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Everything posted by KerleyQ
GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself
KerleyQ replied to Stinger97's topic in General Hospital
AJ and Courtney started out for the wrong reasons, on AJ's part, but he absolutely genuinely loved her by the end. They could have been really good (and I might not have grown to hate the character so much) if Frons hadn't caught sight of a 10 second interaction between Courtney and Jason and decreed that they were to be the network's new "it couple." Gag. -
I think the dirtying everyone up is more about making Sonny look good than Franco. (And, look, it's working on ulkis. First they broke her with Dante's shitty behavior, now they're reeling her in with Sonny's surprisingly non-asshole response to it.) On a side note, I hadn't heard they named the blizzard Jonas, and the first time I saw a mention on here of them breaking into the show for Jonas coverage, my thought was "what the hell did one of the Jonas brothers do that warrants breaking into programming??"
Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue
KerleyQ replied to BestestAuntEver's topic in General Hospital
Or he could always mount it on the dashboard of his newest car. -
GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself
KerleyQ replied to Stinger97's topic in General Hospital
All this dialogue is making me sad for what's happened. I can vividly remember every one of these scenes, the facial expressions and interaction. And now we have the crapfest that is the Dante/Lulu scenes these days. -
Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue
KerleyQ replied to BestestAuntEver's topic in General Hospital
You just know he went home right after filming and made sure he had a nice clean shelf in his bathroom to put his future Emmy on. -
Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue
KerleyQ replied to BestestAuntEver's topic in General Hospital
Why would the show ever want someone who isn't Jason? -
Misdirection, most likely. I assume we'll either get Liz starting to wonder if she's losing it and doing this stuff without remembering it, or we'll have someone else be reminded of her mental health issues in the past and assume she's breaking down again and doing this. But it's about 99.999999% Jake.
I was thinking the opposite - since there are mixed gender teams, it would be hard to make a "top male" and "top female" team designation. As a two girl team, I'd want to get rid of the two guy teams as much as possible.
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
Whoever they put Det. Hardon with, can that woman do us all a favor and have him out of his shirt regularly? Work with us here, show. -
Jenna and Breanna are so catastrophically dumb. So, you know for certain that John has screwed over two close female friends already. You haven't seen Cara Maria screw over anyone. Last episode, the two of you were ranting and raving about what an unmitigated asshole Vince is (and you were right). So, all of that adds up to "we'll side with John"? How??? Did a producer offer them some kind of bonus to ensure John and Vince lived to douche another day? I'm not getting what their thought process was. Or am I giving them too much credit to say that, between the two of them, they could generate a single thought process? It's just John talked to them most recently, so his was the only conversation they remembered? So disappointed that we didn't get another Johnny Bananas Backpack moment. Vince would have made an excellent second edition. I loved Abe talking about how he'd be close enough to drown John "a little." I'm going to miss his psycho ass. Since they're going back to their bloodlines now, I hope Cara Maria and Jamie take the mission in two weeks so they can happily send John and his mutant asshole cousin into the Pit. Any chance we can get CT and Zach back for one more go at it? ETA: Since we know they'll consider the bloodlines legit Challenge cast members now, I really hope they bring Mike back some time. I think he was my favorite this season. I just hope he gives up the notion of volunteering for elimination matches.
OK, Paige? Is kind of a bitch. So she accepts a proposal she doesn't want. Then she spends a while bitching to her friends (and a camera crew) about how much she doesn't want to marry the guy. Eventually, she blows up at him and acts like it's somehow his fault that she isn't mature enough to either refuse the proposal in the first place or tell him at any time after that she's not ready for that step. And he's a doormat for just taking that and reassuring her that it's all fine. And I laughed and laughed at John's "well, if you want to pursue that, I wouldn't stop you," along with his refusal to "fight for her." I mean, I can get why she wanted him to be mad and all, but that just made it more hilarious. And Bryan. OK. I know it has to suck to be told that you're likely to be unable to continue on in the job you love. I get that. But that's his reality. Even if he can finally convince the WWE's doctors to let him back in the ring, does he really want to risk what could happen to him if he re-injures himself? Brie's trying to help him stay busy so he doesn't obsess over it, but he's kind of being an ass about it to her. If her ideas aren't appealing to him, then come up with some of his own. He can't just spend the rest of his life pouting that he can't wrestle. And he wants to have kids? (Side note: Is he in some mourning period where he refuses to cut his hair or trim his beard until he gets back in the ring? Because it's looking extremely scraggly and unkempt. I know it's his "look," but clean it up a little, dude.) I miss Trinity. *Since it's a new season, I feel like I should add my normal caveat that all comments I make on this show are under the "pretending that what happens on this show is real and not completely fabricated." If I make a comment on the reality of it all, I'd say that the Dolph story line is almost entirely because they can't get John to play ball on their story lines, and Dolph is enough of a famewhore to do whatever they want, so John's just going to play the bemused straight man to whatever antics they write for Nikki.
Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue
KerleyQ replied to BestestAuntEver's topic in General Hospital
How does no one involved with the show get how insane this sounds? -
Then what were she and Vince so pissed off about?
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
Not only didn't she tell, but wasn't she the one urging Ridge and Katie to spend some alone time together to figure things out? -
All I got out of yesterday was a happy dance at seeing Robert and Anna and a headache inducing eye roll over the scenes at the PCPD. First, Johnny can't afford a lawyer? Second, the police chief standing over him browbeating him into either accepting an attorney who should not be allowed to represent him due to the boatload of conflict of interest. It's even more obnoxious, because the writing actually acknowledged the conflict of interest. So they know, and they still went "eh, screw it, we can write him being forced to accept Scott as his defense attorney."
Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue
KerleyQ replied to BestestAuntEver's topic in General Hospital
It certainly is from this side of the screen. -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
I agree. I think they absolutely put an end to Brill because of KKL's break. That led to them deciding to reunite him with Katie, and leave them be for a while. I wasn't sure they were ever going to go back there, because it was possible they'd just decided "screw it, we'll just stick with Katie and Bill." The only thing I'm really against in this story is how fast it's moved. Either that or we just haven't seen it happening in the background all this time, and Loading Dock Guy has a ton of stories he could tell us about the building awareness and tension between the two of them over the past few months or so. -
Elizabeth Webber: Forever The Manipulative Miss Or Adorable Angel?
KerleyQ replied to ulkis's topic in General Hospital
But Liz actually did pay. She lost Jason, but people still want to see more pounds of flesh extracted and are pissed off at the mere thought that she might eventually end up paired up with New Guy. Sonny killed his son's father, and he lost his son for about 15 minutes. Carly gleefully covered up that murder, and she lost Michael for the same length of time. And the two of them ended up married and happy. Nik tried to have Hayden offed, and they're "in love" with no signs that she's even going to consider holding that against him. Hell, she'll probably end up being a really still alive Emily, so he'll be rewarded for this shit in the best way he could have hoped for. Franco is happily cozied up to Nina. And Dante has been handed the upper hand in the "who did worse" battle with Lulu (and poor widdle Valerie is now the biggest victim of all). Liz lost Jason. We all know he's got his ticket punched on the JaSam train (I mean, it's a local instead of an express, but he's on it), so we know she's not going to be rewarded with a real relationship with Jason. A real relationship she could have had, had she not kept the secret. Her end result is no relationship with Jason, except for co-parenting Jake - along with the included opportunities to look like the evil bitch next to Saint Sam at every turn of the story. But, oh, hey, at some point in the future, she might get a chance to have a relationship with a totally new guy who hasn't had his leg peed all over by the KeMo fans - a relationship that has nothing to do with her lie, has no relationship to that whatsoever, and was not what she set out to get or keep when she decided to keep the lie. That would be like saying that Danny is Sam being rewarded for watching Jake's kidnapping and doing nothing. In the Port Charles grand scheme of things, a lie doesn't rank very high on the crime scale. Yet, Liz actually lost something, for good, from all indications. People who literally kill in cold blood suffer short term losses and then regain all they lost (and then some). She lied about Jason to keep him. She lost him. the punishment fit the crime, and is far more than anyone else in town suffers for theirs. Now she should never be able to move on in her life? New Guy, who wasn't even here for the lie, who has no skin in the game, should shun her or stone her at the nurse's station while screaming "lying harlot!"? -
Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue
KerleyQ replied to BestestAuntEver's topic in General Hospital
To me, there's a difference between putting them in story together, and having Liz in love with the guy immediately. He can start out as a friend who supports her and move from there. Of course, again, since Nik is getting a relationship with the woman he tried to murder, it would be ridiculous for the show to act like Liz can't have a relationship because of her far lesser deeds. -
Every time she shows up, she seems to look slightly different to me. I think she's had something done more than once, but, yeah she definitely looked like she's had some recent work done on this season.
Elizabeth Webber: Forever The Manipulative Miss Or Adorable Angel?
KerleyQ replied to ulkis's topic in General Hospital
In Port Charles, that goes with having a vagina. -
Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue
KerleyQ replied to BestestAuntEver's topic in General Hospital
Who says it has to start the second he walks on set? Her eventually ending up with a new relationship can be the result of her working through her issues and getting to a place where she's over the Jason shit and ready to move on to someone new. It's not like he's going to walk in the door and Liz will drag him off and screw him in the hospital showers the second she sees him. -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
Everything about Steffy comes across to me as "tries too hard." -
Unpopular Opinions: "I hate BLTs from Kelly's!"
KerleyQ replied to LeftPhalange's topic in General Hospital
Well, they could just off Spinelli. Problem solved. -
I haven't spared so much as a thought to their split before now, but, I admit, I'm curious now. Maybe BryDog will get all indignant on his buddy's behalf and spill the details. On the new guy, I'll be thrilled if he's here for Liz to save her from JaSam hell. About damn time. As long as the writers don't "Ewen" him. And, hey, a love story between a doctor and a nurse on a show called General Hospital. What a novel concept!