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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. She's continually making stupid-ass decisions on this show, why would this be any different? And, I mean, just because she offers (to save Oliver? To save MALCOLM? AHAHA) doesn't mean Ra's accepts.
  2. Yeah, since Thea knows about Ra's and what he's up to, at least, I'd be down for her taking charge of herself, even if it is giving herself up to some killers or whatever. But she was at Digg and Lyla's wedding too, so did they let her out on a weekend pass or something?
  3. So, Nanda Parbat ends with Ra's offering Oliver a spot in the LoA or offering to be his mentor or...some kind of offer so Oliver can deliberate on the offer in The Offer. TYPE OFFER AGAIN.
  4. I wonder if 18 will feature their version of the particle accelerator and that's the "blow up" that SA talked about this weekend. Or, could just be a bomb. Or maybe Ray does shrink (please no). I hope it's just an actual explosion - no thanks to the metahumans, etc. over in Starling.
  5. I'm of the opinion that they make Oliver a dumbass whenever it suits them for plot, whatever it is, Olicity or otherwise.
  6. Maybe she'll be the DC universe's Dolores Umbridge.
  7. Seriously. My only criticism is that is way too much ketchup, girl.
  8. So it IS a woman - I guess she could be Felicity's nemesis?
  9. MG answered another question about Oracle on Tumblr-seems like they were just considering using it as a codename for Felicity.
  10. We don't know that she does-i think that was just spec from someone at the con.
  11. MG wrote on Tumblr that Mama Smoak is in Starling City.
  12. I think if anyone who's not Ra's has a shot at being Lazarus Pitted, it's Thea. I just can't see Felicity being on the brink-of-death to the point of having to be revived through supernatural means in an episode where the phrase "hospital sex" is used, although with this show you never know.
  13. If we're watching the same promo, yeah. It looked like she'd whiff it because she ran at him with her fist in the air, but the guy fell. And then she made a sarcastic comment to Oliver about her form.
  14. I don't care if she goes or not, and if she's not worried about disappointing her fans then I'm not going to worry about them being disappointed, but her people probably shouldn't have told the con that the reason she couldn't make it was because she'd be stuck in Vancouver (shooting, I guess). And it also probably wasn't a good idea for her to tweet that she was going to Dallas anyway after canceling an appearance she committed to.
  15. Thanks guys! Yeah, angry twitter replies and such must be bothersome, but if people searching through your timeline creeps you out, um...maybe lock your Twitter, dude. Just a thought.
  16. I mean, it wouldn't be a huge stretch of the imagination for Ra's to know Oliver would head home, so he would've been found out eventually. But it would've been really smart to lay low until he had healed up a bit just so no one was really sure. Is DJ douchebag going to be keeping an eye on Oliver too?
  17. What was the tweet, does he mention it? I had to stop reading that after he mentioned Gamergate, because I was worried there was going to be a correlation drawn there and I didn't want to get angry so late in the day, haha.
  18. I don't think so, I think it was just supposed to be a rah-rah hero moment. Oliver purposely alerting Ra's to the fact that he's alive when he's not even walking right, can't stand to have someone hug him tightly, and doesn't even have a plan, is the stupidest thing ever. So...maybe he did do it on purpose, since he seems to be making dumb decisions left and right, haha.
  19. I agree. As much as I don't want to see Oliver back in the business world because being CEO/in charge of pretty much anything really didn't seem to suit him, whatever it is just please, oh please, let this man get himself a job.
  20. Yeah, that spoiler makes me think that they have a fundamenal difference of opinion on how to handle a problem and Felicity is caught in the middle of that. I wonder if either of them is aware that Felicity is working with the other at that point?
  21. Yeah, I don't think Oliver really wanted much of a reunion. Seemed like he was ready to get down to business.
  22. No, we don't know who the villain of the week is yet.I wonder if Donna is in Starling visiting Felicity and they both get taken out? Kind of like episode five, but with them getting nearly blown up instead of kidnapped and held at gunpoint.
  23. The only thing I can think of if Felicity's the one injured is that she's in the ICU and only relatives can visit and Donna just won't leave her side. If it's Donna, then she's in Starling City for whatever reason, gets hurt, and...at some point she's well enough that someone makes a crack about hospital sex (same if Felicity's the one injured)? Maybe Oliver or Ray get hurt and Donna comes because Felicity's upset, therefore she only interacts with Felicity? Not that I'm hoping Felicity gets hurt or anything, but I'm still wondering if MG read that Tumblr question wrong and was replying that Mama Smoak wasn't going to be interacting with Thea or anyone else she hadn't already met, not that she wasn't going to be interacting with anyone other than Felicity.
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