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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. This is going to sound terrible, and I truly don't mean it to be as derogatory as it sounds, but her look is very Texas beauty queen. Texas beauty queen after a hurricane, or something.
  2. I don't think they have to be integral to Arrow, but they have to make whatever plot line they're going to put them in interesting enough for people to want to follow it from show to show. I don't think they can just throw a character like Felicity in there with no higher purpose and just expect people to tune in, regardless of how popular they are.
  3. People don't need to know her well. All they need to do is give her a mission or a storyline that ties her to three shows. This seems more like a storyline to tie the shows together thing than a "let's get a popular character to make people tune in" thing. More people watch The Flash than Arrow, so they wouldn't need Felicity to draw viewers over there at this point. The spinoff? Sure. But they can do that by having her guest a few times like they did with Flash.
  4. Wait, I'm confused. Joe and Cisco come to Starling City as guests on Arrow, and then Quentin and Laurel are guests on The Flash while Joe and Cisco are still in Startling, right? Or does Quentin actually go to CC at some point?
  5. I'm pretty sure ARGUS is off the table on Arrow for a while, because of the Suicide Squad movie. And Lyla just quit, so she doesn't have that connection anymore.
  6. I'm looking, and I can't find it. Maybe I'm thinking of Cisco and Joe going over to Arrow. And if you're addressing a comment that someone else made, address it to them, not me. I never claimed anyone was trying to keep Laurel's crossover a secret because they were worried about losing viewers.
  7. It was announced on a few comic/Arrow sites before the pics were posted. And yeah, putting her on the sizzle reel is a way to show that she's guest starring. Did I say it wasn't?
  8. No, Lance guesting on The Flash was announced - Laurel wasn't, that's why people were confused about her showing up in their sizzle reel since she was never mentioned as one of the crossover guests. Then again, they also made it seem like Quentin was going to Central City, when he and Laurel are both staying in Starling, and The Flash people are showing up there.
  9. If this is ends up being Felicity, I wonder how much she'd even be on Arrow? SA said the person's job would be to float between shows, i.e., not be a regular on Arrow, but be a guest star on all the shows to connect them to one another. If that's the case, no thank you. Kiss Felicity ever getting her own storyline goodbye (not that I was all that hopeful for it anyway), since she'd probably float to assist other people with theirs.
  10. It all depends on what this person's function is. This person doesn't necessarily have to function as a mentor of sorts to new teams. For all we know it could be someone tracking down information for some kind of mystery that has to go from city to city to get help finding clues or whatnot. If they want to draw viewers in, their best bet is to connect the shows via a recurring storyline that weaves through each of them that might be interesting for the viewers to follow from one show to the next. I love Felicity, but without a higher function other than randomly showing up to help with a VotW, I'm not sure how much of a draw her just showing up is going to be.
  11. Well, SA did say it was someone from Arrow who wasn't one of the spinoff's main characters (therefore, not Brandon Routh), so it seems like it's going to be either someone we already know, or someone they introduce specifically for that role. I really hope it's not Felicity, since SA said this person's job would be floating between the shows, so that would mean less Felicity on Arrow, and no thank you to that. If they're going to do this with someone, I'd prefer it to be a character we don't see much of now. Like Lyla, who just left ARGUS and is likable enough to do the job, especially if this character's purpose as a floater is to tie the shows together via a season-long mystery or mission.
  12. Good point. Especially since Felicity still has a function on the team that no one else can fill (yet, ugh). Since Diggle's main function anymore seems to be getaway driver/occasional sniper, I wouldn't mind if he traveled a bit.
  13. This person doesn't have to have a pre-existing connection to all of these characters in order to connect the shows. They just have to be given a reason to float between them, like a mission or a mystery. I agree that the most likely candidate is Felicity, I'm just really hoping it's not the case, because I'm not going to watch the spinoff, even if she is on it, and I only watch The Flash intermittently, so. No thanks.
  14. Could be. Could be that they incorrectly assumed that the audience would care about and be interested in anything that Felicity cares about and is interested in. Despite what they're saying, the EPs surely realize now that's not true? I'm just going to stay in my little hopeful bubble of denial until someone from the show comes along and puts a pin in it. I really, really don't want Felicity to be a floater. Give that job to a minor cast member who doesn't have enough to do - like Quentin or Lyla.
  15. What movie is he shooting in June?
  16. All of her appearances on The Flash have been in the love interest role as well. Her first visit she was forlorn over Oliver and then kissed Barry. Her second visit, she was the "girl" part of "guys like us can't get the girl," and her next visit is going to be in the capacity of Ray's girlfriend. I'm hoping it's someone like Lyla or another minor character that might be working for some type of agency that ties all three shows together (with missions or something). I'd prefer it if Felicity just stuck to Arrow.
  17. I wonder how they blow it up? Everything is intact when Quentin goes down there. They wouldn't blow it up with anyone in it, although I guess they could drug everyone and remove them from the premises and then blow it up. Or the SCPD could leave it unattended long enough for the team to pull the trigger - they are morons like that, it seems.
  18. Yeah, I mean, Oliver turned himself in, but Roy was out there in the suit and mask and is admitting to it. There's a conundrum. I'm guessing that's why Quentin says, "I've got you now, you son of a bitch." when he finally finds the souper seekrit hideout in the basement of Verdant - he's finally got some kind of actual proof to go off of.
  19. Oh, I get what you're saying. But I don't think Quentin does believe that Roy is the Arrow. The problem is that Quentin can't admit how he knows that Oliver is the Arrow in order to prove that Roy isn't.
  20. I guess it just depends on what exactly they're trying to change. If they're not changing anything major from it (Malcolm drugging Thea, Sara dying, Laurel lying to Lance, Lance outing the Arrow), then what's the point? I guess they could show Barry or Wells going back and grave robbing Sara's body and then putting her in the LP without anyone knowing, but (and we'll have to see how this plays out on the show), it seems like there's some kind of ritual that goes along with it, so how would they know what to do? Or maybe they do it wrong and Sara comes back all wrong? That would be the only way I could see that they could change time without it changing anything else, because everyone would still think Sara was dead. What? The audience isn't supposed to believe that Roy is more believable as Arrow than Oliver, we know Roy's turning himself in because he thinks he's doing right by Oliver, saving him from jail. As for people within the show, I think it's been well established from early on that Starling City is both run by and inhabited by a large number of morons.
  21. I realize you were kidding, but The Flash dedicated a whole episode to the fallout from that time travel, and it seems like more are coming, so it just seems like a big thing to tackle so late in the season when literally nothing has been mentioned about it yet on this show. I wonder if Stephen meant that time travel will actually be affecting the events on Arrow or if it's safe to believe that when Barry moves back in the timeline that Arrow goes back too, by virtue of them being in the same universe. Things change on The Flash because Barry knows he's moved through time, but no one else is aware so they just relive the day the way they did the first time.
  22. Obviously we have differing opinions here, but I think something like time travel that would change any events that we've seen on Arrow needs to be addressed with more than just a throwaway line. Anyone who doesn't watch The Flash would be utterly lost.
  23. Well, yeah, but wouldn't that mean he'd have to time travel with Barry? Or have Barry come meet him at the point in time where he reset the clock? And then, isn't knowing and doing things differently what messes things up? How would they even cover that in the remaining episodes this season? Would we get some kind of weird rewind and then land in a scene we've already seen and then fast forward to some other point in time and see Oliver change things? I don't even understand how they'd tackle it on a show where it hasn't even been introduced yet.
  24. The only issue with anything regarding time travel affecting the Arrowverse in a real way other than some kind of Groundhog Day scenario where Barry's time travel resets everything and no one's the wiser and they all go about doing their business the way they've already done it so that nothing changes is that time travel hasn't ever even been mentioned on Arrow. I suppose Barry could come over in one of the future episodes and explain it if they really were going that way, but...to what point would they rewind? Everything was f-ed from the summer, when Malcolm flew Thea over to kill Sara. And if you're of the belief that Thea still isn't the one who killed her, then they're f-ed from the point where Sara died. Because if they're going to undo Lance outing Oliver, don't they kind of have to go all the way back to Sara's death and tell him that she died right away? That seems to be the only way to undo this.
  25. Yeah, I'm not really sure how time travel could legitimately affect Arrow since there's been nary a mention of it over there. Unless Barry crosses over and somehow explains it, maybe SA just meant that overall, yes, the Arrowverse timeline gets rattled when Barry messes it up, but unless people know that time travel exists, then wouldn't they just go on making the same decisions they already did, therefore not affecting anything in SC?
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