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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I think that must be it. EBR looked good in the BTS shot that KC posted of her at the airplane hangar (she had her hair done and was wearing makeup and also had on the same outfit that she was wearing in the love scene with Oliver), and she's the only other person who could be dying, since it seems like Laurel and Ray get left behind in SC, and Roy is in jail.
  2. Yeah, i think that's what this person is. I really don't think this "floater" is being chosen based on their existing connection to the people on the shows (like Felicity). I think the show is going to MAKE a connection from this person to the shows via some kind of running plot point and/or by making them the head of an umbrella organization that deals with all three teams or something.
  3. If he cries, I'm going to need someone to hold me.
  4. I want it to be Nyssa with Oliver's help. Like a full-on team up to take this fucker down, and I want Nyssa to deal the deathblow. She's already shown she's willing to do it. I think the rage will be x 1,000,000,000 if they pull out some stupid plot twist where Ra's and Malcolm were in cahoots (to what end, I really have no idea), so Nyssa finds out that her father is the reason Sara's dead. And I think Oliver working with someone to get him out of his Ra's-ness would be helpful toward this season's after school special lesson that he doesn't have to do everything on his own, that he can ask for and receive help and that it doesn't make him weaker. Or something that somehow ties into him being able to be Oliver Queen as well as the Arrow, IDK.
  5. If they did that I would turn off my television. Possibly throw a shoe or two at it.
  6. IIRC, SA said at his con appearance this weekend that we need to emotionally prepare ourselves for the end of 3x19, so I'm guessing that Thea dies.
  7. It'll probably be Thea biting it. Or maybe Oliver joining the league because the branding scene seems to be in this ep.
  8. If anyone in the universe loves me, it's Oliver controlling the suit.
  9. CL isn't going to win an Emmy anytime soon, but I'm sure if any of the EPs had an issue with her acting, they wouldn't have cast her.
  10. Oliver getting outed, I would imagine.
  11. Laurel could be there with her new BFF Nyssa for whatever reason.
  12. Since Lyla quit her job, seems like she'd be in the market for another one since Diggle doesn't seem to do anything that actually pays. And why wouldn't she "hop all over the place" even though she has a baby? She did it when she was with ARGUS.
  13. He definitely made it sound like there would be one particular character that originated on Arrow whose sole purpose would be to tie the three shows together. All we know for sure is that it's not Ray (and probably not Sara or whoever Caity's playing). It could literally be anyone else on Arrow apart from Oliver. Story-wise, I think it makes the most sense that instead of just randomly showing up on each of these shows, they have a specific pupose relevant to the plot and a storyline of their own that sends them from show to show getting those characters involved in whatever it is they're doing, so that people who watch one show will want to tune into the other to follow that storyline. For all we know it could be a character that hasn't been introduced yet on Arrow, but is part of one of the S4 episodes that is used to set up the spin-off. I'm worried it's Felicity too, but we don't know enough about this role and the way Stephen mentioned it was so strangely worded...who even knows?
  14. Yeah, I'm pretty sure Stephen has a pretty good idea of what's going on, and if he didn't, he never would've said anything about the spin-off. He must've gotten an okay from some higher-up to mention the "floater." I think his word choice definitely excludes Ray, but I don't think it necessarily excludes Sara (if CL is indeed playing Sara).
  15. With AK saying that S4 of Arrow will be used to set up the spin-off (groan), I wonder if this "floater" that is going to drift between shows to tie them together hasn't even been introduced yet? If they're giving this person a storyline that will make it necessary for them to travel between cities/shows/whatnot, then maybe they'll get introduced at the beginning of next season when whatever storyline they're on will kick off on Arrow?
  16. Didn't Laurel tell Quentin he was just mad at the Arrow for lying to him about Sara when she and Quentin were in his office, not when he had her at gunpoint? Quentin does have a right to be upset with Oliver for not telling him about Sara, but it would to a lot for Laurel IMO if she fessed up that she was the one who asked him to keep it a secret. Not that that absolves Oliver or anyone else of their part, but it would be nice to see her admit that to Quentin, instead of acting like Oliver not telling him was something that he did independently, without her asking him to. I get why we can't have that at all, because the plot needed Quentin to get to the point where he's so pissed off he can't see straight, but...eh. Stupid storyline remains stupid. Stupid as all hell.
  17. Yeah, if it's going to be more like her comic book capabilities, then I'm guessing it'll be something she either holds up to her mouth or is like a collar around her throat, lmao. Whatever, I really don't care enough about Laurel to care about this, haha.
  18. Well, at least she's not becoming metahuman. I don't really care about the Canary Cry. Clearly there were some little sonic bombs left over from Sara's stash (RIP), and I always thought it was kind of stupid that she didn't bust those out a little more often, especially during the Brick fiasco.
  19. It's probably going to be Lyla or someone else to connect the worlds via her (or his, if it's a man) role with some large, possibly nefarious government entity that will make itself felt on on three shows for whatever reason.
  20. I didn't know he had actually been cast in that - I thought it was just a rumor.
  21. Which he admitted he knew was wrong but did it anyway. I don't think he's being a hypocrite here, but he is being an irrational person and a terrible cop.
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