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Everything posted by AnnieBananie

  1. If I had to room with the captain, I'd be on my absolute best behavior, for sure! Gary just looks like a walking STI. But I'm so glad to see Colin, Glenn, and Daisy back again.
  2. I was trying to figure out who that was! Good eyes.
  3. Can we just have an entire spin-off series about the Scriberians? I love them all!
  4. I tried to give Rayna a lot of passes this season, excusing her behavior, but going after Wes was the last straw. Telling him he's less of a Black man because he's mixed race? As if he's had less of an experience in the world (and he was Black enough for her when they were commiserating about their shared experiences facing racism in the U.S.)! I thought the way she spoke to him was absolutely uncalled for - he was her ally this whole season. I'm FURIOUS.
  5. Lisa broke her leg after being thrown from a horse. I hope she gets a pink cast!
  6. When you start off as someone's mistress, don't be surprised when he turns around and cheats on you. (AHEM LALA.) Whenever I see Katie, I think of Princess Diana's line from her famous interview about how "there were three of us in this marriage." She realizes that she's also married to Sandoval, right? And that Schwartz will never leave him? Honestly, he'll divorce Katie before he divorces Sandoval. Brock sucks.
  7. Jean-Luc finally confirmed he's the father of Dani's baby. Like we didn't know.
  8. Rayna, when your superior tells you not to roll your eyes, don't... roll your eyes.
  9. Something to consider... I don't particularly like Rayna, or Heather, for that matter, and I think both of them were in the wrong: Heather much, much, MUCH more so for saying the N-word in the first place, and Rayna much less so for the silent treatment she gave Heather before Heather's apology. However, there were lots of tweets on Monday night with various perspectives on Rayna, and I learned a lot, particularly as a white woman commenting on a Black woman's behavior. I would have been better off listening rather than commenting. One person (I wish I could remember who) made an excellent point, and I'm going to summarize the situation before I get to the point: Rayna is a Black woman, and her white work supervisor is apologizing to her for using a racial slur. Rayna accepts the apology, tells her that everything is okay, and then continues to complain to other coworkers about Heather. A lot of people commented on Twitter, including me, that it was two-faced for Rayna to accept Heather's apology but continue to talk about her behind her back. The thoughtful point that the Twitter user made was this: how comfortable would you, a minority, be talking to your white superior about how hurtful and harmful their language was? I know I wouldn't be. (I'm Jewish, and if my superior wanted to "bond with me," as Heather said she did with Rayna, by calling me a "k*ke," I don't know if I'd have the courage, in the same situation, to tell her just how shocking and hurtful it was. I might just accept her apology and consider the incident closed. I have HR and a yacht doesn't!) Keeping this in mind, I can't fault Rayna for blowing off steam to someone else about Heather's behavior, because she might not feel she can speak honestly with Heather. Plus, it goes without saying that it's not Rayna's or any Black person's responsibility to teach Heather about why the N-word is horrific, but that's a whole other post (and one would hope Heather would know that anyway).
  10. To link HIV/AIDS back to the Royals: today I finished Lady Anne Glenconner's terrific memoir Lady in Waiting: My Extraordinary Life in the Shadow of the Crown (she was Pss Margaret's lady in waiting and played a role in QEII's Coronation), and Lady Anne's son Henry died of AIDS at 29 in the 1980s. She discusses at length the attitudes toward the disease at the time he died and both Margaret's and Diana's kind and loving attentions to him.
  11. I feel like keeping Erika on means that Bravo/AC tacitly approves of her and her actions.
  12. I feel like there was a lot we missed about Jess leaving. Backstory, perhps, but also more to the conversation with Heather; it looked like it was edited oddly. To leave and not say anything to the captain? Very poor form on Jess' part.
  13. I can't imagine being married to someone like Schwartz who I'd have to beg to stand up for me.
  14. Captain Lee noted in his blog that he was "disgusted" by what happened. Here's an excerpt: I was truly disgusted by some words used in this week’s episode that I will not repeat; I find them despicable. The word I heard used casually on this week’s episode is not one I tolerate in any way shape or form on my boat. Nor will I ever, moving forward. I wish I knew about it earlier and swift action would have been taken, but let me be very clear, it isn’t acceptable, ever. It seems that this, like other incidents, are ones he finds out about after the fact - in this case, waaaaaaay after the fact. I would have liked to see how he would have handled this.
  15. Jess said last night on WWHL that she absolutely felt that Heather was setting her up to fail (in those exact words, too).
  16. He would make both Toms cry, and I would love it!
  17. Aghst, for the record, I agree with you! The producers are much more interested in better TV, but I think Lee is invested in the reflection of his staff on him. I don't know what his reputation was before he began on the show, but he wants us to think he still cares about it - and maybe he actually does. (And now that I think about it, I'm curious - is he a respected captain (still), or is he now just a reality tv patsy?)
  18. Captain Lee live-tweeted last night during the show, and said that if he had known that had happened out at the bar, he would have had a tough chat with the staff the next morning. Remember, don't embarrass yourselves, and don't embarrass the boat.
  19. These people went from drunkenly amusing to scary super quickly. And that makes me think - when does production step in? At what point? When someone's safety is compromised? When a person becomes threatening? (This reminded me of back in the day when I watched The Real World: Hawaii and production intervened when Ruthie drove drunk). What's the line?
  20. I hope Ariana is giving herself a big pat on the back for not marrying Sandoval or wanting to have children with him. He's getting odder and odder, and boy, I hope she leaves his overdramatic ass.
  21. If we're going to have a snarky, gay Brit for a second stew, I want the real Josiah, not discount Josiah. It's a shame he was available last season but not this one.
  22. Whether or not this is the case, he and Katie remind me of the "having a kid will fix all our issues!" kind of people. And those people are REALLY fucked up.
  23. That's Richardson, a manager at Pump who's been there for a while. I remember in the good old days he and Lisa once spoke French to each other about James when James was sitting right there, and he had NO idea what was going on. It was excellent. If Richardson is brought over to SUR or TomTom, that is good for the show (because he's awesome), but is a bad sign for the restaurant because he ranks highly in the LVP brand and probably is there to get the people in order.
  24. What do you DO with this kind of money? How do you spend it? (I'd put 75% in savings, but that's just me.)
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