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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. Once again, somebody in "that" law firm (I lost track of its name), has alcoholic beverage, opens its container, drinks it in office premises, during business hours, in the open where anybody can see. In the organizations I have been working with, it is a fireable offence. Guess I have never worked in a place as prestigious and as reputable as "that' law firm.
  2. Sorry, can not agree. Fiona is legally married to Gus and yet she has sexual intercourse with somebody else without his consent? Can not see anything worse than that in a relationship. And yet she still has the audacity to ask for his help?
  3. My complaint is that they have a show at Centre Vidéotron and they drink Heineken? As well, all service people in Québec speak English with American accent, with no hint of French in their voice?
  4. What was that Ra's al-Ghul ring made of? Solder? It melted very easily in such small fire.
  5. So Melissa Benoist's Supergirl is part of Arrowverse? Any crossover anytime soon? Did Barry meet Lawton in Earth-1, The Flash or Arrow? I can not recall that.
  6. Does Hunter have same kind of plan with their missions? It seems like he just jumps from one idea to the other without any clarity what to do and how to do that. I went crazy at the Pentagon scene watching all those wrong uniforms. Does Vostok leave her coat at the concert only to walk home with Snart? She must have known that it is a cold night and her dressing in revealing dress will not help...
  7. Out of topic: I will believe it when my race is represented in any of the shows. After all, diversity is "diverse".
  8. Out of topic: but why a particular show needs to go out of its way so that every element of society appear to be represented? There are bunch of shows on BET that care not a bit about diversity.
  9. How did the kryptonite bullets flip the 'S' logo on Bizarro's chest without ruining it?
  10. Rory did not go to Egypt. Hunter did. In fact, all these things you said Mick Rory did, it was Rip Hunter. Is there anything missing here?
  11. Challenger Deep is the deepest point in Mariana Trench, the deepest point on planet Earth.
  12. If that is the case, why not take the body? Throw it to the moon if the craft is a space ship. Otherwise, sealed, in a steel coffin, weld it tight and throw the coffin to Challenger Deep. Or keep the body, kill him when he resurrects. There are many alternatives to do, one that can not be done is just to leave him there while they know he will resurrect and be a big problem in the future.
  13. The way the show portrays a sitting U.S. Attorney is a turn-off for me. Really, forcing somebody to pick his dog's excrement up with his bare hand? And cursing publicly as well? Speaking of curses, I can not find it believable that curses and vulgar words were thrown casually in office environments, be it government or private.
  14. 1. Was it not established yesterday that Sara did not have Thea's blood lust because John Constantine made her whole? 2. Jackson knows how to fight in a serious manner now? 3. So Savage's followers captured Sara and Hunter in the room where they kept Carter's body. They hauled our heroes out, and brought them to... the room where Carter's body was kept...? 4. After Savage was "killed" why did Hunter not take the body and just burn it? 5. That long after his death, should Carter's blood not coagulate by then? As well, should he not be in rigor mortis already? 6. I am not sure I have the appetite to follow the series if all they do is hunt Savage from a point in time to other point only to have him resurrects at the end of each of the episode.
  15. Without discussing characters, these are what I think (not a medical professional myself) wrong with the episode: 1. A nurse (or a midwife) getting in a pissing contest with a physician. I am quite speechless watching that scene. A close family member is an ob-gyn and I can not imagine a nurse snapping at him that way. 2. A medical student, by definition not yet licensed, doing diagnostics and ordering tests, initially without supervision from licensed physician. 3. The hospital repatriating a patient under DHS interest. Should the DHS not clear them first before doing that? 4. An ob-gyn treating a newborn. Should they not have neonatal paediatrician for that?
  16. And it is a bad news for fellow Canadians. Since Lifetime Canada is a different entity with Lifetime USA, their programming is not identical. Lifetime Canada does not carry War and Peace. I checked. So after half the show, we are simply SOL.
  17. How did the Black Claws have the funeral for their fallen comrades? Their bodies were still in police custody, were they not? As well, how was it that the dead bodies were still in street clothes? Should they had been autopsied by then?
  18. My question throughout the show was if New York was in traffic lock down, how did the cast and crew get to the 30 Rock. I felt Rousey was underutilized. On the other hand however, she was a martial artist. Having her doing her fight moves might not be so appealing for the audience.
  19. But is Sara not more... top-heavy? That would affect the fit, would it not? I can not help worrying about Prof. Stein's nice BMW convertible. He just left it there out in the field? And how about his wife? He left her again after she thought he was dead for a while?
  20. So Barry was sleeping with Patty? Did they have sex? How about his involuntary bodily functions? Would they not be... fast? On a serious note, if Turtle absorbed energy, how did the chandelier drop faster than the Flash running?
  21. President John Adams plays against MAJ Dick Winters. How can I say no? However, this kind of story ought to be a mini-series. One season, that is it. By whatever reason Axelrod is caught in the most dramatic way on the finale, everybody is happy. What I can not see myself following though, if the story becomes multiple arcs of cat-and-mouse game, spanning multiple seasons. And since it is labelled as a series, not mini-series, I am afraid that it will be the case.
  22. Really? I do not know how is it here in North America, but in my country of origin all new students at the Faculty of Medicine in all universities are given color blindness test. Passing such test completely is the condition of enrollment.
  23. Out of topic: I see your Southern U.S., and I raise. I give you Canada. Raise more, French Canada.
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