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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. What I don't get is why anyone would want to pay an ounce of attention to these bequests. They all have to know that anything Helena left them is just going to be one big old mind fuck. Throw that shit away and move on with your lives. When Lulu said "this could be a trap," I was thinking "could be???" It's Helena. Of course it's a trap. It may not be evident immediately, but it will eventually be revealed as a trap of some kind. Laura, of all people, should know that. Lulu, Nik, and all of her grandkids are there in Port Charles in her sight, so call Luke and Lucky, make sure they're OK, and forget all about pursuing whatever mess Helena wants her to throw herself into.
  2. I just mean from the stand point of the mystery. The "oh my God! Who is she, really???" mystery falls flat when it's someone we've never heard of and have zero reason to be remotely jolted by the revelation. There's just no point to the whole thing. (I smell another T-shirt!)
  3. I kind of wish the regular Emmy's had younger actor/actress categories. Eden Sher from The Middle would own that. Back to GH: It could be like that time on Friends when Phoebe thought her mother's spirit was in a cat. Everyone in town can comment on how much the cat acts like Duke (and, of course, the uncanny resemblance). Speaking of pets - I think we all need service animals to get us through watching this shit. Personally, I'm going to need a service manatee. I remain confused as to why the show expects me to give two shits who Rebecca Budig is - especially if she's not tied to the canvas in any way. I could be bothered to care if she was a Q, Weber, Spencer, etc. Otherwise, what's the damn point of the whole mystery of who she is? This show, I swear...
  4. You've still got a potential epic freak out when the winners are announced. We may get video of some poor drive thru worker being dragged into his temper tantrum again. Frank must really be torn in the BryDog vs. Spencer match up.
  5. It's like Frank is asking himself on a daily basis "how can I make this shit both less entertaining and more pretentious?"
  6. I laughed so hard when they said "I love you." Slow down, children. You've spent 5 minutes together.
  7. Come to think of it - why wasn't Jason invited to the will reading? Am I to believe that, after all she did to mess with his life, she didn't want to leave him some ambiguous gift to further mess with his head?
  8. I'd be tempted to pay just to see the moment when BryDog throws them all out after he loses. "Show's over! Everyone get the hell out of here!"
  9. Well now I'm disappointed that we didn't get Dr. Michael Easton stroking a goldfish.
  10. I'm sure BryDog and Thighbolt would be happy to host them in their backyard.
  11. Here's the first book in the series: http://smile.amazon.com/Confessions-Slightly-Neurotic-Hitwoman-Lynn-ebook/dp/B006IY9C2O/ref=la_B0094GSJ2M_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1458589927&sr=1-2
  12. While browsing Amazon for reading material, I came across a series of books about an assassin who can communicate with her animals. One of those animals is a lizard named Godzilla who likes to go by "God," is judgmental, and speaks in a snooty tone. I can't even begin to describe how badly I want Dr. Michael Easton's lizard to be able to speak (to someone, anyone) and go around speaking derisively of most of the population of Port Charles. I need a talking lizard snarking on Morgan if I'm going to keep watching this show.
  13. I was, of course, joking (mostly). But I'm still sticking with Wyatt being better in bed than Waffles. Of the women who can compare, it seems like they've all enjoyed themselves way more with him.
  14. I guess we'll never know what his favorite holiday was, then.
  15. I was saying the other day, "Just because Godwin's Law is a thing, doesn't mean Trump isn't Hitler." There's something really scary going on with a segment of his support base. I appreciate that shows like TDS and TNS are pointing it out, but it's also kind of depressing that, for the most part, it's only being brought up on comedy shows. Any time it's brought up in other media forums, it's mostly just as a vehicle for Trump (or his minions) to play dumb and pretend that it's not exactly what's going on.
  16. They were one of those instances where I might not have necessarily liked either character, but there was still something watchable about their story.
  17. And, if they wanted to do the whole "watch them rediscover their love as two new people" thing, with them not married, they could have let the divorce just go through before they found out the truth. Then it would make sense not to rush right back into getting married. But the idea that they need to get a divorce now to get to know each other is just silly. Just remain married, but build up to the whole moving back in together thing. And if you reach a point where the two of you realize it's not working with who you both are now, then get the divorce. It's mind boggling that the writers can't come up with enough emotional drama just in him trying to recover his memories and his feelings for her, along with them dealing with where he goes in life from here. This is a guy who has lived two entirely different lives, and now he's on a third. That should provide more than enough drama for them together and him by himself. You know, if we had writers with an ounce of talent and skill at this sort of thing. It seems like it should write itself to have Jason, as he finds out things about his past, be horrified at some of the stuff he's done as Sonny's enforcer and at some of the stuff both he and his mob moll have done to each other over the years. We never really saw them truly work out and hash out some things that they should have. It would be good story to see them finally deal with some of their past and decide how to bury it and move on from it.
  18. I think the reason is that what they're doing now? Is boring as hell. These writers are so inept that they couldn't think of something contained to just these two characters that would be interesting. So they had to trash another character to make it "exciting" (which it so was not), then they figure everyone would be all "but it's OK that it's boring now, because they've earned boring!" Because it all comes down the fact that these writers suck ass.
  19. These days, there is just no way that Brenda (or anyone) would choose Jax over Sonny. Or choose anyone (other than Jason) over Sonny, really. If that triangle was playing out today, we'd all be throwing shit at our TV's yelling "we know Jax can never win!" Not to mention that it would be made clear to us that Jax was a shitty choice that no one would willingly make.
  20. Honestly, if terrorizing Carly was all someone had done, I wouldn't consider it a disqualifying feature. Who doesn't want to terrorize that beast?
  21. I see Valerie still sees talking about her dead mother as some kind of foreplay.
  22. This is (one of the reasons) why I still contend that Wyatt is better in bed. You didn't see Hope downing medication to deal with sleeping with Wyatt.
  23. And their new thing is that this campaign season is particularly volatile. Well, gee, who made it that way? It's just like how they blame President Obama for their obstructionism. How they're not getting called out on this stuff is beyond me. "We're going to create a situation, then we're going to blame that situation for us not doing our job, then we'll tell you it's all the President's fault." I'm disappointed that their approval rating is still in double digits. it should be zero, unless they're polling the GOP members of Congress.
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