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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. That was on purpose. But it's ridiculous that they were able to isolate his and wipe down everyone else's.
  2. I love that they managed to get every print out of the foundry BUT ROY'S
  3. Haha, I CANNOT WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK, what with Thea popping out of the pit like that. And was that Sara in the preview?
  4. Roy. :*) It's been so long since this show surprised me in a good way. So, death toll: Fern This was a good ep? A bit too much at times, but...I enjoyed it.\ ETA: Ooops about Thea
  5. I think someone's definitely dying. MG said as much. Now, whether they STAY dead is another question.
  6. Thea dies by coffee table, Roy dies by prison shanking and/or beatdown. Akio lives. The fern is battered and bruised, but makes it. Raylicity is in the throes of death, gasping. If it lives, it's dying soon. Oliver cries. I cry.
  7. Someone saves a fern frond, replants it, and it grows in a new pot for ~SYMBOLISM~!!!!
  8. Quentin already knows Felicity and Diggle and Laurel are all accomplices and he hasn't done jack to get them. Maybe accomplices don't exist in Starling City!
  9. I mean, I get why some stuff would be there. If they cleared it out completely, then it would look even more suspicious since Roy would need to have been working from a base and it would make sense if that base was in Verdant (not just because it WAS in Verdant, but also because he's Thea's boyfriend, although how she wouldn't get arrested for being an accessory, IDK, but whatever). I just hope Felicity of all people was smart enough to start taking care of business and covering their tracks.
  10. So, about the sneak peek with Quentin going down into Verdant's basement. They cleared the place of evidence first, right? I mean, I don't see any costumes on the dummies (I guess we know where Oliver's supposedly is, but I didn't see Roy's), but...surely Felicity triggered some remote data destroyer that wipes her hard drive, and they got all of their incriminating evidence out, right? RIGHT?
  11. After seeing that sneak peek clip with Oliver and Roy, I'd be really surprised if Oliver embraces joining the LoA unless he's doing it to pull off a "gotcha."
  12. Yeah, maybe angry isn't the word, but there was conviction there for sure. I just didn't read that conviction as "the LoA is my destiny" kind of conviction. I thought he meant it in a bad way, and this was his "punishment." Could be wrong about that though, obviously.
  13. Obviously I'll have to see it in context, but I didn't get that Oliver thought that joining the LoA was his "destiny" when he said that every decision he'd made led him to that moment. Seemed kind of angry to me. And he's not really wrong - Coming home to stop the Undertaking, not making sure Malcolm was dead (UGH), lying to Thea, etc...it all did lead to that moment. I get the feeling that if anything he feels like he's getting what he "deserves," because he still defaults to cynicism without giving himself credit for any of the good things he's done.
  14. He was in the Arrow costume for whatever it is they're shooting for the spin-off. MG said we wouldn't see him in the Arrow suit again this season (although he could be trolling).
  15. "My name is Oliver Queen, warith al Ghul, heir to the Demon, and you will stop killing people and stuff!" - Oliver in the finale, probably
  16. He must've bought QC to get access to the plans, because isn't that the reason he hired Felicity in the first place? Because no one he knew could get the information off the fried hard drives? He had to have somehow known what was on the hard drives before they got fried.
  17. Yeah, I feel like this is a complete troll wedding.
  18. Speaking of Ray getting the suit idea from the blueprints for it, do we have any idea how he even knew those blueprints existed? I can't remember if this was ever addressed in the show. Was he involved in some corporate espionage or what?
  19. It doesn't make sense anywhere in their continuity. It most closely fits in somewhere in 3x16, but she didn't find out Ray's suit was working until 3x17, and she clearly knows it's working here.
  20. No way is it a fantasy. The most risque thing Oliver's done with Felicity in his dreams is give her a closed mouth kiss, haha.
  21. I have to say, after watching tonight's Flash crossover, I really hope they get their continuity right if they're going to try crossing over THREE shows. There were errors in tonight's timeline with The Flash and Arrow that weren't to do with the scheduling change. That'll get frustrating real quick IMO.
  22. I was talking more about him writing "Remember 3x20" on that fan's script pages. I would never expect him to say the sex scene was his fave.
  23. I was going to say I can't imagine SA pushing that ep as a favorite if they're interrupted or it's a dream/walked back, but then...that scene isn't on a jet, haha.
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