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Everything posted by Lizzing

  1. This was beyond ridiculous. She did skip a grade at the end of the eighth season. There is no way that she wouldn't have thought the moon is a planet/other Earth. That's dumber than Luke & Haley level of stupidity. Maybe even dumber than Dylan.
  2. How is Tanner only 26? He looks older than the "older woman" Kate. It's been a bit since I've seen a season with Valor, but it seems like they upgraded the interior, at least in the guest cabins. I could be mis-remembering tho. The drone shots look as lovely as they did last season in Tahiti. Really one of the best parts of the show.
  3. This, all day. Veronica knew Tim can't perform and wanted them both to know she knows what isn 't happening in the bedroom. Catty but hilarious move.
  4. The episode was okay, and certainly held my attention more than last week's. The cold open was fine for SNL--they've pulled punches for years now, so I'm used to it, and I was just glad Alec Baldwin wasn't there. Generally I like Mikey Day, but his old man WU character hits me as an impression of Dana Carvey's Grumpy Old Man, just with about 99% less grumpiness. Seeing as how I'm veering into grumpy old woman territory, I really miss the grumpiness in Carvey's performance. Why doesn't Lorne just axe Pete? He really adds nothing.
  5. George was the best part of the show. I thought he was hilarious and looked like a demon on Angel, including the CW budget effects. A show based on his exploits would be great. What we got, on the other hand, is just kind of a mess. If the premise is supposed to be grounded in the real world, Michael Emerson's character should have been arrested for stealing the doctor's files (the secretary could ID him), and possibly conspiracy or accessory to murder, since he contacted the murder before the crimes. Maybe it wouldn't be legally sufficient to convict him as an accessory to the murders, but he definitely should have been hauled in by the cops & the DA and questioned. The breaking in to the records and theft charges should be pretty clear cut and provable. And, as others have mentioned, that house the psychologist & her kids are living in is huge--we saw the long hallway behind her when she went to check on the 4 kids sleeping. Why are they all in one room? Also, when Preist guy showed up late at night, how was she not freaked out at the late hour of the visit? And, if she's strapped for cash, why the hell does she still even have a land line in the house? Finally, why do dudes on TV seemed to be all of a sudden wearing turtlenecks AND scarves at the same time? It's too much! LOL
  6. The casita Gina was referring to was part of that villa at Miraval. Tamra later said that she wished that she had taken the casita when she was complaining that Vicki & Shannon kept her up to all hours of the night. It was confusting, because it looked like Gina was packing up to go home, but she was just going to the attached, separate suite. If you're really curious, look at the Zen villa description on the Miraval site. I feel like they edited this episode, with the time stamp chyrons, to try to feel like the NY Berkshires episodes (that crazy season with Jules) and failed spectacularly. This show doesn't have the emotional depth as NY, as the OC drama is blatantly about jockeying for an orange, rather than deeply felt personal conflicts.
  7. I just finished the Landoll Castle episode (trying to clear some DVR space) and I had the thought that given (1) the history of fires, (2) the history of faulty fire alarms, (3) the kitchen gas leak, and (4) the fire place & heat on full blast in the suite, the owners were trying to shore up a fire insurance claim to cover their eventual arson to burn the whole thing down. Or maybe one was gonna murder the other one in a fire, instead of going after the insurance money. Or both! Clearly I have watched too much ID & Dateline in recent weeks! 🙄 @hookedontv RIchelle bugs too, with the always feeling sick or faint or whatever. First, there is no way that anyone watching the show can verify that, so I don't want to hear it as part of the proof. And if she just took a moment, like after smelling gas, to get some fresh air and let the place air out a bit, then went back to investigating, I'd be okay with it. The whole feeling sick thing just shuts down what could be a fun investigation.
  8. She's a mid-level comedic actress professionally, but a huuuge RH & mostly Vicki Gunvalson fan. There's a pod cast called Bitch Sesh, which discusses RH shows, and she's very good friends with the hosts. Every episode she's on, she's treated as THE voice of knowledge (with the possible exception of her Vicki love) on all things RH by the hosts. I find her exhausting there, and thought she might be different in a different setting. Alas, it was not to be. Oddly I find her husband, Paul Scheer, far more tolerable on RH topics, and usually I find him too manic in his usual stuff.
  9. Yeah, "going potty" is just a cutesy way of saying "going to the bathroom", not necessarily indicative of the recepticle, at least in my experience. Interesting that it's thought of differently in Australia! I don't think it's all that weird, but then I trained my dog to go out for toilet activity by asking him if he needs a "potty break". Sometimes that might bleed into conversations with people. 😄 And while that bathroom in Mexico wasn't exactly the best on the planet, clearly these women have never road tripped much in their lives if it was the worst they've ever seen. I'm still scarred from the outhouse experience of my youth when driving to Pennsylvania. (It was the 80s, and it was their official rest stop on the highway, not some 1940s back roads deal.) @LibertarianSlut I'm glad you commented about D'Andra's roots because I thought I saw them too. That hair story was ridiculous. And, whether or not the whole Travis meeting thing was a set-up (and I'm inclined to believe most of it was), what really bugged me about it was her apology call: her voice got all quivery, like she was going to cry. She was ramping herself up to an overly emotional state, in case Travis came down on her too hard. And perhaps she was disappointed she couldn't turn on the waterworks once he said he was ok to reschedule. There are few things that piss me off as much as a woman intentionally turning on the tears in a business setting. The other thing I call BS on is the 3 hour drive down from Puerto Vallarta to Careyes. They could have flown into Manzanillo, which is much closer. I think production was trying to make them crazier than usual, a la the Southern Charm skiing trip's long bus ride.
  10. June Diane Raphael bugged me, talking over Eileen so much. I mean, Eileen isn't the most forceful or interesting speaker, but maybe give her a chance? JDR is just so imperious on everything RH related.
  11. I honestly forgot where she was from, and I just heard an interesting piece on NPR about the Muslim community in Minnesota. And, I have a bunch of family in Dearborn and I honestly wouldn't wish my worst enemy to live by them. LOL! Ann Arbor or Detroit proper is good though--just not an active war zone!
  12. I think Akinyi has a touch of the same late teens/early 20s rebellion that Avery has. They both may actually like their guys, but there is a part of them that chose those guys to piss off their parents and test their levels of independence. Akinyi may also have a bit of a drive to get more Insta followers or some kind of modeling thing going with being on the show, because she's stunning in the Insta pics, which mostly look professionally taken. Avery, however, is being too stupid about moving to Syria. She should have moved to Minnesota and joined a mosque and met many eligible young Muslim men. It's far less likely to be bombed in the Twin Cities. I about died at Stacey saying to Darcey about Florian, "Don't you think he looks like his pictures?" You KNOW Darce & Stace discussed how Tom didn't live up to the photos, or at least Stace clocked his "good side" selfie ass from the moment they walked in the restaurant. I kinda don't mind Tom though, but that could be because he looks to me like the love child of Colin Firth and Hannah Gadsby, both whom I like. Caesar's single Rinna (TM) tear was all I ever needed out of this show. Maybe he can go full Rinna and sell those edible undergarments on QVC. Rebecca's irises looked really, really red in this episode, more than before. One positive thing this episode had was some really gorgeous scenery in places I likely will never go, like in Albania, Tunisia, and Colombia.
  13. LeeAnne said she and Brandi reconnected/reconciled at a mutual friend's baby shower. I'm thinking it was the all-Housewives baby shower for Andy Cohen. Anyone else? The mere thought of copious quantities of tequila and donuts makes my stomach hurt. I'm not liking the new Kary. She seems to be Grammer-ing herself, even though her husband comes off as an okay dude.
  14. I choose to believe Spencer's mop top is a giant middle finger to his asshole bald half brother, therefore I support it. And, in any event, his hair inspires more confidence than Dr. Deb's.
  15. According to AirBnB's site, there are multiple places to rent in Nairobi, and they don't look half bad. Caesar's call with the "airline" was entirely staged. It was too clear, to quick, and the "airline employee" had answers way too easily. Plus, no "thank you for calling XYZ Airlines" at the end? Nope, fake!
  16. Kam's voice when she was talking to her kid & packing seemed a little deeper than her usual helium sound, and not as air head-ish. Then, in the confessional, she was right back to sounding like she did previously. I really like Stephanie, so I hope I'm wrong, but Travis is cheating, right? Vow renewal + manscaping + working out a lot...just seems shady. But I totally buy Jeremy stepping out on D'Andra. I can't remember where, but I could swear I've read several blind items suggesting he has been. Dee totally set D'Andra up to fail. It's probably equal parts narcissism and story line creation.
  17. I'm probably thinking about it way too much, but that "at least she didn't end up in a refugee camp" line from Dr. Deb is shitty and offensive. I'd bet there are plenty of attentive, well-meaning, and loving mothers with children in refugee camps that, by fate of their birth in a war-torn country, have to escape and would rather be anywhere but in such a camp. It's a choice to have your 4 year old at a bar, surrounded by drugged up musicians; it is hardly the same kind of choice of "stay home and die in a bombing" or "get the hell out, even if it's to a refugee camp".
  18. I want to know who in the hell decided both Shane & Dr. Deb got confessionals and I want that person tarred and feathered. Then fired. Then sent to the eye of Dorian. First with Braunwyn: I think when she copped to lying while they were riding the double decker bus, it knocked everyone else off their game for a minute because no one on this show ever admits to lying. But i can't trust what she says. On this episode, she says she didn't know there was bad blood between Tamra/Lizzie/Gretchen. In other interviews, she admits to being a huge fan of the show and says she's watched every episode. Either she's intensely stupid, has terrible attention to detail, or is lying, because most everyone who has watched this show since Gretchen was on knows she and Tamra are not on good terms and likely never will be. Shane & the post bar exam come-down: Look, I get not wanting to talk specifics after the exam. The last thing you want to do is "post mortem" and go over questions and compare how you answered them with how others did. Hell, I didn't talk to one friend until the results came out because she was a prolific post-mortemer on regular exams and I couldn't handle that level of self-doubt for three months while waiting for the bar results. And I get wanting to unwind after finishing (hello, entire bottle of cheap wine & Trainspotting VHS). And, hell, I'll even spot Shane the "I don't want to film" card, even though his ass (and his entire family) is collecting a Bravo check. But at least muster up an "I'm glad to be done and relax with the kids." Or, if he's really, reallllly hungry, an "I'm so glad the test is over so I can eat without stress." Or at the very, very least, a "Let's Netflix and chill" (meaning (a) turning on copy written content Bravo can't/won't film and (b) actually chilling, because he ain't touching Emily). The best I can come up with is that he really gets off on being seen as a huge asshole. And then there's Gina. Her lawyer not checking to see if the continuance was granted is sloppy, so that's not on Gina. And Tamra was straight-up wrong thinking Emily should have rep'd Gina. Emily is an intellectual property lawyer. That'd be like going to your dermatologist for a colonoscopy. Yeah, they *probably* could do it but (a) their malpractice insurance isn't going to be happy and (b) they haven't seen it since school. But anyway, Gina then goes to meet Shannon at the furniture store to talk about her divorce and Gina does not buy one stick of furniture. Her house is EMPTY! She was sitting on the floor! Get a couch, Gina! LOL! I didn't realize Vicki wasn't there until someone upthread pointed it out. Didn't miss her at all. Still hate her for trawling for clients through her cancer "charity". But still know it was Tamra who unleashed the "train" rumor. No one needs to let that pissed off possum off the hook for that story. (That is why I love this board--y'all know who let that cat out of the bag.)
  19. The Albion house was super cool. I couldn't figure out why anyone would need a big ballroom up there, though. It's so far out in the country, but maybe party goers came from miles around? The house is on the market though--and I kinda think the guy put more money into renovating it than the asking price. (The "ghost" evidence was unpersuasive to me, but I was largely watching this episode for the house.) https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/13800-W-County-House-Rd-Albion-NY-14411/71203209_zpid/?
  20. Madison admitting to having sex with a blacked out Austen grossed me out 1000X more than anything else this season. And I'm very disappointed that no one quoted the great Sonja Morgan's thoughts on being white trash, quite frankly.
  21. Regarding the Kreider episode of Evil Lives Here, it was a horrible store, but the reenactment was odd. Usually ELH does pretty okay with them, but this time...they but the boy Alec actor in clearly Jeffrey Dahmer oversized glasses and then they cast the boy playing the "little" brother to be several inches taller and at least 15 pounds heavier. Those were some really odd choices made on the reenactment production side. Also, I couldn't tell if the dad was smirking the entire time he was telling the story or if he just was worn down by telling the story so much.
  22. Yup. http://twopartyplanners.com When she turned her head over dancing, it sure looked like there were those glued in tracks of extensions. Ten to one, if there really is a source that isn't Vicki's imagination or Michael Dodd, it is Brooks or Brooks-related. She has a knack for hanging out with unsavory people and he probably expanded her rolodex of such characters. This season is just so damn dark. Even in the worst seasons, there's usually some levity early on, like Tamra busting her foot in Mexico last year. Even BH last season had a touch of levity (even if that largely surrounded grocery shopping involving either (a) an absurdly small car or (b) buying $700 worth of food for one night for women who don't eat). But so far, there's nothing fun here aside from some ep 1 Kelly malaprops, which were totally unintentional and don't really count. Worse yet, aside from the rumor about Kelly, all the darkness is divorce stuff we've seen so. many. times. And worse even further, I do not care about these divorces. We never met Matt, and the way Gina acted from the jump, it was apparent that he was screwing around on her. Emily introduced her marriage as one of convenience, wrapped up in an "aww, aren't we cute?" story about engagement via Gchat. And then we all met Shane, Ryan's doppelganger with cheap bridgework. I can't care about their marriage. The only way that story will get interesting is if she, Pary, and Shireen get together to bump him off and it ends up on Dateline. I say scrap this season and just do a "Behind the Music" style docuseries on Cherry Bomb. I wanna know more and hear some of that music.
  23. I was wondering about this too; Anastasia they had someone out to fix the stove twice and it couldn't be fixed without ripping it out. Checking French Amazon, you can get an induction burner for about 50 euros, the very same price as a carton of ciggies in Italy. Why not order a couple to be delivered when the provisions are picked up? It's hardly a budget buster and then the boat can keep them for backup or table-side preps. Thank you! I thought she was wearing that very same dress at dinner. It seemed fine. I used to be able to drink quite a lot even up to my 30s, but once I hit 40, no more. I can handle 2, maybe 3 glasses of wine with a big meal and be okay the next day. Any more than that and I'm down for the count, feeling sick to my stomach, and like my head will explode for a full day afterward. How these 50+ women across the Bravosphere can handled downing drink after drink just boggles my mind. Oh, one other thing: yesterday morning Bravo reaired S1 of BDM and Hannah referred to their level of service as "seven star service". So maybe this isn't something Joao made up to say about Ana's cooking ability? It still sounds weird to me.
  24. So Avery's mom was pretty much bragging that Avery would have gotten drunk two years ago...when her underage (in the US for drinking) daughter was even younger? No wonder Avery is seeking out a life with strict boundaries: she's never been given any by her mother and it is too late for her mother to start now. In any event, Avery's wedding dress did look nice on her, at least nicer than any dress we've seen lately on 90DF. Eh, her mom just screamed trashy, what with ordering a Long Island Iced Tea, like some springbreaker in 1986 Tampa. I will say this for the dude going to Kenya: at least when he freshed up in the airport bathroom, he didn't spread his clothes on the floor.
  25. Jason, Steve & Tango are going to be on a show called "Ghost Nation" starting on 10/11/19 on Travel. https://corporate.discovery.com/discovery-newsroom/the-boys-are-back-paranormal-pioneers-jason-hawes-steve-gonsalves-and-dave-tango-star-in-new-series-ghost-nation-on-travel-channel/
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