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Everything posted by After7Only

  1. Sunny mentioned that part about her use of grandmammy. She agreed she likely got fired because it wasn't her first offense.
  2. She apologized on twitter or social media... but not on the show. But I do understand her argument that people of a certain age may or may not know that was considered offensive and to show some grace . Much like today where Justina Miles explained why hearing impaired was offensive to the deaf community. That was something I did not know, but have taken note now.
  3. I liked her hair. I appreciated her attempt at showing a natural hairstyle and texture on a black woman. Something we don’t see near enough. I enjoyed the show and hope they bring it back. So many stories left to be told with these characters. Also hoping for an Emmy nod for Delroy.
  4. I think her point for Gabriel was that he wasn't going to watch it on a phone that SHE paid for. Not that she was trying to prevent him from ever seeing it. If he paid for his own service, she knows she would have no say on what he consumed on it. I know other parents with college aged kids who have similar blocks on their phones and computers.
  5. Ana seemed to be picking at Sunny a bit with the Catholic church comments. But Sunny let it roll and kept it moving . Maybe it was her giving up being snarky for Lent.
  6. I'm not so sure if he wants to be a "traditional man". He does appear to be open to non traditional gender roles (i.e. sewing, cleaning). But I do think Shaq is used to being the "prize" in his relationships. He may be more used to being pursued, than being the pursuer. Kristen is also used to being the prize, and is making him pursue her, and he's not that interested in doing that. Kristen is difficult, and I can't fault him for being frustrated. But at the same time, I see areas where he could work a little harder to gain her trust.
  7. I thought it was very strange she didn't tell her mom until a week after her baby was born that she was even expecting a baby (via surrogate). But hearing this background, I get it now.
  8. If Airis or Shaq had used that term towards their wives, it would have been a compliment. Thick does not necessarily mean fat. It's generally used for a more muscular or larger body frame. Serena Williams is the poster child of thick. While someone shaped like Lizzo would not be imo. I do think Shaq missed an opportunity with Kristen in that spa day scene. He's right that she puts up walls. But I think he could have taken a softer approach in how he spoke to her. She probably thought she was really trying and was making progress with the spa day, and when he basically was like, "you need to let down your walls or this isn't going to work", it just made her shut down more. It put the responsibility all on her. He needs to take an approach similar to Nicole.
  9. The book bans I've seen discussed, are removing books already in school libraries. Yes, kids can still access in public libraries and on line, but there are many children whose only exposure to a library is the one in their school. I agree that there should be a process in place to manage complaints. And that should be managed by the local school district rather than the state/federal government.
  10. I think they do both. They have set times where a producer and camera crew comes to film. But they also have hand cameras they sometimes film with as individuals (usually those shots of them "waking up" it bed. And they still have fixed cameras in the apartment itself, but they generally aren't the greatest video and sound quality. Nicole's rant on the wedding pictures appeared to be captured on one of those cameras.
  11. They've been married going on 25 years so, I'm thinking he's fine with it. I also think the "jealousy" thing in their home, plays like she portrays it on the show, as a joke. She's not running around yelling and angry over some macaroons. It's more of a joking/teasing thing between she and her family.
  12. Nicolle Wallace had very little knowledge of pop culture at all. Her career was politics and that was mostly her focus. SHSNBN had a similar limited knowledge of pop culture outside of the Housewives. Sunny actually has a pretty broad knowledge on a lot of topics, including pop culture. Maybe some are so used to her being a know it all, it sticks out when she admits to being ignorant of something 🙂
  13. I do think that's what she's doing to an extent. I've noticed she'll sometimes follow with examples of similar movies/tv shows, etc that have more multicultural casts. And generally the rest of the cast (sans Whoopi usually) know little about it. The discomfort people feel over this, is the same discomfort Sunny and others like her feel when those "mainstream/non-minority culture" topics are discussed. I do think she's making a conscious effort to point out what is considered "mainstream" for some is not for a significant number of other similar people.
  14. It wasn’t necessarily reparations, but the slaves became members of those tribes post slavery (labeled freedmen). Which entitled them to land in Indian territories just like other members. Also apparently Whoopi wasn’t completely lying. Years ago she did the PBS show finding your roots and her FL ancestors did receive free land as homesteaders post slavery. Which was highly unusual for Black people. So not 40 acres and a mule..but not completely made up.
  15. Yeah I need more to the story. Slaves that were owned by Native American tribes in Oklahoma did receive land when they were freed. Interesting enough the US government forced tribes to do this, while rescinding the promise of 40 acres and a mule for all other slaves. So maybe Whoopi's peeps were a descendent of slaves in OK. Or maybe more likely she's confusing some family folklore for fact.
  16. I love Keisha as the host. She asks the questions viewers like me want asked. She generally does try to stay neutral. That being said this season she has leaned a little towards the women (mostly with Clint/Gina) But I’m chalking it up to her pregnancy. And well, Chris’s sobbing is off putting to some people Given her mostly neutral stance I was surprised Keisha let it be known she’s one of those people.
  17. I didn't find Whoopi's comment hypocritical. If she's said she has an AK/AR (I don't recall her saying she does) then it's likely for self defense rather than hunting. There are people out there who unfortunately feel the need to own own to protect themselves from others that have them. And I'd guess the vast majority of those who do own them are not using them to hunt. Alyssa's saying that the left doesn't want to do anything about the mental health aspect of the problem was a stretch (to put in politely). I wished someone would have pushed her to to list some specific examples. It seems the little compromise that has happened on the right has been around issues of mental health. With little compromise on actual access.
  18. There's been several Black billionaires interested in ownership. I'm not sure of all of the limitations, but I do know that ownership is approved by existing NFL owners as well as the NFL itself.
  19. I did like how she brought that up to him and how he received it. It was a very mature conversation. Me too..LOL... So much so that a rewound the conversation. I settled on he was repeating the exact phrasing that Jasmine used. She asked had he every been in love with a woman. That being said, this show needs to stop casting men who say they have never been in love (especially if they are 39). They never work out, and it's not fair to the ladies they get matched with. Finally, I felt like the camera lingered on Gina's thick thighs a little longer than was necessary. But I guess it was to set up next week's drama.
  20. I think it depends on the State where you live. In my state you can pick which party's ballot you want during primary elections. While in a neighboring state you can only vote for your registered party in the primary election, with Independent's being unable to vote on primary ballots at all. I agree with Sunny that Independent voters usually lean a certain way. During primary elections I pick the ballot I most want to influence 🙂. This is my reason as well. Probably pretty common.
  21. Didn't Bob drop out of college to run the company? What's his credentials? Don't recall if they gave Goodwin much backstory, but many immigrants come to America with college degrees/professional certifications from their home counties, and work what are consider "menial" jobs here. Goodwin worked for the company for years, was floor manager and Bob's right hand. Definitely more qualified than the other Wheeler siblings.
  22. No. We know they were MARKED classified. What we don't know is if the documents were later declassified. At least I think that's what Whoopi was trying to say.
  23. She started out talking about needing a booster seat at the table...LOL Enjoyed Rachel on the show today. I do wonder if the show is testing her for that seat, just in case.
  24. I'm a little tired of seeing AFG legs under the table in her short skirts (even though she has great legs). But I wouldn't go as far as saying that it is inappropriate or not professional. I'm guessing she dressed similarly when she worked in the WH. Because I'm a Missourian - I had to look up the actual rule. They are requiring women to wear a jacket/cardigan with dresses, slacks or skirts. No mention of sequins 🙂. Men are required to wear a coat, tie, and dress pants.
  25. Agree. It's also telling she said on the Afterparty that she wasn't willing to teach (if he wasn't good in the bedroom). That let me know she has some maturing to do. She may expect a man to know her every need and want, instead of taking the responsibility to communicate. It's possibly why her ex's marry other people after dating her. She picks good guys, but they end up with women more willing to communicate and compromise.
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