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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Me too. I don't think I can do 93 chapters in one fic and 25+ in the second. I'm a read in one sitting kind of gal.
  2. I want to read this series, but I don't know if I have 250k + words of investment in me, haha.
  3. Since they're spinning Ray off, there's no way he wouldn't show up in the finale.Agreed on Malcolm!
  4. CH is in Florida. Maybe WH is off camera?
  5. No, I think most people thought he loved Sara (or at least cared about her a great deal), but there did seem to be a question as to whether he was in love with her.
  6. I hope he says that to Ra's right before he and/or Nyssa drives a sword through one of Ra's vital organs, before lighting him on fire to ensure he can't take a dip in the LP to fix his owwies.
  7. Same. Especially since sex with Felicity makes you have a much needed epiphany, apparently.
  8. I absolutely love it. Gives me hope this League mess will be over soon, it fits with the identity theme (and lets me know which one he's choosing sooner rather than later), and it's the first line of every show. Works for me in all ways.
  9. I know. I'm actually excited. Don't get excited, self. Don't do it.
  10. ^ I wasn't implying that you were hating on it. :) There are some very real issues to a "weapon" like that, and I agree that something like that is absolutely better suited to comics. I thought they had a good compromise with the little things Sara used, but I won't judge this until I see what it does/how they use it.
  11. I guess it just depends on how they use it. Sara used her sonic devices, what, twice? I can't imagine it would be something that Laurel's going to rely on, seems to me like it would be a use in case of emergency thing, and it would make her less reliant on other people if she got in trouble. IDK, I just don't have it in me to hate on it when I haven't even seen it used yet. No doubt it'll look stupid, but I think it's smart to make it into a collar. ::shrug::
  12. He's talking about Laurel, not Sara - Cisco knows that Sara is dead (he knows that Caitlyn was investigating DNA on the arrow from "Canary's murder"). Perhaps Laurel's Black Canary is mentioned when Ray and Felicity cross over to The Flash? I'm not sure how anyone knows to call her Black Canary, but Channel 52 does cover the vigilante beat, and I'm guessing Cisco has a vested interest in keeping tabs on that since he seems to live the superheroing so much. There was a BTS photo of CV and KC dressed as BC, so I'm guessing Cisco sees the Black Canary in action with his own eyes when he and Joe visit SC.
  13. So, I'm pro choker. Yeah, the sonic devices are a little problematic because of the hearing thing, but I don't think it's something that Laurel would use often (kind of like Sara only used them to get out of dire situations), and it's already been established in canon that it just incapacitates everyone around. Oliver didn't seem to have too much of an issue being around it when Sara used it to get them out of the police station in S2. And, the choker is much more practical than the little bombs, considering Laurel a) can't run out of them and b) doesn't have to find a place to put them on her suit - they aren't small. I'm sure the actual cry will look utterly ridiculous, but since Oliver is leaving her and Fony Stark alone to watch over Starling City while he goes off to get his Ra's on, it doesn't hurt for her to have a little something extra to get her out of trouble since no one will be around to save her ass (except for Nyssa, who must have put a GPS on her or something).
  14. Well, if Lyla works for this hypothetical organization, a) it might not be as shady as ARGUS and b) if she heads it and she's not out in the field doing the dirty work (and she wouldn't be, that would be what the superhero teams are for), then it's not a dangerous job.
  15. Yeah, I'm with you. I can't buy it. I think it's more likely that he was working with Malcolm for some reason (not actually likely, but more likely than this being some kind of weird way of getting Nyssa to step up), although I can't for the life of me figure out what that reason would be. And yeah, I would've bought Ra's planning it if he had just stabbed Oliver, but kicking him off the mountain? Nah.
  16. Not really. He did say that he thought she let her emotions cloud her judgment, but I don't really understand how killing Sara and everything that came after forces her to step up. I suppose Sara's murder could've been a test that she failed (which would be the stupidest reason for a murder ever), which led him to that conclusion and made him search for a new heir, but he sort of lucked into Oliver not biting it from his magical kick off the mountain top. I don't understand to what end any of this would be part of a bigger scheme, because working these strings behind the scenes leads to even more ridiculous outcomes than just having us believe that Malcolm orchestrated all of this to get Oliver to fight Ra's so his blood debt would be repaid.
  17. Also, I wonder if Oliver knows Felicity's going to be on that jet when he steps onto it. Or if he walks on, sees her there (maybe Diggle surprises him too), and goes and sits down next to her instead of fighting her on it, because he just needs her there.
  18. I know there's a joke to be made with the sex and "a heartbroken Felicity takes matters into her own hands," but I think the morning-after reality of Oliver becoming Ra's Ol Ghul is where the heartbreak comes from, and she's gonna go let Ra's know what's what. Hopefully he doesn't hurt her, although, I don't know. I just don't know.
  19. I love that they have Felicity and Cisco and Caitlyn taking a train to travel 600 miles. I know people do that, but a reasonable train ride to me is 250 miles or so. It takes 3 1/2-ish hours to go from DC to NYC, and I do it quite often because it's not worth the hassle or cost of flying. But 600 miles is 8 or so hours. No thanks.
  20. Honestly, I'm not even going to complain about this version of the canary cry. I was worried they'd make her an actual metahuman. I mean, they still could, but for now it's a dodged bullet.
  21. Yeah, I wonder how often she could use it? She'd have to shout to give her co-workers a warning, which would in turn give her attackers a warning. Unless Cisco manages to make a device that makes everyone on the team immune to the sound or something? I don't know. I'm kind of curious about this though, because - and this is not at all a knock on KC - I don't know how they take a sonic scream and make it not look ridiculous.
  22. SC and CC are 600 miles apart - not such a short train ride, haha. But then again, maybe the Arrowverse has high-speed trains that work better than Amtrak.
  23. I love the enthusiasm of that poster. "It's a choker! I called it!" You and everyone else, lady. What else would it be?
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