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  1. Teresa talking headed that she didn’t want to send the gift in the first place and that it was Louie’s idea. So why is Joe Gorga the bad guy for tossing the card in the fire? It didn’t come from Teresa, and she didn’t actually want them to have it. Gorga did the right thing. Also, Tre has flipped more than one table, thrown food and drinks on more than one person, and steamrolled more than one argument. That she kept some semblance of decorum during the single conversation with the Fudas doesn’t mean she’s earned the moral high ground. The woman starts rumors and then feigns ignorance. It’s manipulative and ugly. Makes for good TV though! Also also, I love Jackie, but this season isn’t doing her any favors. It’s feeling like she’s trying to stir up more drama to earn her FT status back, but it might be too little too late. I get wanting to move forward with Tre and Jen Aydin, but that doesn’t have to be at the expense of her other friendships.
  2. The new apartment set is cute, and I don’t mind that Gio showed it to Trina and Joss before asking if they could actually rent it. As Joss said, Michael would do anything for her, and Monica would do anything for Michael. It was simply a formality. Finn sucks. Send him to rehab already and let’s be done with it. Does the actor that plays Gio also actually play the violin? When he was performing in front of Ava and Trina, it looked to me that he was, well, acting. Am I missing something?
  3. Agreed. I didn’t have a problem with those two last minute stars becoming available. Avoiding elimination on the idea that there would be more paid off for some (Laurel) and didn’t for others (Ryan). Either way going into elimination up front or waiting for a potential extra star was a gamble.
  4. An unpopular opinion, but I don’t really care that Adam may have had a relationship back at home while he and Avery were making eyes at each other in South Africa. I wasn’t dating either of them, so … *shrug*. Good on Flora for recognizing that it didn’t make much sense to put herself through the pain of the mini final since she knew she was never going to win. We all know TJ hates quitters, but why do something that you know is futile and might eff up your body even more? The stunt car challenge was super cool, but I have got to wonder what production’s insurance premiums are.
  5. Hoping that it goes as long as the original. Speaking of, I remember watching the OG pressure cooker on, wait for it, Real Player. God, I’m old.
  6. Hisam pleading with Cirie at the moment, and Cirie sounds like she’s being swayed. Cirie is advising him to talk to Izzy and Felicia, but she’s making me believe that’s she’s open to the possibility of keeping him. She keeps saying, “I believe you,” in response to his claim that he was proud to be aligned with the older folks. The thing is, if I’m Izzy or Felicia, I don’t buy it. Hisam is promising to be loyal to anyone that votes to save him, but he’s promised this to everyone. He’s going to have to go back on that with someone, and it’s likely going to be those that tried to backdoor in the first place. Thus, I’m pretty sure that he’s still out the door on Thursday if Cirie, Izzy, and Felicia are worth their salt.
  7. Felicia and Bowie were together in the HoH, and Felicia told her that she’d like the final 3 to be herself, Bowie, and Cirie. When Bowie asked if Cirie was down for that, Felicia said she said she was. Is this true or is this just Felicia covering herself should Bowie win HoH this week?
  8. Hisam talking to Jared, telling him that Jared’s not as close to Cirie, Izzy, and Felicia as Jared thinks he is. The editors are chomping at the bit to cut this into Thursday’s episode, right before Julie reveals to Hisam that Cirie is Jared’s mother. Oof. Also, Jared is doing a pretty competent job of acting as though the info Hisam is sharing is resonating. He keeps saying, “I’m going to go tell Blue about this right now!” and I think it’s more his escape route than any actual desire to share this info with Blue.
  9. I know it’s a long shot and, truly, I’d rather it not happen to save me from ever again having to hear him say “Right?” over and over, but there has to be some thought by some of these folks that keeping Hisam might be an okay, not completely terrible idea. He’s public enemy no. 1 and it’s unlikely that he’ll ever work with Izzy, Felicia, Cirie, or Bowie again. At least not in the short term. Should he stay, it keeps a bigger target in the house that also has his sights set on the remaining “Professors.” Of course, he’s completely insufferable and difficult to stand, but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t be useful to players like Blue, Matt, Jag, America, etc. Regardless of who he was targeting previously, that’s obviously no longer his priority given he’s just been backdoored. That said, this might just be me spiraling!
  10. I can’t help myself… I really like Matt. I felt sorry for him losing Reilly, and I truly didn’t care about her while she was in the house. But he liked her, and she helped him with his game, and… yea, poor guy. Hoping that the plan comes to fruition and we see Hisam on the block this week. Had he played his HoH a bit more humbly, this could have been an easy week for him.
  11. Do we have any idea what the feeds were down for today? I was fully expecting to see Hisam on the block when the feeds came back, but no such luck. As everyone has already said, last night was something of a s*** show. What I had to laugh about was the fact that while Cirie, Izzy, and Felicia were in the HoH room egging one another on into further paranoia about the “gameplay” allegedly taking place against them, the other side was outside either talking about being fully onboard with the plan to back door Hisam or talking about unrelated game stuff. Needless to say, Cirie isn’t impressing me with her gameplay. Oof.
  12. I just had to come here to say that folks were calling Cameron a cult leader last week, and while I don’t disagree, I think the bigger cult leader is Hisam. Not that he’s currently leading a cult (does anyone actually like him in the house at this point?) but he sounds like one. His constant “right?…” at the end of every sentence drives me absolutely bonkers. That is all.
  13. Oof. Sad to see that Reilly is anti women’s alliance. No one is saying that the women must *only* work with other women, but we’re also not not saying that. ;) But seriously, in that clip posted above, Reilly makes it sound like she’s giving this hot take regarding her willingness to work with the men over women. Girl… that’s been the mentality of a majority of the women in this game since the show started. You ain’t doin’ something new. Also, you’ll be out as soon as the men decide you’re expendable (unless you’re in a showmance with one or more of them, of course). I know that Cirie has had chance after chance to win Survivor and now Big Brother, but I can’t help but like her and root for her. I’ve also been thinking about what it would be like to be living in the Big Brother house with my mother and, as much as a love her, that feels like it would be incredibly stifling. Especially when your mother has a following from another reality show! Talk about not being allowed to have your own *thing*!
  14. Was Kendal actually thinking of using the Lifesaver, or was it all just manufactured drama? I found it funny that some of these folks are expected to remember 36 seasons of a show whether they were on a particular season or not. In fact, the only person that should be able to remember the order is Aneesa. And that's only because she's appeared in all of them (I assume). Sorry to see Teck go so soon, but I expected it. Also sad to see Ruthie is still absolutely batshit when it comes to the game. With Teck gone, Ruthie is skating on thin ice. I expect that she'll be targeted for the next elimination.
  15. Safety protocols and vaccinations, I'd say. Josh Swickard is so damn hot. Like, it's terrible but in any scene he's in, all I can look at is him. I'll never understand why Willow would pick Michael over Chase. Maybe it's the free place to live (the gatehouse is pretty swank) and the Quartermaine and Corinthos money that's the draw for her.
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