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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Maybe Roy's going to be in a coma for the rest of the season in order to push him off to the side so they don't have to worry about his story line in the last few eps? He also could be dying - that'd be one way of dealing with Oliver being outed. If Roy goes down as the Arrow (since Quentin jumped the gun and went after him with no admissible evidence), I guess he'd also technically get "responsibility" for Oliver's kills, so Oliver could suit up again in S4 with a "clean slate" as far as law enforcement goes, I guess. Even though vigilantism is illegal and Oliver would be prime suspect #1 once he suited up again and people got wind of it. Then again, if he does something to get back in SCPD's good graces, maybe they'll start turning the other cheek again. There are only so many ways they can deal with Oliver's identity being revealed, I guess.
  2. I'm probably in the minority, but I don't think Daredevil's all that great? It's not terrible or anything, but I'm not super invested and I don't feel the need to immediately watch the next episode. The fight scenes are great, from what I can see of them.
  3. Then they're both morons because Diggle and Felicity have much more knowledge of Oliver's criminal activities than Laurel does.
  4. That's because it is, haha. I can't really imagine who it is apart from Thea and Roy (but when? Do they get married while Roy's in jail? Seems like he gets injured before Oliver and Diggle can break him out. Did they do it really quickly before Roy turned himself in and we'll see it in a flashback?). I mean, I can see why people would think it would be Felicity and Oliver, given the bouquet and the fact that there's actually love there, and the only other couple that's close to marriage is already married. If it were Felicity and Oliver, the only thing I can figure is it would be a "we've wasted too much time already, life is short" kind of thing, but I don't think it's them.
  5. I was kind of hoping that the plane scene would be Oliver's admission that he made the wrong choice in the way he chose to spend his life. He's so cynical, so of course he's probably resigned himself to a life in the League in exchange for Thea's life or whoever winds up getting put in the pit. That he'd tell her he wishes he hadn't pushed her away and that he wishes he would've let himself be with her, and maybe tell her all the things that he was hoping to have in his life (a family, a marriage - if Oliver does in fact want those things, and the longing looks at Diggle and Lyla this season seem to indicate that he did/does). That could lead Felicity to his room for a "you can still have that" kind of talk, where he gives in and lets himself be with her while he has the time, and that in turn will plant a seed for Oliver to want to/figure out how to defeat Ra's, so he can indeed have those things. Felicity's "I love you" might still be a part of that, but maybe that's not why that scene is SA's favorite.
  6. This would be absolutely ridiculous, but would probably result in an amazing "that's so Quentin" meme about being the LEAST. OBSERVANT. DETECTIVE. EVER.
  7. I think it's gonna be Thea and Roy in the prison/deathbed wedding of the century or something. I can't see who else it would be. Much as I would love my crack O/F wedding theory to come true, I don't think it's them. Tatsu and Maseo? Maybe, but are they actually divorced? And Maseo's still running around trying to kill people, so that might be a stretch. Oliver and some LoA random? I guess, but what would be the point? Diggle and Lyla? Why - do they find out Ray's not really a minister? Way to go, Ray!
  8. If that's the case, then...wtf? Oliver pretended like he didn't know jack about it in S1. I suppose he could've indirectly had something to do with it, but I'm crying foul if they write any storyline where Oliver actively, knowingly had something to do with Andy's death and never said a word about it.
  9. There's no drama in isolating Felicity's father in a storyline where she doesn't get to interact with him. On the other hand, they could make him part of a larger storyline in present-day that has to do with Oliver and Team Arrow and not Felicity specifically.
  10. Yeah, I know. I was just saying, that's all I considered it to be with regards to Diggle and Lyla. Literally never even thought about it being more than that. I thought whatever came between Diggle and Oliver was going to be about just Diggle and Oliver, not Lyla.
  11. I thought the Ra's thing that affected Diggle and Lyla was the fact that the Evil!Arrow murders broke up their wedding reception, I didn't even consider another possibility, haha.
  12. I always hoped the reason they didn't give baby mama a name was because she's not really important to the story - meaning she was pregnant with Oliver's baby, and she did actually lose it, but she took Moira's money anyway. I hoped that the kid she called in the cafe was hers with someone else. I wanted them to throw a true curveball and have Sandra come in later (maybe someone Oliver knew in high school, someone he never knew he got pregnant) and his son is older than 7 or so. I know it's too much to hope for, haha. Baby Mama in CC gives him good reason to pop in on The Flash from time to time.
  13. Yeah, you're talking about innuendo, which I take no issue with, regardless of who it's directed at, vs. Felicity talking about her actual sex life with Ray-one that she currently does not and has not had with Oliver. Like I wrote-I just wish they hadn't taken it that far.
  14. You see no difference between flirting and Oliver mentioning that Felicity bought him a bed (which she did, and not for sexual purposes) and assuring everyone in the room that Ray doesn't have erectile dysfunction and the sex is good?I mean, I don't think they were intending to make people In the room uncomfortable, and as I wrote above, I'm sure it was really difficult for the writers to avoid writing innuendo, I just wish they hadn't gone quite so far with it.
  15. I don't think they'll hate him - seems like he'll be more in his element over there. What they're trying to sell with him fits in much better with The Flash.
  16. Seriously. If/when her and Oliver ever get their shit together, please. No.
  17. I doubt they'll put anything about the timeline on the show - Flash's timeline isn't the one messed up by the change, and people who don't watch Arrow won't care. I know it's difficult to resist the double entendres, but they probably should've resisted that. My one consolation is that thankfully it made everyone uncomfortable.
  18. I don't know how to embed this link: http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/04/the-flash-episode-118-all-star-team-up_11.html
  19. Oh god, Felicity and Ray talk about having sex on The Flash. In front of the STAR Labs crew.
  20. That movie's about a man trapped in the body of a cat. I don't think it requires all that much, haha.
  21. I don't think Felicity hanging on Ray on The Flash is indicative of anything. MG has said several times on tumblr that the timeline is messed up. Seems pretty obvious they're headed for a breakup in the non-messed up Arrow timeline, after the post "I love you" dash.
  22. Yeah, I'm not sure why MG would ever outright say it isn't O/F-seems like the point in teasing it is to get shippers to think that it could be. Then he can sit back and twirl his mustache maniacally when Oliver becomes Mr. Random League Member, or Felicity becomes Mrs. al Ghul (LOL) or Mrs. Palmer (the opposite of LOL). Although given that Ra's seems to want Nyssa dead, we can probably cross her off as a candidate to marry Oliver.
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