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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Of all the things I've ever heard kids tease each other about, I don't ever think I've heard anything along the lines of "well your mother breastfeed you when you were an infant." Considering that, these days, the bulk of his classmates will probably have also been breastfed, it's just not a big deal. And the embarrassing picture aspect of it, well, Leo should be able to troll some old social media posts from any of those kids' parents to find far more embarrassing stuff to throw back at them. It would be his breastfeeding picture versus Billy's naked in the bath tub picture. Or Bobby beaming proudly into the camera after he's smeared his poop all over the bed, the wall, and himself. Embarrassing pictures all all over social media. A lot of parents have no filter. Now I really need to check out his scenes. Just, please, please, do not let him become a Sonny ass kisser. We're out of vacancies in the Sonny Ass Kissing Motel.
  2. Yep. And then there's that whole cheating on Emily because she didn't get over being raped by his doppelganger quickly enough for his liking. He's been a douchebag for quite some time. I do think it started with what you're mentioning - when he and Emily shit all over Zander. That was the genesis of Nik as selfish douchebag. He's just evolved from there to the Lord of the Douches he's become.
  3. They should all know by now that, if Liam hits a speed bump in his relationship with a woman, he doesn't go off to clear his head, he just proposes to the first woman he sees. They should be checking all the quickie wedding chapels for him.
  4. So, I saw that Ashley Jones is doing some episodes of B&B now. The interesting (although not surprising) part of that news was that she's only shot two episodes of GH at this point. So, yeah, sounds like the Kristina/Parker story is going to be left hanging for quite some time. What great pacing, show. By the time they get back around to it, a lot of viewers will have forgotten it was even a thing. "Oh, yeah, Kristina and her professor..."
  5. I'm sure they left a little bit of it burning so Jason and Kidnapping Accomplice can have a romantic bonfire and roast marshmallows. We can throw Maxie's dress on that.
  6. And then he'd get pissed when he realized it was non-alcoholic beer he was chugging.
  7. I could not stop laughing at Quinn's expectant crazy eyes when Steffy announced she had a message from Liam. As much of a mess as this story is, and it is a mess, RS is making it at least a watchable mess.
  8. Oh, you just know that lunkhead Vince would have fallen off more than once. It would have been hilarious.
  9. Carly would actually prefer that her sons be married to someone she feels she can control and who will always know her place (behind Carly). It's why she was so on board with Jason marrying Courtney. She felt Courtney knew her place. She would not appreciate someone too much like her with her sons, because, if she's being honest about who she is, she knows damn well what woman like her is capable of. And when she's not being honest with herself, she considers herself better than women like her. Of course, I honestly don't know who she would consider good enough for her boys - especially Michael, the crown prince.
  10. How disgusting is it for a mother to be analyzing her son's sex life like that? Ick.
  11. The only twist here will be if Ensign Mayo actually gets laid this time. And who's been holding their breath for that?
  12. And, yeah, Sabrina lied to Michael, but Kiki fucking drugged him and has flip-flopped back and forth between her two sons. Not to mention, Carly hates her mother. There is just zero reason Carly shouldn't be hissing and showing her teeth every time Kiki enters the room.
  13. Yeah, that was more of a family reunion dalliance than a workplace dalliance. I saw a spoiler that "Jason and Liz come together for Jake as he's transferred to the Shriner's Hospital." Even in their spoiler wording, they just can't commit to not stirring up the pot, can they? They can't just say Jake is transferred. Nope, Jason and Liz have to "come together" for it. Free Liz.
  14. I think there are decent odds that they'll have her dementia end up being the result of something she was given - whether it was whatever she smoked with Ashton or we find out someone slipped something into her food or drink at some point. Once they figure out what's causing it, she'll be cured. My money is on whatever she smoked. There had to be a point to that vacation and meeting up with him.
  15. As long as Cory and Mitch come in third, I'm good. (Hey, John is no longer here, so it's already a better final than most seasons, so I'm easy.) I totally agreed with Cara about "janky carnival games" being a big deciding factor in the final. I guess that now, when we go to our local carnivals and summer fests this spring/summer, we'll see all sorts of Challenge cast members hunkered down at the game booths with a big ass stack of singles, trying to hone their skills - maybe as they have a friend running back and forth to buy them a shitload of beers to guzzle as they play.
  16. I think they'd still bring them back on another season of Exes. Given how much of a non-entity they were the first time around and the overload of drama they provided this season, the producers won't be able to resist having them on.
  17. Carly standing there smiling while the new doctor talked to Sonny made me irrationally angry. I can't even put my finger on why, it just did.
  18. I agree with jsbt, though. It's not any one specific actor who is going to break it, but, eventually, after some exit, it's going to be broken, because there are just too many. You can't have the only real remnant of pre-FV/RC GH being Sonny and Carly. Soaps evolve and change over time, but there's just been too much turnover in a fairly short time. And when a lot of those who leave end up on the same show, then it's only natural to assume that viewers are going to start migrating to that show to see the actors they've grown attached to. When you add in how God awful the writing is, along with the seeming cast exodus, it's just not a recipe for succeeding. It would be one thing if, even with the departures, we were being given something compelling to watch. But, what's compelling now? (And, let's face it, the shit-tastic writing is probably a large part of why the cast members are dropping out).
  19. Why ever would this show think to give a character something non-Sonny-centric to do? He's the sun around which all of Port Charles orbits. I'm so much less invested in seeing Michael and Tracy scenes now that he's back to full Sonny's son status. Oh what could have been...
  20. I could see JFP looking at the whole situation - BH's fans are already pissed off (and some have tuned out) over the trashing the character has endured over the past several months. She knows BH's fan base is strong and loyal. If she joined Y&R with SBu and JT, she has to assume that she'd bring over viewers, and it would be an F-U to Frank and the network. Honestly, if we hear some last minute deal is worked out, I'll assume it's solely because Frank doesn't want her to sign on with Y&R (and then he'll promptly ignore Liz and focus on his pets).
  21. And, let's not forget, Jason can cure addiction. He just needs to take you to the island and throw your pills out the window. Addiction gone!
  22. How did I completely forget they were on that season together?
  23. I thought Sundays were NLG's night to drunk tweet? I won't copy the tweets, since they're political, but apparently she's making an exception and adding in a Tuesday night drunk tweeting session for the primary.
  24. At least this time they didn't kill the kid to prop JaScam. Baby steps.
  25. I still loathe Ron for ruining that more than anything else he did. (And he did a lot to loathe him for.)
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