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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I'm actually rooting for Dr. O to gut Nina tomorrow. Damn. It's like Sophie's Choice. I love the idea of all three of them dead so damn much. That Sonny/Luke stuff...just stop, show.
  2. I assume that him being the only guy she sees on her romantic horizon bumped him up a whole lot of kindness and goodness points. If Ridge had gone for that finger snapping, Deacon would be coming in a lot lower on the Brooke Scale of Goodness and Light.
  3. Agreed. I know a lot of soap characters cheat, but it just feels so wildly out of character for Dante, especially to cheat with his wife's newly discovered cousin who he barely knows (despite the show trying to sell some instant connection or some such shit). I know it's fairly clearly spelled out that this is where it's headed, but I'm going to hate it. I'll be doubly bummed if they ruin the Lulu/Olivia relationship in the process. Now I want it to be Greenlee. She can show up at Nik's with the baby all "she's totally mine," and Nik will just shrug and accept it, despite having just gone through this with Britt, and despite knowing Greenlee is a liar, because he needs to get laid.
  4. Maxie all but told Spinelli that she was giving it a go because she thought they should be a family for Georgie. They're both idiots. But, I can't dislike Maxie nearly as much as I loathe Spinelli. Passive aggressive douchebag. "Did I interrupt? Were you, just not, comparing his pretty face and hot body to my pasty-faced no chin shlubbiness and finding me lacking? You're soooooo shallow!"
  5. Well now I'm just waiting for Rick to guess that the big secret that Maya has (whenever he gets around to cluing in that there is a big secret from the girl who "never lies") is that she's been lying about her age, is in menopause, and Nicole is her daughter.
  6. Morgan and Kiki standing there staring at the pacifier wondering "where could she have gone" instead of reacting was both hilarious and not surprising. They never fail to bring the dumb.
  7. They really are. "You wouldn't have hurt him. You don't have it in you." You've known her about 15 seconds, Dante. Slow down.
  8. Sadly, I've seen it. Unfortunately, it's no worse than half the shit they have on their network (see, again, the K clan). I could live with knowing it existed out there in the universe (without having to subject myself to it) for the sake of never hearing "cha cha cha" again.
  9. So, E! can keep thrusting the Kardashian clan in our faces, but they couldn't keep JMW so busy globetrotting that she wouldn't be able to sign a contract with B&B? Curse you, E! If Liam even so much as gives Steffy a second glance, I hope Ivy dumps his waffling ass and never looks back.
  10. I really hope Franco does. It's like a double whammy to that idiot, Kiki.
  11. I'm with you. Clowns, ventriloquist's dummies, and mimes. They all must go.
  12. I'm sure Mac will be there. I mean, he'll probably have a Stone ventriloquist's doll, but he'll be there.
  13. They could have done a much better job with Kiki's motivation. If Kiki hadn't jumped on board Morgan's "Michael shouldn't have Avery!!" train until after he hired Sabrina as nanny, it would have, at least, made some sense. You could have had Morgan ranting and raving about how awful it was while Kiki made some effort to maintain a cordial relationship with Michael so she could see AJ. Then she goes over to visit one day and finds the woman who switched her mother's medications while pregnant, almost killing the baby, hired on as her new nanny, and she goes back to Morgan and says "you're right, we need to do something." Of course, she still shouldn't be remotely OK with the idea of the man who held her pregnant mother hostage, taunting her about how he was going to kill her as soon as the baby came out, having custody of her sister. Take away that element, change the reason for Kiki's buy in that Michael is unfit, and have her jumping on Morgan's bandwagon while privately plotting to be the one who gets custody in the end, and it makes some sense. The drugging plot is still beyond the pale, but Kiki's motivations would make some damn sense. As for Morgan, while he's an idiot, at least we can kind of get that he's doing this because he is desperate to be Sonny's number one son.
  14. Agreed. I can see if we're talking about some new show, that people haven't had time to get properly invested in before claiming to hate it. But, GH has been on for decades. People have an affection built up for the show, the characters, its history, etc. So when it goes off the rails, then they're going to complain, because the show they've loved for years has dropped in quality to such a degree that it is sometimes painful to watch. Would they rather more viewers just tune out (with the droves who already have) instead of voicing their discontent and hoping that TIIC do something to turn things around?
  15. I'm sure Ron would block me if I tell him that the Craig family entertains me more than his writing.
  16. I don't want to see Amber back. (We all have an actor who inexplicably just annoys the hell out of us, and AF is mine.) But, I am curious - did she actually get written out of her last stint, or did she just kind of disappear? The last thing I can remember of her is her showing Caroline pictures of Rick dressed as a woman to try to push her away from Rick and onto Thomas. But I don't remember anything of her after that.
  17. Well, you know, Jason's dead now, he can't actually do anything for Sonny, so, what's he care? She can just go live in the Lante loft with Lante, Rocco, Spinelli, Georgie, and Valerie.
  18. I can't find it in me to feel remotely bad for Sonny over the way AJ was taken from him. Michael having the benefit of the judge who is dating his grandmother has nothing on what Sonny did to Jax to help Carly keep Joss. Also, I doubt any judge not on Sonny's payroll would have believed he was fit to keep that baby, given the overwhelming evidence of Sonny's lifestyle, career, and violent tendencies. The judge was merely insurance.
  19. I think the bomb just broke one of the legs off that chair in the basement. Everything else is just fine.
  20. Well, it was probably only because Stephanie didn't realize Maya was an option...
  21. I keep expecting to find out that ELQ has some asset that is highly valuable, and they don't realize its value, but the LoD does. Most likely, whatever it is can be used to further their evil plans. I don't know what Helena has sold Nik on in terms of wanting ELQ, though. I assume that, much like Kiki is going along with Morgan's plan and letting him think they're getting AJ back for Sonny, when she really plans on getting custody herself, Helena is allowing Nik to think that he's going to acquire ELQ and add it to his portfolio, when she really plans on either outright claiming it on her own or just raiding its assets to benefit her own agenda.
  22. That's the part that grates the most about this whole story. Morgan is not remotely acting like this is the brother he grew up with and adored. He's positively gleeful about what he's doing to Michael - endangering Michael and the sister he claims to be doing this all for. He's acting like he short sheeted his bed and will be sticking his hand in a bucket of warm water after he falls asleep, not like he stole drugs he knows very little about from a hospital and is drugging his brother and encouraging him to drink when taking those drugs. This is way too similar to what Sonny did to Jax to help Carly keep Joss, and Sonny and Jax had decades of hatred between them to fuel that shit.
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