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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. I need to question though, does rank not matter in the NYPD? Yes to functional responsibility, but the incident happened in the Deputy Inspector's AOR. Should the ESU, and the Captain, not be under the DI's command as she was senior to the Captain? But this command and control aside, was there no courtesy to the senior rank? The Captain called the Deputy Inspector by her last name alone, without her rank. Kudos to Officer Quinlan to be able to change from uniform to civilian clothes then to uniform then to civilian clothes so quickly, even her hair was in regulation. And they took from us the joy of seeing Officer Ruhl blew above legal limit and got promptly arrested? Oy, vey.
  2. So the U.S. Navy staged the assault in an airport or airbase in or around Toronto? I thought Canada was neutral in this United States - Gilead conflict? Otherwise, Canada would be a belligerent party to Gilead and all Gileadians in Canada would be considered hostile. Since Gileadians could enter Canada, and Gilead could establish a mission in Toronto, they were at peace with Canada. Who was Mark Tuello? He claimed to be an agent for the United States government, but he apparently had command authority to a military mission? Who were the Wheelers? Since they did not answer to Gildean Commanders, were they Canadians? If they were not Giledians with diplomatic immunity in Canada, how did they do their Giledian lifestyle in Canadian soil? That was also including building a private army in Canada. And BTW, Commander Lawrence directed this episode? Good job nevertheless.
  3. The stupid in this episode... it hurts... In the whole city of Helena, the capital city of a state, the only law enforcement available (federal, state, county, municipal) for a potential bank robbery and kidnap of an officer was Hoyt and Arlen? And what kind of stupid, small-time criminals kidnapped an LEO, in uniform no less? Even if they managed to get away this time, they would spend their (short) life on the run. I am a die-hard Katheryn Winnick fan, and that is why I am following this show. But 2-1/2 seasons in, I think I am exhausted. I am tired of the show opening multiple story lines and leaving plenty of loose ends behind, unsolved. We do not even know up to this episode who Trooper Legarski was working for.
  4. Maybe I am not smart enough for the show. But why did Elias kidnap Priya, specifically? For a groomer of girls, it seems too brazen to violently invade a home and kidnap the girl, instead of kidnapping victims of opportunity.
  5. I just wonder if the charcuterie is still good to eat after being carried around the place like that. If not, what a waste of good meat.
  6. Gilead geography and governing structure confuse me. Unless of course this story happens in an alternate universe and they are all located in Middle-Earth or Westeros. What areas of the current United States that Gilead control? So far we see that most of the story happens in and around Boston. We also see that from Boston Gilead extends to Chicago and to the District of Columbia. If Gilead is centered around Boston, the logical place for the refugees to gather is Montreal, not Toronto. This show makes it that Toronto to Gilead area where Lawrence and Blaine are is just a stone's throw away. Where is New Bethlehem then? Where is the island community in the United States enough to handle all the return refugees? I suppose that the refugees fleeing Gilead would be in the hundreds of thousand if not millions considering the atrocities that Gilead commits. About governance, I always thought that commanders that we saw, Waterford, Putnam, Lawrence, Blaine, were local commanders. There were national, higher-level commanders, I thought. Just like Commander Elliot Stabler in DC. But now Lawrence admitted that Gilead was his creation and he was able to make policy decision for Gilead? The Wheelers is another element that confuses me. How do they do what they do Gilead-style on Canadian soil? Does Canada not recognize Serena as the baby's mother? As well, they manage to have an armed army in Canada?
  7. Did Kevin die at all? If Kevin did not die, that could be the biggest 'fuck you' Kevin gave Allison. Allison asked for a divorce, Kevin burned their marital home down, so Allison did not get anything from the divorce. Insurance would not pay as it was deliberate.
  8. Did Captain Benson not pull rank on an officer of the same rank, Captain Duarte?
  9. Margaret is not a founding nor a named partner, but there is nothing in two episodes that indicate that she is not a partner at all. If she is really not than this show is even more bullshit that I think as there is no way an associate can get a private office as spacious and as well-furnished as hers. Speaking of bullshit, this show is. Too much of happenstance, that I hate. Too much of illegalities for a legal drama. And of course too much of Todd. Two and out, off my PVR. Maybe I can revisit in the future once it goes to Paramount+.
  10. Right of the bat, Abby and her husband - who was supposed to be a sheriff - stopped their wagon and separated themselves from the caravan - and therefore left the safety and the protection that came with the caravan - so that they could have a midday sex? How stupid could they possibly be?
  11. Okay, I am intrigued. I am willing to watch episode 2, just to see where they go with the stories. As a side note, missing and murdered indigenous women and girls (MMIWG) was a big issue in Canada some time ago, and it still is. However, IMO what the stakeholders do not seem to want to mention is the RCMP reports that saying that the vast majority of the culprits of MMIWG that get uncovered are indigenous men. Further, they are mostly men known to the victims. So I wonder if the show will go there. Solve the MMIWG case, but also uncover what happens within indigenous communities.
  12. It is called 'cross-selling'. Good businesses - including Disney apparently - know how to do it well.
  13. Did Matt get a new costume at the Daredevil series finale? I do not like this costume, I liked the all-burgundy one. Daredevil being unknown in Los Angeles make sense. In the world of larger-than-life Avengers, minor superhero from Hell's Kitchen may not draw attention. My question is whether Matt is a California bar member. But he obviously is. So Jennifer who is single and living alone have sex with a man. So fucking what? This is 2022 - assuming that that is also the date of the show.
  14. So June and Luke are back in Gilead? I do not feel like watching this show anymore, but it is just one and a half more seasons to go, I have gone this far... Honestly, I almost stopped watching, but because June managed to escape I continued. I could not endure Gilead anymore. Who are Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler? Are they Canadians sympathetic to Gilead's ideology or are they Gileadians who own major property in Ontario? Mr. Wheeler does not look like he has confidence of a wealthy man. I understand why Canadians do not like Giledians or Americans. For them, Gilead or United States is certainly a domestic matter. Why Canada and Canadians need to be implicated? Taking into account the way Giledian refugees behaving, the resentment is very much understandable.
  15. I hate it when a genre show is not consistent with its own mythology. Case in point, season 1 explained clearly that the sinkhole was a portal across time, in the same place. It even made a point of hiding the ring under a rock that 10k years later was still in place. And now, out of sudden, the sinkhole is also a portal through time and space? How convenient. My speculation is that TPTB planned to have Gavin et. al.'s journey from Pacific North to San Fernando Valley as part of season 2. That plan was then cancelled for one reason or the other. Did people really leave their doors unlocked in 1988, even when they took extended leave? And then announced that they were not home for an extended period on their answering machine? Regarding woolly rhinoceros, first they were not native to North America. Second, they were herbivorous, just like extant rhinos. Why would they be hunting humans? Levi had a pistol, did he not? Why did he give himself up instead of demanding that Eve be released otherwise he would put a shiny one in each of the captors' head?
  16. I may be spoiled by For All Mankind. The space scenes are shit and so is the space science. The damage of space shuttle Columbia thermal protection system tiles caused by debris strike was the cause of her destruction IRL. During the time in orbit, before reentry, one solution to be considered was for Columbia to dock to the ISS and wait for rescue. That idea could not be done since Columbia and the ISS were at different altitude and orbit inclination. Point is, spacecrafts in orbit cannot just catch up with each other if their trajectories are not designed to meet. I am also disappointed to hear banging sound when Song bangs the hatch of the Mir. There is no sound in space, of course. For the show itself, I think I agree with other posters that I do not care much with the present-day drama. Maybe a bit as a background - considering the original had very little - but not 50/50.
  17. In the first two seasons I think, it was emphasized rather firmly that women in Gilead may not read. And now Serena headed an office with plenty of paper works? How did that happen?
  18. I did not mean a captain officiating the wedding that was Trekish, but what Mercer said seemed to be a paraphrase of what Picard said.
  19. Was this the series finale? It felt like it and I hope it was. The show was a good spoof of Star Trek at the beginning but as it went to find its form it lost its purpose. Was the show comedy or action-adventure? It felt like neither. Plus, the three-year delay (one of which was TPTB's own fault) did not help. Better to stop now when it was still decent. Speaking of Star Trek, this episode was full of Star Trek lores: Mercer said, "One of the great privileges ... bestowed upon ships captains since the days of the ancient seafaring vessels is the honor of uniting two people in matrimony." Picard said this when he officiated O'Brien's wedding, "Since the days of the first wooden sailing ships, all captains have enjoyed the happy privilege of joining together two people in the bonds of matrimony." Other than that, Prime Directive, food replicator, and holo-deck.
  20. I am not sure if this discussed upthread, but did Rhaenyra offer that the King's grandson marries the King's daughter?
  21. This episode confuses the hell out of me. Cpt. Mercer, and the Union in extension, thinks that it is unconscionable to have the Kaylon - while sentient, manufactured being, who killed billions of sentient biological species who just recently was eager to exterminate all living beings - be killed by Krill-Moclan alliance, yet at the same time thinks that it is acceptable to have hundreds of Union servicemembers killed and numerous Union ships destroyed?
  22. Who was the Opera leader at UBC? She must be somewhat famous, she was a Member of the Order of Canada.
  23. I know that this is science fiction with plenty of suspend-the-disbelief element, but a CIA agent deliberately killing non-combatant British citizens on British soil - a strong ally of the United States - is rather hard for me to swallow.
  24. That scene made me confused. Why Largo and his family acted as if being put on the back of the caravan was a death sentence? Somebody needed to be in the back, his or other family.
  25. There is one thing I do not quite understand. Where is, or rather, what is Valinor, the home of the elves? Is it a real place, real location separated by the Sundering Seas from the Middle-Earth or is it a place on different plane of reality? Why does the ship have to go through a portal of light if Valinor is in the same dimension as Middle Earth? Besides that, it is kind of badass, if not completely weird, that the elves sail through the entire voyage standing up at attention. I also agree with the poster above, what did Galadriel think? Did she plan to swim the whole ocean on her own with only one dagger? No floating platform or device, no food, no fresh water, no navigational aid. Yes, she is a fantasy being in a fantasy world, but it seems like the scene is not very well-thought.
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