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tv echo

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Everything posted by tv echo

  1. When I said that there was flack about "sexed-up" images of Felicity and Laurel on the Season 2 poster, let me clarify. Personally I thought they both looked great, but I recall there being some fan outrage that Felicity didn't look like Felicity (with her IT clothes, ponytail and glasses) but had been glamorized with her clothes, heels, long wavy hair, and no glasses. (Remember this was after Season 1 during which she was wearing pretty conservative work clothes, and before Season 2 broke out her more fashionable dresses.) I recall some fan comments about how she and Laurel both had sexy images on the poster, which were explained away by being typical CW promotion of its female stars. It was the first time that Felicity was put on the promotional poster. So I was simply speculating that perhaps the Season 3 poster attempted to portray them both more in character, although they still didn't go so far as giving Felicity glasses. That second Season 3 poster (posted here) is disappointing. I was expecting/hoping the second poster would show Ra's al Ghul, Malcolm, Thea, Sara and Nyssa - the LOA side.
  2. Is anyone still watching this show? I can't believe Dobson survived being dragged around the city, including onto a bus, only to be shot at the end. I can't believe Martin drank that cup of coffee. He should've known better. Maybe lack of sleep dulled his wits. I did like Martin defending the house and taking out all of those attacking guys in different ways. The Gates and Sonya reveal was a surprise. Crystal and Rice didn't annoy as much this episode.
  3. We suspected that Laurel was going to get more screen time this season. The EPs probably think they've fixed the 'Laurel problem' by having her in on the secret and making her part of Team Arrow. This season, she'll be the loyal, helpful, platonic female friend to Oliver (Felicity role) while training to become a bad-ass fighter (Sara role). Meanwhile, Felicity will get the angsty love drama (denting her popularity) while Sara will be slowly phased out. That's my fear. I never thought AK had given up on his original vision for Laurel - he's just sneakier about it. He probably has visions of a Black Canary spin-off show in the future. One person in each of the previous seasons' posters has left the show by the end of the season, so one can only hope.... ; ) More follow-up on that BR radio interview (posted a page or so back in this thread)... 'Arrow' Season 3: Brandon Routh Confirms New ‘Atom’ Suit http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/566836/20140919/arrow-season-3-atom-brandon-routh-suit.htm
  4. My last post about the poster - It's possible that the images used for Felicity and Laurel in the Season 3 poster are in response to some flack about the Season 2 poster which used sexed-up images of Felicity and Laurel. So in the Season 3 poster, Felicity is wearing a demure dress, while Laurel is wearing a lawyer-like pantsuit.
  5. It's a catch-22 with Laurel at this point, isn't it? Because of the botched-up characterization of her during the past two seasons, the only way to make Laurel more understandable going forward is to give her more flashbacks and more screen time. But that would mean time diverted away from other characters. I'd like to understand Laurel better if she's remaining on the show, but I don't want to see more of her on my TV.
  6. Thanks, wonderwall, Ceylon5 and others, for your great analyses. There is a difference between knowing a character's character and knowing a character's background. This discussion made me think of another show I'm watching called Legends. I'm getting to know the lead character on that show as an increasingly complex man through his behavior, his actions and his emotions (beautifully acted by Sean Bean), but I don't really know the character's background because it could all be a fake background (a "legend"). I don't know a lot about Felicity's background, but I've learned a lot about her character over two seasons through her words, actions and emotions, and how others interact with her.
  7. Even though I think Sandhya contributed to other designers' dislike of her by her insensitive and thoughtless comments, I also felt like Korina was always resisting the urge to be really nasty to her but was conscious of the cameras and therefore limited herself to a few bad comments (probably watched the Gretchen season). I think Sandhya was just clueless as to why she was so disliked. It's really easy for a group of people to develop a pack mentality toward one person. I could easily see Korina, Amanda, Sean and maybe others going all 'mean girl' on Sandhya over the course of the season if she hadn't been eliminated. It also didn't help that she was winning challenges early on. I was waiting for the judges to comment on Korina's poor construction of some of those hanging chads - er, tabs. It was noticeable in the close-up view (loose threads). But nope, no comments. As others have said, Tim Gunn needs to stop helping - he isn't. Then he backtracks during the judges' up-close look at the garments. The close-up of Sean's face when the judges were praising Char's fringe when Tim had told him to remove his planned fringe, showed even the producers were aware of this issue. For once, I agreed with the judges' decisions. Kini deserved the win for his design this week and Sandhya's onesie deserved to be eliminated. I don't think Kini's design was super original, but it was very well made and fit the girl & doll perfectly. One quibble, though... From what I could tell, the American dolls all have different stories. Some are rich, some are poor. And they come from different eras. Yet it seemed like the top designs were all like something a well-off girl would wear. For example, Kini's design was definitely for a rich girl, so how would a girl from the Depression-era have a winning design?
  8. RATINGS RAT RACE: Revamped ‘Dancing With The Stars’ Snags Smallest Crowd For Fall Debut by The Deadline Team September 16, 2014 9:35am http://deadline.com/2014/09/dancing-with-stars-ratings-record-low-835033/ Just wait until next Monday when The Voice and Gotham debut...
  9. Quote Source: http://cwtvsource.com/2014/09/17/new-arrow-season-3-promotional-poster/
  10. These websites both interpret the Season 3 poster as confirmation that Laurel has joined Team Arrow (in addition to Roy who joined end of last season)... New ARROW Season 3 Promo Art http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/GraphicCity/news/?a=107775 Arrow Season 3 Poster Highlights the Fortified Team Arrow http://tvline.com/2014/09/17/arrow-season-3-poster-oliver-felicity-diggle-roy-laurel/ To compare and contrast, here's a link to an article about last year's Season 2 poster: http://tvline.com/2013/08/27/arrow-season-2-poster-felicity-diggle-slade-laurel/ And here's Season 1: Maybe the CW didn't put much thought into each season's poster - who knows? But we're (meaning, fans) not the only ones who pay attention to cast placement on the poster.
  11. I think I predicted many months ago that the Season 3 poster would have Oliver book-ended by Felicity and Laurel... FYI, source links for both full-length poster and close-up image below: http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/09/arrow-season-3-new-promotional-poster.html https://www.facebook.com/CWArrow
  12. There was a time in Season 1 when I wanted Tommy and Felicity to get together because I thought they both deserved better than Laurel and Oliver.
  13. At this point, I don't really care when Oliver first smiled or whether it was a genuine smile. My impression of Stephen Amell is that he's grateful for his Arrow gig, he works hard to promote the show, and he genuinely tries to be nice to his fans.
  14. Colton Haynes interview: Arrow season 3, new DC characters Interview Caroline Preece 16 Sep 2014 - 06:30 http://www.denofgeek.com/tv/arrow/32095/colton-haynes-interview-arrow-season-3-new-dc-characters
  15. ‘The Flash': New interview with Grant Gustin Posted on September 16, 2014 by Staff in The Flash http://cwtvsource.com/2014/09/16/the-flash-new-interview-with-grant-gustin/
  16. Arrow is his #1... Five Returning Shows to Watch This Fall By Chris King on Sep 15, 2014 http://www.tvovermind.com/lists/five-returning-shows-watch-fall-240379
  17. The easy fix is just to have Laurel go live with her mother. That way, they can always bring her back if they want.
  18. I think it's a double standard thing. It's like polygamy - it's almost always a man with multiple 'sister' wives, and not a woman with multiple husbands. It's the perception that a woman is more willing than a man to share the same sex/romance partner. So Oliver had sex with both Sara and Laurel, but both girls end up being okay with it (Laurel gives Sara relationship advice, Sara figuratively hands Oliver back to Laurel). But Diggle had qualms about sleeping with his brother's widow and ultimately broke up with her. Oliver was icked out after discovering he had had sex with his father's mistress, Isabel. I always thought that Laurel's initial problem with Sara and Oliver hooking up was less about love and more about pride, competitiveness and her fantasy future. When Laurel and Oliver broke up after Tommy's death, it was due to guilt over his death and not because of Oliver's hook-up with Sara.
  19. I don't know if I'll actually be able to watch all of these shows, but here's my list.... New Shows - Agent Carter, Constantine, The Flash, Forever (for Ioan Gruffudd), Gotham, Gracepoint (for David Tennant), Stalker (for Maggie Q) Returning shows - Agents of SHIELD, Arrow, Castle, Doctor Who, Elementary, Hawaii Five-0, Once Upon A Time, Orphan Black, Person of Interest, Sleepy Hollow, The Voice, The Walking Dead If I had the channels, but I don't, so I can't watch - Game of Thrones, Outlander
  20. I don't know if I can sit through another hour of watching this stupidity and yelling at the TV screen. Ben's sudden re-appearance (and with speaking lines) was strange. It's like, yes, there's another minority still living under the Dome. Even the Dome rejected Julia as a sacrifice. Speaking of Julia... Did Julia ever love her husband? It sure didn't seem like it. When she was packing stuff and looked at the picture of her husband, and Barbie says "you can take that" (gee, generous of you, Barbie, considering you killed her husband), Julia decides to leave the picture behind and dismisses her dead husband by saying "that's my past life". Rebecca sees a big (fake looking) strand of Melanie's hair is coming out of her head and, yet, when we see Melanie recovered, her hair all looks fine - no bald spots. Isn't it strange that no one mentioned that Sam was the one responsible for Angie not being there when they were assembling all 7 hands on deck to save Melanie. It's like the show forgot he's a cold-blooded axe murderer. And ick, on Sam reaching out his hand to help Rebecca up from the stairs. He's a murderer, Rebecca! Is Sam the only doctor in town? Wasn't he hiding out in the woods when the show started? Where's the regular town doctor? Pauline's visions are one of the most contrived plot devices I've ever seen. Whenever the characters need to know or do something, there's a convenient vision to show them the way (for example, the red door portal). Even when it's inconsistent with the show's own "logic" (can I say that without laughing?). The egg leaves the Dome and Pauline's visions stop. Oh wait, they need one more vision to do the whole hands-on Melanie thing, so Pauline has one more vision even though the egg is still outside the Dome. The song "Turn" playing at the end made no sense to me. Does the Dome have to go through all four seasons? Oh, I know why the people didn't wear heavy overcoats when it was so cold and why the "winter" lasted so short. We have to be able to see the actors' fit bodies - biceps on the tee-shirt wearing men and the figures on the women.
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