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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I could get behind that. Alex is pretending to be Anna so none of the bad guys realize she's out of town hiding Robin. I'd take it.
  2. She is also on record, via many conversations with Oliver and Carter, as being pissed that she wasn't getting her golden ticket when Rick got back together with Caroline, so her gold digger aspirations are established. Doesn't everyone at FC chat instead of working? Or have sex somewhere in the building instead of working? Or shoot shit up instead of working? Or whine about their big brother getting more attention than they did growing up instead of working? It's shocking when we see someone actually, fully working (without using their work to further some other agenda).
  3. Well, to be fair, there are no women in his age range who haven't slept with his brother in all of California, apparently. I'm trying to remember, it's been a while, but when Maya made that tape of Oliver admitting he originally went after Ally because she was part of the Forrester family and all that, did Ally ever find out about that? Because that would be more than enough reason, in my book, for Ally to never trust Maya as far as she can throw her and to not want to play nice with her. Maya went after Ally's relationship with Oliver all on her own, because she felt like it and was pissed off about getting shut out of the Forrester family when Rick chose Caroline. As for the spoiler about
  4. If they hire JPL or Robert Ford, I swear...
  5. My problem with the story line is that, for years, DZ has completely sold me on Dante being so completely head over heels in love with Lulu, and only Lulu, that I am going to have a really hard time buying him turning to her cousin. It's pretty much going to have to be a situation where Lulu cheats first, and I don't think see her still being so into Dillon that she'd ruin her marriage. She had a crush on him as a teen, but that was over and done well before she even met Dante.
  6. It's like all the other Q's got together and decided that Tracy needs one, but only one, of them in the mansion with her, and they're just rotating in and out.
  7. Well. yeah, I mean, I don't want my husband to have an affair, but if he was having one with Anna, I'd understand.
  8. I kind of want to see Michael Logan respond "but you just spoiled the surprise!!!"
  9. I'd also buy, if Anna had killed Faison, her being tormented by his ghost, just because of their history. Kind of her feeling like even killing him couldn't get him completely out of her life, so strong was his obsession. God they were good together. And I love Jessie (and Jessie/Angie), but DM and VI had amazing on screen chemistry. I still believe that, if AMC hadn't been canceled (the original version) we were headed to a story line where Angie had, at least, an emotional affair with David.
  10. I hope he at least knows "don't let Mom get involved." Beyond that, though, I don't have high hopes.
  11. I'm assuming we're going to get some story where everyone (or most people, with one or two holdouts who refuse to believe she's not Ava) thinks that Denise is some long lost twin cousin/sister of Ava's. Shawn telling Jordan "I took his father from him once, I won't do it again." No, you are not noble, asshat. You've had many chances to be noble over the course of your time in PC, but, much like Duke, you were dickmatized by Sonny. So you chose life as the world's most incompetent hitman. If you wanted to be noble, especially with regard to TJ, then you would sit him down for a man to man talk about how his mother is a good woman who made some very huge personal sacrifices to help get criminals off the street, and while being upset at missing so much time with her is understandable, TJ should count himself lucky to have one parent who is willing to put it all on the line to do the right thing.
  12. And the CEO didn't know. That makes it more "scandalous" in terms of the gossip magazines and blogs.
  13. He has tragic taste in men. Oh, TJ, honey. No.
  14. Who, Who, Who, and Who? These people are all clearly figments of viewers' imaginations. And I just have to reiterate - any man who would look twice at Steffy when he has Ivy is the dumbest waffling jackass in all the land. Add in Ivy's personality contrasted with Steffy's desperate "look at me! I'm fun!!!" personality, and it's even more absurd.
  15. This may be one of my favorite typos ever.
  16. I think that, in Katie's case, she got what she needed out of the Ridge relationship. She beat Brooke, she rubbed their relationship in Brooke's and Bill's faces. Bill wanted her back. So she could afford to be magnanimous, given that the woman Ridge was interested in was AnyoneButBrooke. Plus, she probably got a little thrill out of the fact that the new woman in Ridge's life is like half Brooke's age. To me, there is a world of difference between Amber's lie and Caroline's and Maya's. I know, a lie is a lie, but there is just so much wrong in the whole deal with someone not telling you your baby died, depriving you of the opportunity to deal with your grief over the loss and shoving someone else's baby in your face, letting you believe he is yours. I look at it this way - I'm married, and we have a son together. If I found out my husband cheated on me, yes, I'd be pissed. But, it's something I'd move on from at some point and, hopefully, find a way to be a civil co-parent with him after we divorced. But, if I found out that while I was in the OR having emergency surgery after delivering our son, the worst happened, and my husband managed to hide that and find some baby to replace him, there would be no forgiveness. None. And Maya's lie, yeah, I'd be pissed about something that huge being kept from me, while others knew, because the person was waiting until we were engaged to let me in on it, but ultimately it's something I could get past and continue on with that person.
  17. "Dad! Don't let my brother manipulate you into undoing the contract I manipulated you into signing!" Eric is so unspeakably dumb here. You can remove Rick from the CEO spot without awarding it to Ridge. Take Ridge wanting or not wanting the job out of the equation - Rick isn't worthy of it. The dumbass shot up the office, endangering employees. That should be an automatic yank out of the office, regardless of what's going on between him and Ridge, because no company should leave a spoiled brat who shoots up the office when he's pissed sitting in the CEO's chair. Period. Also, as a father, the fact that Rick is standing there, telling you how desperately he needs this job, "life and death," should give you pause to consider that, more than this job, your son needs some serious intervention in his mental and emotional health. Lord help us all, the fucking Bratz doll is back.
  18. Someone pointed that out to Varni, after he told people to just not tag Ron if they're criticizing the show. I've heard more than a few stories of people who he's blocked and/or ripped on because they used the GH hashtag on their posts without tagging him. I'm guessing the network definitely wouldn't be cool with him telling viewers to stop hashtagging their shows when they discuss them. I don't know why the network doesn't just tell Ron that if he wants to engage in twitter wars with viewers, he needs to do it under an anonymous twitter name, while leaving his "real" account one that shows a professional, adult, executive and not a petulant spoiled child who is less mature than the 10 year old actor/character he's fixated on.
  19. It's breathtakingly idiotic that Varni sees no problem with needing to tell fans "maybe you shouldn't interact with our head writer on twitter so he doesn't throw a tantrum all over your ass."
  20. No, he and Varni are both fighting with Michael Logan. They claim that him scooping IB's departure violated journalistic integrity, or some such shit.
  21. This does not surprise me. Not even a little.
  22. I totally forgot about the PP angle. Of course Ron would be that petty. And now I'm going to have to seek out the Lifetime show.
  23. There was one, but the person running it changed it, at some point, from a parody of Ron to just an account that rips on the show. I kind of wonder if Ron threw a stink over it or if the change was for some other reason.
  24. Since Ron likes to use stars from other soaps or his former OLTL cast members, I'll give him a pass just this once if he can manage to land Josh Kelly as Dillon.
  25. I have to admit, I'm one who was never really bothered by Eric's descent into idiocy. I think it is because Will is just so good at portraying it that it pretty consistently made me laugh. If it hadn't been for his talent, I probably would have been bugged by it.
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