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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. If it's a fake-out/hallucination/dream, they better actually do it in the finale. Although I might be too annoyed at that point to actually enjoy watching it. A fake-out could explain why they'd air it outside of sweeps. No, self. Again. don't do this.
  2. If O&F sex is a hallucination or a dream or any other thing that isn't an actual thing that actually happens, I swear to god, Larry. And is anyone else wondering if the "everything I did, everything that happened, has led me right here to this moment," is the moment they're going to return to to undo everything after via time travel? Haha, no, self. No. Don't go down this road.
  3. I honestly could not care less about Iris, but they've (unsurprisingly, IMO) mishandled her character so far. And I'm on her side just because all these morons who claim to love her keep lying to her for no good reason (yes, I know they have their reasons, and they're all stupid).
  4. I have a feeling I'm going to come out of tomorrow's episode really annoyed that they didn't put Oliver and Ray in scenes like that for so long.
  5. She might not have been attracted to Diggle, because she just wasn't attracted to Diggle. Digg's got a nice body, and he's handsome, but I don't find him even in the same ballpark of handsome as Oliver. Other people might think opposite. Others might not find either one attractive at all. Bottom line is, I don't think there has to be a reason. She was physically attracted to Oliver, and not to Diggle. Easy peasy.
  6. Yeah, I liked the dialogue too, because of its cheese.
  7. Oh, see I think Oliver's going to be surprised that she's on the plane. I think he's going to get on there fully expecting to leave her behind. Maybe they say their goodbyes and she realizes she loves him too much to let him leave and she ends things with Ray at the airport, probably, where he has driven her because he's a super cool guy. But yeah. I think Oliver's going to be surprised she's on that plane.
  8. I personally don't care about the time frame with regards to Felicity and Oliver as long as she breaks up with Ray before she and Oliver sleep together. I was just hoping for sooner for my own sake.
  9. I was just hoping they'd end it tomorrow, but I'm guessing that shot of him looking all whatever as he leans against his car is post breakup, at the airplane hangar.
  10. Uh...that interview with BR in the spoilers only thread makes me a bit uneasy. Hopefully he's just being coy because he doesn't want to spoil a breakup.
  11. I'll concede your point because a) I don't care about fictional/hypothetical insurance claims at all and probably shouldn't have commented in the first place, and b) if the show wants Thea to have a club, she'll have a club, probably courtesy of Malcolm's seemingly endless supply of cash.
  12. I think Quentin finding out where it is would be why they would blow it up. To destroy evidence.I'm sure Thea has insurance on Verdant. If she wanted to, she could rebuild it.
  13. I think people conflate Felicity being appreciative of Oliver's body with her having a crush on him.
  14. How would it be? To like...get him in the infirmary so they could smuggle him out or something?
  15. No, STAR Labs used the last of the mirakuru they had to make the antidote, didn't they?
  16. Someone's going to blow up the foundry, and ADA Laurel is going to tamper with some evidence.
  17. If Roy dies, maybe that rumor was true, about DC wanting to pull a character from Arrow to use in another property.
  18. Poor Roy! Looks like he's not long for this world, because not only does he get stabbed, but it seems like he's then going to get into a fight? I think if/when he dies, he's dead for good though.
  19. Same. I realize the intent, which was to get people all pumped up for well-known people, and no one who doesn't watch the show even knows who Felicity and Diggle (and Joe, Cisco or Caitlyn and Iris) even are, and having everyone in a mask and fighting each other would give people fangasms (and it definitely has), it just irritates me. I know it might not mean anything, but still...irritated.
  20. I thought so, otherwise I'm not sure what the woman in the elevator was doing. Come to think of it, why is there an elevator that's publicly used that has a skull button on it (am I remembering this right? I'm not going back to watch).
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