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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Only if Hope pops in out of nowhere with "says the man who put my engagement ring on my stepsister while it was still warm from my finger."
  2. I think, over the past handful or so of years, there's been some build up of the idea that other groups having rights is somehow an infringement on your rights. Add in that there's also been a real push on the idea that Christianity is under attack, and it's the Muslims, atheists, and LGBT community who are are attempting to overthrow their self-perceived spot atop the food chain, and the result is this kind of crap, along with things like Kim Davis, and people having an aneurysm if you dare say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." The really disgusting thing is that both ideas have their roots in political posturing. In order to rile people up enough to go out and vote for them, some politicians (and their backers) started planting the idea that there's some kind of "us vs. them" thing going on. In order to further that agenda, there needs to be some imagined slight towards "us" by giving "them" some right "us" already has, so they're creating them out of thin air, despite all logical thought to the contrary. Like marriage - "they're going to throw priests in jail for refusing to marry the gays!!!!" And, now, "if we let them use the bathroom, some man is going to sneak into the women's room to rape our wives and daughters!"
  3. You just know she is probably waiting for a reason to get pissed at Wyatt so she can run over and pour some syrup on her Waffle.
  4. Hell, I'm still wondering where Carly, hugely pregnant, peed when Ric had her shackled in the panic room.
  5. I think it's got to be Roger and Michelle, especially given the comment that the characters have a tenuous connection to the canvas. Dante has a pretty strong tie, and Val's a Spencer. Franco has no real ties, and Nina's main tie is Nathan.
  6. I've never used Periscope or Snapchat, but I may start just so I don't miss BryDog and Thighbolt losing their shit if he doesn't win (or being completely classless winners if he does).
  7. I don't think it's that the show is completely dedicated to the mob at all costs as much as they're dedicated to Sonny (and Carly, and Jason, and Sam) at all costs. It just so happens that those characters were built as part of the mob for around a couple decades. I think the only reason I don't want to see Tracy in the mob stuff is that because she would, inevitably, have to either lose to Sonny or throw in with Sonny. I don't want to see Tracy do either.
  8. State issued bathroom photo IDs for everyone! With pink or blue backgrounds for quick and easy bathroom assignment!
  9. The problem is that they seem to think they do need a title for it. So they either need to get over that, or they need another title. I'm not partial to the diva belt, but it think they need something.
  10. I can't imagine that anyone is going to be expected to carry their birth certificate to use the bathroom. I joke about needing papers to pee, but I can't envision it actually becoming a thing.
  11. You know, if Ron was still writing this crap, and he saw an Internet comment like this, he'd undoubtedly have someone like Mac or Andre bring Anna a cat and tell her it's to give her something to care for as she heals over losing Duke. Hell he'd probably even name the cat Duke.
  12. I made that exact same point to a guy who kept insisting that men were going to pretend to be trans women to get in there and rape his daughters. I pointed out that the way he wants things, a guy has to go to zero effort to walk into the women's room if he wants to, he just has to say he's a trans man if anyone even questions him. I think a lot of these people forget that trans men even exist. It's all just "men in dresses" to them.
  13. I don't want him to show up because he wants her, but I'm really just hoping for it to be established that he's alive.
  14. If they went there, I'd love to see Liam and Wyatt still consider each other brothers despite DNA.
  15. I have said so many times the past few months, in response to people on Twitter and Facebook, "you've already been in a public bathroom at the same time as a transgender person, probably more than once, and you had no idea, so what's the problem?"
  16. That and "I haven't forgotten about you, motherfucker," are my two favorite recurring bits on TNS.
  17. I so wanted the faceplant. What a let down. And, seriously, have either of them ever run before? Or seen human beings run before? I really want to see a couple things from this point. I want to see Wyatt continue to be gracious and back off, letting Steffy and Liam figure shit out. More importantly, when Liam gets all self-righteous about the underwear sleepover and quickie marriage, I hope Steffy let's his waffling ass have it with both barrels - bring up how fickle he is, how he was, once again, in a self-righteous snit last time she saw him, and that, combined with the messages (including voice mail) that she received from him, she had no reason, at that point, to think he hadn't left her. Yes, she married Wyatt quickly, but she could say that she finally decided to be with someone who wanted her and only her, and not someone who couldn't keep his dick pointing in the same direction for more than 5 minutes at a time. Of course, I also want Wyatt to ask Bill "why isn't my dick good enough to be your surrogate in screwing Steffy? Why does it have to be Liam's?"
  18. I'm glad they brought back the Women's Title, but I also kind of wish they would have kept the Divas belt around as a kind of IC level women's belt. They have a decent number of talented women on the roster now, and it's hard to work in stories for them when there's only the one title. I'm not pushing for them to put a belt on someone like Eva or Lana, but Naomi, Becky, Sasha, Paige, and Nattie (I'm sure I'm forgetting someone) are all viable title contenders. When it comes to the women, they seem to mostly like to write feuds and story lines (outside of the Brie/Lana thing) revolving around the belt or pursuit of a shot at the belt. Put another belt in the mix, and you've got more for the women to do. Also, they really need to do a women's Money in the Bank match. They have enough women to make it interesting now (and still have some possibilities in NXT they could bring up).
  19. A player signed with the Royals (who, unless something has changed, are in the MO Kansas City), and he put out a statement welcoming the player to Kansas.
  20. I'm really hoping that the unexpected person who shows up and frees her is Deacon.
  21. Oh good Lord, now Sasha and Zende are "in love"?
  22. You know, I've tried to bring that point up to people, and what I eventually conclude from their responses is that they would prefer that trans people just not use the restroom in public, because they're not comfortable with trans men in the women's room or trans women in the women's room. Of course, none of them will actually admit that they think trans people just shouldn't use public restrooms, but they steadfastly refuse to be comfortable with either option.
  23. Today was so, so good. As someone who's also watched the Jason amnesia story on GH, the two stories could not have been more different in terms of writing. There's some actual fallout starting here. Liam's mad. Wyatt's mad. Liam has been trying to find out his past and wants to know about it. And just hearing his name gave Liam enough information that he started having some flashes of memory. I don't remotely want Liam/Steffy back together or anything (of course, I wasn't waiting with bated breath for Jason and Sam to reunite, either, so that was the same in both stories), but I love that there seems to be some actual fallout here. DB, RS, and SC were all good here. Wyatt's mixture of confusion, anger, and "ewww, my mom's in love with my brother??" was really well done. And RS is so good at playing Quinn's crazy. I hope they continue building from here and we don't just get "OK, now Liam's back with Steffy, Quinn's getting therapy, and everything's done." I want to see Liam's confusion as he regains his memories and deals with the feelings he's had for Quinn and the anger he had for Steffy before he lost his memory. Of course, I reserve the right to throw shit at my TV if Quinn actually talks Wyatt into going along with her plot so he can keep Steffy. Don't go there, show!
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