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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. KerleyQ

    The NBA

    That was definitely one of the worst injuries I've seen happen. I'm not a Pacers fan, but as a Bulls fan, I have a lot of sympathy for any team seeing their star go down like that. It's gut-wrenching. The people at ESPN are total assholes, though. I appreciated that the in game announcers, once they realized how bad it was, said they were going to stop showing it. (And kudos to Team USA for deciding to end the scrimmage, it was the right move.) Then Sports Center came on. And those assholes played it multiple times, knowing already exactly how bad it was. Then they even got Kevin Ware on the phone to discuss his similar (so it seems at this time) injury. I turned it off, but it would not surprise me to hear that they decided to run side by side footage of Ware's injury and George's to compare. Seriously, ESPN, if you have to warn your viewers that it will be hard to watch, maybe you should just have some class and not show it. So gross. Colangelo looked like he wanted to smack some of those reporters in the press conference. He and Coach K both say "we're not talking rosters right now, we're not talking about decisions right now, it's disrespectful," and every single reporter asks some variation of "so what will this mean for the final roster?" I was glad they held the players out of the media for the night. You know every single one of those reporters was dying to get in Rose's face and ask him if he is afraid to play now. I also kind of question the ESPN reporter who tweeted about Irving crying in his father's arms afterwards. Yes, we know you want to convey how upset these guys are, but we all saw their faces on the court. Even Coach K looked ready to cry. Stop thinking you need to get into these guys' faces and pick through their emotions to be the "first" to report some reaction. This guy was their colleague, their friend, sometimes their opponent, someone they respect. Let them have some time to react in private and let them decide what of their reactions they want to share with the public. (And I won't even get into the assholes on Twitter making fun of Irving for crying...) Really hope to see George out there next fall, back to form.
  2. I thought he gave Steffy the ring after Hope saw him kissing Steffy and broke things off? He thought she left him at the altar in Italy, right? Am I totally scrambling up my history of the numerous mishaps they've had? Also, Liam runs too. He thought she stood him up at the altar in Italy and, instead of going to find her and see if something was wrong, he went right to Steffy. This is even after they'd already lost time together due to other various misunderstandings. He still lashes out and rebounds to Steffy. He's no saint in all this. Not even close. And I think that things Liam has done - immediately proposing to Steffy with Hope's ring and marrying her within days, going right to Steffy when he thought Hope stood him up in Italy, and spending the night before their wedding out on the town with Steffy, were things that Liam did knowing damn well they would hurt Hope. Neither of these two is my favorite character, but given the choice between the two, I prefer Hope by far. And it's a shame, because I love SC, but Liam is a waffling spiteful hypocritical douchebag.
  3. And if they do try to avoid, you know, dying, they are the worst people to ever live. That's par for the course for Britt. Her mother tells her she wants Patrick, she wants Patrick. Now her mother tells her she needs to go after Nik, she's going after Nik. I think even her initial interest in Nik was because Nik was attracted to her. I don't think we've ever seen her, on her own, decide she's interested in a guy. She's just very suggestible.
  4. I think this show has proven that you can "never say never." I'm sure people thought "oh, they'd never try Ridge/Bridget!" back in more innocent times.
  5. I get what you're thinking, but I don't think it's his contract status that prevents the show from writing good exits when he goes on breaks. They know when he is and isn't available. Actually, they probably have more control now with him under contract and specific times of year he's out than if he was on recurring. There is nothing preventing them from handling his exits better, they just choose not to.
  6. Sam Kevin
  7. Lord, he'll probably be related to Dr. O. At least this would be one O family member who is dead. The best kind of O family member is a dead one, after all. As someone who spends the bulk of her time in severe pain, you do look sick when you're suffering that much. I get a lot of "you look like you don't feel well."
  8. I totally agree. There's no way to interpret that other than him lashing out at Hope. "Oh, yeah, well, then I'm giving Steffy your engagement ring!" He may as well have stuck his tongue out and stomped his foot while he was at it.
  9. OK, I know this is a day or two late, and God knows why this just dawned on me, but... In the conversation about how Nina could tell Nathan's mood by his gestures, did she really imply that she knows him well enough to know what those gestures mean? Wasn't he like still in single digit years when she went into the coma? So he hasn't emotionally progressed in that long? (Forgive me if this was cleared up on air, as I try not to pay attention to the words coming out of Nina's mouth.)
  10. Jax's continued absence is ridiculous. Except, I hate to think of what Ron would do to him if he had him on screen for more than 5 minutes, so I'm kind of OK with it.
  11. I don't think this will do much damage to her career. I'm getting the impression that the bulk of the industry is on Kiefer's side and thinks Freddie was being an asshole. So I doubt anyone is going to start shunning her for tweeting about it. I highly doubt she was the only famous person to throw in their two cents on the issue. I've seen a lot of celebrities posting stuff about wanting to high five Orlando Bloom for taking a swing at Justin Bieber, When someone famous acts like a douche, other famous people comment on it on Twitter. I don't think it's a big deal, and certainly not a career killer. I have zero problem with what Kimberly posted. I saw it and laughed, because it struck me as a very natural, unfiltered reaction.
  12. I assume Tracy will enter into some kind of unholy alliance/pact with the devil with Dr. O to get his heart anyway. I can't see them outright re-casting. If he's really going to be out any longer, though, they should pull some other previous actor in for a short stint, have Fluke have one more conversation with Julian where he says he's coming back to tie up loose ends, Julian says he'll be waiting for him, and, after they disconnect, Fluke says something like "you won't even see me coming." Then we have Fluke back in town in disguise as another character from the past. Cheesy, yes, but, apparently, in the GH universe, it's super duper easy to make yourself look exactly like someone else. Maybe he takes that time to set more of his plan (whatever the hell it is) in motion while no one in town knows suspects a thing. If he doesn't want to do that, then put the story temporarily to sleep - have one more conversation where Fluke tells Julian that they're all going to lie low for a while after Mickey's death, to give things time to settle down. Then you leave the story alone until TG is ready and able to work. Carly's so out of touch with what's going on with her kids that I half expect her to run into Spencer while he's making a toilet run or something, look confused for a moment, and then shrug "Huh, I could have sworn we gave Nik's kid back to him. I guess we didn't." And I guess we should just be grateful he's hiding out with Joss and not Emma. If he managed to rope Emma into this and was hiding in her room, I imagine we'd have all sorts of totally inappropriate innuendo spewing out of Spencer's mouth. When he said it, I thought "why is Julian talking like he's a 15 year old on Twitter?" It was such an odd moment.
  13. One of the few things I got out of today's show. Maybe her face is obscured by the snow globe she's staring into in all the pictures Carly has? If Carly wasn't so busy dealing with all the murdering men in her life, she might notice that her daughter is harboring a runaway. And, if Nik stops to think, he has to know this isn't a kidnapping. Not only would he have gotten a ransom demand by now, but Spencer likely would have been marked down a few times at this point. "OK, how about $100,000, then? If you do it in the next half hour, I'll knock another 10 percent off. Just, please, come get him." Britt's an idiot. Does it surprise her how upset Nik is that his son is missing? Did she think that once Spencer went missing, she and Nik would go on a lighthearted romantic journey through town with all sorts of laughs, kisses, and groping as they figure out where the little scamp went? She gets more useless by the day.
  14. So there's room in the budget for a bedroom set for Joss? (And, of course it's yellow, because Ron will beat that corn thing to death.)
  15. I really, really hope that Hope tells Liam to fuck right off tomorrow. Bonus points if she snarkily tells him, "well, I'll think about it. Give me a week or so, both of you can wait it out, and I'll summon you to a meeting where I announce my decision like I'm announcing the Power Ball numbers to the only two ticket holders."
  16. I was referring more to the delivery of the line than his specific use of the word "shit."
  17. It really depends on what kind of firm she works at and what kind of law she practices. My husband is an attorney at a firm in Chicago, and, yep, he works pretty much 9-5. Hell, some days, he's home early. I can see Topanga having the same attitude my husband has - yeah, I could work at a higher-paying "big" firm, but I like to actually see my family and be home before my kid's in bed every night."
  18. And that would have been a bad thing? I'd welcome the comedy gold of Shawn accidentally shooting himself in the ass.
  19. Sam Kevin
  20. This. I can't just roll with "well, Liam did it in the past, and Hope is doing it now," as logic to not call Liam out on his hypocrisy. Not to mention, the main reason Liam isn't still pulling this shit is because he's an "out of sight, out of mind" kind of guy, and Steffy isn't even on the same continent. If she was in town, I'd bet anything he'd still be having flirty lunches with her, allowing her to think they still had a chance together, and smiling fondly whenever she oversteps. And he certainly didn't care whether it was "appropriate" or what kind of message it was sending to Steffy when he happily filled her request to make her a romantic video just like the one he made Hope. But, now that his "other option" is across an ocean and Hope has another interested player in town, he's all about what's appropriate and sends the proper message. I guess, if you're going to be a waffler who leads people on, it's better to be the first waffler who leads people on in your relationship, so that when your significant other starts doing it later, you can be all "hey, that was then, this is now, my hands are clean right this minute"? And I've just figured out the solution to this whole diamond mess. Hope can keep the diamond and just say it's her special diamond with Liam now. I mean, if Liam can give the engagement ring to Steffy when it's still warm from Hope's finger...
  21. Well, to be fair, I think anyone could play Jason Morgan. I mean, I fully expect that some day I'm going to receive notice that my disability is being revoked because I can still stare and blink, so the vocational expert has determined I'm physically able to play the role of Jason Morgan.
  22. You know, now I kind of don't want Diane to go until Sam goes, too. I want to see Sam and Diane killed off in some tragic bar explosion.
  23. "Is he sad? Or does he want me to steal second?"
  24. I never said he told Steffy that. I was saying that he's hypocritical to expect Hope to be such a hardass with Wyatt when he refused to do the same with Steffy.
  25. That was ridiculously stupid of her. Considering everyone who could be at that door, including Sam, she just calls for them to come in while she's standing up just fine in the middle of the living room? Everything about this story requires everyone involved to be stupid at some point or another.
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