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Everything posted by loki567

  1. That was surprisingly alright. A good reminder that Sara didn't debut until season two, so it's not absolutely vital for her to be on the show. They actually kept Oliver's man-pain to acceptable levels. Enough to where you could understand where he was coming from. And his epiphany might be nice new ground for the show to cover. I always liked Thea and Willa Holland and appreciate them trying to get her into the action side of the show. But someone with her build suddenly becoming a ninja badass? Yeah, no. It's why I wanted her to get the convenient superpower last season, would have made the transition more tolerable.
  2. Yeah, why didn't they do that? I remember thinking when the original Shado/Sara choice popped up, they were going there with a Sara/Laurel choice at some point. It would have fit way more thematically.
  3. Pretty awful way to start the season. Diggle being sidelined for the sake of Roy? Check. And no doubt Diggle's season storyline will be about putting himself in danger and forcing Lyla into a nagging wife role. Oliver being all, "I can't put the people I love in danger!" which is clearly Oliver at his worse. Don't even get me started with Olicity. And then Sarah being killed so Laurel becomes the Canary *Shudders*. I honestly don't give a fuck about what happens in the comics. I care about the show and the characters I've grown to love on the SHOW. When they sacrifice the show's better characters to fit the comics... smh.
  4. It's tough to tell the quality at this point. Shonda shows always take awhile to get going. But does it feel a little cheap to anybody else? Like most of the acting and production values feel almost ABC Family-ish. And then it's genuinely odd when Viola Davis enters a scene with her legitimate movie star charisma and blows everyone else away. I wish she was in a cable drama surrounded by other heavy weights.
  5. Yeah, I wonder if this shouldn't have been a "limited" series because the finale felt like the most emotionally appropriate ending we'll probably ever get from the series. We're likely never going to get an answer to the Departure or the Voices. Most of the main characters' arcs feel done. Kevin goes through hell and comes out the other side with some semblance of a family (and a dog! can't forget the dog.) Put to the test, Laurie picks her children over GR's nonsense. Jill makes peace with her father. Nora has a new reason to live. Tom... I can't think of anything for him because's kinda boring. Although I guess we never got a definite answer on the suicides. I enjoyed the show and definitely am gonna watch season two, but I wonder if we'll look back and say this is where it probably should have ended.
  6. Hey ganesh, I think we get your complaints about the show and how they haven't filled us in about the various happenings in the three years between. You've made your argument several times. At a certain point you're repeating yourself.
  7. I think Cody was trying to generate some goodwill there with Derrick by saying that he was getting rid of Donny to protect Derrick. Cody and Derrick are starting to disagree on the order of the evictions. Derrick wants Christine gone next, Cody wants Frankie. I just want to skip to next week's Thursday (when Nicole's probably gone) to finally see this damn alliance crack already.
  8. It's funny, you could almost do a crossover by having Castle and Beckett go to the set of the new Derrick Storm series. There are always moment in this show where it seems like they want to be a spy show so I get why the producers would like the idea.
  9. What's funny is that I think it would actually be a good idea for Derrick to go to the end with Cody. I think bitter juries will pop up when you screw over the people you're closest with. Cody and Derrick have screwed over the same people and if somebody asks about loyalty it would work for Derrick to point out to Cody and say, "I've been loyal to him since the very beginning." Derrick's clearly the brains of the operation and I don't think the Donny, Frankie, Jocasta, or Nicole are really going to respect Cody's game. I think losing Brittany and Amber before jury was a major loss for Cody, those two would have been sure jury votes for him. Cody's social game has really tanked since then, it's all basically bitterness and flirting. I don't know about that. I think if Derrick wanted Frankie gone before, he could have made it happen. I think Derrick feels comfortable with Frankie in the game because he knows he has him utterly outmaneuvered (Frankie doesn't even have Christine anymore) and he's a perfect distraction. Everybody always focuses in on Frankie, ignoring the fact that he really hasn't been relevant to the game for a few weeks now.
  10. It's always hard for me to get behind the, "Colton quit the first time," angle because why? His position was really good. Had the majority on his tribe at the time and was likely to have a majority after the merge. Also had the HI.
  11. It still doesn't compute for me. "The proper way to grieve," for a massive unknown, most likely, supernatural event? There's a proper way to work through that? What are the five stages of grief for the pseudo-rapture? Honestly, I think people are still nursing hate boners over Lost and are looking for any possible reason to chop this show, THE LEFTOVERS not LOST, down.
  12. All the complaints leveled at the show, fairly or unfairly, this is the one I never get. "People should get over it and stop acting so sad," what? It's basically the Rapture! 9/11 changed the entire fabric of the country even if you didn't know anyone directly affected by the attack. Not only millions disappearing, but not getting any real closure on it? This would be a thousand times worse.
  13. Frankie's playing a dangerous game right now, trying to rally the females in the house to vote out Zach, accusing the other guys of sexism. I think there's no way it doesn't get out.
  14. If nothing else, Justin Theroux makes a much more compelling, barely-holding-it-together central character than Matthew Fox ever did.
  15. Looks like the El Cuatro (?) has already failed. The guys were mocking it to Joey.
  16. Well, this group isn't shy. Within the first five minutes Joey and Hayden went streaking.
  17. I still feel pretty sure that LS is happening, but D&D are being cagey with it. I can understand why they would save it for season 5, lack of big wow moments and the whole thing might flow better if LS introduced and resolved in the same season. I almost wonder if it would have been better if Catelyn stayed dead. GRRM had that memorable quote about Gandalf staying dead, ASOIAF is starting to fall into the same trap of death being cheap.
  18. Nope. Just a fanbase that actually watches the show and I imagine the MVP will end up be majorly more powerful than Team America. So right now I'm willing to classify the MVP as way more of an unfair twist.
  19. Any worse than having the MVP with one houseguest starting the game with a built-in fanbase because of her sister? It wouldn't be BBUSA without a blatantly unfair advantage going to someone.
  20. I have no complaints about the cast right now. I think this is the most diverse group we've gotten in the last seven or eight seasons, I'm curious to see how the cast interacts.
  21. I wonder if they'll keep Balon over Euron. You have to figure the Ironborne is the plotline that's going to get shredded all to hell. You keep Balon alive, you avoid the Kingsmoot and the various brothers. I have no idea what they'll do with Yara, maybe sent her East in Victarion's place. After the way her story ended this year I can't imagine them sending her after Theon again. So I guess no Val. Tormund will fill her various duties of gathering what remains of Mance's army. Or are they doing that storyline? They were really unclear about what happened with the rest of the Wildlings. I'll say it again. It was a huge mistake to try and make The Watchers on the Wall into an episode nine. Jon and Stannis' plotlines would have benefitted so much from a collision early in the season. Could have avoided so much meaningless filler. Jon's storyline is going to be overstuffed with him becoming the LC and getting killed all in the same year. Jon and Stannis are two characters the writers have pretty much always fumbled on.
  22. I actually wouldn't mind the last scene being Tywin's last shit. Nice symmetry there with the season beginning with him at the height of his power. Either that or LS. I hope they don't go with Stannis sweeping in.
  23. That really shouldn't have been an episode nine, even though Neil Marshall did a fantastic job as expected. Jon/Ygritte and ESPECIALLY Sam/Gilly are two of the weaker storylines in GoT. They shouldn't have made up half the episode. The battle's filled up of a bunch of minor characters that show has never done a particularly good job of distinguishing. Although I admit Grenn had some really good moments. Even though I realize they spent most of their budget on this episode, it should have been episode five. We get Stannis' rescue this episode and we get the election this season. Jon and Stannis's storylines would have really benefited from it.
  24. They just got posted. Nothing that great, interviews with Boogie, Ashley, and Grodner. And all of two episodes from seasons 5 and 7.
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