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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. So when The Flash fought Spartacus (can not remember the character's name) he was moving with a speed of less than Mach 2. Yet he was able to break time continuum. Fighter pilots fly over Mach 2 regularly. I never read any of them altering our timeline.
  2. I just have one question. What was the helicopter pilot doing while on the ground? Sipping coffee in the cockpit watching Ryan and Theo standoff and Ryan falling into the river?
  3. Has that ever happened, though? A real couple playing together in a show only to have one of them killed and the show just be steady as she goes? I am just reminded of Dexter where Jennifer Carpenter was married to Michael C. Hall and therefore she had job security no matter how bad she, her character or the show went.
  4. As well, Bitsie Tulloch posted on her Facebook page about the move back to 9.00 PM next season and she wrote it was a "good news". If she would not be there next season, why bother?
  5. I am sorry I did not make myself clear. By colors I mean the official jersey of the team, as worn on the field, as sold in the pro shops.
  6. Oh, one more thing. The indicator that the blind date experiment does not work. Tyler whispers that he has a hot cowgirl, while he has Laura who is not less hot available by his side.
  7. Ah, so that what the stupid selfies are for. While the blind dates show that they are clearly stronger than the couples, I hope that this will not be a precedent for the future. But of course, it is by design. Blind daters are typically younger than couples. I am glad that the fourth-team elimination gimmick takes the appropriate team as Rochelle and Mike is really a weak team. Such failure bookends for Hayley. She fucked up the first challenge, the obstacle course and she fucked the last roadblock up. I am a bit disappointed that teams do not wear Dallas Cowboys colors and logo. The star logo is not even on the end zone. Teams wore Liverpool FC kit in Liverpool. In TAR Canada teams wore Saskatchewan Roughriders jersey and Winnipeg Jets sweater. But I guess Dallas Cowboys and the NFL are in a whole other level.
  8. My problem with this episode is that the Ra's al-Ghul title is so easily transferable and the League of Assassins is just fine with that. Remember that Oliver needed to jump through hoops just to be Warith al-Ghul.
  9. I think I am wrong, but I see that the computer at CCPD works in such an accelerated speed just because The Flash operates it. At the beginning, Snart was depicted as a low-level criminal who just managed to get Cisco's gun by the way of a janitor. Then how did he managed to sabotage Cisco's plan, a plan dealing with complicated and foreign technology. Remember that in this universe Snart is just a user who has nothing to do with the engineering of his own weapon.
  10. Going head-to-head with The Amazing Race in the middle of the season? What were they thinking? The competition at 09.00 was lighter, I think.
  11. I was distracted for a moment and missed this. Help. What kind of explanation did Theo make on how he was able to track the laptop to Tom's apartment? As far as we know, Tom accessed the laptop from the office which means that he was using FBI wi-fi, am I right? ETA: Did I see it right? Next week is the series finale? Are we finally free, then?
  12. Sorry, I do not think we do. Shift the gear to the lower gear, gently let go the clutch. Do that until 1st gear, then turn the engine off. For manual transmission anyway, which the taxi is.
  13. Except that Juliette does not kill Kelly.
  14. Juliette murdered Kelly? When? I though she stayed upstairs when Kenneth's men did the business. As well, why is it bad should Juliette be redeemed while on the other hand Adalind has been redeemed, relapsed and redeemed again and it will be just fine? Remember, all of this happen because of Adalind.
  15. I would like to make a dissenting voice. With all the bad things that Juliette does, what does Nick - the Grimm - do to mitigate it? Since the beginning he shows nothing but disgust to Juliette condition, a condition that happened because of him. Then he keeps on telling Juliette that he, they will find a way to "cure". Never has he - the one with knowledge in the Wesen world - tried to sit down with her, to discuss their options, to discuss what she wants to do or to be. So yeah, not that I say that what Juliette does is good or right nor that it was okay for Nick to have her mother killed in such a horrible way, but he kind of has it coming... On a different note, how is the timeline in Grimm universe compared to real life? We saw Kelly took Diana as an infant just over a year ago and know she walks and talks already?
  16. Does that taxi driver really try to brake his vehicle with the handbrake? Blair is the only one who does not wear the life vest on the Road Black as he seems the one with the most control of the raft. Good Sailor, make the U.S. Navy proud. From their physical appearance, one would think that Laura is stronger than Hayley. However, Laura let Tyler do all the heavy lifting, literally. The wheelbarrow and the extra brick and the raft. Hayley at least helps Blair sharing the load. Next week: if the teams are in AT&T Stadium, why are they wearing the Raiders' colors? I certainly hope that the four-team finale gimmick is something purposely designed, as it was there last season. Otherwise, one might think that this was something TPTB pulled to keep a couple in relationship in the race.
  17. Really, Sheldon? As a comic book collector and wearer of The Flash t-shirt on regular basis, he is just thinking of watching The Flash now? Now that the season is almost over?
  18. So police officers in the New York Police Department are allowed to openly drink alcohol while on duty, in working hours, in the workplace? I guess then NYPD is more even casual than private companies as in most of those companies drinking on duty is a fireable offense.
  19. After the death of ADA Borgia, now it is ADA Novak? Any chance for ADA Cabot to make a guest appearance too? On another note I am glad that Nina Sergeevna is safely back in the United States. And my nitpick tonight is whether the U.S. Federal Government is really strapped for money since apparently FBI senior agents need to stay in a motel while in business trip.
  20. I am sorry, but which of the actresses is KA? Laurel's is KC and Nyssa's is KL.
  21. Okay, I am Asian and I never heard about this ghost brides. But apparently they are real, so I guess I learn something new every day. However, a question remains. Why those body providers provide bodies from the United States when the reason is the lack of bodies in China? United States is a modern and developed country. Law enforcement there is arguably among the more effective in the world. As well, there are oceans apart between the U.S. and China, particularly from the East Coast. In the meantime, there are plenty of Chinese communities in Southeast Asia. As well, law enforcement there is considerably more lax than it is in the U.S. Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines to name a few. Those places are much closer too. The case of stolen corpses should be prevalent in the areas around China first before it ever hits the U.S. On another note, I think we all should pity Lizzie. Since the fallout with Tom and Berlin - and the change of season - she has to slum it now and drive a Chevrolet instead of the brand new Mercedes-Benz.
  22. I am sorry to nitpick, but you surely mean immoral, do you not?
  23. Stanley Cup, now? I thought the Stanley Cup was the purview of NBC considering it is the network that actually carries NHL nationally along with the SC playoffs.
  24. Oh, one other thing. Do the writers expect us to believe that someone with Katie Cassidy's body eats large hamburger with fries and milk shake on regular basis?
  25. When Ra's announced the marriage, my thought was, "Does he know that his daughter plays for the other team?" Also, "Do we not have enough show for that issue?" *cough*Glee*cough* So the new Canary Cry device that Laurel asked Cisco to build is actually in her throat that she screams out? I thought it was a sonic weapon that she threw at her target.
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