bored with the whole "I don't know how to shop or cook a healthy meal" routine. Seriously? You live in Washington D.C. ! Is there nothing else to do but cook and go shopping? Do a Google search for Hobbies and Recreation and find something else to entertain us with.
  4. I really had thought we would see Jill and Dericks' wedding by episode 2 this season. But it seems they're dragging it out as much as possible. That last episode with them all sitting in a bridal dress shop reading their feelings off of index cards was just ridiculous. Who does that at a bridal shop? Is that normal dress hunting behavior? [side note: I wouldn't know. I've never been married and I've never been that involved in a wedding party. I was a bridesmaid, once, for my sister-in-law but we didn't go with her to pick out the dress. We did go with her for the last fitting, but otherwise we got no special treatment. Not even at the wedding. My brother and her sat the head table by themselves while all the bridesmaids and grooms had to sit at the tables with the other guests. I got placed with my mother and father. We got no special treatment at all. I'll never be a part of another wedding again. ] Just think: when they're finally done with Jill's wedding then we get to sit through Jessa's!! Good God! Get me a bottle of rum. As for John-David: He's the biggest p*ssy ever! I thought Jill and Jessa were marrying into Derick's and Ben's family, respectively. I know pronounce you Derick and Ben Duggar. I feel sorry for the girl who gets stuck with John-David. He's got no personality at all. Just a jerk.
  5. I happen to be white, very white so I wasn't intending to be rude. It wasn't a racial insult, it was a fashion comment. I was always told to not wear red lipstick because it was to much contrast for my white skin. I've read it in more than one fashion magazine so they can't all be wrong. Maybe you're just being too sensitive? Sorry I offended you. Didn't mean to.
  6. I just watched the older episodes with all the girls in their prairie dresses with the huge white doily on the front chest part. How hideous. I am totally out of touch when it comes to fashion and even I can see these dresses were awful. When I was growing up, in the '80's, (I'm 42), my neighbor could sew and she always made her two daughters wear these hideous prairie dresses and we live in NJ. Even my mother used to laugh. Maybe that's why my mother never encouraged us to wear dresses. Just recently I started wearing this dress I found at the thrift shop and I have to admit it's really comfortable. I might actually look for more. So I'm no longer so much against wearing dresses. Just for the record, the dresses Mary, Laura and Caroline used to wear on Little House on the Prairie are actually normal looking compared to the clown costumes I saw on 14 Kids and Pregnant Again (or one of those earlier shows). Many of the dresses themselves were tolerable, but it's the accessories like the awful doilies, puffy sleeves, outdated hairstyles and the bright red lipstick that just ruined it. White women don't look good in red lipstick. Stick with pink or coral varieties, but please NO RED!
  7. I think she'll be officially knocked up by Sept 1st, or at the latest by Oct 1st, and it'll be announced by Thanksgiving, but we won't see it on the show until the spring episodes are aired. I'm guessing a June 2015 baby. But I'm hoping that Jill uses that computer of hers, now that she's officially out of the compound, and researches how to prevent getting pregnant. You would think she'd know this by now, but hey ya never know. Seriously Jill-condoms only cost a dollar or two. Use them!!!! I'm hoping that Derrick puts his foot down and demands using some latex.
  8. I was watching those older episodes myself the other night. I was confused when they were moving all that furniture into the new 7000 sq ft house and then they came to the, apparently, brand new Baby Grand piano. They all seemed amazed and giddy over the piano. I was under the impression that many of the older ones were already practicing piano. So why were they all so nostalgic over the baby grand piano? Yeah it's nice and all, but they acted like they had never seen a piano before.
  9. Jim Bob and Michelle had real estate licenses when they first got married or they got them upon getting married/ afterwards. I believe they make money renting out property. I think Jim Bob also is the one who started that towing company that Josh took over and I have no idea who is running that company now, if it's still in the family. I'm sure at this time they're making decent money from TLC, speaking engagements, the books written by Michelle/JB and then there's the books written by the girls, talk shows, and probably articles written about them, not too mention their blog & website, then there's the advertisers you see in their pantry. I have no idea if those advertisers pay them to put their product on the shelf of if they just get the food as compliments. So when they go on their food trips I often wonder just how much of that bill are the advertisers picking up. As for medical expenses, I read somewhere that they might use a company called Samaritan (?) which isn't a normal company. The way it works is that if you have a major expense then you contact the insurance company and they put out word to all their members what you need and then anybody who wants to help sends you (or a holding company like escrow) a check for whatever they can afford. So they might get a hundred people/families sending $10 checks, but it all has to be used to pay the bill. Not a bad idea really, if I read it correctly.
  10. At the Baptist church I attended briefly in TX a couple years ago, the modern Bible teaching is that the husband and wife are supposed to make themselves available to each other. Starcasm is using tunnel vision. Media is a powerful manipulation tool.
  11. I went onto the Duggar website and read about the ALERT training that the one kid did, John-David(?). It's on the "Homeschooling Resources" link and I just wonder why they would pay to put him in this training. He could have learned similar skills by joining the Boy Scouts as a kid and then moving on to the Army and/or EMT or Fire Department training. I guess because the ALERT method offered the Jesus teaching (?) But seriously, I have never heard of this ALERT group doing any sort of mass rescue. Not that they don't, but aren't there organizations already set up to do this sort of work locally and internationally, like oh I don't know: the fire dept, Rescue Squad, Police department, Red Cross, National Guard and some heavily traveled tourist areas have their own search and rescue team. Has anybody ever heard of this ALERT search and rescue group?
  12. Did anyone notice when they were in the studio the one guy, sitting next to the guy in charge, was practically rolling his eyes? To him it looked like Amy was just another wannabe trying to get into the business. Maybe she would be better off trying to cut a low-budget Christian CD with the Duggar girls playing violin/harp in the background. Some of the fans would go for it, I think. Not me though. I'm broke these days. At the very least she could get her feet wet and put some bucks in her pocket. As for the show itself, I fast forwarded through Hour 2 because the whole "I want to be a singer so I'm going to Nashville blah blah blah" just got sickening. I must have fast forwarded through the Amazing Grace fiasco.
  13. They claim to be so frugal, but I'm not seeing that in the shows. I see them spending a fortune on boxed cereals, overpriced snacks and canned soups. Wouldn't it be cheaper to make a huge pot of soup or oatmeal instead of stocking up on 50 cans of chicken noodle and 10 boxes of Cheerios? Don't even get me started on the bottled water they apparently have in almost every episode. Not to mention those last minute trips to Asia (China/Japan) and then to Nepal. You know they didn't surf around on Travelocity or Expedia for those tickets last minute. The last time I traveled overseas to study abroad I waited a week or so before I found tickets at rock bottom prices. Maybe TLC paid for them?
  14. I was under the impression that many Christian churches were not in agreement with the Quiverfull philosophy of having as many kids as possible without regards to your individual financial status. I believe I read somewhere that even some Baptist denominations questioned the Quiverfull idealogy. So it would make sense that the Gothard Crusaders like the Duggars, Bates, Nelsons, Paines, Arndt's, Heppners, Jeubs of the world created their own home church because a mainstream Christian denomination like United Methodist, Presbyterian or Roman Catholic doesn't support their beliefs. I could go into the R.C. church's anti-contraception beliefs which is very similar to the Quiverfull philosophy, but I'm not here to start a forum war. A note to the person who mentioned the 7th Day Adventists: my sister's mother in law was involved in that church and left a few years later. She, too, said they were cultish.
  15. My comment is regarding the ongoing conversation about paychecks and finances. Wouldn't Jana, Jessa, Jill, and Jinger all make money from the books they've written? Unless TLC owns the rights to that book, these girls will enter into a relationship with a huge chunk of cash. If they're all over the age of 18 then that money belongs to them not Jim Bob.
  16. I actually got annoyed when Jill was preaching to the young girls in the audience about not reading romance novels because it will stir up feelings of desire, sinful. I started reading romance novels at the age of 18 and I stayed a virgin until I was almost 30 so it kind of annoyed me. Does she even know what 'feelings of desire' are?
  17. After watching last night's episode, it looks as if JoyAnna should lay off them (tater tots) for a while. She actually looked 20-30 pounds heavier than Jill and Jana in last night's episode.
  18. I noticed JoyAnna using the word 'obey' in one of those Q&A sections about how she was going to get the younger ones to sing in the dinner theater. I thought it creepy for a 16 year old to be using the word so naturally like there was nothing wrong with it. TO respond to the current events comment: I don't think this family is as naïve and isolated as some may think. Jim Bob once ran for Congress or Senate or something for the state of Arkansas. He lost, but he ran. I don't remember what representative post he ran for but he's politically inclined so I doubt these girls are that ignorant. I've also noticed the fact that all the older girls seem to have better cell phones then I do and computers. So I'm guessing they do know what's going on around them, but they're on such a short lease that they won't be able to fully explore the other side of the fence until they move out or worse, get married to someone JimBob picks out for them.
  19. Is it just me or did Jessa look panicked when little Mackenzie asked her if she and Ben were getting married? Her eyes bulged out and her comment, "That's the plan." She looked horrified. I just don't think they make a good couple. The whole relationship seems forced. Maybe TLC is forcing them to get Jessa into a relationship to increase ratings.
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