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Everything posted by GinnyLee

  1. Ignorant, uneducated people have a deluded view of the world that only makes sense to them and other uneducated people. My brother is like this. He hasn't opened a book in 25 years, but he knows everything! He's an idiot! After attempting to have a conversation with him you'll want to jump in front of a speeding car.
  2. Probably. Technically speaking, you can be born and live in the outback Appalachian Mountains or the middle of nowhere and never report a birth. There are some people living in Appalachia and the Rocky Mts who don't have birth certificates nor SSN's. You only need these items if you want to get medical insurance, public school education (although I'm not sure about that), driver's license, bank accounts/credit cards, college education, electric hookup, internet, cable and a job that issues paper paychecks. So if you don't mind surviving on this planet without those things, and you certainly can, then it makes ya think about removing yourself from this chaos we call civilization.. Now that I got that rant out of my system I have laundry to do.
  3. Michele needs to find another hobby now that the baby factory is shut down. Like maybe building wooden bunnies or something. (Ya know like the ones you build in 8th grade woodshop with the cottonball tail). She needs to find something to do. Basketweaving, origami, knitting. Now that I think hard about it, with all those anti-depressives she's on, she might be better off learning how to make her own beer or moonshine.
  4. I laughed when I saw this. Look at the background. It looks like a boomtown movie set for an old Western. I'm from NJ, does outback Arkansas really look like a Wyatt Earp movie? I actually like old Western's like "Maverick" with a younger James Garner, etc. So I enjoyed this photo, but it made me think of how JB & Michelle would have functioned in an Old Western boomtown like Dodge City or Tombstone. There were brothels and saloons everywhere. Thanks for that link. It made my day.
  5. They, the Duggars that is, do know when to make announcements. I'm guessing that on or about Nov 1st (Ben & Jessa's anniversay) is when they'll announce that Jinger and Lawson are an item. In any case, I'm guessing that if the Jinger/Lawson thing is a rumor then by or around Nov 1st we'll get some other announcement. Maybe Jill's knocked up again or Jessa will be having her baby. Either way, this family always seems to make the news at least every 30 days. Just think if they announce every engagement, pregnancy, birth, wedding and scandal, then this family will be in the news for the next 20 years. Oh yeah!
  6. Jill and Derick keep mentioning 'language school'. Now, I can see Derick not knowing too much Spanish because he was a missionary in Nepal and probably didn't learn it. But, Jill has been learning Spanish for the past 7-8 years. I took 3 years high school Spanish over 25 years ago and even I learned the language relatively well and quick. I still know much of the vocabulary to this day. What's the hold up here? It seems to me that someone who's had her sights on missionary work in El Salvador for the past decade should already have a firm grasp of the Spanish language. She shouldn't need to waste time at a 'language school'. Spanish is not that difficult of a language. 90 minutes a day/5 days a week for 3- 3 1/2 years should put anybody at a semi-high fluency level in most languages. 3 1/2 - 5 years of study should you at a high fluency level. She's been at it for almost a decade! Half-assed. Half-assed folks!
  7. Is it just my imagination or is that one big 4 month old? He's staring right at the camera, eyes focused and everything. I don't have any kids, but my sister has 3 and I don't recall any of them being able to visually focus and stare at a camera from 6-7 feet away at 4 months old. I'm not trying to imply anything, but whatever....I got to get back to work.
  8. I know that some women do go 7-10 days past their due date but, considering she was already 11 days past her due date, she should not have waited 3 days after her water broke. That was just dumb. I've never heard of anybody waiting that long to go to the hospital. In their Plan B they should've agreed to going to the hospital if the baby didn't appear with the first 24 hours. As a midwife she should've known she waited too long. I get the impression the fundies really don't like having to resort to going to the hospital. That said, after watching Josie gnawl at her crib, I now understand the episode when she made her own pizza.
  9. I was impressed with Ben when he mentioned about finishing community college. I thought that maybe he'll pull out of the Duggar hold by getting an actual degree in something useful. Then he ruined it by saying, "We were thinking of going into ministry." I almost gagged. Good grief! Seriously? You have a potential 10-20 kids on the way and the only thing you can think of doing is going into the ministry? Reminds me of that poor family living in the RV, the Rodriquez's (?) with the 11 kids and counting. Mr. Rodriquez also is holding out for a job in the ministry. Please! There's Wendy's, McDonald's, BK and a host of other low paying jobs out there that'll put food on the table and gas in the RV. What's this 'holding out for the ministry' nonsense? He needs to be told to look for an entry level job in any corporation that starts out with as little as 18-22K a year and then work his way up while doing the ministry on the side and on the weekends. He's got a kid on the way and the only job he's hoping for is one in the ministry. Ben is totally delusional!
  10. I agree with your comment about Marjorie. I thought she was a bit fake. Overexaggerated.
  11. Although I do understand what you're saying, it could have been BS, but after thinking about it she may have been an unexpected arrival. Let's think about this. Jessa only had 3 months to prepare the wedding and the bridesmaids probably only had 8- 10 weeks prior knowledge of the event. She may have originally invited the Indonesian girl to be a bridesmaid but then had to sit back and wait 3-4 weeks to see if the girl could actually make it. In the meantime, she probably ordered a dress in the girls' size (just to be prepared in case the girl showed up) and then arranged the programs before getting a final answer from the girl. We have no idea what this girl had to do to make this trip: arrange for time off of work, get her husband to agree, (if she's married) or wait for her parents' approval, maybe she needed to arrange babysitters, (if she has kids) and then there's the dreaded cost of the ticket to fly from Indonesia to Arkansas, or maybe there was an ill relative involved she didn't want to leave. So yeah it could've been BS, but she could have been an unexpected arrival.
  12. Hi Nancy. I'm Ginny. Welcome to the group.
  13. Why are they waiting to induce labor? Hasn't it been long enough? If that was me I would have demanded inducement on March 25th. LOL
  14. I agree. The Duggars are in the media all the time so I'm sure they're following Arkansas homeschooling laws otherwise I think the state would be right in their face. (If this is off topic please feel free to move it to the correct section.)
  15. I've heard GED's are not that easy. Quite intensive.
  16. I've been wondering about that for 25 years. It almost seems unfair that some of fellow classmates got the same diploma I did. I know I earned mine all while playing 2 sports. I'm not a genius at all but even I could pull a modest 3.2 gpa and I ranked about 35th/170 which means that there were ALOT of morons behind me. Many of them turned in their books at the end of the year still unopened. WTF??? Sorry folks, but I'm going to play devil's advocate here and say that the Duggar's probably aren't any dumber than the average C+ American school student.
  17. There's something wrong with a house that has/had 9 daughters and no dollhouse. They have dolls, but I've never seen a dollhouse. (Maybe I'm just oversensitive about dollhouses because my brother destroyed mine when we were kids. He rammed one of 70's style wooden banister poles through the darn thing. I cried for weeks. It was 32-35 years ago but I still remind him of it.) With 9 daughters you have to have a big dollhouse and/or palace. They always appear to have constructive jobs going on so why not build Josie, Jenny, Jordan and Johanna a big dollhouse. It's what I would do if they were my daughters. Well that's my rant for the day.
  18. I have one more comment for the day and then it's back to work. I noticed that Ben commented on meeting the Duggars for the first time: "I knew about the Duggars but I never thought I'd get to meet them." That's an odd statement considering the Duggars claim Jessa & Ben met in church. Surely if they had then Ben and Jessa would have talked or 'fellowshipped' in church before driving to their house. After watching this segment it looks to me that Ben had not been introduced to Jessa or anybody in the family before that first meeting at the compound. In my opinion, Jim Bob selected Ben for political reasons. I'm gonna do some research.
  19. "I gotta admit I was a little choked up at seeing how close Jessa and Jinger are. I never had a sister. I wish I could be a fly on the wall during some of their private conversations because you know they keep it REAL. " It got me to thinking of what Jana thinks of all this. If Jessa & Jinger were besties, Jill a tattle-tale, who would Jana turn too? It seems to me like she's in this by herself. I wonder if Jana is mild-mannered and polite in public and then goes into her prayer closet and says, "FU! F all of you!" You can only tolerate so much until you realize everybody is walking all over you. Who knows. Now that Jill and Jessa are out of the compound maybe Jana will bond with Joy Anna.
  20. What on earth could the focus of this show possibly be once Jessa's wedding and Jill's baby storylines have been beaten to death? Every time I think they've exhausted all possible storylines, they pull out a few more. John-David's courtship, marriage and breeding. (I am not a religious person at all, but...God help us.) Then Jinger's. Probably not Jana's because they have no intention of letting her escape any time soon. Possibly another international tour, but I actually like them so bring 'em on. By the time all this happens, it'll be time for Jill to deliver the 3rd or 4th Messiah. I'm pretty sure the Duggars have plenty of rabbits to pull out of the hat.
  21. This was nothing more than a remake of the proposal from a few episodes ago. I Fast Forwarded through the whole thing. Nothing new here. YAWN!!!!
  22. There was an article posted 2-3 hours or so ago and it says that Jill thinks she has 2 due dates, March 24th and April 5th. She says this because she believes most first time mothers deliver 7-10 days late. This is nonsense. I was under the impression that many first time mothers, or 2nd or 3rd time mothers, deliver 1-3 weeks early. In my opinion she may have had the baby already and is looking for a week and a half of quiet time. Whatever the situation, I hope all turns out well.
  23. I remember seeing Jana driving a black SUV in an episode or two. Possibly even Jinger as well.
  24. If you look closely at video from inside the compound you'll notice that there are 1-2 harps in the living room. I thought I saw 3, but I could be wrong. Which means Jill also left her harp playing behind too. Although one could make the argument that even though JimBob did purchase it for Jill, it was a costly item and should remain a family instrument to be used by Johannah, Jenny, Jordan, Josie or (gasp) one of the boys, in the future.
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