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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. Since her Shameless days, I just wish that Emma Greenwell would close her mouth in her normal expression.
  2. I am a bit confused about the Gitmo episode. The court martial is called by the Convening Authority, is it not? The prosecutors are not like DAs that they can prosecute their cases independently. CMIIW. If that is the case, certainly the CO of NS Guantanamo Bay could stop the proceeding as he is the Convening Authority on that base, rather than taking the convoluted way around.
  3. Looking at the angle that his loft has towards the Statue, quick check with Google Maps actually indicates that his loft is located somewhere in New Jersey. Yeah, I know. It is like every hotel window in Paris looks directly to Eiffel Tower and in Toronto to CN Tower. Except for playoffs - which is far and away for the Knicks - it is not that difficult on StubHub. For pretty penny, of course. On a separate note, I check Raoul's French restaurant in New York. It is not that expensive. $52 for steak and $44 for halibut + lobster. So why Ray gave Lena that stack of money? Of course, knowing American money, those bills could be just $10s.
  4. Not exactly EoE but Ozzy did this in South Pacific. He wanted to be voted out to Redemption Island. Upon his return however, Cochran turned on his alliance and eventually voted Ozzy out.
  5. The victim was a Captain in the Afghan National Army. So who cares about what happens to his family and his legacy, right? Sarcastic, of course. The judge was a Lieutenant Colonel, not a General Officer. But your point stands. Why conduct a court martial in an operational zone like that? Do the members of the panel not have anything to do while downrange?
  6. New episodes of The Code are pulled off schedule and replaced by reruns of Magnum P.I. *Taps*
  7. I understand that adage, but it seems like a very inefficient way to keep ferrying JAGC officers from CONUS downrange. And JAGC doing the investigation seems out of place. Why bother with MP and NCIS if they have Abe and Harper, right? So they revealed that Capt Dyer's unit was part of Marine Raider Regiment. So they are not regular Marine grunts, they are special operator. Which means the firefight scene more implausible. There they were, in a firefight. The company CO was KIA and the first thing the first shirt did was to ask a JAGC officer for order? He knew exactly that the most combat training 1stLt Li had was SOI and he had a platoon of well-trained Raiders. The sensible thing to do is for him to take charge and protect the Lieutenant. This is the second episode that they deal with a MARSOC unit. Genuine question, I thought SOCOM was somewhat independent to the services? I thought SOCOM had its own counsel?
  8. Not to mention that she never wears her headgear, even when she is outdoor and off the base. Monday was fun, watching this show led-in by Chernobyl. Two shows with gory deaths, what not to like?
  9. You mean Tyler Grey (SO1 Trent Sawyer)? He was Army Ranger, no?
  10. I shook my head when Davis picked up Quinn and while hugging her Quinn said something like, "Let us find a bedroom ASAP." It is something to fraternize when they both were POs, while it might be hard to be objective with one's partner in the same unit. But once Davis received her commission, it was a different story. Their action was a punishable offense under UCMJ.
  11. Just to correct you a little bit. The sailor suit, as the name implies, is only worn by the junior enlisted personnel in the Navy. Private First Class is an Army and Marine Corps rank, thus those with that rank wear either Army or Marines uniform. Army and Marines uniforms do not differ significantly between junior and senior ranks. Midshipmen are student officers in the Department of Navy. Those are students in the US Naval Academy or at the Naval ROTC. IIRC, unlike what is depicted in this show, OCS candidates are not midshipmen. As they are student officers, midshipmen wear officer-style service dress uniforms.
  12. 1. And commissioned officers, of course. In that scene LCDR Blackburn and CPT Harrington. 2. I was a bit surprised that it was prepared Budweiser that they pinned on the casket. I always thought that the operators took the insignia from their breast then put it on the casket. Speaking of which, who was the additional Senior Chief in that detail? He was apparently close to the team as he sat next to Hays in the bar.
  13. I can not help but wonder though. If CAS was available from the beginning, why Jason only requested one once they were pinned down and in critical situation? Why not asked for one once they knew tangos in multiple vehicles were closing in? And then Trent controlled the air attack. I would think that they had TACP there considering the A-10 was not a SOCOM asset. Speaking of SOCOM asset, Mali was a long, long way from Guam. I found it hard to swallow that there were no SOCOM assets available in the whole AFRICOM, EUCOM and CENTCOM AOs. Even Virginia Beach or Fort Bragg were closer. CMIIW but operators needed certain amount of rest after travelling across time zones.
  14. I suppose because Supergirl started on CBS they could not establish from the beginning that it was part of Arrowverse. As well, Supergirl dealt mostly with aliens, not meta-humans. Therefore the convoluted story of having it in separate universe with Arrow and The Flash,
  15. That is meta, I think. We know Arrowverse and we know Supergirl, Arrow and The Flash. But Supergirl only visits Earth-1 only once a year. For people in 2019 Earth-1 (who do not watch CW), I would wager that Black Canary (whichever one she is), Vibe, Kid Flash, Elongated Man, are more well-known than Supergirl.
  16. Any Marine aboard this thread? I feel weird watching 1stLt Li with her Blue Dress Uniform. First, is there a new regulation that permits female Marine to wear the same type of coat as male? She wore the high-collar 'choker' coat instead the collar-and-lapel type of coat with white shirt and scarlet neck tab. Second, what was with the dark blue slacks? I thought dark blue trousers or slacks were reserved for General Officers? As for the case, I do not really get it. Why did they decide to drop the charges? And that meant that the Lieutenant got away scot-free? As for Col Turnbull and her son, can that be inferred that her son lost his leg due to her pigheadedness to have him rescued? Lastly, even when addressing the office officially, Maj Ferry kept on referring WO1 Ahmadi by his first name only? SMH.
  17. So the Colonel was able to strong-arm a multi-national mining company even after a Major General and his staff could not? And in episode 3 she wrangled a Brigadier General to give her career up after she spoke casually to the said General? (Col Turnbull did call BGen Daley by her first name unprompted.) Who the hell is Col Turnbull? So now 1stLt Turnbull is saved. Yay. But what about those SEALs? Their deaths are directly attributed to Col Turnbull's push. Their lives for her son's I suppose. I hope that it was not Bravo Team who did the rescue. 🙂 As for Rami - or rather, WO1 Ahmadi - IMO the officers did not give him the respect he deserves by calling him by his first name while he addresses them properly.
  18. The second paragraph is not about military.
  19. Since Truman, the only presidents not buried at their libraries are: Kennedy, buried at Arlington National Cemetery following the assassination. Johnson, buried at his family private cemetery close to his childhood home. Ford, his library and museum are separate. He is buried at the museum.
  20. Do I remember wrongly but I thought that Mia was trained by Nyssa and Oliver was there? Or am I just imagining it? So I guess next season will be Oliver without Team Arrow doing multi-verse action? Next season's Arrow will be just Oliver as he departed Earth-1 already. Will the four children be a spin-off? Finally, bye Felicia Felicity. And of course bye Spartan, Wild Dog, Mr. Terrific, Black Canaries and Arsenal.
  21. So the Senior Defense Counselor was an O-5 and he wanted that his successor to be an O-3? What? O-4 made more sense as we could fanwank that Ferry might be promotable to O-5. But a Captain to take over a Lieutenant Colonel? No, programmers do not always put their signatures in their codes. Some do, but it is not as common as the show depicts. Besides, those in parentheses are optional. How did they prove that they point to someone specific, beyond reasonable doubt? Lastly, 'Big Chicken Dinner' and Dishonorable Discharge apply only to enlisted personnel. Officers get dismissal. Funny how seasoned lawyers use inaccurate terms.
  22. But it was all her choice, though. Jonah was her VP and Amy was his CoS, Mike already gone a long time, Dan was fired on her request and Gary was in jail by her doing. The only one who voluntarily got oneself off Team Meyer was Kent who could not bear the idea of getting involved with Jonah. And see where that took Kent, from a very rational data analyst and strategist to an alpaca farmer.
  23. So Selina Meyer Presidential Library is in Smith College in Massachusetts. I am a bit disappointed as Smith College is actually a very good school, member of the Seven Sisters. Looking back at how difficult it was for her team to secure a location for her Presidential Library, IMO it would be hilarious if it is located in some junior college or for-profit university.
  24. I was quite disappointed with Time to Shine (the submarine episode) and had not been watching the show for a while. I am working my way up the episodes. Now on to You Only Die Once (Afghanistan - Iran border sniper shot). At the beginning of the episode, it was stressed strongly that to prevent war they could not be identified as American. However, at the end of the episode, we saw Marines UH-1Y and AH-1Z, as well as ground troops, fired directly into Iranian soil. Clear as day with all the identification marks wide open. How did that go with the higher echelon? It is one thing that the mission failed, it is another thing to have American aircraft and troops openly opened fire into Iranian territory. On a second note, this is something that has been going on for a while. The team members call LCDR Blackburn as 'Blackburn' to his face. Special Warfare or not, is it acceptable? I can understand that as a SO unit they are a bit lose in protocol and may call each other by first name, enlisted and officers alike, but to call someone by last name without a prefix?
  25. Moderators, can you please change the title to this thread to reflect the actual title of the episode, 'The Bells'?
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