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Everything posted by millennium

  1. LOL, you are most welcome. :) I agree. It was a mean comment. And felt two-faced. On the one hand, he's the designers' mentor, their guide. Then, behind their backs, he cuts the legs out from under them. I don't know if the judges-only comment session started just this season (I haven't watched since Season 10) but I find it very distasteful. Critique is one thing; ridicule is quite another. Zac Posen's bit with the hat was cruel, not funny. They come off like a clique of grade-school bullies.
  2. Elliott looked at the camera while he was on the phone with his attorney and said "Val accepted my offer." It was an odd phrase to use. What does an addict have to offer a woman who feels confident enough to seek full custody? Money maybe? It was a terrible season for this show. Maybe next season Discovery can work in an appearance by the megalodon shark to spice things up.
  3. I couldn't help but notice one of Grandma's redshirts being thrown out the window during the rescue of the baby. What is it about Prague and defenestrations?
  4. I said in another thread that I watch this show for the interactions between Linden and Holder. The actual crimes are just filler. Consequently I don't get too upset if the crime story isn't a home run. I'm getting weary of the "it would be an embarrassment for the city so we are going to overlook your indiscretion" resolution to plots in which there is no good way for the main hero to otherwise escape punishment for his/her actions ("The Wire" is another). Linden should have been arrested, gone to trial or accepted a plea deal. They could have made it work somehow, with Sarah serving minimal time, or even receiving a suspended sentence given all the mitigating factors. I am convinced Holder did take the shell casing as insurance. I thought it the moment it vanished, because only a scene or two earlier, Linden told Holder that she had left the casings on the table. Not only that, Holder didn't deny it when confronted. Are we to believe that Linden, a trained detective, couldn't find that casing on the ventilation grille? Are we to believe that a squad of policemen and detectives with a search warrant didn't find that casing either? Don't forget who was in Linden's house during the execution of that search warrant (which by the way makes no sense at all since he was still under suspicion of being an accessory) and likely would have had opportunity to leave the casing on the grille after everyone else had left: Holder. I suppose I should be grateful Sarah didn't find it in her Roomba. Regardless, this episode left me emotionally wrung out. I am happy and hopeful that the show/series ended in a way that leaves a door open for future episodes. A big thank you to Mireille Enos for making Sarah Linden a deeply flawed and thoroughly believable character.
  5. Bitter LOL: Netflix spoiled me (again) re: the cliffhanger at the end of this episode, even as I was still watching the episode!
  6. Every scene in this episode was pure gold. The intensity was off the charts. I can't imagine how this is going to end. What brainiac decided this series needs to go away?
  7. ^^^ explains why I'm sitting here wondering if I fugued during a significant plot development. Oh lordy, lordy! I done been spoiled! Unclean! Unclean! If Frances Fisher is Linden's mom, does that mean Clint Eastwood is her dad? The final scene of the car being hoisted from the water was just beautiful. The blue lighting, the angle, the slow sway, water cascading from the chassis as Linden and Holder gaze upon the magnitude of their sin ... I am really going to miss this show.
  8. I am trying to draw out the experience, to savor this, the final quest of Linden and Holder, but find it difficult to stick to one episode per day. Why are they being so reckless? When they started sniping at each other in the lavatory, I expected someone to flush, walk out of the bathroom stall and say "Gig's up." Later in the episode, we see pretty much the equivalent of that when Linden eighty-sixes the incriminating cell phone in plain sight of the widder Skinner. Not to be outdone, Holder (who was holding) stages an impromptu public confession! I could understand the crippling guilt if they had killed an innocent, but losing sleep over a mass-murderer? Or am I totally misreading it and what's really eating them alive is the fear of getting caught? That was a shitty thing Holder did to his sister.
  9. I love the crunchberries too, so I liked that. This storyline is more appealing to me than past seasons, perhaps because I'm going into it with the knowledge that Linden and Holder have only six episodes to wrap it up and thus the red herring factor will probably be low. Some asshole on Netflix pseudo-spoiled the conclusion in his review comment (when I went on the site to view the episode last night it was at the tippity-top of all the comments and I happened to see it) which pisses me off royally. WTF is wrong with people? Why is their need to see their stupid thoughts in type greater than the enjoyment of millions of others? I hate this whole "Share" generation and their complete lack of discretion. I could do with a lot less "sharing" and a whole lot more STFU.
  10. i have to confess, I watch this show primarily for the atmosphere, the bleak theme music and the interaction between Linden and Holder. The cases themselves leave little or no impression. Example: two minutes after I started watching this episode, I had to stop and Google "The Killing Season 3 recap" to remind myself who Skinner is/was. It's like comfort food.
  11. And am I the only person who reads "Sandhya" as "Sanjaya?"
  12. I get a Carrie Bradshaw, um, vibe. Smug, entitled, the-whole-world-is-waiting-to-see-what-I-do.
  13. Whenever I see Kini, I think of a troll doll. (I'm a terrible person, I know, lol)
  14. I loved it when Tim spiked Hernan's griping right back at him: "Would you be willing to take the bullet, then?" Like any bully, Hernan backed down: "I can't even think right now." Listening to the winning team describe their creations, it became apparent that duct tape was a primary component of their outfits. I don't go to the movies much these days (because there's nothing on the screen anymore to justify the astronomical ticket prices), but no matter how hard I wrack my brain I can't remember any occasion when duct tape was part of the movie-going experience. Or heavy-duty chain link (also among the materials available to the designers). It was one of those episodes where I frequently thought, "I can't wait for this to be over." There were no creative breakthroughs, no comic relief, nothing to relieve the tension. And all that bitter, ugly sniping at the end ... This is the second week in a row where the editing has tried to make you believe designer A (Hernan) is going home, only to see designer B (Carrie) sent to the workroom.
  15. Thanks for your service, Heather. Never supported the war; always supported our people there.
  16. No Seabrooke? The crab count last night was still at 0. Suddenly it didn't seem very clever of Keith to stray 500 miles from Dutch, beyond reach of the Coast Guard. Say the prop had dropped off in the dark, stormy sea -- what then? Really glad the Mandy arc is over. Jake's expression during the jacket ceremony was priceless. The show's whoring for drama has left me pretty jaded. I saw the Phil Harris buoy and wondered how Discovery had managed to orchestrate that. Has Freddy vanished this season?
  17. In all my life, I've never experienced such a dangerous divide between reality and perception as existed during those years. Losing Iraq? How about Losing America? The neocon Bush administration destroyed my image of the country I grew up in.
  18. I totally missed Under The Gunn, so color me mystified when I see Uncle Tim being painted with the bully brush. Was it that bad?
  19. Unless I completely misinterpreted the conversation, during the judges' final conference they decided that both Jefferson's and Mitchell's outfits were bad, but that Jefferson's was bad in a better way than Mitchell's because it showed more effort/inspiration/whatever. Based on that conversation, I cued up my own personal laugh track and timed it for the moment when Bitchy Queen was to be sent home. But then they sent the soft-spoken and more interesting Jefferson home instead. What did I miss? (And since I'm asking questions, I missed Seasons 11 and 12 -- what happened to Michael Kors? I don't like this Zac Poser person.)
  20. I'm not invested in any particular character, which makes the show easy to watch. Unless you count the scenery as a character. Such beautiful backdrops and interiors.
  21. That happened to me just this past week. I was on vacation, had some downtime, and for some reason looked up the Voyager finale on Netflix and rewatched it after all these years. Maybe we both saw the same subliminal cue somewhere.
  22. Some pics of Katheryn at the autograph table at Comic Con, on her Instagram (look for the red dress) http://instagram.com/katherynwinnick How do you remember how to vocalize when you're talking to someone that stunning?
  23. I've always been sweet on Emily Prentiss, so the show has seemed lacking for awhile now. The Garcia/Morgan thing has bugged me from the start. I didn't like Shemar Moore when he was on Y&R, but I was willing to give him a chance on this show. That "baby-girl" shit, though. And the flirty repartee that in any other workplace would result in a sexual harassment settlement, let alone in a federal government agency. Not cool.
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