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Everything posted by GinnyLee

  1. Actually I did not know this. I had always assumed that if one was a minister in one church (United Methodist, for example) then he/she could perform sermons and wedding ceremonies at any United Methodist church in the country. I guess I'm wrong. Thanks for the info.
  2. I believe the laundry room incident in question was in one of the earlier season's when Michelle reflected on all the duties she had as a new mother. She commented on having to do laundry constantly, at like 1 a.m., and she felt like it was pushing her over the edge. I think it was Season 2 or 3 or something but she was reflecting back at a time when she may have only had 5-6 kids. It was before the older girls were old enough to help out and well before the time Grandma Duggar moved in.
  3. You're probably right. My brother has watched only 1 of these shows with me, Jill's wedding, and after 5 minutes the first thing out of his mouth was, "That woman's crazy!" And it wasn't because she had 19 kids, it was because her hair was flopping around on her head as she spoke and her eyes were all bugged out.
  4. Am I the only one who noticed Michelle say to Hanny: "Hanny go get the sewing machine!" Now I'm not a sewer, but aren't those machines a bit heavy for a 8-9 year old? Even the lightweight ones appear to need a slight bit a muscle to carry downstairs. I could see Joy carrying it no problem, but Hanny? WTF. Next it'll be, "Hanny go get the harp." It appears they're training Johanna to take over the rolls of Jessa and Jill. Poor kid. As for the part when the municipal worker asked if the minister performing the ceremony had a legit license I was floored! Hahaha. I'm starting to think that they're making Jessa's wedding a bit more extravagant with 1800 guests and an international minister. Maybe Jessa has more international followers??
  5. I noticed that too when they were in the jewelry store. It looked like writing. Maybe to remember his next lines? Maybe they don't want him to say something stupid or off topic. I'm sure most of the teenaged Duggar kids already know what NOT to say on camera. I guess they got Ben on a short leash.
  6. I have to slightly disagree with you on the cheerleader thing. In high school, a good friend of mine was a cheerleader and she was not that athletic. She was on the chunky side compared to the other cheerleaders and today she's sort of big. She didn't run or anything like that and she was never thin like most cheerleaders. I was more athletic & sexier then she was. For most, cheerleading is about socializing and being associated with the 'in' crowd. I was actually surprised that my friend always made the cheerleading squad. But she did. On another note, I will say that if Michelle did exercise on a daily basis, like they claim she does, then she wouldn't have been so out of breath doing a basic exercise routine for the cameras for 10 minutes. She looked totally lost during the cardio and that stretching, or whatever it was Cindy and her did, looked like a poorly put together aerobic video from the 80's.
  7. Shhhh... it's not a myth. I lost mine sliding into 3rd base. LOL!!
  8. Observing a holiday does not mean that the school system is teaching those specific religious beliefs. It means that the school will be shut down for the day. They just tack it on to the end of the year along with any extra snow days that need to be made up. You could add a Pagan & Buddhist holiday to the schedule and it wouldn't put much of a dent in the calendar. Sooooo... wake me up when Beltane or Samhain is officially a recognized holiday. I won't hold my breath! I think Anna is just looking for media attention. I was just on Jessa (Seewald)'s FB or Twitter page where Anna announced that she's having a girl this June/July. So maybe Anna's just looking for some camera time?
  9. Here in NJ John-David would be nothing more than a flashlight or mall cop unless he went to an actual formal police academy. Actually that's not totally accurate, he could also be in a local 'Code Enforcement' division who writes up code violations for people who don't shovel their sidewalk within 24 hours after a storm. Basically, JD is a local or county hillbilly security guard. Not that I'm criticizing his job. All jobs done honorably in my opinion is decent work. It's just that TLC makes it appear that he's this big time cop. I don't think he is. Go get him girls!
  10. Jim Bob is nearing 50 as Michelle is about 48 so it's only natural that some gray is appearing. I'm only 42 and have been sprouting a gray hair on occasion for the past 5-6 years. It appears more and more so lately. I now understand why hair coloring was invented. I used to laugh at my mom. (Sorry mom). On another note, what's with Michelle's 1980's hairdo? Good God!! Somebody over at TLC needs to bring her up to date. Everytime I see her I think she's someone from my H.S. yearbook. It's 2015 Michelle! Time to change the do.
  11. Jill looked about 2 or 2 1/2 months along. It had to be a reenactment. Did anyone else notice that tiny bulge? It's slight, but noticeable. She used to be flat. IF you can rewatch it, do so. Then compare her with Jessa and Jinger. There's definitely some showing there that's a bit past the 30 day mark. Why do they feel the need to lie to their viewers? Why not just come out and say, "We're about 2.5 months knocked-up"? This was obviously filmed late August/early Sept. Maybe they want every pregnancy to fit in with their political agenda that life starts at conception My opinion, of course
  12. Jessa was apparently cognizant enough to know she didn't want to have her first kiss publicized on national television. I'm hoping she's also intelligent to know that her and Ben can practice birth control without saying so to Jim Bob and Michelle. What they do in the privacy of their own bedroom is between them two not the entire Duggar clan. Hopefully Ben or Jessa has figured out where the condoms are in the supermarket or pharmacy.
  13. I saw a pic of Jill about 1-2 weeks ago (standing on the beach with Derrick) and it said she was 6 months along and due in March. Well I've seen plenty of pregnant women over the past 25 years and I can honestly say that Jill looked closer to 7 1/2- 8 months along. Unless she's having twins she's way to big for 6 months. IMHO she looked almost ready to pop. Ain't no way she's due in March. Did anybody else see this pic? I'm guessing she's due late January and then they'll claim she was 4-6 weeks early. So I agree with Ljohnson1987. Just an opinion. I could be wrong, but....I don't think I am.
  14. Good grief. Is Amy really this delusional? "It's my dream!" In my world, I'm a gymnast, ice skater and ballet dancer. In my brother's world, he's...everything with a 150 IQ. Sometimes you just have to get over it and move on. It's called reality.
  15. I forgot to mention: Did anybody else see the preview for next week? Amy is back into the singing thing again. Apparently she's the only one who doesn't know she can't sing. If you didn't see the previews for next week, it appears Amy is going to another studio for advice, practice or whatever. Ya know they're hitting the bottom of the barrel when Amy gets another full show advertising her not-so-impressive singing skills.
  16. I think Josh is starting to feel the stress of having 3 kids, a wife, a job and an annoying part-time job with TLC. The constant traveling alone has to annoy him not too mention having to travel in a piece of crap RV that keeps falling apart. I'm surprised he hasn't snapped yet. Then his wife 'hint hint' wants another baby. He's only 25-26 years old. Most guys his age would be flipping out having to fix an RV 3-4 times on a trip that's supposed to be a vacation. I think it's a good thing that he and Anna moved to D.C. I think they needed to get away from circus.
  17. Well here's my 2 cents: If that Gothard compound is about 30 minutes away from Chicago then is it possible that Jana went along to be introduced to a potential mate within David/Priscilla's circle of friends? I don't see any other reason as to why they would make visiting David/Priscilla a 2 episode deal. Personally, I don't care that Prissy is due to have a baby so why make this 2 episodes? What gets me is all the traveling Josh and Anna do even though Josh has a full time job. He traveled back to Arkansas in June for Jill's wedding then to Chicago sometime in July, August or Sept and then traveled back to Arkansas for Jessa's wedding on Nov 1st. Can you imagine all that traveling with 3 kids and a FT job? He must have some sort of job agreement/contract that states he gets off whenever TLC demands it. I don't know any employer that generous in handing out vacation time.
  18. 'Then she checked out" LOL That's one of the few things on this thread that actually made me laugh today. The light's on but nobody's home.
  19. Personally, I don't think this was their first kiss. I'm not saying that they kissed before the wedding, but I'll bet they went into the private room, kiss briefly and then joined the rest of the wedding for the ice cream social. Then they went to the hotel room and practiced for the night. I'll bet this photo was taken 24 hrs later after a few practice kisses and after they found some kissing photos online. Jessa's a socialite and I'm sure she wanted to look good for the selfie. No way was she having an awkward kiss be photographed and put all over the internet on FB, Instagram, blogs and websites everywhere. She has a lot of fans. She had this photo planned.
  20. That's a different story. LOL, still though it's normal here. Some people still show up to the wedding ceremony, invited or not. My friend and I once went to a church wedding where she had been invited to the wedding and reception but I wasn't. The church is open to all. My friend declined the invitation because she was confused why she was invited and I wasn't. We were all co-workers but my friend and I were close friends and the bride wasn't really in our social circle. Considering the bride to be didn't have many friends, we were surprised I wasn't invited, but I wasn't offended at all. Personally, I didn't really care. Weddings are expensive and the bride can't possible invite everybody. In any case, my friend and I went to see the bridesmaids dresses and vows and then we took off. We meant no harm showing up and I'm sure your northern friends who showed up to yours uninvited meant no harm either. Unless, of course, you have some personal issues with them.
  21. I wondered about that too. Michelle and JB kept referring to Cathy as Miss Cathy. I thought it odd that they weren't just calling her Cathy. It's no more normal than serving popcorn at a wedding.
  22. I live in NJ and that's quite common here. Many people will 'make an appearance' by attending the wedding and then skip the reception. This happens for several reasons: 1) They're trying to avoid having to give a $100-200 gift. (In NJ if the bride is not shelling out $85/head for the dinner then she'll get criticized for having a cheap wedding and the rule of thumb used to be if the bride is shelling out 60/head for the dinner then the appropriate gift was $100, but lately it seems dinner costs have gone up to $85 or more per head so the appropriate gift can't be $150 because it would be rude to give a $50 bill so now you just give $200. So if you only go to the wedding then you don't have to give an outrageous $200 gift because you won't be eating that overpriced $85+ dinner) 2) They're trying to avoid socializing with people. Maybe they've had issues with family members or acquaintances also going to be there. In other words, they don't want to bump in to certain people. 3) They're too busy to sit through another 3 hour full dinner reception when they have other things to do. Time is very important to NJ-ians and seriously all they do is go out to eat on a normal day so really a reception is not much different. It's just another dinner but this one you have to get dressed up for. 4) I should also be fair and say that sometimes people just aren't feeling well enough to go to a fancy dinner. But seriously, it all comes down to appearances so in either situation, one will feel obligated to make an appearance for the sake of keeping up appearances. After all it is NJ and if you don't make an appearance you'll be considered rude and unsocial.
  23. What you didn't see the screen flash past Amy and Aunt Deanna for those 2 seconds? You must of blinked. I thought it kind of rude that they couldn't give Amy and Deanna a full 20 second interview.
  24. Like the other commenter said, Josie started to get bored. Also, the girl on the end decided to lie down like she wanted to take a nap. I'm not sure how they got her to sit back up.
  25. I agree. I'm sorry Cathy's sick, but rescheduling last minute would have been inappropriate for a 1000 guest wedding.
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