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Milestone Moments: All The Celebrity Vitals
Blergh replied to OtterMommy's topic in Everything Else TV
And in other sad news, as per People magazine. Bobby Sherman's wife Brigitte Poublon has announced on Facebook that the 81-year-old performer now has Stage Four cancer (which is evidently why he hasn't been doing reunion tours or conventions of late). Mr. Sherman had been singing and acting idol in his 20's before acting upon his calling to become a paramedic after having inspired via a guest role on Emergency! and would become a medical training officer in the LA Police Academy staying a reserve officer as late as 2017. In addition to Ms. Poublon, he has two sons by his first marriage.- 4.1k replies
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Agree! Of course, being a very charitable woman helped Catherine gain and maintain her popularity long after Henry's dumping of her. and even long after her death (and her daughter's . .. unpopular reign). I mean, even the pro-Tudor Shakespeare treated her with complete sympathy in his play Henry VIII as well as Henry himself and even Anne Boleyn (the mother of the beloved Elizabeth). .and somehow made the King's Great Matter and its outcome the entire 'fault' of the Catholic Cardinal Wolsey. Of course, Cardinal Wolsey having been born a butcher's son but had climbed the clerical ranks to become the 2nd most powerful person in England somewhat became villainized due to him making a very showy spectacle of his acquired new wealth (e.g. Hampton Court Palace).
Little House On The Prairie - General Discussion
Blergh replied to spidermiss2426's topic in Little House On The Prairie
I would agree that Miss Grassle "got her way" by getting to be front and center re the latter-aired episode. However whether it was due to ML suddenly getting generous on his own,Miss Grassle somehow prevailing after all or the network just dropping it into her lap is unclear-in no small part due to her autobio completely avoiding any hint of the latter episode's existence .Instead(as per said narrative),Ma is nothing more than a background character until the final two part episode with Charles miraculously healing James from the gunshot wound I know ML was often unfair to her and needlessly crude at times (and I agree he deserves the disses for those times when he unquestionably was that way) . However I'm not so keen that her narrative re the last regular season seemed to be making more of an effort to heighten(if not exaggerate) his unfairness to her rather than acknowledge that she somehow DID get at least one episode in the last regular season where Caroline was the focus. Maybe Miss Grassle might have later brought the latter episode in a Podcast or interview but since she had made the issue of negotiating her contributions on the show as a major part of her autobio, IMO it would have been better had she at least mentioned it instead of (at the very least) leaving it out altogether of that narrative. -
Little House On The Prairie - General Discussion
Blergh replied to spidermiss2426's topic in Little House On The Prairie
OK, I looked it up on IMDB and noticed that AFTER 'Stone Soup' came the Caroline and Doc Baker episode 'A Faraway Cry' when they ventured to treat the plague afflicted folks in that mining camp and Caroline takes the live baby of her dead friend and creep spouse and gives it to the nice couple who had lost their own baby at birth. While Caroline may not have been so clearly in the right in this episode as she had been in 'Stone Soup', she DID essentially carry this episode and even went so far as to fight off the friend's creep spouse's attempted rape of her! However, Miss Grassle made NO mention of the latter episode whatsoever in her autobio (which I have kept) even though one would think that THIS would have fulfilled the contract instead of being another 'More coffee, dear?' episode. -
Say What?: Commercials That Made Us Scratch Our Heads
Blergh replied to Lola16's topic in Commercials
I think we can agree that it happened sometimes in the 70's. Regardless, it wouldn't be too long before they switched to the 'Take the Nestea Plunge.' with folks falling backwards into pools with tan water. P.S. Let me guess: you and your friend would sing the earlier jingle during downpours on road trips many miles to the next rest stop. -
Unscripted: Whoops...Well, Let's Just Keep It Anyway
Blergh replied to CaughtOnTape's topic in Everything Else About Movies
In Bringing Up Baby (1938), Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn were walking along doing their scripted dialogue when suddenly one of Miss Hepburn's heels broke during the shoot which prompted Mr.Grant to ask if she was ok. Without missing a beat (or breaking character as the zany heiress), Miss Hepburn replied 'I was born on the side of a hill!' And, yes, they kept that nugget in there! -
One odd 'hanging thread' of Spanish history has to do with Isabel I's younger brother Alfonso who, after some Castillian subjects became dissatisfied with their elder half-bro Henry IV, overthrew the latter to have the 15-year-old Alfonso be the new King of Castile. While young Alfonso showed some disturbing signs including supposedly torturing animals (like young Ivan IV 'The Terrible' of Russia), he nonetheless had at least a few surviving coins made in his image before he suddenly died of still uncertain causes. Then Henry was able re-assert his power while Isabel secretly negotiated with John II of Aragon a surprisingly lopsided marriage treaty which had John's only surviving son Ferdinand permanently move to Castile instead of the usual vice versa.
"Tell Me Something I Don't Know": Trivia & Fact Thread
Blergh replied to Petunia13's topic in Everything Else
According to Aztec legend, when the tribe was seeking out a new home to build their capital city, they saw an eagle perched on a cactus eating a snake- and took THAT as a sign as the ideal spot for their new home! Regardless of the validity of that legend, it has remained a symbol of what's now Mexico City and even nation of Mexico itself with it being prominently featured on its flag! -
Interpreting Dreams: Are Dreams Really Wishes Our Hearts Make Though?
Blergh replied to P2C2E's topic in Everything Else
Last night I dreamed that I had to go take a few classes back in my old high school but with the odd twists that my late Papa was still alive AND mobile. .as well as having my current supervisor at work happening to also be my high school principal. Oh, and oddly enough, I was worried that the other students would notice that I'm older than them and dis me for it! -
OK, having not had a COVID shot since September, I decided to see if I could get one now and, after checking out my local supermarket's clinic and not wanting to pay the $100+ bucks for it, I checked out my pharmacy chain and discovered that they WOULD do it. Anyway, after doing the whole scan, then filling out the online form, I got it done yesterday morning for $0 which I'm rather grateful for due to worries about medicine and vaccine prices in these times. Moreover, since I've got recurring asthma and I'm caring for my 90-something Mama while working, I wanted to reduce the probability of getting this affliction to pass it on to her (and, yes, despite the disses I'm still masking anytime I leave the house or car- though hoping that there are invisible forcefields around me whenever I eat maskless with others). OK, it's DONE and I'm thankful that I should be covered for about six more months AND that I just have a slightly sore left arm that should be okay by the time I go back to work tomorrow morning!
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Little House On The Prairie - General Discussion
Blergh replied to spidermiss2426's topic in Little House On The Prairie
I agree that it was a somewhat eye-opening Podcast (especially the behind-the-scenes stuff such as how they made the 'molten metal',etc). I suppose that the other performers and crew felt that young Mr. Penn's faint was legit instead of 'staged' due to him being a mere extra who could have easily been replaced for that episode instead of a permanent semi-regular AND since men and boys don't have reps for faining [unlike women and girls- regardless of how fair that was]. I agree that episodes in which everyone pitched in were some of the best (and that was also one reason why I disagreed with Miss Grassle's panning Caroline's role in 'Stone Soup' in her autobio as 'unimportant' since Caroline not only got to be seen being a teacher again but she DID rally her class to save Laura's orchard and even more importantly helped safeguard her stubborn daughter and unborn grandchild's health). Regardless, it was a good episode that showed how everyone in the town had the potential to change for the better- though, time proved that not everyone would do so. -
The sad irony is that while the villagers all condemned Frankenstein's Monster [no other name given to the character in this 1931 movie] Boris Karloff (1887-1969) was sincerely befriended by little Maria (Marilyn Harris [1924-1999]) whose performer would cherish Mr. Karloff's memory and the friendship they had during the movie the rest of her life, offscreen Miss Harris would relate that it was her adoptive stage mother who was an abusive monster to little Marilyn. Thankfully, Miss Harris would have a child and two happy marriages before being widowed both times and seemed to have done her best to make her peace.
Milestone Moments: All The Celebrity Vitals
Blergh replied to OtterMommy's topic in Everything Else TV
I hope no one watching (including possiblyMr. Foreman himself) took that as a safe medical treatment for a burn. Butter should NEVER be put on a burn due to the fats within causing it to hold the heat in and damaging the skin worse. If one doesn't have Neosporin or other burn ointments at hand, sliced or mashed raw potatoes (changed about every fifteen minutes) will work in a pinch due to the starch absorbing some of the heat beneath the skin's surface. Or if one has neither medical ointments or food starches at hand, then soaking the burn in ice-cold clean water can help [NEVER ice which can lead to frostbite of the already compromised skin]. -
I agree. He went from a one-joke side character to being a rather complex and deep character who had believably evolved to make the sacrifice of starting life anew with someone he loved in a place he had tried so hard to escape from while having little chance of ever returning home (due to her insisting they not leave until she found out what had become of her family- and some families in Korea to this day have NEVER learned the fates of all their members who might have been stuck behind the DMZ).
Say What?: Commercials That Made Us Scratch Our Heads
Blergh replied to Lola16's topic in Commercials
Here's an Oldie but Baddie: Back in the early 1970's there was a commercial for Nestea Iced Tea that had the jingle constantly repeating the lyrics of 'Tea,tea,tea,tea,TEA,tea Tea,tea,tea,tea,TEA,tea Tea, tea, tea, tea, TEA,tea Tea, tea,tea, tea, TEA,tea Tea,tea, Nestea Iced Tea' I mean, did they think the potential customers had to be constantly reminded of the eventual outcome of their product?!